

Illustrated. This is a futuristic story about how a woman learns that despite her smaller frame, she is superior to her husband. She then passes this revelation on to her daughter. Please e-mail me if you would like the continuation.


Earth. What a wonderful place to be! It was paradise. Everyone was happy; everyone knew his or her rightful place. Men ruled and women obeyed ' the way it ought to be.


Although men and women interacted regularly in public there were strict attire regulations. These dress codes forbade females to expose any of her skin from her collarbone down to her ankles. Any woman exposing such skin was warned publically and then shamed. If the woman was married, her husband verbally condemned her and banned her from the community for a week. If she wasn’t married, her father did this to her. Repeat offenders were executed!


Fortunately, neither punishment ever happened. The women complied so willingly that this law nearly became forgotten. Obedience to this law became habit. Men loved their wives and women respected and honored their husbands. Marriages often were pre-arranged based on compatibility. The system worked exceptionally well. Science was incredibly advanced ' so much so that sex was deemed an incredibly unsanitary way of reproducing. When a couple wanted a child both partners were drugged to sleep and an egg was extracted from the female and semen was collected from the male. Despite having an erection and ejaculating, the male never experienced the feeling of the climax nor did he really know what took place. The child was then grown and birthed in a lab and given to the parents.


Genetically, people were amazing. When males hit puberty, they were all extremely well built, with massive muscles and firm six-packs - of which they regularly displayed in public. Females who reached puberty were also well built ' with measurements of 36-24-36, but due to the exposure law, no one ever noticed ' not even their husbands.


Gary and Stephanie were happily married. Gary was a Science engineer and Stephanie worked at the all female gym and spa. Naturally, men and women worked out separately. Both Stephanie and Gary regularly went to work out and were in excellent shape. The gym was the women’s hangout. There, each woman would brag about their husband’s strength and declaring her husband the strongest. It was also here that the older women would also pass down female traditions to the younger girls. One of these traditions was to shave off all body hair. Contrary to that, the hair on her head was meant to be long. The reason was unknown why this was done, but the women shaved none-the-less. Additionally, women often took part in a ceremony of applying moderate paint to their faces and nails. They were told that this would make them feel ‘sexy’ even though no woman really knew what that meant. Men, on the other hand, were deemed sexy even though no men knew what this meant either. It was just deemed that men were the sexier of the species.


Stephanie, like other women, would ask her husband to demonstrate his physical superiority over her by arm-wrestling her. Of course he approved. He loved being stronger than his wife and he loved proving it to her. Before each contest he would flex and show off his bulging muscles. Stephanie loved this stage of the contest and often got giddy in admiring her husband’s massive muscles. During these contests Stephanie would wear casual clothes; like a grey jumpsuit or a white jacket with matching pants. Gary, on the other hand, seldom wore anything beside his tight briefs. When Gary was finished showing off his, muscles he would lie down on the floor and raise his right arm. Stephanie did the same. The contrast of arm size was startling. Her arm was tiny compared to his. Knowing Gary’s physical superiority over her, she did remind him to never let her win. She would never forgive him if he did. He was ok with that ' especially since he never intended to lose to her.


“Ready, set, go!” Stephanie held her arm up, but was quickly taken down. “Two of three!” Stephanie would cheer and Gary would take her down two more times. He would then gloat and Stephanie loved every minute of it!
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One day, due to Gary’s enormous success in his field of work, he was given a planet. He was updated on the tasks involved with colonizing a planet. He told Stephanie the wonderful news and they mutually agreed to proceed with the move. Despite not wanting children, they were informed that they would have to return to Earth to start the childbearing process. Preparation was easy. Stephanie’s friends reminded her to continue the ‘female’ traditions’. She promised she would. Gary’s friends bid him farewell and good luck. They packed 10 years worth of necessities with them.


Shortly before touchdown, the two looked out the window to see the most beautiful world they had ever seen. It was a real wonder to look at. Gary though of what to call it and called it WROM (Wondrous Reign of Men). Stephanie loved the name. “WROM it is,” she said.


Life didn’t change for either of them much. Gary went out to work and Stephanie occupied herself at home. She was in charge of recording the colonization and did a phenomenal job of recording it. They transformed one of the rooms into a gym and a spa room. There, Stephanie continued the ‘female traditions.’ Since work was more strenuous, Gary actually became more muscular. Stephanie loved this change. They continued their arm-wrestling contests on a daily basis. It never got old.


Stephanie enjoyed making new clothes. She made a whole line of outfits and dress. On day but she accidently ripped part of the dress she was working on. She realized it would be much shorter than usual. She tried it on and surprisingly she liked it. Since it was warm outside, she decided to keep it short and see if Gary liked it. After Gary came home, she told him to close his eyes since she had a surprise for him. He closed his eyes and she started to descend the stairs. When she was in full view she said that he could look. He opened his eyes and looked. Well, he actually stared at her dress. Little did she know he was staring at her gorgeous legs! “Her legs are so, so, so smooth!” he thought to himself. She walked down the stairs and his eyes followed the place where her dress cut off. ‘

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“Something’s wrong! He doesn’t like it,” she thought to herself. She immediately began to apologize for her new attire and asked if it was too short. Gary said that it was OK. “Do you like it?” She asked timidly. “Y y y y yes”, he stammered. “A lot!” She felt relieved. “I was concerned that you would think it was too short”. “Um, no. It, it, it’s fine,” he said encouragingly. “Really, I like it!” he reiterated. Relived, she challenged him to their regular arm-wrestling contest, but Gary just kept starring at her shorter dress.


