Sex-Pin Wrestling Tales. Story 1: First Timers by Mr. E, It's "Sex-Pin Wrestling" between two new, nervous opposite sexed fighters! March 14, 2009 text-only version. Author's notes: After the odd writing collaboration, and writing many mostly unpublished stories and trying to perfect a great story as my "first" online in a long time, I have now completed a story that is meant to be the first in a possible series. On it's own though, it is my attempt at a small "masterpiece". It features a great match to demonstrate, at a beginning level, a new concept I call Sex-Pin Wrestling. It is about so many possible experiences that can be had from what on the surface seems like a very simple form of wrestling. A slightly more formal text outlining the rules follow the story as well. My writing style may be a little verbose, but my goal, even with the rules I've written, is to present something very exciting and provocative. I wish to push the limits of eroticism combined with competition, but not the limits of violence, in the so-called "wrestling fetish". I would boldly suggest that this is "wet" instead of "dry" reading material! Stimulating - first and foremost for the imagination. So long as my credit, "Mr. E", is included, I invite anyone to put this story on their own web site. Furthermore, I would LOVE to see my story illustrated by an artist, or even interpreted in different ways by more than one artist. I therefore give permission for that purpose, and for the artist to add his or her name to the credits, even if the illustrated story should be made "pay-for-download" on a website. In the meantime, I welcome and look forward to comments about this story either placed on The Valkyrie website or emailed to me @ . Thank you! Warning - this story is VERY sexual, but it also tries to reduce some (but not all) of the violence that might be expected in such a story with more sexually pleasant situations. It is my hope that "Mr. E." will one day find a "home" for his follow-up stories to be enjoyed, perhaps even for a minimal fee. For now, I enjoy no profit from this story, but I've enjoyed maximum enjoyment in writing it. (I also reserve the "write" to further improve it upon a future revision). Please enjoy the story too! Story introduction: What is it that makes a wrestler so curious as to how he or she will do in a match that the wrestler might even accept the challenge of a very nude, very sexual match in front of spectators? A very young man and a very young woman nervously step nude onto the wrestling mat to represent their respective teams. This is obviously no ordinary wrestling match! The young woman is attractive and tanned, and would seem otherwise ordinary except for being obvioulsy more muscular than average - especially in her arms, The man is also quite athletic, and seems larger than the woman, but not by much! This is an unusual match in that both combatants are being allowed to compete with each other in a game that neither have even practiced before. Despite having some recent collegiate wrestling experience, neither wrestler has ever before engaged in the very special form of wrestling that has become popular in underground venues such as the one they are in tonight. The special form of wrestling? Sex-wrestling! Or more specifically, a form of sex-wrestling called Sex-Pin Wrestling! The remaining story: If you've heard the term "Sex-Pin Wrestling" - also called SPW, you may be quite curious about it. Don't worry - it's only natural - welcome to our club! It is at an SPW club that you may encounter a "Sex-Pin fight". This is a form of wrestling that is closely inspired by the passionate act of sex, and so much so that it actually uses sexual stimulation as a weapon! It would seem that although such stimulation typically results in more pleasure than pain, it can be effective for causing a wrestler to either gain or lose energy. SPW is not the only form of "sex-wrestling" around, but is a fairly specific one, based on the serious competitive elements of freestyle wrestling, and submission style to some degree as well! It helps in this form of wrestling to know self-defence. In many ways, this knowledge, which is especially vital to women for avoiding (non-consensual) sexual attack, is practically tested in SPW! Sex is a powerful thing, and it's power is evident in SPW. Take the case of a young man - an inexperienced newcomer who turned out to have entered into fight not only as an attempt to win the prize-money, but also as a way to lose his virginity! His smaller but much more experienced female opponent seemed to stun him just from the sight of her - with her youthful, cute looks and full, kissable lips! She opened up the match with a full on, smothering kiss that seemed to leave the young man shocked and pleasured at the same time! But what totally overwhelmed the man was when the woman pinned him. He could barely budge against her well-secured pin, fortified by strong legs and wide hips. Arguably, the pin was further fortified by the woman's vagina seeming to engulf the man's erect penis and hold it firmly in place. But what