The German officer The time: Winter of 1942 The place: The Border between eastern and western Europe. The main actor; Peter, a high ranking officer in the SS Peter was a well meaning, industrious and studious individual who was diplomatic, hardworking and suave. What he lacked in fire, talent and imagination he made up for in a deep understanding of human nature, resolve and a deep idealism and a love of beauty and a deep appreciation of the good things of life. His family had traveled all over the world but had come back to Germany since they were not successful anywhere He wanted to achieve great things for his family, himself and others like him He joins the SS to rescue Germany and the world by joining the system He saves a firebrand woman who had become a resistance worker after being disillusioned with the Nazi party. He falls in love with her. She realizes that the SS, contrary to popular perception, are a theoretical middle aged bunch. She wants to use the SS to spur the French resistance. Unlike him, she has already made a success of her life and lived a full life. She tries to use him to save others and also to achieve her own ends by making a monster figure out of him (but undoing whatever damage he can do without his knowledge) She acts as a spy and in fact makes him a spy by making him believe that he has eye disease and making him take some eye drops which had a compound that transmitted at a specific radio frequency and the spatial profile of which was modulated by what was in front of his eyes. Unfortunately, she did not have the time or patience to see things from his eyes or as he saw it (though the above technology existed), otherwise she could have prevented a lot of harm. Essentially, she wants to end all privilege and bring in competition and talent which would have meant the end of families like his and individuals like him who believed that excellence, like wine, took time. But for her coterie of women who wanted to create a war machine out of the nazi party which would exhaust and burn itself (along with other outmoded institutions which according to her had outlived their place) and out of whose ashes would emerge a better germany and a better world, Germany may not have entered WW 2 at all or atleast not at the time it did. The coterie had seen the growing economic strength of Britain, the US etc and the depression and weakness in Germany and they felt (though they did not voice it) that there was no future for Germany as it was now. Peter definitely did not believe that there was no future for the current germany. Peter wanted to make Germany stronger step by step and create alliances, reinforce Germany’s strengths of technology, clarity and depth in thought. Of course, he had a deep love of German and world history and had read about the battles that Germany had been involved in but he interpreted them symbolically in the context of Germany influencing the world. But through various means, the coterie goaded men like Peter who were at the helm of the SS who were simple minded to enter the war (or rather induce war). This happened at various junctures in the war where the wiser policy would have been to wait and watch or even retreat than go ahead blindly. The truth about the coterie became evident to astute men like peter after they started winning a number of battles, especially unexpected victories. This is the time when he meets the resistance worker. Peter also slowly realized that she is not in love with him. She thoroughly outwits him in every manner. He is shattered when he realizes that there is no world for men like him in her vision of the world (unless he let him be thoroughly transformed and moulded). By this time, she had developed a soft corner for him though she did not share his views at all and was sorry for him. She tried to make him fight back. At last she succeded, but it may have been a pyrrhic victory since it succeeded in distorting his essence. Germany had become a wounded society smarting after many defeats. The ill treatment of the jews started at this point. At this point, both were unsure about who was the creator and who was the created Slowly, she brought him to the extremely humiliating situation of being under her powers similar to a Samson and Delilah situation. But she could not bear to watch the indignity of someone who had saved her life being tortured by the allies. She tries to give him another identity and help him escape. But unknown to her, Peter had been conducting researches on the soul, life after death , consciousness etc and had recently a chemical that could allow him self or his consciousness to penetrate every cell in his body and allow that self (modulated by both the thoughts / acquitted characteristics as well as the inherent genetic apparatus) to explosively penetrate other’s consciousnesses. As soon as he heard the knock on the door, thinking the allies had come, he swallowed the capsule. He floated into the chaotic reality of a world where the chaos of the dream world had become real. What peter had not foreseen was that after penetrating other consciousnesses (so that they realized and felt bad about what had happened), it allowed him to back in collective time to meet an alter ego who was almost an exact replica of him (in thoughts, habits, character, looks etc) and arrived the juncture when he had let himself down by surrendering to his baser impulses (in terms of treatment of jews, frustrated conduct etc) and then took corrective action by storing the consciousness that had been interpenetrated (like indra’s net story) , setting up the machinery for automating the rebuilding of a shattered world in the way that Peter had envisaged (which would be a better version of the world without wars etc) while seemingly going ahead with the plans that his resistance worker lover had for him, bringing it to an ideal point and then going back in time , meets peter’ consciousness when after having done its job, the capsule explodes inside Peter and unleashes the coiled energy inside the DNA inside every cell to destroy and create the universe with the energy of a thousand suns in effect creating a living laser / sun (without itself being destroyed by the conflagration) Peter suddenly woke up in his bed. Outside the sun is shining. His parents and wife (who look familiar) who are in the next room smile on seeing him. Peter wonders whether he has been having a dream or he is in heaven. He suddenly sees the trophies on the wall (from the UN) honoring both himself and his wife for heroism displayed beyond the call of duty in the service of the world.