A True Story of Female Dominance Female domination is an embarrassing sexual reality, and this is the essence of male fetish. Men can not help being sexually aroused by fit, attractive women, regardless of the situation, and this sexual control is embarrassing in itself. Most men are in denial to the point that they don't even accept that female domination is possible, even after losing to a girl or seeing a man get beaten. The idea of really being beaten up by a girl seems ridiculous, and men take it for granted that every body knows it, including women. A man might lose because he's sexually distracted, or because he didn't take the match seriously enough, and he'll admit to being embarrassed and surprised, but the possibility that he might lose in a real fight, and even the fact that he just got beaten, rarely even occurs to him. He tells himself that the woman was much more athletic and experienced than average anyway, and that he was too sexually aroused to really concentrate. And after all, it was only a play fight. The only way a man could really lose is if he let the woman win, and since this is the man's choice, the domination isn't actually real. A lot of men "let" women win, and assume that they could just as easily choose to win. Again, the possibility that they might lose anyway, or even just the plain fact that they don't know for sure what would happen, doesn't even occur to them. Nor does the fact that by supposedly "allowing" themselves to be beaten, they are actually avoiding the possibility that they might lose anyway, no matter how hard they try. And at what point does a man decide to hold back, at the point he thinks he'll start to win, or at the point he'll have to admit that he can't win, and that he really is helpless? In most cases, the latter is closer to the truth. The first girl who physically dominated me was a year older than me, about an inch taller than my 5'9", and maybe a little heavier than my 130lbs. She was definitely more developed and adult looking, and she had been on the gymnasitics team until she had grown too tall to compete. She also had a tight, firm ass, large, well formed breasts, and a lean, washboard stomach. Her legs were long and powerful, while remaining slim and flexible. I was joking with her one day in the hall about beating her up and she laughed at me. She told me that she could destroy me in a second. I put up my hands to play mercy and she shrugged and laughed before taking my hands in hers. She counted to three and we were both still. I was already surprised at how strong she was when she asked me if I had started yet. I lied and told her no, that I was waiting for her. She counted to three again and I summoned all my strength, yet found myself on my knees in front of her in seconds, staring up at her exposed stomach and the curve of her large breasts. My face was almost level with her crotch. One more twist of her wrists and I cried out mercy before I could stop myself. She turned and walked away laughing, while I stayed on my knees stunned, staring at her ass as she walked away. Luckily only a few guys had seen this, and they all assumed I was fooling around with her, and letting her win for a laugh and the contact with her. I told myself that it was a fluke, that I had underestimated her and hadn't been ready, and that I'd been too distracted by her tits and her crotch. She was also taller and heavier than average, and an athelete. And we were just fooling around. In a real fight, of course I would win. How many girls have ever been in a real fight, or ever really been hit? It is shocking and painful, and gives a huge advantage to anyone with experience. Most guys tell themselves this, but most of them have never been in a fight or really been hit either. Men also assume that they're still in decent shape, despite a poor diet, lack of exercise, and the onslaught of age. In contrast, women tend to take care of themselves and understand the strength, stamina, and pain required to maintain a fit body. And while men's attitudies have barely changed, many fit, attractive women feel completely confident that they could kick an average out of shape guy's ass in a real fight. Many of these women have wrestled with brothers and sisters, or have experience in karate, and more and more take pride in their bodies and in their strength. Sure men are typically stronger, but exercise and experience can narrow the gap, especially if the guy is close in size and weight. The fact that many women no longer take it for granted that they would lose to a man, along with the more aggressive attitude most modern women have, also makes a difference. Shortly after losing at mercy, I lost to another girl. She was a little smaller than the first girl, about the same height and weight as I was, but she was just as sexually distracting. She wasn't an athelete, but she had plenty of older brothers and sisters and a lot of experience wrestling. She came over to my house and started pushing me around in my room. She put her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look into her face and feel her large chest against my own, than backed toward the wall. She put her hands on the wall and arched her back until her hands were on the floor, then used her hands to push against the wall and climb back up into a standing position. She challenged me to do it and I laughed her off. This is when she grabbed my arm and flung me onto my bed, then jumped on top of me, straddling my chest with her legs and pinning my hands with her own. She asked me if I could get up and I laughed at her and asked her to stop fooling around. Honestly, I was very turned on. I didn't want her to get off me, and I was a little afraid I wouldn't be able to get her off of me if I tried. She quickly hopped to the side, rolled me over onto my stomach, and twisted one arm behind my back. I told her to stop and she let go, allowing me to sit up. I thought she was done fooling around when she sat on my lap and started to put me in a headlock. At this point, I felt like I was being sexually frustrated and teased, and told her that this was it. I reached under her knees to cradle her, but she arched her back and knocked me onto mine, pinning my right arm with her legs while she grabbed my left arm by the wrist with her right arm and stretched it out as she pinned it. She dug her left elbow into my armpit and I screamed out in pain before I could stop myself. She held back for a moment and looked into my eyes. He shirt had worked its way up and I could see