seemed to take the fight out of the man the most was when the woman pleasured him with what was perhaps her greatest weapon - her skillful use of sex! The man was literally imprisoned by pleasure! He was overwhelmed. She finished him off in more ways than one. If he had been a candle, he would have melted into a waxy puddle. You get the picture. The man went on to lose the match, but he didn't complain about losing his virginity! Don't be too quick to blame the boy for being unprepared with his inexperience in both sex and sex-wrestling. Even veteran sex-wrestlers may find themselves, often unexpectedly, overwhelmed or weakened by sexual stimulation! It's easy to be seduced by the charms of sexual stimulation - even when it is without love, and this combined with at least the passion and excitement that comes with wrestling competition can create a unique and potent experience! Take for example a couple photographs: [Only three suggestions for illustrations appear in this whole story - one at the very end, and two here: 1) A woman puts a man in a sleeper hold. He is doing a good job of resisting it, except he is tiring as he ejaculates from having his penis stimulated by the woman's leg. 2) A woman is pretty much "melted" on the mat as a feminine post-op transsexual licks at her pussy and pins her at an 180 degree angle to her. The she-male's penis is close to the exhausted woman's mouth, and a stream of cum bridges between both body parts.] The rules of a SPW match are modifiable based on what the wrestlers agree to. however, there is a basic, stripped down (no pun intended), "standard" version of SPW that consists mostly of the so-called "sex-pins", which are pretty much what they sound like - sexual pins, as well as bear hugs. The sex-pins are used because it is a form of sexual domination that provides one of the greatest, most honest tests of a wrestler's potential superiority over another, and in all honesty, it is a self-satisfying sexual domination that many wrestlers of BOTH genders desire. The bear hugs are used because they go so naturally and sensually with the sex-pin attempts, among other reasons. It is difficult to avoid using a bear hug to control an opponent in a wrestling match, and a strong wrestler should be able to avoid easily being submitted in a bear hug, although it is more difficult for a wrestler to avoid being gradually worn down by bear hugs. If a point was not awarded for a bear hug submission, wrestlers would be submitting all the time - using the bear hug as an excuse. Therefore a point is awarded for the bear hug. Without getting further into the specifics of the game's rule-book, let's let our two newcomers (some would say "new cummers") demonstrate this amazing underground sport, in this photographic journal. It only seems appropriate to use their "first time" as perhaps your first encounter with the concept of SPW! Please be aware that this photographic journal you are reading is NOT to be taken out of the SPW club! Same thing goes for our videos, which you can watch at our video viewing station. Where the wrestlers have agreed, their match may be watched on the internet as well, although these comprise a select few videos. As a private club, we like to keep things private, and exclusive to our members. Otherwise, please enjoy the tour! Newcomer wrestlers such the two depicted in this account are not used to being nude in front of an audience, so as spectators we should warmly welcome them to their "first time". Typically the spectators would have seen these two before parade around with their respective teams - showing off well-posed muscles, but not so much of their bodies as they are now. Spectators are encouraged after inspecting the teams to decide on which team they think will win, and place their bets. A portion of the proceeds after all make up the well-deserved prize money for the athletes of the winning team! A portion of that will go to the winner of the current fight, and it's no small amount of $! With a new polyethylene sheet placed over the wrestling mat, and both wrestlers having disrobed and stepped onto the sheet to the cheers of the audience, a lovely female referee announces the match. "This is a match limited to a full hour, but no overtime! It may be won earlier, however, by the first wrestler to gain a 3 point lead!" The audience is getting excited. So are the two wrestlers, who now eye each other over, as both oil themselves up. The oil is meant to give the wrestlers a chance to escape what might otherwise be highly secure pins and holds, and it certainly accentuates the better qualities of each wrestler's body. Some ladies in the audience whisper about how cute the young man seems, and giggle as he shows his excitement over his opponent with a straight salute to her by way of a full on erection! Sexual tension aside, both wrestlers seem to be taking the task at hand seriously, as they now walk up to their starting locations. The stakes are high, after all. They both carry the weight of their teams, and they know their teams are taking their chances on them for being absolute beginners