Living in the shadow of Amazons, Part V: Family life with an Amazon. By J. Allan J. - Myria and Lucius shack up together in the nation of Gargareans. This story is continued from Part IV: 'Departure from Themiskyra'. Short synopsis: Myria and Lucius shack up together in the nation of Gargareans. This chapter describes the daily life of the two very different persons living under the same roof. Quick notes by author: About Thalestris and Alexander the Great: My reference to Thalestris and Alexander the Great is of course highly premature because this event took place around 330 BC, while my story takes place around 800 BC, but I used it because it fitted so well in my story. And please note that Thalestris was not Amazonian at all but Scythian instead. The nation of Amazons had long disappeared from the face of the earth when she met Alexander the Great, and by then the phrase 'Amazon' had the same meaning as we use it today: A female warrior. The story: The rest of the Thermodonians along with Androlyta waited patiently for Lucius and Myria to catch up with them. "My dear Captain Myria," Androlyta said to her and smiled. "I'm glad that you decided to join us after all. I hope that we shall be friends." Regardless of their different lifestyles, Androlyta offered her friendship. Myria just smiled back and nodded to her. Then they all rode up the road until Myria suddenly pointed at a public altar that was dedicated to Zeus himself. The Gargarean people obviously worshipped the gods of the Olympus. However, Lucius had abandoned his belief in these gods some time ago. He felt that the gods of the Olympus had let down his old country, just like they let down noble Troy and let it fall the barbarian Greek hordes of murderers, rapist and child molesters. He owed them nothing and therefore he had absolutely no intention of making sacrifices and instead had his eyes on a tavern on the other side of the road near the altar. However, Myria pointed out the fact that he wasn't on his own; The former Thermodonian slaves whom he brought with him felt that the gods had smiled upon them ever since he and Blasius had liberated them from cruel bondage back in Thermodonia. Considering all this, it would be very rude to enter the nation of the Gargareans without proper homage to their gods, in fact it would be considered an act of hubris. "You're right as always, my dear Mistress," Lucius stopped his horse by the altar and announced that the Thermodonians would make a proper sacrifice at the altar. So they all went to the corral next to the alter to buy a sacrificial animal. Myria went with them and discreetly made Lucius choose a ram for sacrifice. Although she now was going to live with Gargareans, Myria was still an Amazon and would never accept that Lucius killed a female animal. After making the proper sacrifice to Zeus, they all headed for the tavern to get some drinks and to toast to the future in their new homeland. Lucius ordered large cups of beer for the men and wine for the ladies. Then they all raised their cups and toasted to the future. However, as soon as Lucius tasted the beer, he froze because it tasted so awful and he clearly remembered how he had tasted it once before at the celebration of the signing of the peace treaty. So, the Amazons didn't brew beer themselves, but had imported it in order to please their guests from Thermodonia. The other Thermodonians all made wry faces from the foul tasting beer and pushed their mugs away. Instead they ordered wine, but Myria wanted tease and humiliate Lucius, and therefore she pushed the mug back to him and ordered him to finish it. "To the Queen!" she said and smiled haughtily to him. Lucius had no choice but to drink more of the foul tasting beer. How on earth Varioux (a.k.a.; Varus) could drink himself into oblivion in this stuff at the celebration of the peace treaty was a complete mystery to Lucius. However, when the other Thermodonians noticed that Lucius was forced to finish his mug of beer, they all followed their leader and also drank up, and then their drank some wine to rid their taste buds of the foul aftertaste from the Gargarean beer. After the intake of food and some more wine, they all felt comfortable - Myria included, and so with high spirits they headed further up the road to their destination; Damasya, the nearest Gargarean border town. At the city gate they were met by two members of the town counsel who welcomed their new citizens. The town counsel had already arranged accommodation for Myria and Androlyta with their spouses, but the rest of the Thermodonians went to a hostel until they could find proper accommodation. Family life with an Amazon: Myria and Lucius rode up to their house which also had a roomy stable for their horses. Then they walked to the front door, but Lucius stopped outside the door and explained to Myria that it was custom in his old country that the male carried the female over the threshold of the door to their new home in order for their marriage to be successful. Myria first thought that this whole idea was ridicules, but suddenly she got an idea that would fulfil Lucius' wish and humiliate him as well. She immediately commanded him down on all four and then she mounted him as if he was her horse. Lucius was by now quite used to her petty torments, so he didn't object but humoured her instead and duly rode her over the threshold and into their new home. However, he froze when they got inside and saw the floor of their house. "This floor is made of dirt!" he said. "I will not have it, I want a wooden floor." "Why?" she barked at him. "Because I'm a civilized man! I may have married a barbarian," Lucius paused when Myria duly slapped his face. "But our children shall be civilized. I will not have them crawling around in the dirt like pigs in a stir." Myria agreed with him that a dirt floor was unacceptable, but she didn't tell him. Instead, she started wrestling him right on the floor because she had a brick floor in mind as this was the custom back in Amazonia. She quickly overpowered him while him was face down and pinned him in a painful arm bar hold. "Very well," she said. "You can have the wooden floor, but I want a new dress." "A new dress?" Lucius fumed. "That's extortion!" "That's marriage!" she corrected him and let go of his arms, turned around and grabbed his legs instead. Then she forced his legs backwards while she leaned back until she rested on his back in a wicked crap hold. Then she put maximum pressure on his thighs and knees. "AHHRR" Lucius howled