Tara vs. Michael: The emails by Raxx   Author's preface: Following "Outtakes from the Tara Trilogy", which contains detailed information of my wrestling matches with Tara that I couldn't fit into the original "Tara Trilogy", I present actual email exchanges I had with Tara during the early weeks of our wrestling contests. I'm amazed to find that I actually saved these emails, but part of me isn't all that surprised because the experience of getting beat by Tara was both devastating and strangely obsessive. I couldn't believe what was going on and keeping these emails was a reminder that it was in fact, a reality I lived with for nearly a year.   These emails are real and the story behind them is true. You can search for "The Tara Trilogy" and "Outtakes from the Tara Trilogy" for the full story, and as always I welcome questions or comments: kraxxll@yahoo.com   Fr: Michael To: Tara Subject: You don't think you actually beat me, right?   Hey Tara,   I know this seems a little silly to mention, but just so we're clear on this--the other night when we "wrestled", I hope you don't think that you actually beat me. I mean, for one thing, I was just kind of fooling around and obviously not trying very hard. I know you tripped me to the floor that one time, but we both know that had more to do with me being pretty drunk than anything else. Just kind of making sure so there's no mis-understanding, because, it goes without saying that if we had a real wrestling match, I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: You don't think you actually beat me, right?   As if.   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: Re: Re: You don't think you actually beat me, right?   OK, well, now you've basically forced my hand so, here it is: I challenge you to a wrestling match.  A real one this time. Let's see if you're as good at wrestling as you are at smack talk.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: Re: Re: You don't think you actually beat me, right?     So....how's that bruised male ego (and body) feeling today? ;-)   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: Re-match   Alright, Tara. Even a girl can get lucky once. I admit I don't know how you did it, but you beat me. Now I want a re-match. Whatever tricks you pulled won't work this time. I'm ready when you are.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: Re-match   I think you should give yourself some time to heal up. You had a pretty nasty carpet burn on your side from that wrist throw I nailed you with. Not to mention the psychological trauma of getting whupped by a 110-pound girl ;-) Think about it while you lick your wounds...you'll probably decide it's smarter to quit while you're behind.   T   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: Re: Re: Re-match   I don't need any time. I'm fine--body and mind--and you're obviously stalling b/c you know you got lucky and you're afraid of giving me another shot. I can be at your place in 15 minutes...unless you're scared.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re-match   *Sigh*...whatever, Michael. If you feel like getting your ass handed to you again, it's your choice. Facing you in a wrestling match is about as scary as petting a bunny rabbit.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Nothing to say?   So funny I didn't get an email from you today, Michael. I wonder why? I mean, I know I threw you to the floor a bunch of times and twisted you around like a pretzel, but I'm pretty sure I didn't break any of your fingers, so you should be able to type OK. Are you having trouble coming up with another excuse for losing to a girl you out-weigh by, like, 50 pounds? Were you not trying hard again?....no, that can't be it, b/c b4 the match you said "no mercy", and then repeated it again when I laughed in your face. Did U forget to take your man-vitamin yesterday? Or maybe you were just a little weak b/c you didn't have a big breakfast--it's the most important meal of the day you know!   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: Re: Nothing to say?   Laugh while you can, Tara. I'm not happy about losing to you again, but I know this: I'm bigger than you, I'm stronger than you and I'm faster than you, and the next time we wrestle, so help me, I'm going to kick your ass so bad you'll wish you never wrote those words. I do not accept this. I WILL beat you. And yes, you can consider this a formal challenge.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: Re: Nothing to say?   