with unknown talents. The teams would not have even allowed this if it was not for the two wrestlers seeming to be evenly matched - both physically, and in experience, or lack thereof in this case. The woman wears a red ankle bracelet signifying her "red" team. The man wears a blue ankle bracelet signifying his "blue" team. The current venue, and underground fight club of sorts, is the hosting this tournament, and many of the wrestlers are from outside the club - including the two who are facing each other now. It may not be an international Olympics event, but there is an odd sense of something similar to that going on here - perhaps even harkening back more to the the ancient Greek Olympics with it's nude style of wrestling. Except in our modern day and age, we now understand that sometimes the best wrestler to match a male opponent, is a woman! The whistle has blown! Both wrestlers circle each other cautiously, and still nervously. The man does not seem confident that he can just rush in and defeat the woman. Another man in a similar situation might have already attacked. Such a man may have found out the hard way that a woman should not be underestimated. So it perhaps appropriate that the female wrestler on the mat seems to be viewing her opponent with caution, as he is wise to exercise caution upon her. It's hard to tell what the two contenders are thinking when all we can do is observe them. Some may well wonder if one or both are already so lustful for each other that it is unbearable for them. After all, neither wrestler is hiding the fact that they are looking squarely at each other's genitalia! How necessary is it for a sex-wrestler to control one's erotic desires in a fight like this? The wrestlers lock up. They still seem to be still circling each other though, and still stealing glances at each other's genitalia - perhaps eyeing what in this particular game is a possible goal! Both wrestlers seem reluctant to attack each other. Perhaps they are in awe of each other - wanting more to make love with each other than to fight each other. Finally the man makes the first truly aggressive move, trying to push the woman to the ground as he grasps both of her arms. The woman's strong legs and lower center of gravity serve her well as she effectively resists her opponent's attack. The man is may not be having an easy time trying to defeat the woman, but he does not seem surprised. Perhaps he's wrestled a woman before in a competition, albeit in a less sexual one. Perhaps he's already learned respect for female wrestlers as much as he might male wrestlers. Perhaps this will make him less likely to make a mistake, and more of a challenge for his opponent! The man now pulls the woman towards him. She tries to resist, but soon finds herself wrapped up in a wrestling hold that is popular among the male gender - the bear hug! It has been argued that this sort of hold is unfair - allowing the man to use his typically superior upper body strength against a woman. But it has also been argued that a good female wrestler should be tough enough to tolerate such a hug, and skilled enough to defend against it, AND be capable of controlling her male opponent at times by gaining a superior position in her OWN bear hug. The woman on the mat now, though, is understandably nervous, as she is a freestyle specialist who is not experienced with submission wrestling or bear hugs. She seems helpless as her arms have been trapped to her sides. She also seems fearful of her situation - especially when the man picks her off the ground! She starts to grimace from the pressure, and yet she refuses to give up. Instead she lifts her legs up to defensively squeeze her opponent in a torso scissors! At first the mutual constriction does not seem to affect either wrestler, still fresh into their fight. They hold the constrictions for a long time though, and soon soft moans can be heard from both of them. The woman meanwhile has been trying to free her arms from being trapped by the bear hug. The oil seems to reduce the friction and help her make progress on her attempted escape. She slowly but surely manages to free her left arm. It's enough to allow her to defend herself - using her arm to choke the man until he lets her go. Now the woman amazes the audience as she hip-tosses the man a tremendous distance. Her fresh, nervous energy would seem to have translated itself into tremendous speed and strength from such a small body! In no time, she has pinned the man! She holds the man's chin within the inside of her elbow - careful not to let the hold turn into an illegal choke. The man claws at the lovely female arm that hold him down, but the combination of the woman's fresh strength and the slickness of the oil allows him to only temporarily pry the arm away a few inches, and then lose his grip. Still, the man, like the woman, is also fresh and strong, and grabs on to a part of the woman he can actually maintain a hold on. He bear hugs the woman, and soon has her yelping as he bear hugs her. As is typical in a Sex-Pin fight, the wrestlers have agreed to rules that disallow