from the pain and slapped his hands into the floor. "I give! A new dress it is." She then let him go and they sat and looked at each other, then they both started laughing at the sight of each other all covered in dirt like common barbarians. This became the common way how to settle their domestic differences; if Lucius wanted something and Myria slapped him hard in his face, then that was a "No! End of discussion!" and Lucius never brought the matter up again. However, if she wrestled him instead, he could get what he wanted, but only when he had suffered enough during her wicked wrestling holds. The next day Lucius went to see the carpenter who he had brought with him from the old country. With some guidance from the local town residents they found a woodcutter who could produce long wooden planks for the new floor of their house. So, Lucius and the carpenter improved their house by laying a wooded floor, except in the kitchen where Myria had a bricklayer lay a floor of bricks due to the risk of sparks from the stove starting a fire. Once Myria and Lucius had settled down and started doing their daily chores, they discovered that, despite their cultural differences, they were not that far apart after all. They were both keen on personal hygiene; they washed everyday and every evening before going to sleep, they thoroughly cleaned their teeth with a small wooden stick. However, there was one important difference between the two of them; Lucius was in love and Myria was not and therefore he was extremely malleable. They were two very different persons who were put together by destiny and not by mutual consent, like Skadi and Njord of old times - except this Njord was very much in love with his Skadi, but his Skadi didn‘t love her Njord. On the other hand, their different personalities perhaps made their coexistence easier; Myria was born in the spring where Mother Nature grows stronger, she therefore had a natural gene for dominance. Lucius on the other hand was born in the fall when nature is giving in to the coming winter, and therefore he gladly accepted Myria's dominant position in their relationship. Although he could do without the beatings, he accepted them as well in order to keep his wife happy. Lucius was an easy-going and open-minded person. He gladly took heed to new suggestions on how to do things. Lucius immediately felt at home among the Gargareans and he quickly became well liked among them. Furthermore, he brought with him a flock of Thermodonians who all owned their new life to him. These former have-nots from the old country were all soon doing very well; Most of them were artisans whose unique skills quickly came in demand up here among the Gargareans and even some Amazonians south of the border also came up north to hire them for their artisan skills. Soon the sleepy border town became a thriving city and due to the strong Thermodonian influence, the city was often referred to as 'Little Thermodonus'. Compared to Lucius, Myria was rather closed-minded and conservative. She was also headstrong and self-determining, but it was not as if one of them simply was good hearted and the other just evil hearted; they simply had different standards on what was right or wrong. Myria saw no need for changes; according to her, Amazonia was home and her stay with Lucius was only temporary. She didn't bother to make new friends among the Gargareans. She didn't like to socialize with them and preferred to hang out with the Amazons who were stationed at the Amazon outposts at the border. The only non-Amazonian person that she ever saw was Blasius due to his marriage to Androlyta, whose invitations Myria could ignore. The dinner parties at the house of Androlyta and Blasius were always a drag for Myria because Lucius drank lots of wine and then proclaim how much he loved her and how he would always love her, regardless of the fact that Myria didn't love him back. This romantic talk always made her skin crawl. "Then the noble Captain Myria is very fortunate indeed to have such a loving and devoted spouse by her side," to add insult to injury Androlyta always complimented Lucius for his unconditional love and devotion for Myria. Myria kept her cool although she was about to burst open with foul words. Instead she discreetly reached between Lucius' legs and took a firm hold of his balls which she squeezed hard in order to let Lucius know that it was time to go home. There also were some major linguistic changes for Lucius to adapt to when living in the shadows of the Amazons. Although they both spoke Greek, the same word had a total new meaning; like 'limp-dick'. Amazons like Myria used this phrase about males who were actually able to use their head for thinking. Likewise 'stiff-dick' meant a stupid male and had no positive meaning at all. For Myria to call him 'limp-dick' would have been a major insult in his old country but not in his new one. Therefore Lucius always studied the face of his wife to decipher whether she was complimenting him or scolding him. How to have sex with a Amazon - or not: Although they both were sexual initiators, Myria could have her way with Lucius anytime that she wanted sex. She was usually never gentle with him except when she had been drinking or smoking pipe-weed. Then his skilled tongue made her forget time and place and she gently caressed his nibbles while she purred like a cat and called him names of her female lovers while she sat on his face and enjoyed his skilful oral servitude. But when she reached back, expecting to caress the moist pussy of her female lover and found his eject cock instead, she immediately snapped back to reality. She then cursed him and his cock, get off his face and then moved down between his legs. Lucius knew very well what was coming and he therefore just sighed and opened his legs to let her rain devastation on his poor balls. She then relentlessly banged her knee into Lucius' balls while he screamed away and she would not let up until he had lost his erection and his cock lay flaccid on his stomach. Then she crawled back on his chest and slapped his face hard before she sat on his face again. She got off his face once in a while to face-slap him some more, just to remind Lucius that she was his mistress and that he was her subordinate. Lucius never even objected or tried to defend himself against her vicious ball-busting. Instead he was sucked up by her mesmerizing eyes and beautiful face. Therefore he just surrendered to the void of pain and let her have her way with him. Now and then, she