Brother verses Sister Combat XXVIX by Buzz Haywood Pain! 440 matches, Lauren with 434, and me with 6. You can now reach Lauren as well at Pittman Pike is now at 4,100-0 Pike was still furious. He wanted another shot with Lauren. She wanted it to be a title match. Pike agreed, but the COmmitee wasn't too certain about allowing a woman to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. "Buzz, how can we convince them to give me a title match against Pike?" Lauren asked. "I have an idea," I said. So I requested a non-title match with Pike, with the only stipulation being that if I win, Lauren recieves a title match with him. It was agreed. The match was made. It was another rough, tough, hard-hitting match. The man was clearly taking out his anger on me. Pike kept raming fore arm shots after fore arm shots at me. Finally, as he was charging at me, I got the boot up and collided into him. I was now in control. I needed to stay on him and I was. I was working him over. I was trying to injure his leg. Then I half-crabbed him. But he powered out of it and he sent me shooting across the ring. He was limping towards me. I drop-kicked his bad left leg. Pike went crashing down. Suddenly, I applied a figure four on him. But he was able to reverse it. Then he DDT'd me. Then he lifted me up and choke-slammed me. After the pin, the match was over. I had let my sister down. "Sorry Lauren," I later told her. "Hey, don't be silly," she told me. "I really appreciate what you did." We hugged. So yet another non-title match was sanctioned between Pike and Lauren. At this point, Pike was 4,118-0 and just as powerful. And the bell rang. Pike charged at her. But she super kicked him. She rocked him with rights and lefts. Pike was getting wrecked. Pike staggred. Next she drop kicked him and Pike fell down. Now she executes a senton. Lauren pinned him and hooked his leg. One... Two... But Pike was able to kick out. Pike was humiliated. As Pike returned to his feet, Lauren climbed the ropes. She connected with a flying clothesline. Pike came crashing down hard. So she pinned him again, this time hooking both legs. One... Two... The ref was about to slap the mat again, but Pike kicked out right in time. But she stayed on him with kicks and chops. Pike was frustrated. Next she executed a hurricanrana on him. One... Two... Kick out from another really close pin fall. Pike was standing in front of the ropes. Lauren ran and body-pressed him and they both went over the ropes. Both of them were laid out on the arena floor. "One!" shouted the referee. Pike rolled. "Two!" yelled the ref. Lauren was dazed. "Three!!" the ref continued. Pike stood up. "Four!!!" And he leaned against the post. "Five!!!!" Lauren stood up. "Six!" Now she spotted Pike. "Seven." So she ran towards him... "Eight!" But Pike moved and Lauren hit the post. "Nine!!" Now Pike climbed back into the ring. "TEN!" Pike had won on a count-out. 4,119-0 was now his record. Pike was not satisfied. "AAUUGGHH!!!!" Pike howled out. Later on... "One more try, that's all I need," Lauren said. "Do you think that's a good idea?" I asked. "Yes, I do, especially if it's for the title," she replied. "But how are you going to get a title opportunity?" I asked. "I'll keep making noise, that's how." So we went to see Pike at the office with the promoter and the committee. Pike was steamed. "So, now do I get a World Title match with you?" asked Lauren. "You girl, have been a torn in my side," Pike ranted. "What are you willing to do for a title match?" "ANYTHING!" she loudly replied. SO Pike smirked. "Anything?" he asked. "You'll do anything?" So I walked towards him. "Calm down, big shot," Pike told me. "I wasn't talking about that." "Then what are you talking about?" asked Lauren. Again he smirked. "Here's what I have in mind for Lauren to do in order to get a championship match against me," Pike responded. "Another brother-sister match!" Lauren looked at me. "Fine!" I said. "We'll do it." "Not so fast," Pike continued. "If Lauren wins, she gets a guranteed title match against me, but if you lose to her, you will lose your career." We both looked at each other shocked. "This is to gurantee that big brother doesn't throw the match to you," Pike added. Lauren was speechless. Pike waited for an answer. Even I was frozen. "Okay, I'll throw this in, if you happen to win Buzz, I'll give you a title shot which you can cash in anytime, anywhere, any place, just as long as a referee and camera is present." We still didn't speak. Didn't know what to say. "I'll give you two time to think it over," Pike finished saying. We walked out the door. We have a lot to talk about now. I'm afraid Pike had us right where he wanted us.