most traditional submission holds to be used as points - except for the bear hug! The woman endures the hug she is in, and grunts and groans and pushes her way into making her pin more secure - right to the point of engulfing the man's penis into her vagina! Both wrestlers gasp orgasmically in response. The dominant wrestler, or at least SEXUALLY dominant wrestler, at this time, would seem to be the woman. After all, she has secured the flagship hold of Sex-Pin Wrestling, and that is the "sex-pin" itself! "Get the first point, Mel!" shouts one of the woman's teammates to her. "Do it for the red team!". Mel starts to rhythmically grind sexual stimulation upon both herself and the man - starting slowly and cautiously, grunting from both the sex and her opponent's still powerfully secured bear hug. It almost looks like romantic sex. The woman increases the power and speed of her thrusts, and manages to place a tight bear hug on Stan at the same time. The man reacts more in pleasure by this than pain, but it now seems that Mel is enacting a violent sort of sex on the man. "For the red team!" Mel breathes. The man releases his bear hug and tries to control her hips, as they slap down against his. His concern would seem not to be about the hip collisions, but about preventing his genitalia from getting crushed! But concern soon starts to look like pleasure! The man reacts by trying to bridge the pin. He seems to almost escape the pin, but the hip-thrusts soon break down the bridge. The woman seems fearful of another bridge, and so changes her position to try to fortify the pin. It allows the man some time to roll over and escape the pin, but she aggressively grabs his leg and sits up to start another sex-pin. The referee starts her stopwatch again. Mel slings her head back - seeming to focus intently on the interaction between both wrestlers' genitalia. Her opponent seems literally paralyzed by pleasure! He barely reacts when the referee announces that it is once again almost a minute for a sex-pin. He barely reacts when Mel's headlock turns into a full blown illegal choke hold, endangering the young man to pass out if he does not submit. It's hard to tell if Mel is illegally choking Stan on purpose or if she had just lost herself. Illegal or not, if the hold causes Stan to pass out, then the knock out itself will be considered legal, and Mel will gain a point. It is risky business, but domination through sexual asphyxia in SPW is allowed. "Almost a minute sex-pin!" the referee shouts, checking a stopwatch. The man seems now to become aware of the choke hold, and pries Me's arm off of him. But he looks almost knocked out by the choke hold, and too exhausted to reverse the sex-pin. Mel muscles her way into holding the man's chin yet again, legally, within her inner elbow. "One minute sex-pin!" shouts the referee. The red team applauds along with the rest of an enthusiastic audience of spectators. The man looks pleasured, but shocked. Being dominated for one minute in the sex-pin has given his opponent one point - one point over his nothing! Something else is making the man look wide-eyed. He groans, and appears to collapse - his wide eyes now closing. The referee inspects the action closely. "One point to red team for erection loss!" she announces. It's the rule. Any wrestler who dominates another wrestler's penis into losing it's erection through a sex-pin gains a point! Mel finally appears to orgasmically shudder and then collapse on top of her opponent - her vagina oozing out juices. "Come on, Stan!" shouts a blue team member to the male wrestler. Stan, although tired, seems at least to be no less tired now than his opponent, and manages to roll her on her side. Both wrestlers seem frozen together in a mutual bear hug competition! Neither seem to tire from it quickly though. The wrestlers seem to be pacing each other and testing each other, and perhaps resting a little, rather than exerting their full force. Stan seems to regain some of his energy, and rolls Mel into a complete pin as he controls her using his bear hug. It's another form of the sex-pin, as he is connected thigh-to-genitals with his opponent. It's not the most stable pin though, and Mel, despite being tired, seems to be close to rolling out of it. Stan responds with tightening his bear hug. Mel groans but does not give up, and returns the bear hug in kind with her own. At first Stan does not seem to react, except to look a bit sensually pleasured by the hug. Soon though, he is groaning too. Is it from Mel's hug, or from the pressure he is exerting on his own? Or is he faking how he is being affected, in order to encourage Mel to expend and waste her energy? The latter is a welcome strategy in Sex-Pin Wrestling, but it's hard to determine when it happens from the observers' chairs. Stan seems to defensively push himself out of Mel's powerful hug. Mel follows him - sitting right up and hugging him yet again. Although her shoulders are no longer pinned, her buttocks are, which by the rules of SPW means that Stan's sex-pin is not disrupted. Stan responds to Mel's bear hug challenge by