Stephanie lay down after Gary went through his macho routine and started waving her bare legs in the air. “Ready to rumble?” she asked Gary, but he just looked past her and followed her waving legs. “He seems so distracted” Stephanie though to herself. She finally called out, “Ready, set, go,” and to her surprise, she pinned Gary’s massive arm to the floor! She blushed and cleared her throat. She finally got Gary’s attention and looked down at their arms. “You do realize I just beat you”, Stephanie pointed out timidly. Gary followed her eyes and could not believe his eyes. His petite wife lay there with her arm pinning his to the floor. Stephanie then looked up and angrily reminded him about his promise to never let her win. He started to say that he didn’t, but stopped. If he didn’t let here win, how did she win? He was confused and she saw it. He finally just apologized and she pulled his arm up. She told him that it was OK, but to discourage him losing again she winked at him and said that if she ever won three times that they’d just have to wrestle. She knew that it was taboo for a man to wrestle a woman, so it came as no surprise when his eyes got as big as saucers and fear entered his face. She smiled and said, “Relax macho man; you’ll never let that happen, right?” He immediately agreed. She then started the next match. Gary won the next two rounds. “There. You see. I knew you could beat me”, Stephanie exclaimed jubilantly.


Gary got up, but as he did Stephanie noticed that his crotch was slightly larger than usual. “I wonder what that’s about.” She thought to herself. She then asked him when his crotch was so large. He looked down, and embarrassingly admitted that he didn’t know. He then covered his crotch with his hands. Stephanie smirked and dropped the matter.


The next few days were much cooler, so Stephanie went back to wearing her warmer clothes. Gary was ready the following night to arm-wrestle his wife and won all three matches. He continued to win all the arm-wrestling matches and Stephanie’s brief victory was soon forgotten.


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Unlike Earth, the weather on WROM was not regulated, so after a few days Stephanie decided to try her hand at another dress ' a cooler dress. She removed the sleeves and made it slightly shorter than usual. Gary took it well last time; she had no reason to doubt he wouldn’t this time. This time she made the dress came down to her knees. She tried it on and loved it! Just as she finished admiring it, Gary arrived. She decided to completely surprise him this time, so she stealthily descended the steps and went to stand in the kitchen doorway. Gary was getting a drink from the fridge. “Hi honey” Stephanie casually said. Gary turned around to say hi and stopped. His mouth dropped open as his eyes went from bare shoulders down to where the dress stopped. There they were again; those amazing legs! Immediately Gary felt stiffening in his groin area. Stephanie blurted out laughing seeing the way her husband reacted to her new dress. She pointed to Gary’s bulging groin and said, “There’s that bulge again”. Gary tried to cover it up and spilled his drink on the floor. Stephanie laughed even harder. “I wonder what that’s all about.” Stephanie wondered. She was curious, so as she walked by him to clean up the mess he made, she slowly brushed her hand against his bulging crotch. It got larger! Oh, but what a feeling of excitement she had! It was electrifying! After the ‘accidental’ brush she finished wiping the floor. While Stephanie cleaned the floor Gary’s eyes never left his wife’s legs.


“Ready to rumble, Honey?” “Wh what?” He finally replied. “Are you ready to beat me in arm-wrestling, dear?” “Um, sure!” he declared flexing his muscle. Stephanie lay down again, put her right arm up and started to wave her legs. As she saw Gary’s eyes follow her dress, she wondered if she would win one round again. She said, “Ready, set, go!” She slammed her husband’s muscular arm down to the floor! “Yes!” Stephanie shouted as the thrill of victory surged through her body. She was surprised at her reaction and recomposed herself. “Honey, I just beat you again.” She said, but this time it almost sounded like a tease. Inwardly, Stephanie was glowing. Gary finally looked down to see his wife’s feminine arm pinning his muscular one to the floor. Shame and outrage overtook him. “How did this petite woman beat me?” he wondered. As Stephanie lifted her husband’s arm 'grinning all the while - she casually reminded him that if he lost two more times that they’d have to wrestle. Since she doubted that she could ever do that, she never took the thought seriously. Gary was outraged but apologized for loosing. “Just don’t let it happen again!” Stephanie threatened. “I won’t. Oh, I won’t!” Gary rebutted. With that he pressed hard against Stephanie’s petite arm and managed to lower it. The second time was harder though.


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That night, Stephanie pondered how she had beaten her husband. She had an idea and planned to test it the next day. After Gary left to work the next day, Stephanie pulled out some cloth and started making another outfit, but this time it would expose most of her legs' all the way up to her thigh. She tried it on and it was exactly what she desired.


Tonight Stephanie allowed Gary to relax after he got home. He sat down in his recliner, picked up a book and started reading. Stephanie silently came downstairs and stood at the feet of the recliner. She lowered his book. What Gary saw startled him, yet it also pleased him. Two of the most beautiful legs he had ever seen were at the foot of his recliner. Stephanie giggled when the expected bulge appeared again. This time she just raised her arm and said, “Let’s go, dear.” Gary slowly got out of his chair never letting his wife’s legs out of sight. As she expected, Stephanie slammed Gary’s massive arm to the floor. She knew she couldn’t beat Gary twice, but she knew how to beat him at least once every time. After rubbing her victory in his face, Gary managed to win the next two times, but he noticed it was getting harder to beat his wife. This didn’t go unnoticed by Stephanie. A plan started to form in her mind.