left him behind and sought out sexual relations with her female lovers back in Themiskyra. However, Lucius had one thing in his favour compared to her female lovers; he could be hurt relentlessly without consequence. Therefore, in this sense, Lucius was the perfect mate for her as he willingly fed the sadistic streak in her. She did not like him toughing her, but she sure loved to hurt him and she would get very aroused during their torture-sessions. Lucius on the other hand had to find more subtle ways of getting her interested in having sex with him. As he was not allowed to ever tough her with his hands, he therefore smiled sweetly at her while he gently rubbed his shoulder against hers if she was standing up. Then she either smiled indulgent at him, laid him down on the floor or led him by the hair to the bed room, or else she simply banged her elbow into his guts if she was not in the mood. If she was sitting down, he always humbly kneeled before her and kissed her feet, then he kissed her knees, and if she didn't object, he gently lifted her dress with his mouth until she either opened her legs to his sexual advances or simply kicked him away. Lucius always respected her calls and immediately backed off if she was not interested in getting intimate with him. Only once did he made a foul transgression against her; after a dinner-party at Androlyta and Blasius where Lucius got drunk, he made some bold sexual advances against her while Myria was grooming her horse in the stable. "Dearest Myria, you are the love of my life," Lucius suddenly snuck up behind her and whispered sweetly into her ear while he cupped her tits and gently squeezed her nibbles. Whether it was his romantic words which sounded utterly pathetic in her ears or the fact that he boldly put his pawns on her breasts, no one knows for sure, but the truth of the matter is that Myria spun around and landed her elbow right at the temple on the side of his head and Lucius fell to the ground like a tree. "I shall give you 'love of your life', you filthy scumbag," she snared at him while she grabbed his hand in order to break his fingers. However, she realized that he was already unconscious and therefore wouldn't feel any pain. Instead she kicked him, then walked straight back to the house and left him laying on the stable floor. But after a while when Lucius still didn't come back to the house, she eventually got worried and went to check on him. Lucius was still laying unconscious on the cold stable floor and although she was still mad at him, Myria gently lifted him up and carried him over her shoulder to the well. There she wetted his face with cold water from the well and slapped his face until he came round. "What... hap... happened?" he asked in a garbled voice. "You fell," Myria said indifferently. She didn't bother explaining to him what he actually had done wrong. Instead, she ordered him to press a piece of cloth soaked with cold water against his head where she landed her elbow in order to prevent the bump from swelling. In the morning, she told what had really had happened and Lucius was so embarrassed that he offered his hand to Myria and told her that he would not resist if she broke his fingers here and now. However, she had long since cooled down and just slapped him over the wrist and told him that there would be severe consequences if he ever again made a similar transgression against her. From then on Lucius therefore always limited his intake of alcohol when Myria was around and when she was away, he drank heavily and so he never ever again put his paws on her against her will. The Captain and the Lieutenant: Myria was now serving as an outpost commander at the northern front section of the Amazon Queendom. However, the phase 'front' was overexerted because here up north the Amazon never saw any military action. Instead the actions of Amazons up here were a much more private kind. Several of the Amazons serving at the northern front section had fallen in love with Gargareans or other males, but their indiscreetness were overlooked by the Queen if they had served the Amazon cause well. Therefore they were transferred up north instead of being dishonourable discharged. This of course made Myria's marriage to Lucius so very embarrassing; People who didn't know her better would get the wrong idea that she too had fallen in love with a male and therefore was transferred to an 'early retirement' up north by the Queen. Myria's troops also consisted of Amazons recovering from severe wounds who served here up north while they regained their strength or Amazons whose nerves had been shattered by seeing to much blood and too many deaths in too little time. These Amazons had mental, and not physical, wounds from which they needed to recover before they could take the field again. As the outpost commander closet to the border, Myria also served as the commander of the Gargarean Militia. The males did not have a commander of their own and took orders from the Amazons. Lucius was now a lieutenant, with a small allowance, in the Gargarean militia and his task was to train the troops and then patrol the countryside along the mountain range which stretched to the north. The first day he got his new uniform on, he presented himself for Myria. "I hope that doesn't offend you, dear Mistress," Lucius pointed with his thumb back at the Amazon sword which he had strapped on his back as a backup weapon. This was the old sword of Myria's former adjutant Lydia. Lucius took this sword from her on the hilltop where Myria and Lucius first met. "Turn around," she said and when Lucius did so, she quickly rushed forward, drew Lucius' Amazon sword and put it to his throat. "I could kill you here and now and not even shed a single tear!" Myria hissed at him. "How dare you wear an Amazon trophy weapon in front me?" Lucius almost wetted his underwear from fright. Stuttering he explained that it was perfectly good sword, well-balanced and felt good in his hand. He first wanted to give it back to Lydia as a sign of reconsolidation, but the emissaries warned him against it. It would have been a deadly insult which would have forced Lydia to kill Lucius, and then herself too, as she owned her life to him. Realizing that Lucius actually would be paying humbly homage to the Amazon nation by using an Amazon sword, Myria ordered him to kneel. Then she firmly instructed him never to use the Amazon sword against any female, and should he do so, then he should die by it. Then she finally put his sword back in it's sheet