Brother verses Sister Combat XXIII by Buzz Haywood The Road to Recovery Current Look at the numbers. Herritage Champion Pittman Pike 1,308-0. As for my record of matches with Lauren, it still read, 430 matches, Lauren with 424, and me with 6. Lauren was still a double champion. And as for me, pretty soon I'd be able to work out again. A new guy had came in. This dude is a class-A jerk. A real obnoxious punk. On this evening he had Lauren as his opponent. The guy's name is Chad. I don't know about you, but most guys named Chad have attitude problems. Chad Blye was arrogant. He trash talked everyone. He couldn't believe Lauren has defeated men. Including the 424 wins she holds over me. Chad insists he'll never fall at the hands of a woman. Nor would he be dominated by one, he insisted. From what I heard, he was very rude towards Lauren. Boy, he sure was cocky throughout the day. He wasn't too thrilled about having the first ring introduction. But the order of ring introductions were non-negotiable. Chad wasn't happy about it, but he came out first. The audience booed him loudly. Next, Lauren Haywood was introduced to the ring. The bell rings. Chad runs his mouth at my sister. She clotheslines him. Chad got knocked right down. Next she scoop-slammed him. Next, she snapmared him. After Chad stood up, Lauren drop kicked him. She German suplexed him. 1-2-3! Lauren had won again. After Chad realized what happened he was horrorfied. The audience laughed at him. Chad ran away a humiliated man. By the time Pike went to 1,397-0 I was back. I wrestled Chad in my return. I beat Chad. Not as quickly as Lauren did. I continued to pick up wins and getting back onto the contender's list. Pike was now up to 1,438-0 in his undefeated record. Chad didn't last too long. His attitude got in the way. I became the number ten contender as Pike became 1,488-0. As for Lauren she won a tournament and won the women's trophy. Chad's older brother showed up. His name is Zach and he's a delinquient. The guy is real scumb. Basicly he's worse than Chad. Zach was issuing challenges to Lauren to anyone that would listen. Of course she accepted that challenge. At this point I had moved up to number nine contender as Pike went to 1,526-0. More and more was learned about Zach. The guy is a total white trash criminal. The jerk is a theif and has a reputation for fighting. He was a well-known juvinile delinquient. In his school days he was suspended 17 times and was expelled from 4 different schools. A real thug. Huge challenge for my sister. Zach spent two years in a juvinile detention center. Next step was military school. After six months he was booted out of there. On the same card Pike went up to 1,548-0, the Lauren vs. Zach match took place. Zach was furious about having to come out to the ring first. Lauren, of course, got the featured ring entrance. And the bell rang. Instead of locking up, Zach ran towards her and swung, but she ducked. She took a swing at Zach, but he ducked as well. Then he called her a bitch. Here comes a Thesz press from Lauren onto Zach. Then she started punching Zach in the head over and over again. Then she suplexed him. Zach felt humiliated. After that he got drop kicked by Lauren. But Zach only staggered. So, she drop kicked him again. Still he staggered. One more drop kick and he went down. Next she leg dropped him. Next she climbed to the top rope and elbow dropped him. Now she pinned him. 1-2-3! As Lauren celebrated her win, an an angry Zach was challenging her again. She accepted, the bell rang, Lauren super kicked him and pinned him again. 1-2-3! After he recovered he challenged her again. After she accepted, she speared him. Then she applied a Boston crab. After a minute, he submitted. This time Zach didn't say anything to her.