her flat stomach. He breasts were inches away from my shoulder, and her ass was practically touching my arm where it was trapped inside her bent knees and simultaneously pinned to the bed by her thighs. At that moment, we both knew that I was beaten and helpless, and it had taken her less than five seconds. Her friend Amanda came into my room at this point and Beth hopped off of me. Once she saw it was just her friend, and not one of my parents, she continued to physically bully me. I had sat up, but she pushed me by the face back onto my stomach and quickly twisted my arm behind my shoulders. I pretended to be too annoyed to fight back, and even Amanda told Beth to cut it out. Beth twisted my arm a little harder and patted my back just above my ass. She told Amanda that she was just making me comfortable, and asked me if she wasn't, or dared me to say otherwise. After a little more pleading from Amanda, she got off of me. She gave me a look that said that I should be very very grateful, that she hadn't beaten me up in front of another girl. Amanda tried to make me feel less embarrassed, but she could sense what had just happened, and I could tell that she felt a mixture of pity and curiousity toward me. I wasn't a big guy, but I had been in fights and was no wimp. I was in better shape than most of the guys at school, and could beat most of them up. Amanda wondered if what she had seen was really real, and what would happen in a real fight between me and Beth. I could also see her wondering if she could beat me at wrestling, too. I had been beaten and intimidated, but I convinced myself it was just a fluke. And at least Beth had been about my size and weight, and in decent shape. In wrestling, weight really mattered, and once she was on top of me, of course she had an advantage. I was convinced that I could beat her in a real fight, and that I'd have no trouble wrestling against a girl smaller than me or less fit, but still, I was a little afraid of Beth, of what she might do to me if she ever caught me by surprise, and I started to look at other athletic girls around my size in a different way, too. I tried to talk to my guy friends about it, and most of them just laughed at me, especially the ones who were the weakest and most out of shape. I had wrestled some of these guys before and beat them, and knew for a fact that Beth would kill them, but didn't bother trying to explain this. The entire thing was too embarrassing to talk about. Beth made me realize that female domination could be real. First of all, sexual instinct made it real. There was no way to prevent being aroused and the distraction that it caused, and this is a physical and mental reality. The fear of losing and of the shame this could cause could also intimidate you into backing down, and this was even worse in some ways than being beaten up. Girls know all of this, and also think that men are in denial. They know when we assume to "let" them win, and think that they could beat us in a real fight anyway, no matter how hard we tried to win. They think the real reason we let them win is to avoid facing this possibility. The first time a girl a said this to me, I was shocked. I thought she was being arrogant and foolish, and that if she thought she could really beat a man, she was setting herself to be in a dangerous situation. She had taunted me before while we had fought and got me to fight harder, and had noticed how quickly I relented once I realized how ineffective my best efforts were. She had pinned me down once while trying to bite my neck. I had tried my hardest to get her off and I just couldn't do it, and she knew it. I admitted this was true, but didn't think it proved anything. We were just wrestling after all, and she hadn't really beaten me up. She told me that she could of, and laughed when I told her she was being arrogant. She asked me who won everytime we wrestled, and why I quit so fast every time I tried harder and kept losing anyway? I asked her if she really thought that she could beat me in a real fight and she laughed at me. She told me that she knew she could. Laura was in great shape and incredibly sexy, but at 5'3" and 105lbs she was a good 6 inches shorter and 30lbs lighter than I was. I had already accepted that an athletic girl of similar size might beat me at wrestling, and maybe even win a real fight. But the idea of losing a real fight to this girl made me feel pathetic. If she could beat me up, any girl in decent shape could probably kick my ass, too. I laughed her off and avoided really fighting her for a little while, but she sensed my fear and continued to challenge and measure me more and more. She would jump on top of me and pin me on the couch, then call me a faggot and a wimp to get me to really struggle. When my best efforts failed, I quickly gave up and laughed, but she was more and more sure that I couldn't get her off once I was pinned, no matter what. She started slapping my ass and telling me to be careful, or she might beat me up in public. One day when she was in a bad mood, I said something insulting and she asked me if I had a death wish. I can't remember what I said back, but she moved quickly back into the room, grabbed my wrists, and jumped up into me in one smooth motion. She knocked me back onto her bed and landed with her knees on my biceps as she yanked up on my wrists. I yelped out in pain and begged her to stop before I could stop myself. My head was trapped between her thighs. I could have tried to pull my legs up and grab her with them, but was honestly afraid to try. I looked past her crotch at her firm stomach, taut chest, and finally into her eyes. She had beaten me in less than two seconds and we both knew it. This was the beginning of the end for me, as far as denying she couldn't beat me in a real fight. We played mercy later that night, and she beat me easily. As she held me down with my back against her couch and my knees on the ground, she told me that I would never be able to beat her, ever. I admitted she was better at wrestling, but told her I thought I could still win at boxing. She laughed at me and told me to be careful, or I might really embarrass myself. She called me into her room a few days later and told me to sit down on her bed. As I did, she straddled me, so her breasts were in my face and her thighs scissored my waist. She told me that in a couple, when one person was better than the other at something, that person was the boss. I opened my mouth to speak, but she covered it with her hand. I thought about