Loving an Amazon by Sundar Ramchandran / zenkalidas / India guy There she was, The rough tomboy Could ride the horse And float with the buoys This was her fourth Of many such Delicate ways as befits a court And Amazonian (yet maternal and feminine) ways like a butch A cloth around her neck tied Like an adventuring fisherwoman dressed Dagger against her dress pressed Her opponents like brides cried Could gut the whale And cut the wolf rabid Take care of her followers avid Yet tame and shear the recalcitrant male She takes her fifth shot I am struggling with my second Her scars the 'medals' from battles fought Mine arise from feelings for her heightened She treats me by turns As a fool, a stool pigeon, a clown And at times an idiot to be controlled by treatment stern Or more often ridiculed and humiliated for the edification of the town She hoists me up to be exhibited like in statues In tarred finery, hugging mannequins Prompting me to ask : Is My love for her fatuous ? Am I doomed to be hoisted on pedestals only to be let down by my self indulgent sins One day, like a painted and (pinned and pained) bird, I rise on the wings of my feeling seared I cry out both for myself and the amazon I have loved Who across the oceans of the world has rowed Like a ruddy and swarthy female version of Othello Myself the male Desdemona to whom she at last consents To relate the tales of the seas, black to yellow Through which she has sailed up to times present The characters whom she has met, rascals and saints And of every hue in between Her tales were enough to give a delicate lad like me the faints Telling of a world beyond what he had ever seen She wonders and marvels at my innocence Like a diver , she means to torment and bully me out of my shell And extract the pearls of good sense That lies buried in my dell At last we give way to the feelings of mutual affection and love A mating like that between land and sea Between the fiery eagle and a gentle dove Each loving the other, both know 'Who is me ?' The Amazon warrior in star like hues her lover dyed Who in pain filled ecstasy cried Zen like In the morning after, Things are the same fore and after, The sun still shines, the birds still sing But the lovers view it as the beginning of eternal spring