and told him that the sword was now an official gift to him from the Amazon nation and no longer a trophy weapon. The Gargarean Militia: The Pontine Mountains stretched from the far north, separating the nation of Gargareans from the Euxine Sea. In fact, the mountains stood right where the sea began and stretched along the coast. Then it stretched down south, separating the Gargareans from the west and stretched down south on the other side, separating the Gargareans from the west. Only way out of the nation of the Gargareans was south through Amazonia. As no army had ever crossed the Pontine Mountains, the Gargarean Militia had therefore actually never proven themselves in real battle. Lucius quickly discovered that the male troops were just making up appearances. The Gargarean Militia consisted of approximately from 700 to 800 man at arms, but the boys hardly knew how to fight and they would be useless in real battles. The Amazon nation apparently preferred it this way: Although they were official allies, the Gargareans were still males and the Amazons did not want run the risk of Gargarean rouges attacking the them in the back, while their were tied up at defending the borders of the Amazon Motherland. The face of Lucius fell when he saw the untidy rabble whom he was suppose to train. However, Lucius was a patient man and he had all the time in the world to turn these peasant boys into soldiers. The boys were pretty good riders, though. So he didn't have to teach them everything from scratch. Lucius himself didn't learn how to ride until he joined the Honourable Legion when he was 18 back in his old country. The Gargarean militia consisted of part-time warriors. They worked the fields one day and the next day served as men of arms and then the next day again back to work in the fields. Lucius trained them how to fight on foot in close formations using sword and shields from morning until noon and then they relaxed. In the afternoon, they rode out to train how to fight on horseback while they patrolled along the foot of the Pontine Mountains or else they hunted down brigands. After finishing their daily chores, Myria and Lucius usually came home and relaxed in each others company. In the evenings, they sat on the porch and Myria sometimes smoked pipe weed while Lucius sipped herb tea spiked with weed extract. Myria often made Lucius lie down on the porch, while she lifted her dress, removed her underwear and sat on his face so Lucius could service orally her. Lucius was a bit embarrassed about having sex out in the open where the passer-bys could see them. But for Myria to sit on his face out in the open was considered a perfectly normal display of her supremacy over Lucius. During the night they lay on sheepskin rugs to make their bed more comfortable and slept under woven blankets made of wool. Lucius also build a bath house with a bathtub made of wood. Lucius never really got used to take bath by the well stark naked for everyone to see. Once a month Myria washed and cut his hair in the bathtub and she also gently removed all dead skin from his foot soles and cut his toe nails with a sharpened dagger which she used as razor. Lucius always humbly thanked her for these favours, but Myria just smiled at him because she didn't regard these actions as favours at all. Didn't she groomed and cut the hoofs of her own horse? Lucius was her spouse and therefore keeping him in order was part of her chores as if he was her horse. Myria installed some hens in the back garden for fresh eggs and the former resident had already planted a kitchen garden for fresh vegetables, while Lucius bought a couple of goats for fresh milk. And a couple of cats in the yard kept mice and rats away from the pantry. Finally, the two of them had a sit-down where they discussed how to run their household. Myria explained that the Thermodonian officers who were taken as slaves during the war proved to be useless in bed and in a household alike. At least Lucius had proven himself useful in the bedroom, but could he do anything else? After all, according to Amazon custom, Lucius was expected to do all the domestic chores. Lucius explained that even though he once was an officer and also the commander of the Honourable Legion, he served without using a batman (officer‘s servant). And even though has was the commander, Lucius always once a month got down on his knees and cleaned the latrines in front of the privates just to prove that the officers of the Honourable Legion were men of the people and that Lucius was still just one of the boys. However, it was no secret that Blasius had kept his household for him and Lucius had no clue on how to cook food, but he could clean the house and anything else that Myria wanted him to do. Therefore, Myria decided that she did the cooking and Lucius could do the cleaning and the rest they just had to improvise. So, with the improvements of their house, as well as their household chores in order, Myria and Lucius were basically ready to play 'happy family', but something disrupted their fragile co-existence; Myria discovered that she was pregnant. Myria's pregnancy: Myria skipped her periods after they arrived in the nation of the Gargareans. Skipping a period was quite normal for an Amazon on the march but Myria was living a quite life now, so when she skipped the second period, she grew worried and immediately went to see the physician at her outpost. She could tell her the 'happy news' that Myria was pregnant and she rode home in the darkest of moods. She flew in through door with a hateful look in her eyes, didn't utter a single word, but just started hitting Lucius hard. He on the other hand just protected his face took her punches with his guts. Lucius was quite used to Myria using him as a punching bag to work out her personal frustrations, but this time was different, it was pure hate. Myria kept hammering at Lucius while he cowered his head with his hands and took her punishment with his body. Even after his legs gave away and he fell to the floor, she still continued her assault by kicking him while Lucius lay whimpering on the floor. When she was all sweaty and finally too exhausted to hurt him anymore, she cursed and spat at him, then marched straight into the bedroom and slammed the door. Lucius could also tell that Myria was in a terrible mood by the fact that there was no sex after the beating and she instead spat at him and just left him whimpering on the floor. When he had rested a little while, he went inside the bedroom and sat humbly