Vanessa I received from Sara the info on my next opponent for the House Fight division. This lady was another college grad student. Vanessa stands 5'9" and weighs in at 150lbs. She is a dark complected African American 24 years old. Her background physically is in dance, cheerleading, weightlifting and the last two years she has taken various martial arts training. This was great news to me I always wanted to have a match with one of the African American women in our league and since there is only two of them this was a special treat. When I arrived at the Fight House I was greated by Sara. She informed me that they had changed the rules for tonights match in order to add variety. Vanessa and I would square off in the livingroom face to face but after that the fight could go anywhere. In addition weapons had been introduced such as bo sticks. All this information gave me pause but I decided the prospects of dominating Vanessa out weighed any risks. I wore a black wrestling singlet and black wrestling shoes my opponent on the other hand dressed to seduce. She wore a hot pink two piece bikini with matching pink silk stockings that came up to her knees. Her abs were ripped in a perfect six pack and the rest of her body was beautifully sculpted. My mouth was watering and my penis was engorged at the site of her, I wanted to just have sex and forget the match but that was not to be the case. Sara handed us both a bo stick and the match began. I had no training in this way of fighting so as Vanessa attacked I just tried to parry until I could grab her and wrestle her down. Alas that was not to happen in a flurry of strikes she hit me in the head twice and my left thigh three times even though I blocked most of her strikes. On her second and final blow to my head I dropped my stick and fell down involuntarily. Vanessa jumped in the air and landed butt first into my gut driving all the air from me. She sat on me for a few moments savoring her good work before grabbing my left arm and putting me in a painful arm lock while also putting me in a painful grapevine. vanessa's legs are longer than mine so she can really torque her grapevines. After a moment or two I was thinking will I ever make it through all this pain. Vanessa released her holds and put me in a school girl pin as I laid there helpless she started torturing my face with eye gouges and fish hooks till I again wondered if I could with stand the assault any longer. She once more relented as she was moving off my chest she grabbed the side of my head and licked the whole length of the left side of my face. As I was laying there writhing in pain and trying to clear my head she was setting up a plan of humiliation. She knelt down on the right side of my body aligned with my hips, she put her right hand on my chest and grabbed my balls with her left and pulled me to my feet. The pain was severe so I tried to comply quickly with her desires all the while just wishing that she would end the match soon. While maintaining a firm but not damaging grip on my testicles she ascended the stair with me and led me to the master bathroom. When we arrived she lifted the toilet lid and said, " Karen should not be the only one to experience this". I was terrified and humilated as Vanessa positioned me so she could pick me up on her shoulder and put me head first in the toilet bowl. I thought I was going to drown at first until Vanessa flushed and pulled my head out. I was so tried I could not raise my arms so Vanessa dried me off. Vanessa positioned herself triumphantly right in front me before sitting on my lap. As we sat there face to face she kissed me passionately and then started to remove my singlet. As she removed my singlet she saw my engorged cock and said, "now that is what I am talking about." She knelt in between my legs and looked me straight in the eyes with her big beautiful dark eyes and started to suck my dick slowly and powerfully. Within five minutes I released a huge load into her mouth and as she swallowed she stood turned around and walked away. It was a great match for her and a wake up call for me because I had been destroyed easily again. I had thought these types of losses were in my past but I guess not even now I can be dominated start to finish. I hope to have a rematch with Vanessa for several reasons and vengence is not one of them.