Wendy vs. Sarah By WS2003 Wendy takes on a new wrestler.   This is part 91 in a series of wrestling stories.  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need a link to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.   With all of the wrestlers that have been injured lately, the commissioner has decided to add a few new faces to the league.  One of the new girls, Sarah, will be wrestling against Wendy tonight.  Sarah is a young, 23 year old blond.  She is 5'6" and weighs 127 pounds.   The rules for tonight's match between Wendy and Sarah are announced.  It will be a one fall match.  Outside interference is not allowed.  There are no other rules.  The arena is packed and ready to see Wendy's first fight after destroying Amanda and stealing her boots.   Wendy is the first girl to appear on the ramp.  She is wearing a black thong, a black bra and red high-heeled boots.  The crowd cheers as she struts to the ring.  She waves at the fans and then slides into the ring.  Next Sarah walks out from behind the curtain.  She is wearing some black string bikini panties and a red bra, which hold her large D cups perfectly.  Her long blond hair goes half way down her back.  As she starts toward the ring she gets many whistles and cheers.  Wow, Sarah is really hot.  The crowd is really cheering her on.  Sarah flashes an amazing smile as she heads toward the ring.  I don't think any new wrestler has gotten the amount of cheers Sarah is getting since Amanda started in the league a little over 5 years ago.  Sarah slides into the ring and waves to the cheering crowd.   Wendy watches her and she is getting pissed off.  This was supposed to be her time in the spotlight.  She completely destroyed Amanda...she has the red boots...and now this new wrestler is stealing her thunder.  Wendy has had enough and rushes across the ring.  Sarah turns around just as Wendy arrives.  Wendy sticks out her arm and clotheslines the blond beauty.  Sarah falls to the mat with the wind knocked out of her.  Wendy raises her boot and drives it deep into Sarah's belly.  Sarah rolls to her side to cover up and Wendy grabs her long blond hair.  She yanks up, forcing Sarah to her feet.  Wendy quickly scoops her up and then bodyslams her down in the middle of the ring.  Sarah lets out a groan and arches her back.  Wendy then flips Sarah on to her stomach.  Wendy then plants her right boot down on Sarah's back.  She reaches down and grabs Sarah's arms and yanks back, putting the young blond in a surfboard hold...   Sarah kicks the mat with her bare feet as Wendy increases the pressure.  Wendy's skills in the ring seem to be improving with each match.  She keeps up the pressure on Sarah's back.  The blond is moaning in pain but there is no way for her to break the hold.  Wendy finally releases the hold.  Sarah rolls to her side and places one hand on her back.  Wendy grabs a handful of Sarah's long blond hair and pulls Sarah to her feet.  She brings her over to the nearest corner and then slams her head down on the turnbuckle.  Wendy pushes Sarah against the corner and then takes her fist and drives five solid punches into Sarah's kidneys.  Sarah cries out in pain with each hit.  Wendy then pulls Sarah away from the corner and to the middle of the ring.  She grabs Sarah and starts running with her back to the corner.  As they near, Wendy bends Sarah forward and sends her between the top and middle rope.  Sarah's head hits the corner post and she lets out a loud groan as she falls to the mat on her back.  Sarah places her hands on her ringing head...   Wendy then slides out of the ring and moves to the corner.  She reaches inside the ring and grabs Sarah's ankles.  She places her boot on the corner for leverage, then yanks back hard on Sarah's ankles...driving her crotch right into the hard metal pole!  Sarah sits up and screams in pain.  Her upper body drops back to the mat as she places her hands on her sore crotch.  Wendy grabs Sarah's right leg.  She pulls it away from the pole and then brings it back, smashing Sarah's right knee into the pole.  Sarah howls in pain as her knee hits the metal.  Wendy repeats this move two more times.  Sarah cries out in pain as her knee is hurting.  Wendy now climbs up on to the ring apron.  She climbs up the corner.  She turns around and then jumps off the corner...bringing her boots right down on Sarah's belly.  The air shoots out of Sarah's lungs as her face contorts in pain...   Wendy steps off Sarahâ^À^Ùs belly and then reaches down and grabs her long blond hair.  She yanks Sarah to her feet.  Wendy unhooks Sarah's red bra and slides it off her shoulders.  The crowd roars as they see Sarah's large, perfect breasts. Before Sarah can react, Wendy uses the bra and wraps it around Sarah's throat, choking her.  Sarah gasps for air as Wendy increases the pressure.  Sarah struggles to get her hands under the bra to stop the choke.  Wendy yanks back a bit and Sarah's right knee gives out.  She struggles to remain on her feet just using her left leg.  Wendy continues choking her, trying to take the life right out of the young beauty.  Sarah is getting weaker.  Finally Wendy releases the bra, and Sarah frantically sucks in air...   Wendy remains behind Sarah.  Then Wendy grabs Sarah around her waist and lifts her up.  She moves forward toward the corner, placing Sarah's legs over the top rope.  She moves her hands around Sarah and grabs Sarah's bare feet and hooks them under the cable.  Wendy then pulls on Sarah's blond hair and lets go.  Sarah's body falls back and her back hits the middle turnbuckle.  Her body remains suspended upside down facing the middle of the ring in the corner, with her feet locked under the corner cable.  Sarah lets out a groan as she tries to get her bearings.  Wendy then sends a hard kick with her red boot into Sarah's belly.  Sarah moans in pain.  She starts to raise her hands to protect her belly but Wendy delivers another hard kick to the same spot and Sarah's arms fall back down.  Wendy sends a few more kicks into Sarah's belly with her boot.  Sarah is really hurting and is in trouble...   