on the floor beside the bed, where Myria lay and starred angrily at the ceiling. "Mistress, is there something wrong?" he softly asked her. "Indeed there is!" she said. "I went to see the physician today." "Why? Are you ill, my dear wife and mistress?" the voice of Lucius grew worried. "Worse! I'm pregnant," she said laconic. "Have you any idea what that means. "We are going to have a baby," Lucius suggested. "It means that I'm stuck up here in the middle of nowhere for who knows how long," Myria got out of bed and kicked him in the guts. "And on top of that I'm cursed with a babbling moron for a spouse! "AAAHHHHRRR!!" she jumped back in the bed screamed out loud at the ceiling while she pulled her hair to cause herself pain. "Lucianus of Thermodonia, I should have killed you when I had the change! Now, you ruined my life!!" Myria only referred to him as a Thermodonian when she was really angry. She didn't actually mean it that she wanted him dead, she was just in a terrible state because she had anticipated that she would be called back home from time to time to participate in warfare when yet another enemy army were at the gates of Amazonia, but she was now deprived from her rightful life as a warrior during her pregnancy. Once the Amazon Queen by the name Thalestris was stupid enough to get herself killed in a skirmish before she could give birth to the child which she had been conceived by the great male warrior Alexander the Great. Therefore the Amazonia nation had enforced a strict maturity law which forced all pregnant Amazons to restrain themselves from any warfare, except when defending their homes, until they had given birth to their children. Myria did not dare to hide her pregnancy from the Queen because she had already firmly warned her that there would be severe consequences if Myria played foul play again. Then Myria told Lucius to get lost and leave her to wallow in her misery. So Lucius slept in the stables that night, while Myria cried herself to sleep in the bed. She had not shed tears ever since her love affair with Gemmalina broke up over ten years ago. Later in the middle of the night, she woke up feeling cold and alone. Instinctually she reached for Lucius to comfort her, but cursed when she remembered that she had already sent him away. However, she finally swallowed her pride, gathered the blankets and went to the stable to join him. She found in a pile of hay, curled up in a ball to keep warm and sleeping with his clothes on. She gently woke him up. "Myria, my love..." Lucius was very happy to see her. "Don't finish that sentence, if you value your limps intact!" Myria hissed at him and put her hand over his mouth. She was not in the mood for romantic talk. Instead she ordered him to strip naked because civilized people slept naked under blankets while only barbarians sleep with their clothes on. Then she crept close to him, put the blankets over them and pulled his arm around her as if he was a extra layer of clothing that she pulled over her. Then the two of them dosed off to sleep. In the morning light, she checked the palm of his hand like she had already done almost a year ago; She still read three children, a wife and a long life in store for him. "Three children!" she thought to herself, her relationship with Lucius could actually work out fine for her with a little help from the divine Mother Nature. If she produced three girl children by him, then her future was ensured. She felt quite better and therefore she crawled up on his face to let him lick her to a couple of orgasms. Later that day she wrote a letter to Queen Hentiope that she, Commander Myria, was not available for warfare for the next nine or ten month due to pregnancy. She would call back when she had given birth. The Amazons extract the semen of Lucius during Myria's pregnancy: About a fortnight after Myria had announced that she was pregnant, a voluptuous young lady rode through the gate of their house. Lucius was sweeping the porch and greeted her courteous. She asked for the house of Commander Myria and Lucius confirmed that she had come to the right place and introduced himself as the spouse of Myria. "Do you have business with my wife, noble lady?" Lucius asked. "Actually, my business is with you, spouse of Myria, I want your semen," the young lady promptly said. The face of Lucius fell when this total stranger shamelessly rode through the gate and demanded to have sex with him. "I eh.. have to consult my wife on this matter," he politely answered and quickly went into the house get a hold of Myria who was preparing food in the kitchen. "There's a rather disturbed young Amazonian lady outside," Lucius said to Myria. "She wants to have sex with me. You have to go out and get rid of her." "Watch your language when you are referring to noble females," Myria reprimanded him. "And she do not want sex, she just want your semen," she explained. Due to his marriage to an Amazon, his semen belonged to Amazonia and any Amazon who wanted to be impregnated by Lucius were entitled to do so during Myria‘s pregnancy in order for his semen not to be spilled. The young girl was a breeder who went up north to get impregnated by the Gargarean males. However, Lucius was shy and rather nervous about having to be alone with strange woman who suddenly came out of nowhere. Therefore he begged Myria to come with him. Myria sighed loudly and looked to the ceiling. Was there no end to the follies of her spouse? Then she served some herb tea to the young lady. "I do apologize on behalf of my hapless spouse," Myria explained to the Amazonian breeder. "He is an ignorant brute with very little manners, so I have to assist him in order for him to perform his chores." Then Myria told her to enjoy the tea while counting to 200, then she should join them in the bedroom where Lucius would be ready for her. Then Myria took Lucius by the hair and dragged him roughly into the bedroom where she pushed onto the bed. Lucius immediately undressed himself with a lecherous look on his face. Myria first scolded him for making up lousy excuses in order to get intimidate with her. But finally she lifted her dress, removed her underwear and mounted his face. Now Lucius felt safe, relaxed and comfortable between the legs of his wife and mistress and he almost forgot that there was a second woman waiting in the wings, ready to extract his semen. Then he suddenly noticed that a second person entered the bed. The Amazon breeder crawled on top of his crotch and inserted his penis, which was now fully