Oooooh, a "formal" challenge. I'm so scared, Michael. I'm just quaking in my boots. I won't waste too much time on your latest self-delusional message...I guess if you keep telling yourself you will beat me maybe you'll come to believe it. But I will address some of the "points" you made: 1) Yes, Michael, you are bigger than me. That should only make you more embarrassed that I kicked your ass. 2) "Stronger" than me? I guess, technically, b4 the match starts, you are. But guess what, Michael? By the middle of the match--and def. by the end--I am SO much stronger than you. You are sucking wind, hardly able to stand up straight after I've thrown you over and over, and when we go into a mercy wrestle, I'm easily able to overpower you. Why do U think it's so easy for me to get control of your wrist for those throws that lift U off your feet? One piece of advice, Michael: Work on your conditioning. If you can't get enough oxygen to your muscles b/c you're tired, your muscles get weak. Trust me on this: 20 minutes into our matches, I could stop you right where we are, get on the floor, and beat you in an arm wrestle--both arms. Try me next time if you don't believe me. And "faster"? OMG, Michael, please. I move so much faster than you it's scary. I see every one of your moves coming like they're in slow motion, and from what I can tell you are about 5 seconds too slow to stop anything I throw at you, so between the two of us, it's more accurate to say I move like a mongoose and you more like an elephant.   Sorry if all this sounds a little harsh, Michael, but I'm getting pretty sick of your total denial when it comes to our wrestling contests. I've beaten you every time and saying I got "lucky" over and over or that you "weren't trying hard" isn't just getting old, it's also getting pathetic. I'm sorry that it bothers you so much getting beaten by a woman, but you need to get over it. Bottom line: If you keep challenging me, I'm going to accept. You know me well enough to know I don't back down from a challenge, but for the sake of your own ego, I'm telling you it's a bad idea and you're going to regret it. You can't beat me, Michael, and it's not my problem if you can't deal with that reality, but please, for your own self-image, don't force me to keep embarrassing you physically. The ball's in your court.   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: (None)   You're trying to psych me out and it's not going to work. I'm not giving up just b/c you put a bunch of stuff in an email about "losing to a woman". Yes, it's true, I don't like the fact that you're a girl and I haven't beaten you yet, but you don't scare me w/all this trash talk and I know I can--and will--beat you. It's only a matter of time. I'm coming over tomorrow after work. Be ready.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: (None)   You've made this bed, Michael, and you're the one who has to lie in it. I'll be ready, and in the end you'll be on the floor again, trying to think of new excuses for why your girlfriend keeps humiliating you.   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Can we stop now?   Since I haven't heard from you for 2 days now, Michael, I have to assume it's b/c you're taking my latest victory over you really bad. I'm not usually one to say I told you so, but....I told you so. Look, I made it perfectly clear when I agreed to these wrestling challenges that I would only do it if you could handle losing to me psychologically and emotionally, and I think you have to admit now that you can't. When I beat you the other night you almost looked like you were going to cry, and I have to be honest Michael--that would be a major turn off for me. I don't care if I can beat my BF at wrestling...to me, it doesn't make you any less of a man, it just means I'm better than you at grappling, and like I said all along--I can take you. Look, you're better than me at soccer, OK? (Not by much, but a little anyway ;-) If I can admit that, why can't you admit I'm the better wrestler and leave it alone? I think for the sake of our relationship we should stop these matches while we still can. So I'm asking you one more time: Please stop challenging me--for your own good, OK?   To: Tara Fr: Michael Subject: Re: Can we stop now?   I'm keeping this simple: You said you wouldn't turn down a challenge, and I'm holding you to that promise.  I challenge you to another wrestling match. Worry about your own psychological state, not mine. If you refuse to wrestle me, I'll assume it's b/c you know I'll eventually beat you, and you won't be able to lord it over me any more. I challenge you to a wrestling match, Tara--do you accept or not?   To: Michael Fr: Tara Subject: Re: Re: Can we stop now?   I've done everything I can to try and save you from yourself, Michael. It's out of my hands now. Yes, I accept your stupid challenge. Prepare to be defeated yet again in hand to hand combat by a girl, but I'll tell you this right now, Michael...if you start crying after I beat you, you better find somewhere else to sleep tonight.   (Author's note: My only saving grace--and it's not much of one--is that I did manage to hold back tears, at least at the time these email exchanges and the matches they refer to took place.)    Again, these emails are real and the story is true. The full details can be found on this web site in "The Tara Trilogy: Part 1 (I can take you), Part 2 (The Mat) and Part 3 (The Fight), and some of the matches not described in detail in part 2 can be found in "Outtakes from the Tara Trilogy", also on this site. As always, I welcome comments or questions from readers, and appreciate the response I've received so far. You can send correspondence to: kraxxll@yahoo.com   I realize it's uncommon to find stories on this site that are non-fiction, and i'm not exactly proud to admit, even anonymously, how badly this girl kicked my ass. But writing about the experience does help, if only a little.