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Despite wanting to pursue her plan, Stephanie had a rough day. It was just one of those days where nothing went her way. Besides housework, she planned to make another outfit for tonight’s match, but all she got done was the top. In her hurry to finish before Gary got home she cut the top too low. “Drat! I guess this will have to do.” She tried on her new top and shook her head. It wasn’t what she wanted at all! Gary arrived and she forgot all about her plans to beat him again. She also forgot to change her top. Being upset, she went down from their bedroom and pouted in the kitchen door. Gary finished getting his drink and turned around to see his sulking wife. “Wow!” is all he could think. His eyes stayed glued on the crease that formed at the bottom of his wife’s tank top. Stephanie finally lifted her head to talk to Gary when she saw the same look of amazement on his face that he showed while staring at her legs. “What was this?” she thought. She followed his gaze down and saw her ample breasts pressing her new creating a crease where they met. “Could these be the cause of his-?” She checked his crotch. Yep, sure enough, it was bulging again. A smile crossed her face now. “I wonder-” she thought to herself.


“Honey, ready to lose to your wife?” she asked while winking at him. This question caught Gary off guard. “Stephanie used to love to lose. What was happening???” Gary recalled to himself. “That’s it girl, you’re going DOWN!” was all he could muster. They walked into the living room and lay on the floor. Despite his frustration, Gary could not keep his eyes off of his wife’s ample chest. As she lay down his eyes got larger as her breasts seem to as well. In the background he heard a “Read, set, go”. Shortly thereafter he felt a warm kiss on his lips. That got his attention. He then heard whispered in his ear: “I won”. His eyes grew wide and looked down to see his wife’s delicate and well-manicured arm pinning his bulging arm to the floor. “Noooooo!” he shouted.


Despite how bad the day went, she was feeling thrilled now. “What if I could win two bouts,” she wondered. She raised their arms again and slammed his arm down again! Stephanie was ecstatic. She just beat her husband in arm-wrestling not just once, but TWICE! She got his attention and pointed to their arms. Gary turned beet-red. “Remember honey, if you lose three times-” Stephanie goaded. Despite the thrilling victory, she knew that she couldn’t win all three times. Sure enough, Gary managed to get her arm down in the third bout. She was slightly dismayed, but ecstatic that she, a mere woman, beat her husband in arm-wrestling twice.



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That night Gary was visibly upset. She tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t open up. “Was he afraid?” Stephanie pondered.


When Gary went to bed all he could think about was how his wife ' a mere woman - beat him in arm-wrestling, not just once, but twice! Stephanie, on the other hand, started to wonder if she could win all three times. “We’ll find out tomorrow.” She thought to herself.


The next day came and Gary was still visibly upset. He left to work upset. What Stephanie didn’t know was that he planned to workout all day. She, in the meanwhile, set to work making her new outfit. “Pink - a girl’s color. That’s the color I’ll make my outfit in.” She set to work and cut away. She cut away most of the dress for that matter. She made the skirt very, very short this time and due to the unexpected revelation from the former evening, she cut away the top too. She hid the camera and set it to auto record the contest. Everything was in place. She looked in the mirror and smiled.


Gary came home earlier than usual and barged into their bedroom upstairs. “Let’s go, girl!” he shouted to Stephanie who was still in the bathroom. She slowly walked out and smiled. Gary felt like a sledgehammer just hit him. He stammered back. He looked at his gorgeous wife (she was always gorgeous, but this was amazing!) He didn’t know where to look. His eyes darted back and forth between her ample breasts and her lengthy smooth legs. She saw the look of fear in his eyes. “Yes, let’s” she replied slowly. Stephanie slowly lowered herself to the rug, allowing Gary to continuously stare at either her legs or breasts. When he finally came down, she loudly called the start. Gary was staring down her chest. WHAM! “That’s one, honey.” Gary reluctantly looked down and with a slight nod he acknowledged the loss. Stephanie was beaming. Gary looked up at her pretty face and then past it to her gorgeous swaying legs. WHAM! Again the petite woman brought down her husband’s firm and muscular arm. He looked down after she notified him of his loss. Now he looked scared. She almost felt sorry for him. Stephanie bought their arms up again. Gary was sweating now. He looked at his arm that dwarfed his wife’s arm and then saw her breasts in the background. ‘Ready, set, go!” he heard in the background. This time Stephanie slowly and deliberately lowered her husband’s arm to the floor. She did it! She beat her husband all three times! “I win again, honey. I guess it’s wrestling time.” This got her husband’s attention. He looked down to see his wife’s arm keeping his arm on the ground. He tried to lift it, but couldn’t! Stephanie chuckled. “Tomorrow at 6:00 PM ' we wrestle!” and kissed her husband. Gary was crest-fallen. How did it come to this? His wife just challenged him to a wrestling match. Of course he’d win, but he never wrestled a woman before. It should easy, shouldn’t it? Men are stronger than women, aren’t they?


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Stephanie contemplated what to wear. She was really enjoying making these new outfits! First, she had to get nimble up a bit though. After Gary left for work, she garbed herself in her workout gear she wore back on Earth. As she headed towards her workout room, her eyes caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror she passed. She stopped and looked at herself. This is it! This is what I will wear. The entire outfit snugged her body tightly and accentuated every curve. Yes, this will do just fine.


Gary came home and relaxed in his recliner awaiting the match nervously. “I’m in the basement,” called Stephanie invitingly.


He went downstairs. A sweet smell caught his attention first. “What was that smell?” he thought to himself. “Strawberries, perhaps?” Then he saw her., There in the center of the room, standing on a cushioned mat, was Stephanie. He stopped when he saw her. He slowly passed his eyes down here body. “What a sight”, he thought to himself! Stephanie noticed his crotch immediately doubled in size and grew even more when he looked at her curvaceous crotch. She smiled and walked towards him. “Are you ready to lose to your wife?” His eyes grew big and he gulped. Nervously He looked at his watch. 6:00PM. He slowly nodded. She then wrapped her delicate hand around his firm genitals. “Ever figure this out yet?” She asked mockingly. “I did.” Angrily, he knocked her hand away. His face turned red from either anger or embarrassment ' maybe both. Stephanie just smiled.