erect, into her pussy and started to ride him. The young lady was a expect in extracting the semen of males; In-out, then that was it, Lucius hardly felt any pleasure when he ejaculated. Then she got off of him, hugged Myria, who was still enjoying Lucius' oral servitude and said goodbye without a word to Lucius who were considered an inferior being. Besides, he was already preoccupied underneath his wife. Then the Amazon breeder rode off to visit the next Gargarean male on her list of the day. The Amazons carefully counted the days between their periods in order to calculate when their had ovulation. This way they knew when they had their chance of getting pregnant and in this period the Amazon breeders extracted the semen of at least five or six males everyday. This was the obvious way forward for Myria to deal Lucius' natural shyness. So, whenever another Amazon breeder called upon her, she simply took Lucius into the bedroom and sat on his face. Then his nerves were calm and the Amazon breeder could easily extract his semen. The fact that his semen belonged to the Amazons, put heavy restraints on Lucius' sex-life during Myria's pregnancy; Myria forbade him to wank himself off because the Amazons believed that semen of males should mature in their balls in order for them to produce strong girl children, just like fine wine needed time to mature. If the semen was too young, then the result would be unwanted boy children. Myria had until now always turned the blind eye when Lucius enjoyed himself in the outhouse, but not anymore. Now, Lucius was deprived from achieving any sexual satisfaction. The Amazons drained him of his semen, but gave him no pleasure at all and Myria, his wife and mistress, had absolutely no time for such trivial task as giving her spouse sexual release and certainly now where his semen was reserved for Amazon breeders. Sometimes no Amazons would come by for more than five or six days which made Lucius very frustrated. However, due to his loyalty to his wife and mistress, he always obeyed her orders not to give himself sexual release, no matter how long he went without cumming. And so it came that Lucius went a whole fortnight without ejaculation. Myria immediately noticed it when they got intimate during the night; Myria presented her lovely breast with erect nibble to Lucius for him to suck on and caress with his tongue. "Stroke my member, Mistress," he softly whispered to her. Lucius was panting deliriously from lust, he properly was not even aware that he had just made a transgression. "Excuse me, what did you just say, worm? Are you giving me orders?" Myria barked at him and slapped him hard on the side of his face. "If I ever stroke your ugly and pathetic cock, then it's be because it gives me pleasure, not to please you." Then Myria checked out his body; His crotch was hot as a furnace. She gently cupped his balls, they felt heavy and ready to burst like a fruit ripe for harvesting. Then she positioned herself on her knees, straddled over his left leg with her right knee pointing to it's intended target; His balls. Myria ran her fingernails down his thighs just to tease and frustrate him even further. This sent bolt of pleasure like lightning through his body. So, Lucius was only human after all, his body now shook from convulsions while his mind was shutting down and his bodily functions was taking over. He involuntary made humping movements by thrusting his hips, but fucked only air. "Oh, my poor spouse," she cooed. "So horny with no chance of relief from his cruel wife and mistress." "Well, let me take the heat of you, my dear," Myria said with an evil smile. Then she hammered her knee right into his balls. Lucius screamed wildly from the terrible pain. He looked pleading at her, but Myria's eyes were shining with true sadistic joy and he instantly knew that she wouldn't stop at this point, so he just surrendered to the void of pain that she dished out to him. When Lucius could not take anymore and didn't have the strength to scream, but lay whimpering while she relentlessly hammered her knee into his balls, she was finally stopped her punishment and crawled up to sit on his face to comfort him. Although he was exhausted from absorbing her pain, he still found the strength to open his mouth and service her pussy orally. Myria moaned loudly and screamed a little from the pleasure he gave her. She squirted in his mouth and Lucius just took it all from her. The two of them seemed to grow a little closer during these ball- busting sessions. Myria could fully live out her true dominant nature and the more pain he took, Lucius also gained a little more respect from her. Librarian Gemmalina visits Myria and Lucius: Myria' mood improved considerably when Gemmalina came to visit them, bringing the book that she 'owed' to Lucius. She had also bought a jar of fine wine and some exotic herbs to make tea from. Myria didn't drink alcohol during her pregnancy, nor did she smoke just like she was supposed not to do according to the Amazon customs. She enjoyed the tea while Gemmalina and Lucius drank the wine. Myria tried to keep up appearances, but Gemmalina was no fool and sensed that she was not entirely happy. "Could we have a word in private, my dear Myria?" Gemmalina suddenly asked. Lucius wanted to get up and sit outside, reading the new book. But Myria, sitting next to him, put her hand on his shoulder and motioned him to remain seated. Then she gently put her arm around his throat and gradually put more pressure on his neck in a sleeper hold. She calmed his nerves by whispering soothing words in his ear and Lucius relaxed and freely entered unconsciousness. Then Myria put his arm on the table so he could rest his head while the two girls talked. "How are you, dear Myria? I mean seriously!" Gemmalina asked her promptly. "Alas, I did not anticipate this," Myria sighed and discreetly tabbed at her pregnant womb. "The world goes on without me. I am just wasting my time up here." "And how about the two of you?" Gemmalina asked. "Are you getting along?" Well, this was not what Myria wanted, but it certainly was what Lucius wanted. Fortune seemed to smile on that little fool ever since he left his old country and entered the realm of the Amazons. He immediately got on the good side of Queen Hentiope herself and received a new commission in the Gargarean Militia as well as the most beautiful Amazon for his wife. Although he paid a hefty price in pain for her company, he still seemed very happy. "But why are you even here, Myria?" Gemmalina