fighting back, but knew that she'd have me pinned in a second from this position. She told me to nod my head if I understood and I did. Satisfied, she climbed off of me, turned her back to me, and left the room slowly, making a point of not even bothering to look back and check on me, and knowing that I couldn't help watching her ass as she left. That night she laid flat on her back and told me to get on top of her and pin her. She told me she wanted me to try and hold her down as hard as I could. I clamped her legs between mine, dug my elbows into her biceps and grabbed her wrists as she had done to me, and told her I was ready. With this advantage, I was sure I could at least keep her pinned, but I was wrong. Her legs were stronger than mine, and as she flexed each out she made me lose my balance. The instant I shifted to the right, she pushed up with her right hand from under my left, twisted her forearm, and freed her wrist while grabbing mine. As I tried to push back to the right, she moved with me and pushed up from the left, rolling me over onto my back. She forced my legs open and dug her knees into my inner thighs as she freed her left hand and grabbed my other wrist. She pulled my arms up and out and dug her elbows into my biceps as I yelped in pain. She looked down at me and smiled, as if to say that this was how it was done. Even with the advantage of starting with her pinned, she had beaten me in well under a minute. So it turned out that I was the arrogant one. I had assumed I could beat her in a real fight and that we both knew it, and had thought that she was crazy for thinking she could win, eventhough all of the evidence was on her side. Whether I let her or not, she always beat me, everytime, and she sexually controlled me to the point that she could physically arouse me instantly just with her voice. I could barely speak, let alone fight back. Later, when I tried to roll her over while we were having sex and couldn't do it, she'd stay on top of me and laugh, and ask me what was wrong. One time, she climbed on top of me and started screwing me while I was still asleep. I struggled automatically as I woke up and she laughed at me again. "Like you could stop me, even if you wanted to." I stopped struggling and submitted to her as she continued to ride me until she had satisfied herself. One time, when she was being particularly rough, she lifted my back off the bed with one arm while grabbing my ass with the other. She told me I was so thin, and that she could break me in half if she felt like it. I agreed that I knew it without even thinking. Another time, she told me that she'd beat the shit out of me if I came too soon, and I was honestly afraid that she would. I begged her please as I promised I would try to last, and dug my hands into her shoulders as she pumped away, lifting me off the bed with her rising hips, then slamming me back down again. She started slapping my ass when I walked by her, and occassionally ordered me to paint her toes or do some other chore with the threat of violence if I didn't. Her biggest threat was that she'd beat me up in public, but to her credit, she never actually did this, and wasn't nearly as abusive toward me as she could have been. We still operated as a couple on fairly even terms, eventhough it was accepted that physically and psychologically, she was the dominate one in the relationship. Once when I complained about her just grabbing my ass and pushing me back against a wall to makeout whenever she felt like it, she told me to relax and enjoy it, and to give her a break. She practically owned me and we both knew it, and she could make things much, much worse. We never actually had that real, all out fight, and for a long time I convinced myself that I would still win if it ever happened, but gradually I realized that I would almost definitely lose. From the very first time we wrestled and she had me pinned while wearing just a bra and panties, she told me to stop struggling and allowed me to sit up while she straddled me and held my wrists at my sides. She told me that she was stronger than me. I was embarrassed and shook my head no, but couldn't free my wrists. She slammed me back down onto the bed to make her point, then rolled off of me. And ever since then, she had always made a point of showing me how much stronger she was than me, while we were wrestling, or having sex, or just play fighting over a remote control. Especially while we were having sex or wrestling, it became obvious to me just how much stronger she was than me. In a real fight, I'd be afraid to punch her because of the probable consequences, and was fairly certain that even if I snuck up on her, or suckered punched her, she would still recover and beat me up. I was beaten mentally, physically, and psychologically. This girl was 6 inches shorter and 30 pounds lighter than me, and while she was in great shape, her only fighting experience was wrestling with her siblings. She was much stronger than the average girl, and stronger than most of my male friends, but it was still humiliating to lose to any girl, especially to one this significantly smaller and lighter than I was. I had to admit that most fit girls around my size could probably kick my ass, and that even smaller girls might be able to win. I know my arms were stronger than Laura's, and that I could lift more than her, but all around, her body was stronger, and her will to win was stronger. Contact with her was always sexually distracting, and she was definitely more flexible than me and better at wrestling anyway. She had started shadow boxing with me after establishing her dominance, and quickly backed me into corners and had me covered up. She punched me hard in the shoulder, just to show me how hard she could, and it was hard enough to break a nose or knock the wind out of me. By this time, I was so intimidated by her there was no way I could win. I had to admit that I probably never had a chance against her, even before she had broken me in. I tried to convince myself that I had never really tried my hardest, and that I had always let her win, but how did this prove that I could have won? I told myself that being beaten up by a 5'3" 100lb girl was ridiculous, but the fact was that I had never beaten her at wrestling, not even once, not even when she let me start on top. I tried to console myself that in a real fist fight, of course I would have won. That was just reality, and everyone knew it. But I didn't really know it anymore, not for sure. Harold Stonicifer