Stephanie raised her arms in the air. Gary did the same. Stephanie pressed her palms against his. Their fingers locked. Gary continued to stare at his wife’s curvaceous body. The test of strength had begun. For a moment they stood there, fingers interlocked, Stephanie smiling at her husband’s fearful face; Gary staring at his wife’s ample chest. Then, the unthinkable happened: Stephanie started pressing her husband’s fingers back! In less than a minute she had her husband’s fingers bent back and managed to bring his massive frame to his knees! She looked down at him with a satisfaction she had never felt. She was controlling her husband. He was on his knees looking up at his wife with fear written over his face. She had just beaten him in a test of strength. He looked down in shame and his vision was filled with the sight of her curvaceous crotch. He went limp and Stephanie shoved him away. That seemed to have woken him up. He got up and faced his wife. They faced each other. Gary attacked first. He ran and grabbed Stephanie. He picked her up, twirled her and threw her to the ground. He stumbled and they both fell. To her dismay, he landed on top of her. He landed on her legs. When he looked up he was confronted with her crotch. He stared at it. Stephanie acted quickly. She managed to get her left leg out from under him and wrapped it around his chest. He was pinning her other leg to the ground. She had never done this before, but she thought she’d give it a try. She squeezed her legs together. Gary immediately grimaced in pain. He tried to get away from his wife’s long smooth legs, but they were too strong. He was trapped. All Stephanie could think was how fun this was. She was startled by at incredible feeling that spread along her inner thighs and up to her crotch. “What was that?” She wondered. She wanted more! She found that the pleasure increased as she applied more pressure on her husband. She glanced down at her husband’s crotch. His shorts were close to bursting. She chuckled at the sight. To think that being beaten by a woman increased the size of his penis! “Do you think I’m sexy?” She didn’t know what prompted her to ask the question, but she asked it anyway. Despite neither of them knowing what the word meant, they both knew that she was and more so than he could ever be.


“Give up?” she asked. “Never!” Gary yelled back. She was comfortably in control, but she needed to apply more pressure. Stephanie lifted her left leg. Gary tried to escape. Stephanie clamped her legs together again. All Gary managed to do was get his neck stuck in his wife’s legs. Stephanie started to moan. “Oh, this feeling!” she thought. Going by instinct, she grabbed her husband’s head and brought it closer to her crotch. “Yes!” she thought. The smell of strawberries got stronger for Gary. His wife’s crotch now encompassed his entire view. He loved it and yet couldn’t believe his wife was beating him. Stephanie looked down at her husband’s crotch. It was bulging like never before. She delicately touched it and his penis started pulsing. Then a wet spot formed in his pants. She laughed; Gary peed in his pants! She then noticed that the stain didn’t spread like pee would. She touched it and found it to be thicker than pee. No, that’s not pee- She started thinking. “What if-”


Stephanie released her hold on him and pushed him onto the floor. His cowering massive frame embraced for the next assault. He didn’t expect what happened next. She sat on his torso and spread her legs wide open while holding his crotch. “Her crotch was so smooth!’ he couldn’t help but thinking. She bent towards him and exposed the most of her breasts. His crotch grew. She lay low and whispered in his ear, “so it seems that women are stronger, sexier and smarter than men. Do you admit this is true?” He tried to deny this and throw her off, but her long legs kept him in place. He started to cry and finally blurted out, “OK! Women are stronger and sexier that men”. “And smarter?” she asked. “No!” He yelled back. “Oh, but we are. I know something that you do not.” “And what is that?” he asked between his cries. I know how we can make babies without going back to Earth.” “Impossible!” he cried. “But it’s true.” If I show you will you admit women are smarter than men?” “I will, I will!”


With that she stood up and placed her toe on her husband’s bulging crotch. She then lifted her arms and flexed as she looked at the camera and winked. Gary turned to follow her gaze and saw the hidden camera. This destroyed any morale he had left. Stephanie then removed her top and pants and stood fully naked before her husband. She lowered herself onto him and pulled her husband’s briefs up slightly. A fully erect penis jutted out. “Now, to make babies.” She gracefully inserted his penis into her and pumped him until he passed out. Needless to say, Stephanie enjoyed every moment of this ordeal and she climaxed often. She finally slapped him awake and whispered, “Now do you admit that women are smarter than men?” “Yes.” He whispered. “Yes, what?” she pressed. “Yes, women are smarter than men.”

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She rose again and placed her long and sexy leg on his ' once again ' erect penis and flexed for the camera. “It looks like WROM now stands for Women Ruling over Men. She got dressed and stopped the camera. She ejected the tape and held it towards Gary. “Just in case you ever forget-”


Stephanie went upstairs, washed up and and changed back to her normal attire. Gary didn’t move. He finally fell asleep had nightmares of his wife stradling him.


Surprisingly, life went back to normal. Gary worked, Stephanie maintained the house. A week later Stephanie challenged Gary to an arm-wrestling match. She wore a pink pullover. Over course Gary was reluctant, but finally agreed. To his surprise he won! He actually won all three times. From then on Gary always won. After seeing how helpless Gary was when he lost to her, Stephanie made a promised to herself to never beat her husband again ' at anything. She was satisfied to know that women were truly stonger, sexier and smarter than men; and she had the proof.


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Nine months later twins emerged. Fittingly, during the birth the girl pulled her bother back in and came out first.