bear hugging her back yet again. Mel's nipples are erect, and even Stan's nipples seem erect as interplay between both wrestlers' chests ensue. Grunting in their mutual bear hug for some time, the wrestlers are finally told that a minute for Stan's sex-pin has passed. Stan tries to muscle Mel's impressively flexed arms to the mat. He has no easy time at this - grappling hand-to-hand with Mel, until finally he ha her trapped. Both wrestlers seem now to be exhausted and fused together in the sex-pin. Both breath heavy and steal a rest from the moment of slight inaction. Stan tries to stimulate himself against Mel's leg toward another erection, but it is too early after losing his first. The referee announces that the second minute of the sex-pin is coming close. Mel reacts by trying to defend herself - dislodging her arms and grappling with Stan's head - attempting chokes and breast smothers that are met with just enough resistance to allow Stan to keep his position. The referee announces the second minute. The score is now an even 2 to 2. With limited air supply, Stan is trying to breath calmly against Mel's breast smother. Mel changes back to a choke attempt. The oil makes it difficult for Stan to dislodge the choke. His face turns a slight shade of blue. At first it seems that Stan might have forgotten himself - refusing to submit as his erection starts to grow and rub against Mel's leg. Soon, though, Stan seems out of breath, and taps out. With basically no resting time allowed, the referee signals for the wrestlers to start a new round. Both wrestlers grapple for position, until Mel manages to get behind Stan and put him in a reverse bear hug. Mel squeezes and lifts Stan for all she is worth - lifting Stan clear off the mat! Stan somehow manages to hardly look pained by the hold, though, and calmly grabs at Mel's wrists - trying to pry her arms away from him. Seemingly unable to escape Mel, Stan relaxes a bit more - seeming to caress Mel's wrists as she continues to hold him. Mel finally seems to tire, and soon lets Stan back down to the mat. She does not quit bear hugging Stan though, and Stan seems to have relaxed his arms to his sides. Mel takes this as a cue of weakness, and once again jars Stan into a strong hug that lifts him into the air. Stan's head falls back, and his eyes begin to shut. The referee comes to inspect Stan - lifting his arm to see if he is knocked out. Stan manages to keep his arm steady in the air, and then once again tries to pry at Mel's wrists - this time pushing them downward. It's possible Stan was feigning his weakness to encourage Mel to waste her energy on her bear hug. It's hard to say. Finally Stan manages to push Mel's arms down far enough that it looks like he will escape, but Mel fights back - this time bringing her hands back up so as to cup Stan's testicles with her hands. Mel then works Stan's penis with a stimulating "handjob" of sorts. It is apparent she is trying to sexually weaken Stan, and by the look on Stan's face, and his rising erection, it may be working! In SPW, sometimes a female wrestler will take a dominant position to stimulate a male wrestler to ejaculation so that it will be more difficult for the man gain a point against the woman by ejaculating into her during a sex-pin. With one last burst of energy, Stan, without ejaculating, manages to twist against Mel's flesh and the oil between them, until he is facing her, while she still bear hugs him. He slings his head over Mel's shoulder, and appears to relax his arms yet again. The referee inspects his arm again, and Stan, seemingly weakly, allows his arm to fall around Mel's waist. His other arm follows. Mel and Stan now look to be once again intertwined in a mutual bear hug, while remaining in a standing position on the mat. It looks like a "slow dance" between two tiring wrestlers. Both seem to be testing each other - taking their time, and even resting against each other at times. They grunt and groan quietly and their bodies absorb the odd combination of punishment and sensuality, with neither wrestler even yet too tired yet to complain. Sometimes they are face-to-face, and sometimes one's chin is slung over the other's shoulder. Sometimes the man seems to have the obvious advantage with his upper body strength, with Stan seeming to tap into an extra reserve of energy. Other times the woman, being a little shorter, seems to have a positional advantage - being able to grind her chest squarely into the man's diaphragm, which is an effective position to cause him numbing pain, as well as some difficultly breathing at times. But for whatever pain there was between the wrestlers, it seemed that more than that there was sensual pleasure in this slow, grinding dance. The dance became even more grinding as Stan's erection fully grew back, and right into Mel's vagina! This seemed to fuel him. He picked up Mel in his bear hug, much the way he had started the match, and finally he seemed have gained dominance in the mutual bear hug competition. Mel could not easily defend herself. Stan had once again trapped her arms to her sides. She tried to