Brother verses Sister XXXI by Buzz Haywood 440 matches, Lauren with 434, and me with 6. You can now reach Lauren as well at Pittman Pike is now at 4,248 "My answer is yes," I said. Pike just smirked. Lauren relunctantly agreed as well. So it was settled now. "Good! There's no going back now," Pike responded. Lauren and I shook hands at the press confrence. "The both of you made the right choice," Pike said. We both ignored him. The rules for the match are no time limit, no count outs, no disqualifications, there must be a winner. First pin or submission wins. Lauren was interviewed about the title opportunity verses career match. The interviewer asked, "Straight out now, how would you live with yourself if you end your big brother's career?" Certainly my sister wasn't too thrilled about this question, although she wasn't exactlly shocked by it. "Miserable, bad, awful, guilty, guilt-stricken, terrible, pick your pick." Next was my turn to be interviewed. "How will you handle it if your little sister is the one responsible for ending your wrestling career?" That's what someone asked me. I also recieved various e-mails asking the same thing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it. And boy I thought about it. A lot. Pike had just gone to 4,258-0. Being able to cash in a title shot at any time would certainly be to my advantage. The night before the big match, Lauren and I wished each other luck and hugged. Pike was interviewed before the match. "I've had it with the Haywoods and I just want this to be done! After tonight I'll only have one of them to deal with." Next was my turn. "My wrestling carrer being on the line is more than enough motivation for me. I want a shot at the title! This will be step one. I love my sister, but I need to prove myself. I need to show that I'm just as good as my little sister and can beat her." Now it was Lauren. "This is certainly a match I didn't want and still don't want. It would hurt me deeply to end my brother's wrestling career. This isn't the road back to Pike that I wanted. Not at all. I just hope that no matter how the match ends, we'll still remain close." And so the ring introductions were made. We shook hands. The bell rang. We circled the ring. We locked up. We exchanged wrist locks and arm bars. Suddenly, I was trapped in her head-lock. Then I got caught in her hammer-lock. I powered out of it, but she managed to hip toss me. I then managed to clothesline her. I then started working on my sister's legs. I then attempted to apply the figure four on her, but then she small-packaged me. One... Two... Kick out. Wow, close one. The look on Lauren's face must be like the one on mine. She was working on instinct. While she was distracted, I tackled her down. Now I was able to get the figure four on her. The match is now 5 minutes and forty seconds old. Lauren struggled in the figure four. She then turned it around. Now I was the one stuck. But then, I reversed it back. Finally, she reached the rope. I had to break it. I suplexed her, then pinned her. One... Two... Kick out. She ended up getting the upper hand again. It's been 7:58 and the action has been explosive. Next thing I knew, I was giving her a belly-to-belly suplex. This was it! One... Two... Shoulder up! Oh my. I then applied a fisherman's suplex on my sister. This was the end of it. One... Two... And... Kick out? Oh man. Next thing you know she was throwing punches at me. Since it was no DQ, the ref could say nothing. And her punches kept firing at me and landing on me. I could no longer stand. Next punch she gave me, I fell down. Next, she gave me a piledriver right at the fifthteen minute mark. But Lauren hesitated to go for a pin. The ref told her to do something. So she applied a chin lock on me. My foot reached the bottom rope. I went for a drop kick, but Lauren moved out of the way, but I got the referee instead. She bulldoged me from behind. Lauren saw that the ref was hurt. Lauren applied an Indian death lock on me. But the ref was still out-cold. The ref crawled over, Lauren released the hold. This was unlike Lauren. I know she doesn't want to end my career. Lauren is torn apart with this. I'm not too thrilled about the cuircumstances either. At the 22:36 Lauren drop kicked me and I fell into the referee. That poor ref! Lauren and I exchanged wrestling moves as the ref laid there in pain. Another ref came out to check up on him. The other referee took over. This time I small packaged her. The current ref began counting. One... Two... Kick out. We headed to the half-hour mark now. We began chopping one another. Things were getting out of control. Now was my turn to give her a piledriver. Executed it. Now time for the pin. I don't hesitate. One... Two... She kicked out! Oh no!!!! We are now at the 32:48 mark. To Be Continued... Who will win? Find out!