Stephanie wanted to have more children, but she knew that her husband would be reluctant. Remembering the way he responded to her sexiness, even while being passed out, gave her an idea. That night she made a drink for Gary which, according to research would put him in a dream-like state. An hour after he drank it, Gary became quite tired. He passed out on the sofa. Stephanie went to work. She changed to her new outfit. This was made of a sheer pink material. It actuented her breasts and showed off her amazing legs. She came downstairs and pulled him to the floor. After straddling him, she slapped her husband to bring him to partial concsiosness. When he opened his eyes she stood and let him observe her. His eyes immediately opened wide open and his penis errected. She slowly lowered herself and sat on him and spread her legs open. Her responded faovorably as his crotch increased in size. He tried to push her off, but his bulging muscles couldn’t achieve this. She was too strong for him. She then scooted up from his torso and covered his face with her crocth. Oh, the feeling! She rocked and rocked until, Wow! She looked down at Gary’s crotch. She could tell it was ready to explode. She stood and lowered her panties and carefully lowered his; making sure not to touch his penis too much lest he ejaculated too early. She carefuly inserted his penis into her and moments later she was pregnant.

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Gary woke up in the morning and wondered why he wasn’t in his bed. He saw his wife preparing breakfast in the kitchen. He slow walked over to her with a look of puzzlement in his eyes. “Everything OK, honey?” He looked up and said, “Yeah. It’s just that, that-” “Yes dear?” Stephanie probed. “Well, I had this dream last night - a nightmare, really.” “I am sorry to hear that, dear!” She turn to hide the smile on her face. “You were in this dream and you looked- stunning!” “And that was a nightmare?” Stephanie asked angrily. “No, no. That wasn’t the nightmare part. You came towards me. You were wearing- Hmmm, I don’t remember what, nor do I remember what you looked like except that you were stunningly beatiful. You then sat on me and I was unable to push you off.” “And why is that so bad, dear?” “Well, cuz I’m stronger than you, that’s why!” Gary rebutted. “Oh, really?” Stephanie teased. She wanted to know how much he remembered from the day she proved her superiority over him. “What? You think I am not?” “Well, if my memory serves me correctly I won our wrestling match.” “What wrestling match?” He challenged. “He really doesn’t remember our match.” she thought. “That might be OK.” “Oh, my mistake. There was no match and of course you are stronger than me. I can see why this dream disturbbed you so much.” “Gary felt comforted. “I don’t remember any more of the dream.” “Well, dear. I am sorry about that, but do let me know if you have that dream again.”


A few months later Gary commented on how fat she looked. Usually she would be offended, but now she just giggled. Finally the day arrived for her to give birth. The mid-wife, who had arrived for the delivery of the first birth hadalready arrived and helped Stephanie with the birth of triplets. To Casandra’s surprise, once again the girl kept her brother from being born first by pulling him back in and emerging first. Gary was flabbergasted when he came home and saw the triplets. “How in the world did you get pregnant?” “Do you really want to know, dear? You may not like what you learn.” “I can handle it! I’m a man.” “Sorry dear. I doubt that, but I will show you none-the-less. Please go down to the basement. I will be there shortly.”


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Stephanie went upstairs and chnged into a new white dress. It was low-cut and short. It displayed her feminie curves nicely. Meanwhile, Gary wandered around the basement and stumble upon the gym. He hadn’t been in here since he built it. He walked in and saw the wight bench. He thought he’d give them a try. He lay down on the bench and tried to lift the weights, but found that he couldn’t. He got up and observed the weights. “How neglectful of me! I put twice the amount of what I can lift. No wonder Stephanie isn’t lifting weights.” He started to change the weights when Stephanie emerged. She called him and he looked up. Seeing her dressed like that startled him and he dropped the weights. “Don’t worryabout that. I’ll get them later.” She offered. “Huh? But, how-” She cut him off. “Ready to arm-wrestle, Honey?” With his eyes fixed on her breasts, he replied. “Um, OK”. “To make this interesting, if I win all three times, we wrestle for superiority. Is that fair?” Gary gulped, he had never wrestled a woman before. Or had he? Something told him that he did and that it didn’t end well. “”Sure, but it will never come to that.” “Let’s go then.” Stephanie encouraged. She lay down on the floor and he noticed her breast get even larger! So did his crotch. She smiled and invited him to lie down. She allowed him to call the start. He said “Go!” and she took him down. She had to get him to stop staring at her brests to show that she won. She let his hand up and flexed. A tiny, but incredibly hard mucsle formed. They went at it again and she waved her legs. They caught his attention and she won again. “This was so much fun!” she thought. “Why did I wait a whole year?” Again she showed him his enourmous arm being pinned by her petite one. Now he was angry. He was focused. He called “Go” and went to slam her arm down. Shockingly it didn’t move. She giggled. “Honey, please don’t wait for me.” He started to wiggle. “Why has my crotch gotten so uncomfortable?” he thought to himself. He tried again. No go. She leaned close to him and kissed him passionately. WHAM. She had won a third time. Gary was awe-struck.

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Stephanie got up and removed her dress to reveal sheer bra and panty. Gary lay on the floor and gawked at her. She encouraged him to get up. He did, but not without a struggle. His penis was enourmous now. “Now for the kill,” she thought to her self.


Like before, Stephanie raised her arms in the air and Gary did the same. And like before, Stephanie pressed her palms against his. Their fingers locked. Gary just stared at his wife’s body. Almost immediately Stephanie had her husband’s fingers bent back and managed to bring his massive frame to his knees! She walked towards him and his vision was filled with the sight of her curvaceous crotch. Stephanie pushed him back and he fell on his back. She sat on his torso and spread her legs wide open while holding his crotch. He tried to push her off with all his might, but she didn’t budge. The only thing that happened was that his penis got firmer. “My nightmare is happening!” is all he could think. She bent towards him and exposed the most of her breasts. His crotch grew more. She moved closer to his face. His eyes grew with fear and she planted his face in her crotch. “Do you admit that women are stronger than men?” He vigorously nodded. His face rubbed against her sweet smelling crotch. She climaxed.


