Ange: Ange sat at the end of the bed, facing away from me, looking into the full length wall mirror. It was 6am and I was just opening my eyes to the new day. Not knowing I was awake she balled her fists and purposefully dug them into her waist and slowly, slowly, slowly opened up and flexed her huge back, thick with muscle built over 22 years dedication to serious bodybuilding. Ange was 5ft 7ins, but so packed with muscle that her presence in a room was more like 6ft 7ins. All I could see was her orange-sized traps, which always stood to attention, (also exactly as hard as a ripe orange) not so much 'running-into' as brutally colliding with shockingly large delts any male bodybuilder would kill for. What really left any onlooker stunned though (and this morning I was lucky enough to be that onlooker) was the pure brutal size of her back. As she flexed (and flexed and flexed...) her thick, cut lats spread wider and wider and wider. I seemed to be watching for minutes, maybe hours as her back grew bigger and thicker taking on inhuman proportions. But Ange was human alright. She allowed herself a smile in the mirror, an acknowledgement of the pride and satisfaction she felt in the body she had built up and carved out in gyms all over the world making her one of the world's top bodybuilders. To many she was THE world's top bodybuilder, unfortunately not to the non-committal judges at the Ms Universal #^#" recognised throughout the sport as the top bodybuilding show on the planet. Ange had competed many times. Her first show was in 1993, five years after she first picked up a weight. Like many girls she started 'training' to lose a bit of tummy fat and hated it at first. But she was a determined girl and just three months later she started to notice how firm her arms were, that she seemed to have sprouted a pair of 'shoulders' where previously there had been skin and bone and that her legs were way more shapley. And all this pleased her #^#" but not as much as what was happening with her poundages. She was starting to feel strong. Every week the weights she was using got easier, so she upped them. Pretty soon she was curling as much as all but the biggest boys #^#" and that pleased her even more. No, it didn't please her, she LOVED it! Soon everything in her life seemed to pale into insignificance beside the desire, the need, to pack on as much muscle as possible. The boys called it 'getting huge' and she loved it! She would wake up and hit the egg whites and oatmeal, pack her meals and think of nothing but muscle, muscle, muscle. Her handbag was rammed full of female bodybuilding magazines, her fridge plastered with pictures of the really big girls, the fearless ones, the ones determined to see how freakishly far they could take their bodies #^#" Vicky Gates, Christine Envall, Iris, and of course ******. Only she wanted to push her body further. Ange's dream was to step on stage with the men. And she would not stop until she flexed 21" arms (the same as Arnold at his peak) 30" quads and back wide enough to land a light aircraft on. Back in 1993 she hit the stage at a lean 138lbs. But even then she shocked her friends and family who had never seen a woman with such a hard muscular body. And she loved that shock. It drove her on to go lift heavier and heavier #^#" no matter the pain. The results, she knew, were never in dispute... all she needed was time. And here we were in 2010. Ange weighed in at 206LBS and she looked magnificent. Some bodybuilders were happy to work the off-season/on-season cycle but not Ange, she rarely let her bodyfat creep above 10% and was currently boasting an incredible 6%. I knew that not all men dug ladies who lifted ... though I knew it was way more than would admit it ... but I did ... and Ange was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. No, scratch that, Ange was the most beautiful woman I could even conceive of. And here she was flexing and yawning in the early morning sunlight, at the end of my bed, completely naked.