Brother verses Sister Combat XVIII by Buzz Haywood Fatal Four Way Lauren vs. Buzz vs. Drake vs. Alexis Now the record reads: 388 matches, Lauren 382, Buzz 6. It was now time for the long anticipated fatal four way match. I was now the Heritage Champion. I know Lauren now owns twenty extra wins against me, but those were in tag team matches and elimination matches where she pinned me. The undefeated 618-0 Pitman Pyke was still in town and already had his sights set on me and my title. But that would have to wait until another time. I had a fatal four way elimination match to prepare for. All four of us shook hands in the back in a form of sportsmanship. "I suppose tonight we'll find out which one of us truly is the best," Drake said. "We've certainly came a long way in our competitive rivalry," Alexis added. "It's been a great ride," Lauren replied. "All three of you are the greatest athletes I've ever competed against," I proudly stated. We had a group hug, then it was off to the intro-tunnel. My ring music hit. I was proud to be introduced as the Heritage Champion. It was even nicer to see I was finally starting to have a fan-base growing. Now Drake made his way into the ring. Drake deffinately has his fans. No doubt about that. Next, his sister, Alexis, was announced. She is beautiful and extremely attractive. As well as tough and dangerous, and I should know. After all, she kicked my ass enough times. Not as many times as Lauren. Speaking of which, my tough, talented, beautiful sister, Lauren, was now introduced into the ring. Of course, our respective sisters had the much larger fan base. The bell rang. We all charged at each other. Drake and I went at it while Lauren and Alexis tangled. The referee reminded us only two in the ring at once. So, me and Drake stepped out and allowed our tough younger sisters to continue grappling. The girls put on a wrestling clinic in there. So many suplexes and reversals. And drop kicks galore. When Alexis came closer to me, I gave her the blind tag. So now it was Lauren and me again. She gave me a series of vicious arm drags. She hit me with a super kick, but Drake gave her a blind tag. Drake quickly covered me, but I kicked out at two. We then put on a wrestling clinic of our own. Ten minutes went by and still no eliminations. Drake tagged out to Alexis. She chopped me hard across the chest over and over and over again. My chest was red and tatooed by her hand prints. Now 15 minutes had gone by. Alexis tagged Lauren. She threw me out of the ring and then climbed the top rope and axe-handled me. After throwing me into the post she threw me back into the ring. She climbed back to the top rop and hit me square in the chest with a flying elbow drop. Then she pinned me. One... Two... Th- Shoulder up! Lauren was surprised. The crowd was shocked. So, she pinned me again, this time hooking the leg. I got the other shoulder up this time. She tagged Drake. He pinned me, but I kicked out. Drake tossed me into the ropes and went for a clothesline, but I ducked, then I got him with one of my own. At this point, 20 minutes had gone by. I tagged out to Alexis. Annie and Randal were watching from front row ringside. Brother and sister slugged it out. Before we knew it, the lights went out for Drake as Alexis hit him with a misstle drop kick and pinned him for a three count at the 24:48 mark. Lauren entered the ring next. Drake was helped to the back. The girls fought tooth and nail. I saw glimpses of all the greats while Lauren and Alexis wrestled it out. I noticed Madusa, Sherri Martel, Susan Sexton, Wendy Richter, and Fabulous Moohla in there. And I can't forget about the Jumping Bomb Angels. I saw glimpses of them, too. The match had reached the 30 minute point. Alexis tagged me in. After a minute I tagged Alexis back in. Then Lauren tagged me back in after a minute. Alexis gave me a German suplex. One... Two... Th... Kick out! I don't believe it. I thought I was done for. After she monkey-flipped me across the ring I found a way to tag out to Lauren. After a hurricanrana, Lauren pinned Alexis. One... Two... Three! At the 39:58 mark. Now it was down to only me and Lauren. Right off the bat Lauren began wrestling like Luna Vachon and Ivory while I was wrestling like Dusty Wolfe and Mario Mancini. Lauren got me with a DDT. 1-2- kick out. Then she got me with another DDT. Another pin. This time I got my shoulder up. Lauren then used a swinging neck-breaker on me and grapevined my leg. Again I escaped. Then she applied a figure four leg lock on me. The referee asked me if I wanted to submit. I said no. The match was 50 minutes old now. I kept struggling. But I couldn't break free. My shoulders were suddenly down. The ref counted, but I managed to get my shoulder up at two and a half. I attempted to reverse it, but didn't have the strength. I needed to find that inner strength inside of me. Then I finally was able to turn it over. The ref looked at Lauren and asked if she wanted to concede and of course she said no. But then Lauren was the one to turn it around. I knew I needed to reach for the ropes. So I tried and struggled. I kept inching and inching towards it. Couldn't grab it. Suddenly, we both heard the bell. I didn't submit! "Buzz, did you tap?" asked Lauren. "No Lauren, I didn't," I responded. The referee was talking to the ring announcer. "Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has informed me that the one hour time limit has expired, and he declares this match a draw," said the ring announcer. Suddenly the promoter approached the ring. "There must be a winner, let's give them five more minutes," he said. So that did it. The match would continue. The bell had rung. She charged at me. And it was at full force. Lauren suplexed me and went for a pin. I was able to roll out of it. She then leg dropped me and pinned me again. 1-2... Shoulder up. Then she gave me a piledriver. Again she pinned me. 1... 2... I put my foot on the rope. Lauren then put me in a Boston crab. She brought me straight to the middle of the ring while she still had me trapped in the hold. I was about to go out. I couldn't respond to the ref. I could no longer move my hands to tap. Suddenly the bell rang. The time limit expired yet again. Boy, I was relieved. But again, the promoter insisted they're had to be a winner. Great! So the bell rang again. Lauren clotheslined me right away. Then she hit me with a senton. Then she elbow dropped me. Next, she pinned me and hooked both legs. 1-2-3! Now the record reads: 389 matches, Lauren 383, Buzz 6. After one hour, seven minutes, and 34 seconds, Lauren had won the fatal four way match.