She got off of him and posed a victory pose by placing a sexy foot on his erect penis and flexed. Gary gulped and begged that she never tell the children. She agreed, but under one condition: that they would wrestle anytime she won all three arm-wrestling matches. He thought about this and realized this torment could be daily. He hesitated with his answer. She pressed her toe down on his crotch. He immediately agreed.


“Now, to make babies”. Stephanie then removed panties and her lowered herself onto him and pulled her husband’s briefs up slightly. A fully erect penis jutted out. She skillfully inserted his penis into her and pumped him until he ejaculated. She then got up, put on her panties, collected her dress, turned around and sexily walked to the doorway. Looking down his legs, Gary stared at her walk away. At the doorway, she pressed the stop recording button, flexed, kissed her tiny bicep and walked out. Gary’s eyes feel to his erect penis. “Ugh!” is all he could muster.

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The next day Gary avoided his wife, but she cornered him that evening. She challenged Gary to an arm-wrestling match. Over course Gary was reluctant, but out of fear, he agreed. To his surprise, he won! He actually won all three times. He won all the matches for the entire next year. The fear of losing to his wife was gone and he was once again confident that he was stronger than Stephanie. Three months after giving birth to a girl, Stephanie decided it was time to get pregnant again. Without his consent they perfomed the drill flawlessly. Per Stephanies desire, this impregnation drill was performed yearly.


Thus Women Rule Over Men was pupulated. Stephanie never revelaed her secret to any other man or woman, but saved the videos under lock and key.


By the time Jada, Stephanie and Gary’s firstborn, turned 18, a school had been built and many families had come to Wrom to populate it. For the most part it was boys that filled the class roomss. Occasionaly, a girl would go to school, but this was a rare case. Of course Jada was one of them. The other girls typically spent their time learning how to maintain a home and family. But regardless of where a girl spent her day, they all spent their evenings perfoming the female rituals.


One day, Jada was asked to submit an analysis project. For no aparent reason she chose to analyze grades achieved by students. To her shock, despite being vastly outnumbered, she found that the few girls always out-scored boys in every subject for every semester. “This must be wrong! Boys are, and have always been, better, smarter and stronger than girls! It simply is the way it is.” She double checked the numbers, and got the same result. There had to be something wrong, but she didn’t know where. She aproached her mother Stephanie regarding this. Stephanie flushed red when she read the project and saw the results. “Was now the time?” she wondered. Stephanie tried to fudge the numbers and make the boys stats better, but Jada always found her mother’s ‘accidental’ error and came back to her. “Drat, my daughter is just too smart!” Stephanie aproached her daughter, “Girl, it’s time to show you something, but promise me you will NEVER share this information to anyone.” Jada promised as she was eager to learn more.


Stephanie told Jada’s teacher that Jada would be absent that day and waited for the Gary to go to work and for the boys to go to school. She sent the other girls out on chores. She escorted Jada down to the gym. There, she brought out some videos and an assortment of clothing. She instrcted Jada to sit down and watch the screen. Jada sat cross-legged with anticipation. This was a video of Mom and Dad. She watched as Mom and Dad had their regular arm-wrestling match. Of course Dad won. The next segment was of Mom coming down the stairs in a dress shorter than usual. Wow, was it short! It looked liked Dad noticed too! They bantered about if the dress was OK or not and finally started the arm-wrestling match. Shockingly, Mom won the first arm-wrestling match. Jada gasped in shock, but something in her loins stirred. The next scene was of Mom and Dad in the kitchen. Mom was visibly upset. She entered the kitchen wearing a top that was cut too low. Mom looked at Dad and then down at his crotch. “Mom, pause the film!” Stephanie did so. Jada revesred the film and noticed her Dad’s crotch actually grow! “Mom, Dad’s crotch is growing!” “Yes dear,”, Mom replied with comfort. “But why, Mom?” “Just watch, dear.”


Jada resumed watching and saw her Mom bounce back. They started another arm-wrestling match. This time Mom beat Dad twice! Shock covered Jada’s face, but there was that stirring again! “What is that?” Jada thought as she rubbed her crotch slightly. After losing twice to Mom, now Dad was the one who was upset.


The next segment showed Mom in an amazing outfit. It was short on top and at the bottom. Dad stormed into the room and was visibly angry, but he stopped mid-step when he saw Mom. His crotch instanly grew. He looked scared. They arm-wrestled again and to Jada’s shock and delight, Mom won all three times! Subcontiosly, Jada was rubbing her crotch area througout the competitions and rubbed more vigorously aftert Mom won. This did not go unnoticed by Mom.


“Jada, you may want to sit on the gymnastics horse for this next sceene.” Mom shggested. Jada moved and straddled the horse.


The film cut to a scene of Mom and Dad circling each other. Mom was wearing WHAT??? Every female curve was visible with that outfit! Dad was staring at the outfit and his crotch was humungous! Jada pointed and chuckled at that. She wached as Mom took Dad down. Jada started rocking back and forth on the horse. She watched as Mom made him admit that women are stronger, sexier and smarter than men. Jada was really rocking now. Jada watched her Mom pose over her Dad and then lay on him. Jada felt her jeans get wet. “Oh!” she exclamined. Mom smiled and noded with aproval. “Lesson learned”, Mom thought. “Jada look towards Mom with worry in her eyes. Mom assuerd her that all was OK.