asked another very direct question. "I cannot believe that the Queen would let her best warrior wither up here just to please some male, although sympathetic, who happened to spring a couple of emissaries free." Obviously, Lucius had not told her about how they actually first met in mortal combat. He instead stuck to the official version that they first met at the peace treaty celebration. "Well, I am supposed to keep an eye on him for the Queen while I cool my heels up here, and that is all I can tell you." Myria answered. Myria did not dare telling her the whole truth. She remembered quite well what happened last time she let Gemmalina know what ugly stuff that she had done on the battlefield in their early youth. Gemmalina respected her privacy and did not prey further into the matter. It was obviously a private affair between the Queen and Myria and no business of hers. Instead, she took Myria's hand and gently led her to the bedroom to make love, while Lucius remained unconscious at the living room table. When Lucius later woke up, he could gather from the noises coming from the bedroom that the girls were enjoying themselves. He didn't want to intrude, therefore he grabbed the book and a cup of wine, then went outside to sit and read by himself. Gemmalina's visit put Myria in a far better mood because Gemmalina never talked about warfare, but of other aspects of life which made Myria long a little less for getting back to the battlefield. The mating ritual at the Equinox: Another important aspect of the alliance between the Amazons and the Gargareans was the mating ritual at each equinox of the year. Here, a chosen group of 40 elite Amazon warriors, who were at the right time of their ovulations, went up north to extract the semen of 40 young Gargareans. Although this ritual was only meant for un-married Gargarean males with good looks and strong muscular bodies, Myria still signed Lucius up for the upcoming ritual because she did not soon forget that Lucius had killed Amazons in combat. Although, she was mainly to blame for that incident, she felt that she could to make amends to Mother Nature and the Amazon nation by forcing Lucius to impregnate a large number of Amazons. Lucius had no clue on what the 'Equinox mating ritual' was about. The privates of the Gargarean Militia sometimes gave a hint or two if they had been selected to perform the sexual chores and Myria did not inform him what she had in store for him. Lucius just came home totally unaware of what was to be on the day of equinox in the fall. He had overheard his privates talking about getting drunk and getting laid later during the night, but Lucius paid no head to their strange remarks. However, Lucius immediately noticed something strange when he walked into their house. Myria had already cooked dinner and furthermore she served him wine. Alcohol was prohibited during Myria's pregnancy and that usually included Lucius too. Strangely, Myria poured the wine for him which she usually never did. Lucius knew instantly that she had made plans for him. He almost felt like a condemned man, enjoying his last meal before his execution. However, the wine made him relaxed and also made him a little sleepy. Myria had spiked the wine with Valerian herbs. The Amazon surgeons used this plant as a sedative when they performed surgery. This would help to calm his nerves during the upcoming mating ritual. After they finished dining, Lucius felt rather dizzy when Myria announced that they had been invited to a party to celebrate the Equinox. She of course did not inform him that this 'party' was actually about. Lucius staggered to the door on rubbery legs and Myria had to gently support him in order to prevent him from falling over. Outside, she motioned him to sit down on the porch while she fetch the horses. This was usually Lucius' job but he was too intoxicated by now to perform this kind of chore. She also had to help him climbing on to his horse. They rode out of town, heading south to the holy ring where the mating session always took place. Most of the Amazons and Gargareans had already arrived. Myria walked around and greeted her fellow Amazons warmly, while Lucius followed her with empty eyes and a dazed look on his face. "I see that you are still hanging out with your male liaison officer," one of the Amazons said. She vaguely remembered Lucius from the celebration of the peace treaty and had heard that he had returned to the realm of the Amazons. However, her relationship was a little more serious that just 'hanging out' as she was now expecting a baby by him and therefore her fellow Amazons wanted to know why she had even agreed to leave the battlefield to go the north in the company of Lucius. "Orders of the Queen herself," Myria explained, but made it clear that she would rather be back on the battle field. Still, orders were orders. Anyway, Lucius was not too ugly nor too stupid to live with, he took her beatings and pleased her in bed. He would also keep her warm during the cold winter nights. She could think of worse chores to attend too, while she was biding her time until she could get back to warfare again. Now, the sun went down and it was time for the mating ritual to start. Myria handed Lucius a fresh cup of wine which he indifferently drank up. Then she took his hand and gently led him to the ring. Here the 40 chosen males lay down on blankets spread around the campfire in a circle. Lucius was now only semi-conscious and hardly noticed that Myria undressed him and laid him down among the rest of the males. The other males were all drunk like him. Last thing he remembered before he blacked out was Myria calling out to her fellow Amazons; "He's all yours, girls," the voice of his wife seemed to come from far away. She instructed the Amazons to sooth him by sitting on his face, if he should make too much noise or resist them during the mating session. Then she rode home to sleep while the Equinox mating ritual progressed; during the night until sunrise each Amazon extracted the semen from at least five or six males in order to get pregnant. At dawn Myria came back to collect Lucius. She talked a bit to her fellow Amazons while she enjoyed a small cup of wine. They informed her that Lucius had behaved very well while they extracted his semen. He had only whimpered once in a while when they were too rough on him and called out her name, but they sat on his face like Myria had instructed them too and he quickly calmed down. Obviously, Lucius was now conditioned to his new life as a