Wendy uses her boot to drive a few more kicks into Sarahâ^À^Ùs already sore belly.  Then Wendy moves toward her. She climbs up to the second rope.  She lifts her right leg and then drives the heel of her boot down into Sarahâ^À^Ùs vulnerable crotch.  â^À^ÜAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!â^À^Ý Sarah screams in pain.  Wendy smiles and sends another hard stomp into Sarahâ^À^Ùs pussy.  Sarah lets out another pain-filled scream.  Sarahâ^À^Ùs panties offer basically no protection as Wendy delivers another stomp.  Sarah is really hurting.  Wendy drivers her heel into Sarahâ^À^Ùs pussy one last time.  She then jumps off the turnbuckle, but as she does she sends her elbow down right between Sarahâ^À^Ùs legs.  Sarah lets out another shriek as her legs finally become dislodged and she falls to the mat.  She buries her hands between her legs as she rolls back and forth on the mat moaning in painâ^À¦   Wendy grabs Sarah by the hair and pulls her to her feet.  Sarah's hands are still buried in her crotch as she stands on wobbly legs. Wendy reaches her arms around Sarah and locks in a tight bearhug.  Sarah's arms are trapped at her sides as Wendy starts to squeeze, digging her fists into Sarah's lower back.  Sarah lets out a few moans as Wendy continues to apply pressure.  Then Wendy lefts Sarah off the mat, keeping her in the bearhug.  Sarah groans in pain as her head rolls back.  Wendy tightens the hold as she grits her teeth.  She gives a couple more hard squeezes.  Then she starts to drop Sarah, but as she does, she extends her knee.  Sarah's crotch lands on Wendy's knee and Sarah shrieks in pain as she falls to the mat.  She holds her sore crotch once again.  Wendy gives Sarah a few kicks with her boot, sending her under the bottom rope and out of the ring...   Wendy slides out of the ring after her, ready to dish out more punishment.  Sarah is on the floor and Wendy comes over and scoops her up.  She then bodyslams her down on the cement floor.  Sarah moans in pain and arches her back.  Wendy scoops Sarah up again.  This time she carries her toward the metal ring stairs.  She then releases her, dropping her lower back right on the edge of the steps.  Sarah crumples to the floor groaning in pain.  Wendy leaves Sarah lie there as she comes over to our table.  She grabs the ring bell and smiles at the commissioner.  She then turns and heads back toward Sarah.  Sarah is starting to push herself up and is on all fours.  Wendy stands there, waiting for her to get up.  Sarah grabs the ring apron and pulls herself up.  Wendy raises the ring bell.  Sarah turns around and Wendy brings the ring bell down, smashing it on Sarah's forehead...   Sarah collapses on the floor.  This should be it fans.  Looks like Sarah's first match will end in a disaster.  Wendy sets the ring bell down.  Wendy then reaches down and scoops Sarah up.  What is she doing now?  Wendy walks over to our table and sets the barely conscious blond down right in front of us.  There is a nasty gash on Sarah's forehead and blood is running into her beautiful blond hair.  Wendy then heads toward the crowd.  The commissioner looks at Sarah with concern.  Sarah is mostly out of it.  Her only movement is the rise and fall of her belly.  The commissioner is just staring at the young girl.  Finally Wendy comes back with a folding metal chair.  The commissioner sees Wendy approach and says, "Wendy, she has had enough.  Just enter the ring and have the ref count her out."  Wendy barks back, "What, you are having some sympathy for her?  Don't let your feelings get in the way commissioner...remember this is a no interference match."   Wendy then reaches down and slides her hands into Sarah's black panties and says, "Time to wake up little blondie."  Wendy grabs Sarah's pubic hair and starts to pulls.  Soon Sarah's eyes start to open as she lets out a yelp.  She starts to lower her hands but Wendy releases her hair and then pushes both of her arms away.  Wendy grabs the chair and raises it up.  She then drives the top of the chair down into Sarah's bare belly.  Sarah lets out a loud groan as the air rushes from her lungs.  Wendy raises the chair and then smashes it down on Sarah's belly again.  Sarah's face contorts in pain.  Sarah's belly is very firm, but she does not have very strong ab muscles.  Wendy continues to destroy her belly, driving the top of the chair down over and over and over and over.  Sarah is just about out of it now.  Her moaning is very shallow as she lies there, unable to defend herself from Wendy's vicious attacks.  Wendy drives the chair down into Sarah's belly a few more times as the crowd cheers here on...   Wendy then turns the chair and raises it above Sarah's crotch.  The commissioner says, "No Wendy, please don't do it."  Wendy smiles wickedly back at the commissioner.  She then jumps up in the air and brings the edge of the chair smashing down on Sarah's crotch.  Sarah lets out a deafening scream.  Her body rolls off the table and crumples to the floor.  Her hands go to her throbbing crotch as she lies on the floor in front of our table.  Wendy throws the chair aside.  She raises her boot and slams a kick into Sarah's head.  Then Wendy walks toward the ring.  She slides in and tells the ref to count.  He starts 1...2...3... He should have no trouble reaching 20.  Sarah is in major pain and she has barely moved.  The ref continues...9...10...11...the crowd cheers Wendy as it appears she has an easy victory.  Wendy parades around the ring with her hands raised high as the ref finishes...19...20!  Wendy is the winner.  Wendy slides out of the ring and walks back up the ramp as the crowd cheers her on...   The commissioner quickly moves around the table and bends down next to Sarah.  After a few seconds he helps her up.  Sarah almost falls over but he grabs her.  The commissioner puts his arm around her and says, "Let me help you back to your locker room."  She places her arm around him and the two of them walk back up the ramp...     The end.      Please send any comments or suggestions to: wrestlingstuff2003@yahoo.com