“ So you see dear, not all is as it apears to be; especially concerning men’s superiority over women.” “Wow!” is all Jada could muster. “Yes, Wow is right! Now you know. And what are you going to do about it, Dear?” Jada thought about it and said, “Nothing, nothing at all. I will do nothing about it. I will tell no-one. Of course I will change the subject of my essay as well.” Mom winked at her. “Good girl!” Jada smiled. “By the way, Dad and I are going to wrestle tonight. Would you like to watch? Since you now know the truth I figuresd you would like to watch and maybe you’ll learn something.” “Would I? Of course I would!” Jada exclamined exctaically. “Come here dear,” directed Mom. “One last thing before you wash up and change. Here are clothes I made for you. They are labeled in what order to wear them should you ever chose to follow in my footsteps. Follow my advice, girl, and you will be a very happy woman!” “Yes, Mom.” Jada hugged her mom, gathered her new wardrobe and left to shower.



Gary came home and noticed that the house was quite empty. He only saw Jada sitting on the sofa. Jada looked up at her musculaer dad and grinned. “Wow, Mom beat that!”, she thought to herself. “Amazing!” Dad asked, “Where’s Mom, Jada?” “She’ll be back shortly. She’s finishing some errends.”


Mom came home and danced around the kitchen gleefully. “Why are you so happy and where are the rest of the kids?” asked Gary. “No reason and they are away for the evening.” Stephanie winked at Jada. “Ready to arm-wrestle, Dear? It’ll just be Jada observing tonight.” “Sure!” answered Gary. “I loved beating Mom,” he said while looking at his daughter. Jada just smiled. When Dad had his back turned Mom slipped out of her jumpper and stood before Gary. He froze and Jada giggled. Mom was wearing a red dress that revealed her beautiful breasts and smooth long legs. Jada watched in amazement as she saw her Dad’s crotch double in size. Stephanie escorted Dad to the living room. There Jada saw Mom demolish Dad at arm-wrestling all three times. Dad lay there in shock. Jada was excited. “You know we have to wrestle now, but tonight Jada’s gonna watch, so you better do you best!” Dad looked over at Jada with a look of horror. Jada waved and smiled back. Dad reddened.

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Stephanie told Dad that she’d meet him in the gym. He went downstairs slowly. Jada followed, smiling all the way. He entered the gym room and walked over to the weight bench to work out before his match. He tried to lift the weights, but was unabble to. He got up and checked them. “That’s odd. These weights are twice what I lift. I thought I replaced them for Stephanie.” He struggle to get the weight off the bar, but finally did. Then Stephanie walked in wearing a skimpy purple bra and panty. Gary stumbled back and dropped the weight. Jada walked over and said, “I got it Dad.” She then easily picked up the weight and put it back on the bar. Gary stared at his slim daughter in shock. “Honey, are you ready?” asked Stephanied as she turned on the recorder. Gary turned towards his wife; his eyes buldging. The match began. Jada sat on the gymnastics horse and subconsciously rocked back and forth. Mom had drove Dad to the grond in second and had him in a leg lock within a minute. Then Stephanie drew her husband’s head into her crotch. Jada wet herself.”Oh!” both women exclaimed simontenuously. Stephanie teased Gary a bit longer as a demonstration for Jada. She once again made Gary admint that women are stonger, sexier and smarter then men. Finaly Stephanie got up and performed the victory pose and was impregnated. Stephanie stood up and posed a victory stand again by placing her sexy foot on her husband’s errect penis and flexed. Jada clapped and Gary lay on the floor spent. Dad looked over at his eldest daughter Jada in shame while she smile back. “Don’t worry Dad, this won’t leave this room!” Somehow Gary believed her and felt some relief.

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The day for Jada to get married had arrived. The wedding of Jada to off-worlder Robert was spectacular.


Jada couldn’t wait to get impregnated. Stephanie noticed that Jada was a little too eager to leave the wedding party and called her aside. “Do you love Robert?” Stephanie asked Jada. “Of course I do!” Jada exclaimed. “Then respect and honor him 361 days of the first year of your marriage. And 364 there-after.” Jada looked at her quizzingly. “Honey, I sense you are anxious to become impregnated.” Jada’s eyes looked down in shame. “It’s alright to desire that, but wait a bit. Get used to him. Make him feel great! Love him, adore him, admire him! I mean, his muscles are awesome, aren’t they?” Jada blushed but nodded her head rapidly. “He thinks they are too!” At this Stephanie winked at her daughter. Jada smiled. “Go! Cherish this day; your wedding day! You have a lot of work ahead of you, Jada.”


Jada put her hands on her Mom’s and they hugged. Jada returned to the party and became the life of it. She actually lost the desire of becoming impregnated. Jada and Robert went to their new home and built it well. It wasn’t until 6 months into their marriage that she thought about having children. At the same time Robert told Jada that they would be moving back to Earth. Jada was shocked. She didn’t want to move back! She loved it on Wrom. How could she convince him to stay? She had an idea-


That evening, Robert came home happy as ever. Jada greeted him and kissed him warmly. She held his hands and told him that she had a surprise for him. “Wait in the living room, would you?” He granted her her wish. “Honey, close your eyes now.” Jada called from upstairs. Robert complied. Jada decended the stairs and stood before him. “You can open them now. Do you like?” Robert opened his eyes and stared at his wife. Well, he actually stared at his wife’s dress. “Those legs are beautiful.” Robert thought to himself while nodding eagerly. She had an idea. She turned around and bent over thus hiking the back of her dress up revealing even more of her gorgeous legs. “Does the back look OK too?” Being extremly flexible, she was able to bend over and look through her long legs. “Yup, his crotch is huge!” she thought to herself. She smiled. “Um, um yes!” he stammered. “Great!” She swung around which caused the dress to float up. His crotch got larger and Jada gigled even more. “Ready to arm-wrestle, Dear?”


