Brother verses Sister Combat XVII by Buzz Haywood Lauren Now the record reads: 368 matches, Lauren 362, Buzz 6. I've become a phenomenon in my sport. I've become extremely popular. However, I've done it at the expense of my brother. I'm happy that my big bro and I have been able to put our problems out of the way and once again became close. After agreeing not to wrestle each other again, we figured out the promoters had different ideas. And so, the matches have continued. Also the competitive rivalry with Drake and Alexis has continued. The Alcon siblings are tremendous athletes. The Thunder Hawks are still on the cuircuit and doing well for themselves. Lionel Klein and Lloyd Sanford certainly want to even things out with Alexis. Good-luck with that one, boys! Alexis has continued to get the better of both of you. Recently she wrestled Lionel in an I-Quit match, and Lionel did!! And his tag team partner Lloyd took her on in a loser eats dog food match. Alexis didn't eat any dog food that night. Look at her big bro, Drake... How many matches has he won against her? 0! I've wrestled that girl plenty of times to know how fantastic of a competitor she really is. I've beaten her and she's beaten me. I'm looking forward to getting back into the ring with her ASAP! Right now I'm the number one ranked woman in the wrestling cuircuit. Alexis Alcon is number two and she'd love to take my spot. But it's Buzz, my big brother who I worry about. No, not about beating him, because I already own 362 wins out of our 368 matches. The six wins he managed to get were not decisive ones. But who care's? They never ask you how you won or by how much, only if you won. And I am glad he got something. I know it's not easy on him always losing and getting totally dominated by your younger sister. So I hope for success for him because he deserves it. And he did obtain it. My wishes came true for him. Recently Buzz won the Herritage Title. He won it from Smasher Bane. It's been three weeks and he's been a successful champion thus far. Because of the history with the Haywoods and the Alcons, a promoter wants to schedule a fatal four way match between the four of us. Another promoter suggested to make it elimination rules to the match. So, three will be eliminated and only one of us will be left standing. We've all agreed to the match. Now that Buzz is the Herritage Champion, he'd better look out, word around town is Pitman Pyke is coming to our cuircut. He's had 578 matches and is undefeated. No one was willing to put their titles on the line against him in his previous area. And when they were forced into it, the champions constantly got themselves disqualified. With Pyke around, no title is safe. Anyhow, Buzz now has our fatal four way match to concern with. Lucky for him his title is not on the line. Hey, in the ring it's every sibling for themselves! I'd like to thank my fans for their continued support. Randal, you've been great. Annie, you're a good friend and Buzz loves you. I'll see you all at the matches.