The organization By Jessica Justice I have been wrestling in this organization for a little over two years. its been pretty fun, and the matches are usually exciting. The organization was made by Kristen Wilson and Tori Sinclaire. They are succesful buisnesswomen who like watching men wrestle. And they felt a need to have a league which caters to similar women. All of our matches are attended by strictly women. They make no qualms about what they want to see. they want to see handsome muscuar men scantilly clad, wrestling real , yet tame matches. we dont do all the fake stuff and the high flying acrobatics. we dont punch, use weapons, pull hair, or try to hurt the other wrestler. We wrestle on a huge pink rubber mat. It has a white cicrle on it. It is surrounded by bleachers on each side, and matches are usually watched by between 120- 140 women. There is a woman referee for each bout. As well as 4 women camera men. A woman time keeper, bell ringer. And each wrestler is managed by a woman who cheers him on. Some of the matches are oil matches. in this case, the men are oiled up by 3 women. This takes around 3 minutes and is quite arousing. The men arent grouped into good guy, bad guy theme, but more according to their country. There are twenty five guys in our league. they have been hand selected. there are five of us from the united states. there are five from African countries which form a team, Then 5 fom Jamaica and the carribbean which form a team, then five from latin countries, which form a team. I am the captain of the American team. In the standings , we are dead Africa is first, team caribbean is second , and team Latin America is third. We have our wardrobes all the same. it is a super thin pair of silky unlined wrestling briefs. Each wrestler has a flag of his country embroidered on his trunks. we also wear a pair of knee pads and wrestling boots to match our trunks. Africa wears gold. Latin America wears silver, Caribbean wears lime green, and team usa wears baby pink. The trunks leave very little to the imagination. they are soft, silky , skimpy, and shiny. The women seem to like them alot. The matches are for 5 second pins, and you must be pinned 3 times . When the match is over, the victor gets his hand raised in the middle of the mat. and the women applaud and whistle. I have a match tonight. I am pretty excited, because my girlfriend is watching tonight. she always wanted to see what I did, and now shes making time. Tonight we are wrestling team africa. we are four mathces into it and they are beating us 4-0. I admire my taut muscular body in the mirror. I slip on my wrestling briefs and instantly grow to half mast. I admire my bulge straining against the thin pink lycra fabric bikini brief.I see the flag on my tones shiny ass and read the words USA with a little number 1 sign. i slip into my light pink knee pads and stretch a little. I have a tough match tonight agains a dark skinned musclular man from Nigeria. It is a ligtly oiled match. he has pinned me in our mud match, whip cream match regular match and ky jelly match. Now I will test my luck against him in a warm baby oil match. I am a little worried. my opponent is openly gay. he is also very strong. He likes the matches to be competitive. each time I have faced him, I have been pinned and been hard the whole match. He has warned me, that if I get hard this match, he will make me pay for it. I have my tightest fitting sexiest silky baby pink wrestling bikini on, in hopes it will make him hard, and he will understand, and go lightly on me. It has been a popular trend in our league, that the white guys are getting hard, and etting pinned almost every match. we are dead last. Thee women know this but cheer for us anyway. As the match grows nearer and nearer, I am rowing increasingly aroused. I look out in the crowd, and see about 150 hot looking buisnesswomen , including my sexy fiance. As I make my way into the arena, All the women are chanting USA USA USA, at the tops of their lungs to support me. I really dont want to let them down. I will try my best to pin my opponent and please my fans. although it will be no easy task. he is quick, and aggressive, and incredibly strong.I definately have my work cut out for me. I disrobe, and show off my 9 inch , thick shaft. it is bulging and staining at its thin silky encasing. Then my opponent is announced. he also gets a very warm applause. he disrobes, and his gold briefs are also straining but not a boner, just a good 10 inch long thick shaft. he is well equipped, and as muscular and dark as ever. We are called to the center of the mat, and six women come to the middle of the mat all with a bootle of hot baby oil. They are dressed in bikinis, and are really hot. the oil girls, also get paid by the organization. Then the tall brunette beautiful referee comes to the mats. She reads us the rules as we get oiled. I am so into it. These girls get me so hard, I am ready to cum in my bikini. It is such a sensual oil up before a match. I am on the brink of orgasm. At the same time the referree does a serious weapons search, and her hand grazes over my rock hard shaft several times. USA USA USA, all the wome are still chanting. My pink bikini couldnt possibly be any more strained. My cock is rock hard and straight up. I am in a state of euphoria. And then without warning. the women leave at once. I hear a sultry voice give the command. "Wrestle". And the the bell. Ding ding ding. Now its just me and my silky pink wrestling panties against my muscular ebony opponent The goregous lady fans are all on their feet no, chanting usa usa usa. We have not won a match all night. I circle my muscular black opponent cautiously. Then we lock up. I am completely overpowered and wrestled to my back instantly. The oil helps me to keep from getting pinned. He holds me down for several seconds and then I slither away. I hear all the women cheering as the pace quickens. Thank goodness for the oil, or else I would have been pinned easy. I hear my girlfriend yelling encouragement. Come on baby, you could pin him, with