The both lay down and raised their strong arm, he raised his left and she raised her right. They both giggled. He politely raised right arm and lowered his left one. Their hands clasps and she started waving her long legs back and forth. His eyes started following them. “Ready, set go!” Jada shouted. WHAM! She then passionately kissed him and whispered, “ Look down. I just won.” He looked down and saw his wife’s slender arm pinning his muscular arm to the floor. A look of shock crossed his face. “Oh, what just happened?” She giggled. “Remember, Dear, you must never let me win.” “Is she teasing me,” he wondered. “Again,” he said angrily. As they got ready for the next round Jada reminded him that if she ever won all three rounds they would have to wrestle. “Not knowing why, this struck fear in his heart.” He won the next two bouts and felt much better.



The following night came too quickly for Robert, but not soon enough for Jada. She had already picked her arm-wresling outfit that Mom gave her. It was a red blouse that had a low cut that revealed her breasts, especially when she lied down. Heeding Mom’s advice, Jada patiently waited for Robert to become distracted enough that she could silently aproach him. He was rumaging through the fridge when she silently went and stood in the kitchen’s doorway. As he started to turn around, she asked, “Have a good day, Dear?” Startled, he looked up. It wasn’t until he saw her that he dropped the milk. “Umm, yes.” he barely got out as he stared at his wifes breasts. She quickly check his crorch. Sure enogh, it was larger! She walked up to him and reached down to pick up the spilt milk. But as she did this, she reached out and slowly brushed her husband’s crotch. “Ohhhh,” he moaned. She smiled. “She picked up the carton and cleaned up the mess and turned to Robert and asked, “Are you ready to arm-wrestle your petite, little, wife?” He stared ar her breasts, “Uh-huh.” She escorted him to the living room. “Oh, please flex for me before we begin.” He was happy to comply. She really did love to see him flex. After a few minutes of flexing and admiring himself, he turned to his wife again and was caught off guard again by his wife’s dress revealing her breasts. She smiled as she said, “Let’s arm-wrestle.” After demolisheing her husband twice and having to bring his attention to his loss, he finallywon the last round.




That night, Robert lay in bed wondering how his wife had beaten him - twice now - at arm-wrestling. He couldn’t get the site of his wife’s breasts out of his mind. He finally fell asleep and dreamed about losing to his wife again. Jada lay next to him smiling; eagerly anticipating the events of the coming week.


The next evening Jada wore a blue dress, similar to the one she wore the first night she beat Robert, but the top came down much lower. This showed off her gorgeous breasts and her amazingly long smooth legs. After humliating Robert by crushing his massive, muscular arm to the floor three times she quietly reminded him, “You know that we need to wrestle now, don’t you?” His eyes widened. “Oh no!” He had forgot about that. He never, ever thought it would come to this. He looked at her with fear written all over his face. He tried to sound firm, but failed. “Yes,” he squeaked.”Well, to make this interesting, how about the winner decides if we move back to Earth or not?” This sugestion startled him. He weighed the odds of a frail woman like his wife beating him in a wrestling match and replied with confidance, “Sure! Winner decides if we leave Wrom or stay on it.” “Great!” Jada said delighted. “So when do you want to do this? Do you need a day or two to get ready?” Jada asked “Tomorrow’s fine.” He answered. “Tomorrow at 6 PM then.” Almost feeling sorry for Robert, she said, “Make sure you are ready to wrestle a girl.” But realized that it wouldn’t help. He had no idea what was in store for him.


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Robert thought about the fact that he had never wrestled a girl before. He figured it would be easy as he out-weighed her and out-muscled her. He spent the next day getting ready by working out a lot. He came home and relaxed. At 6 PM his wife called him down to the baesment. She had been lifting weights that day too. Robert decended the stairs anticipating a quick and easy win. Nothing could have prepared hime for what he saw when he entered the gym room. Jada stood there and the skimpiest outfit he had ever seen! It revealed every curve of her feminine body. He actually stopped breathing. “Yowzaa!” he thought to himself. “She is gorgeous!” Jada glanced down at his nice massive crotch and smiled as he couldn’t help but stare at hers. “Before we start, Dear, I have one other question. Do you know how babies can be made outside of a lab?” “What?” blurted out Robert. “There is no other way!” “OK, well, can we say that who ever figures out how babies are made outside of a lab first will be deemed smarter?” “Um, sure!” There’s no way she’ll ever figure that one out. Babies are only made in labs.” “Let’s rumble than!” she said as she raised her arms.


Well, the match happened as she expected. She destroyed him in the test of strength and demolished him with a variety of smotherings and straddles and let out several moans and shouts of ecstacy throughout the match. After making him admit that women are stronger than men, she, like her mother, posed a victory pose over the passed out Robert for the hidden camera. She then became preganant. As he came to, he found his gorgeous wife lying down on him and smiling at him. He found that errect penis was extrmly warm and looked down to find he was in his naked wife’s body. The look of confusion covered his face. “Shhhh. It’s OK Honey.” She said as she delicately touched his lips. “I just became preganant. That mean we’re going to have a baby outside of the lab. Now, do you admit that women are smarter than men?” Shock covered his face, but he finally admited that women are smarter than men. “Now to raise our child here on Wrom ' Women Ruling Over Men-” Robert relized with that last statement that they were no longer moving to Earth. His wife had won and proven that she was superior to him in every way. Jada smiled, got up and off of him, put on her bikini bottom and posed another victory pose. She flexed and kissed her tiny muscle. Robert just stared at his gorgoues wife and watched her leave the room after she removed the video tape from the hidden camera. He lay on the floor trying to comprehand what just happened, and how. He passed out thinking about it.

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