twist out of the hold - slipping and sliding, using the slickness of the oil between them. She managed to turn herself right around, and now worked against Stan's wrist to try to dislodge her torso from his grip. The oil made it difficult for her to grasp his wrists. She was trapped in a reverse bear hug now, and Stan took her down to the mat and seemingly, instinctively rather than strategically, penetrated Mel's vagina from the rear. Mel made sounds that seemed in some instances to indicate pain, and in others, pleasure. Female SPW wrestlers are instructed to keep themselves lubricated during sexual combat, and often such women train toward this goal. But Mel is not trained, and rear entry can be a painful experience for a woman. Mel could have tapped out right away, but she bravely tried to tolerate what Stan could dish out. Perhaps she thought he might tire himself out. But Stan was building up his strength along with his need for release. Mel finally screamed, albeit softly, and tapped out - her pain being either from the bear hug or from the penetration, or both. The balance of pain and pleasure was not clear to read from Mel, although both wrestlers, getting up now, looked at each other with more lust than with any contempt from pain caused. The score was now 3 to 2 in Stan's favor, but Mel somehow looked more brave and game than she ever had before in the match. Stan seemed to sport an erection that was at it's largest and thickest ever! It had been stimulated to maximum size, but not satisfied. Stan tripped Mel backwards on the mat and grabbed her leg. Immediately he sat up and sexually penetrated her. Oddly, Stan seemed to react in pain, while Mel squinted. Sometimes in these sorts of wrestling matches, the female wrestler has a gift of being able to enact painful vaginal constriction on a thick enough erection. Stan slowly pulled out, but Mel then grabbed Stan's penis with her hand! Stan grimaced and pushed away from Mel - the cum and oil likely helping him to slide out of Mel's grip. Both wrestlers now leapt to their feet, and faced each other once again. Stan sported a pre-cum-dripping erection that looked painful not only for being constricted on, but also for being brought only a sliver away from being satisfied yet again! It seemed to be losing it's enthusiasm. As if to get revenge, Stan took on a look of determination and hip-tossed Mel with such a violent force that it sent him to the mat as well! Of course, Mel helped that process along as she pulled Stan down to the mat, and kept rolling until she was on top of him. Once again Mel was sex-pinning Stan. Stan seemed to groan in pain, as it seemed that Mel was again able to tighten her vagina against Stan's penis. Stan immediately put Mel in such a powerful bear hug that she seemed for a moment to go into some sort of shock. Stan seemed be feeling less pain now, and a whole lot of pleasure! Both wrestlers seemed to relax in their struggle a bit, and look pleasured to near orgasm. Gathering herself up again, Mel defended herself by choking Stan. Stan didn't seem to notice it though, as his face was looking more orgasmic, and his eyes looked glossy and distant. The referee picked up Stan's arm. Stan failed to keep it in the air. Twice. So the referee declared that Stan was knocked out. It appeared he had been sexually asphyxiated, or nearly so. His erection, oddly enough, was even now still intact! Stan seemed capable of highly enjoying pleasure from both sexual stimulation and the anticipation of release - not just pleasure from the eventual release. Some in the audience commented on the young man's potential. "Tantric" control in a sex-wrestling match is a great talent that can serve a wrestler well. Still, it was not clear if holding onto his erection was Stan's intention, or the result of a young man's enthusiasm. Indeed he did not seem to have enough experience to have avoided the asphyxiation, which is a risky hold for a person's health, and which in Stan's case gave his opponent a point. The score was now an even 3 to 3 - the "knock-out" being worth a point. Stan clumsily stood up. The referee allowed a little more time to rest this time. It seemed to be all the rest Stan needed to take Mel down to the mat when the next round started. Mel found herself being pinned - hands above her head to the mat. Stan peered down for a while at the beautiful, exhausted face of his opponent. He began to kiss what with little argument could be called kissable, female lips. Perhaps Stan had forgot himself. Or perhaps not. Could a kiss weaken Mel? Could making love to her weaken her? This is what Stan started to do, gently teasing the outside of Mel's genitalia with rubbing his still-erect penis up against it. Mel reacted nearly orgasmically to this teasing touch. Stan then no less gently started penetrating Mel, while still keeping her pinned. Mel seemed to melt in pleasure. The referee kept an eye on her stopwatch. "One minute" the referee announced. "Ohh," reacted Stan, finally allowing himself to release. Almost simultaneously, Mel did the same thing - her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head. Both wrestlers collapsed into each other. The referee checked out Stan's demonstration of losing his erection. Since it was from the dominant position this time, the referee awarded Stan a point for this. Adding a point as well for the minute of achieving a sex-pin, Stan was now ahead 5 to 3. Mel weakly tried to defend herself against the still-active sex-pin by choking Stan. Stan's head was too far buried into the mat - slug over Mel's shoulder - for her to get a good grip. Stan gently muscled against Mel's arm and kissed it. It was as if he was worshipping both her impressive arm muscles and her smooth, tanned wrists - kissing the back of one. For a moment Mel seemed to forget herself, but she soon tried to struggle out of the pin. It was to no avail though, so she grabbed Mel's scrotum. It seemed like more of a threat to squeeze hard than an actual hard squeeze, but it was enough to make Stan submit. The wrestlers rested together for a moment, and the referee allowed this. Stan still had some erection left, and Mel gently rubbed the back of her wrist, where Stan had kissed it, against the underside of his penis. Stan moaned in pleasure as his penis was overwhelmed by the velvet-like brush of thin female hairs, and seemed to ejaculate a secondary, last remaining reservoir of cum. It was hard to say if Mel's move was meant to weaken Stan, or if it was just a moment or eroticism she wanted to share with Stan - perhaps to reciprocate his affection, or at least his apparent wrist fetish. In any event, there was no rule to prevent it from happening. Soon it was time to continue the fight. If Stan could win one more point, that would be the end of the game - with a three point lead for him. Mel jumped up from the mat as if she had opened up an extra reserve of energy. Stan seemed to have no such extra reserve - groggily standing up. It is said in sex-wrestling that a wrestler can literally come a great deal of his or her critical energy. Mel collected Stan in a bear hug. He weakly responded with his own bear hug, but what ensued was pretty much a long mutual bear hug in which a nearly sleeping Stan was carried with his toes dragging across the mat by Mel. Was Stan feigning weakness - trying to wait for Mel to expend her energy? After many minutes, Stan defensively submitted Mel in a choke hold. Mel seemed a little more tired, but Stan certainly seemed less rested than her. He seemed tired perhaps from breathing shallow in some of Mel's most impressive bear hugs - a few which even found the smaller woman lifting the larger man clear off the ground! Mel, almost gently, laid Stan down on the mat and secured him there in a thigh-to-genitals sex-pin. But there was no sex this time. Stan tried weakly to escape, and then seemed intent to rest up his energy. When the referee warned 10 seconds before a minute was up that it had almost been a minute, Stan tried with a bit more power to defend himself, but Mel was too crafty - countering him, and keeping him pinned. Stan managed to break the pin in a burst of energy by pushing Mel backwards and off of him. But now it seemed both wrestlers were connected together in mutual legs-to-crotch scissor, and both were trying to sit up. Mel appeared to be stronger in this move than her fatigued opponent, and managed to take Stan down again in her thigh-to-genitals sex-pin. The referee started her watch again. For a minute Stan weakly tried to fight Mel off. Mel bravely endured, and with the minute finally up, Stan had only a one point lead in a 5 to 4 score. Mel wrapped a tight bear hug around Stan as she continued to pin him, and thrust into him as if to try to knock some wind out of him. She seemed to realize she might not be able to keep Stan pinned for another minute if he rested up, but she might be able to gain a quicker submission from him. With gravity on Mel's side, the small woman seemed somehow much larger than she had been compared to Stan. Stan seemed unhurt by Mel's attempt to submit him, but he submitted anyway - perhaps fearful of losing another minute. Submission from the immobilization of a sex-pin, rather than from any pain the sex-pin causes, is a hard thing to judge. But there's no need to judge, because either way, submission from a sex-pin is worth a point. The score was an even 5 to 5 now. The wrestlers started yet another round. Now even Mel seemed a bit tired. Both wrestlers batted at each other like cats, but neither seemed able to find an opening. As a result of both trying to gain control at the same time, both crashed to the mat on their sides. Both bear hugged each other - more it seemed for control now than in an attempt to submit the other. Neither seemed able to roll the other over. Stan seemed still to be depleted of "sex" - no erection in site. The two combatants still seemed at least somewhat competitive, but exhausted and weakened - perhaps no less from sexual satisfaction than their battle. Finally a timer went off, indicating the end of the match - a full hour long match! Although neither wrestler advanced their teams with their individual even 5 