desperation in her voice. I escape his cluthches again and roll away and try to keep my distance, but he comes after me quickly. I am not quite ready to wrestle and try to escape. but he catches me, and again we strullgle. hE grabs ahold of my silky pink bikini, and has a firm grip on it at the waistband. we wrestle on our knees, and he keeps one hand gripping my bikini so I dont try to run again. My cock is still rock hard, maybe from getting oiled up, maybe the body contact of our oil match. I dont know. I just knoww that he is dangerously close to grabbing it. As I struggle in his grip, and slip all over the place, my silky bikini creeps up my ass. partly natural, and partly from him pulling on it. This guy really likes using my bikini to his advantage, and its working. We wrestle some more, and his strength and speed are just too much for me. I am really relying on the oil to slither out of his holds. I try to get to my tummy to avoid being pinned. But with a little more struggle, I am rolled onto my back. I slither and squirm and buck, trying to avoid being pinned. I hear my girlfriends excited and desperate voice, yell out" Oh no baby" dont let him pin you. ' DONT LET HIM PIN YOU. I slither again, and try to escape. Dont let him pin you honey. Come on baby. dont let him pin you. I struggle feverishly. But then, I feel those strong black arms grab hold of my wrists. his strong black legs wrap around mine, and his gold bikini slides into position over my pink one. I am pinned firmly to the mat, and now, the oil will not help. I am well on my way to getting ppinned. I hear all the ladies in the audience chanting usa usa, I hear my fiance, say 1 more pleading " Come on baby, dont let him pin you, and I hear the beautiful reffs sultry voice in my ear, saying 1,2,3,4,5 , as she slaps the mat.I am pinned. We are raised to our feet, and my opponent and I are placed side by side. His hand is raised, and we bow to the crowd. kRISTEN MAKES THE ANNOUNCEMENT that team AFrica will be awarded an additional 10 points because Mikaael has now pinned the us captain in a regular match, a mud match, a whipped cream match, a ky match and now in a hot oil match. I have been unable to pin him at all. I put my hands on my kneepads in a shameless attempt to cover my rock hard cock. I try to control it, but theree is no use. I have to wrestle hard. Its a fact of life. And now getting oiled up, I am on the brink of orgasm. The new oil girl whispers in my ear.. " Looks like you met your match sweetie.Again I am interrupted from my orgasm By the word. wrestle. ding ding ding. And again The ladies all chant usa usa usa. and again I am outwrestled and pinned. nO BIG surprise. But then he rolled me up, and got behing me, he said, I told you about your boner, and now you will pay. I felt his left arm wrap around me, and hold both of my harms helpless. he wrapped his legs around mine and spread them out. I was totally helpless, and had no idea what he was doing. He held me there in complete control. I then felt his hand slide down my leg, and grab at my wrestling briefs. oh no, i thought. He started caressing my hard cock through the fabric. I beged, please, no. please. all the women in the audience stopped their cheering . it was dead quiet. they were all staring down at us. mouths wide open, with very concerned and horny looks on their face. my girlfriend was sittin, watching me get molested, and was enjoyiing it immensely, I LATER found out. Then, I felt his strong black hand rip my bikini right open. My cock sprung free, and stood at full attention. All the women watched quietly and intently. I was so helpless. I then felt his warm oily hand wrap around my cock. Oh no. I tried all I could to fight it. but it was a fuitile attempt. He started stroking my cock up and down quickly with his oily hand. I tried to resist it feeling good.How could it feel so damn good. the ref was watching really close. So were all the women in the stands. Oh my, I am gonna have an orgasm. I cant. Im a straihgt hetero. but damn. oh my. gosh, all this fine sexy pussy here, and I AM GONNA CUM LIKE THIS. he pumped faster and faster, and then , oh my. gosh no, oh PLease, no. well, yes. ok yes. oh GAWD yes. and then a huge spurting orgas, all over my tanned abs. ding ding ding. chalk it up as another loss for team usa. Im sure kristen will get a good 100 bucks a tape for todays episode.I look up into the stands at my girlfriend, and I cant believe it. she is clapping. And my opponents hand is raised in victory to a delighted white female audience who now happily has watched all their white boys outwrestled and pinned again. team usa lost all of our matches tonight. It always happens when we meet africa, or caribbean. these are the busiest nights, and when the ladies are polled, their favorite nights. I walk back to the dressing room through the crowd of horny buisnesswomen. My butt and cock are grazed continually, and I am shamelessly flirted with by women from 21-50. I think my girlfriend may be upset. I quickly dress and take her back home. Surprisingly she is very horny, and wants me right when we get through the door. She orders me to put on my pink bikini, and strokes me hard through it. She asks alot of questions about my match. she tels me that she was soooo wet when I wrestled. she said it was so erotic for her to watch me in my little pink silky bikini to get outwrestled and pinned by that muscular black guy. she wasnt mad that I lost. she said that excited her even more. she knew that I didnt have a chance. she knew that every one of mypartners were gonna get pinned. she said all the white women knew that. they were talking about it before the matches even started. And believe me, every last one of them were wet she said. she continued stroking my cock through the pink silky fabric,and asked me more and more about my match. When she was satisfied, she pulled down her panties , and mine, and took my thich, long hard shaft inside her sopping wet, hot vagina. she wrestled me onto my back, and pinned me as she rode my cock to a massive orgasm for each of us.