male living in the shadow of the Amazons. Most of the males were now awake, but Lucius was still out. She didn't bother to slap his face because he would properly not be able to walk. Instead she just grabbed his arm and pulled him over her shoulder. She then loaded him on to his horse and rode home in a slow pace in order for Lucius not to slip off his horse. News from Thermodonia: Realizing that her stay among the Gargareans was not as temporary as she first expected, Myria finally started to invite Androlyta and Blasius to come and dine with her and Lucius. Besides, Androlyta was also pregnant now and it was about time that the two Amazonians got to know each other a little better. One evening the four of them were sitting enjoying the evening sun at the porch of the house of Myria and Lucius, when a young lady suddenly rode through the gate. "Hey you lecherous little love birds, stop groping at each other and pay attention to this!" her choice of words were very bold, considering that Myria was an Amazon commander. However, it was in fact one of the young Amazon grass, or informers, from Thermodonus by the name of Rivalina who had come by to pay them a visit. Myria went forward and took her bridle of her horse while the young informer jumped off. Then Myria spoke briefly with her before turning to Lucius. He had earlier instructed her kindly not to tell him any news from his old country. He considered his whole family to be dead by now and did not expect to see them ever again. How they died was too painful for him to learn about. He had decided to make a clean break in his mind from his old country. He had done his bit to save his country and was now a Gargarean citizen. The dire situation in Thermodonia was no longer any of his concerns. However, Rivalina had recently briefed Queen Hentiope and the Amazon war counsel on the situation inside Thermodonia. She had been riding for two days from Themiskyra to deliver the news from his old country and the tidings which she brought were not all bad. It would be a shame to send her away without hearing her report. Lucius agreed and invited her inside so she could enjoy some refreshments and leftovers from the dinner table while she briefed them on the current situation in Thermodonia. Lucius had, as expected, been named a traitor and his house confiscated by the Thermodonia king. The prison captain had, when he realized that accidentally had set the Amazonian prisoners free, immediately killed himself rather than facing a slow painful death by crucifixion. The investigators did find a large amount of money on his dead body and therefore gathered that Lucius had bribed his way into the Thermodon prison. The Amazon grass did, as promised, send a fast rider after the envoys whom Varioux still guarded after Lucius left. The fast Amazon rider caught up with the Thermodonians by a big river up north. The Thermodonians first didn't believe the young girl, but then she handed Varioux the letter from Lucius which described the Coup d'état of the king, the massive barbarian army approaching from the west, the imprisonment of the Amazonian emissaries, and Lucius' bold plan for freeing them and then defecting to Amazonia. The faces of the Thermodonians fell when Varioux read the letter from Lucius out loud. Some of the emissaries considered it too dangerous to go back as they did not know whether Lucius' plan had worked or failed. However, at the end of his letter Lucius begged Varioux to look after his family and therefore he was compelled to go back due to loyalty towards his oldest and most trusted friend. When Varioux and the Thermodonian emissaries returned to Thermodonus, they discovered that luckily the family of Lucius had not been prosecuted after all but remained safe and sound. This included Blasius' family who still served as slaves at Lucius' father's estate. The barbarian horde from the west arrived at Thermodonus where they were greeted by the Thermodonian king as protection troops and paid handsomely. They then marched towards the east, but suddenly stopped, made camp and dug defences. The barbarians did obviously not plan to attack the Amazons, but would remain in Thermodonia and enjoy their leisure, while they made up appearances of protecting the Thermodonian nation against assaults from the Amazons. Myria invited the young lady to stay the night at their house. It was getting dark soon, so Rivalina put her horse in the stable and later slept in the living room. In the morning Lucius politely asked the young informant if she could bring letters back to Thermodonia to his family and to Varioux. Rivalina told him that it would to dangerous, although it was not her own skin she was worried about because she could easily slip the letters to their recipients without being noticed, but if his letters should be found at his family or Varioux, then they would all die slowly by crucifixion. However, Lucius still wrote the two letters telling his family and his dearest friend that he himself, Blasius and the rest of the Thermodonians were all safe and had started a new life within the realm of the Amazons. However, they should not expect to see him again anytime soon, if ever again. Then Lucius asked his father to set Blasius' parents free. He had served his country so admirably during the rescue mission of the Amazon emissaries, so therefore it was only just that his parents should be giving their freedom. Furthermore, he asked Varioux to continue to keep an eye on his family for him. Lucius feared that the mad Thermodonian king would eventually retaliate on his family when he couldn't get his hands on Lucius himself. He finished both letters with by firmly instructing the recipients of the letters to burn them immediately after reading them. When Lucius finished the letters, he handed them discreetly to Myria in in order for her to check if they contained anything controversial. He saw no need to pretend that he did not already knew that Myria was not only his wife and mistress, but also his guardian as well. Myria brifely looked them over and then handed them back him. He then sealed them and handed them to the young informant who brought them with her on her back to Thermodonus. To be continued... The tale of Myria and Lucius will continue in the next chapter: 'Tormentress Eudoxia', where Myria submits Lucius to heavy needle torture in the hands of her girlfriend Tormentress Eudoxia. The storyline is set for many more chapters, however comments, suggestions or story ideas are welcome, just email the author at