to 5 score, they both did their teams proud, and the audience applauded their appreciation for the wrestlers efforts - not stopping until both were totally exhausted! No one complained when the wrestlers did not get up from the mat right away, but took some time to rest there. As well for their admirable efforts, both wrestlers were paid a portion of the "gambling pot" (a dangerous combination of words to use outside of the club). Both wrestlers, getting somewhat unsteadily back up on their feet now, hugged - affectionately this time. In true sportsmanlike fashion, they congratulated each other, and there was a feeling among the applauding spectators that both were walking away from the mat as friends. in an interview some time later, Stan confirmed the friendship. He also stated: "I've heard some say SPW is not a sport, and I've heard some say girls can't hold their own in any wrestling sport against guys. I disagree with all those people. Yeah, this is underground. But the sex - yeah it's something to get the audience going, but it's not JUST that, you know? It really is, basically ... a legitimate wrestling hold. That's what my first SPW match taught me!" Mel commented on SPW in an interview with her: "I wasn't sure if SPW would be for me. It's not for everyone. It can be less brutal than submission style, but it's more brutal than freestyle. But wrestling naked like this ... it makes for a more ... honest ... fight. I mean ... imagine using your genitalia as a weapon! You take your lumps, but I know that for me, the pain is worth it for ... the pleasure." Both wrestlers stayed after their match to watch some other fights, and seemed to leave together later - but that's another story we don't need to know about. One thing that is interesting though - both would return to become partners in a two-person team vs. team Sex-Pin Wrestling event, and this time the rules were modified to allow a lot more submission holds for points! Not that that made the wrestling any better, or any worse, for absolutely everyone - it's a matter of taste. But "SPW" is at least versatile that way. It starts with the basic building blocks, forming a reasonably safe foundation where some pain, but also a whole lot of sexual pleasure, can be used as weapons! This is great for wrestlers and spectators who want to experience more sex than painful holds in the wrestling, but for people who want something at least a little more brutally intense, things can then be added from there. Additional building blocks. With that in mind, here's an addendum - a summarized rule-book of sorts of SPW, to formalize things, now that you've had a more informal taste of the sex-fighting. Rule-books can be dry, but you won't find too many games explained like this any where else!... Rules Addendum: The wrestlers of a SPW match fight until a timer goes off indicating the end of a set duration of the match, which is often as high as an hour! The wrestler who has gained the most points in that time wins. One (but not the only) way to score a point is to make your opponent submit from certain holds. Your opponent may submit from either a bear hug (frontal or reverse) or from the intensity of sexual activity, or from a combination thereof, while other submission holds do not count for points. "Sexual activity" in this context includes genital-to-genital connection, penetrative sex (as with mixed gender matches) and thigh-to-genital connection or rubbing (often employed in female vs. female matches). A wrestler may also be awarded a point for each continuous minute, up to ten in a row, that he or she has achieved a so-called "sex-pin", as counted usually by the referee, and sometimes in a post-match video analysis. The sex-pin means pinning your opponent's shoulders and/or buttocks to the ground while engaged in sexual activity. Being sexually dominant is therefore one way to win the match! A wrestler is allowed to control his or her opponent by holding that opponent's chin within his or her inner elbow - so as not to choke the opponent into a submission that would be illegal, and therefore not worth any points. However, if a wrestler DOES choke his or or opponent, and his or her opponent is too stubborn or perhaps distracted (such as from sexual asphyxiation during a sex-pin) to submit before being knocked out, this is worth a point. In fact, getting knocked out from ANY hold, such as a choke hold or a bear hug, is worth a point. Many submission holds not already mentioned may be used for defense. If a wrestler submits to being immobilized in an immobilizing but otherwise non-submission hold that has not already been mentioned, such as a basic pin (not in combination with a bear hug or sexual activity) or a headlock around the chin as opposed to a choke around the neck, this is worth a point. In the spirit of allowing wrestlers to try to "seduce" each other into losing the match, kissing is allowed. A match is typically, but not always, fought in oil - which makes it easier for a nude wrestler to escape what can be long, immobilizing holds such as a bear hug of one's arms trapped to one's sides. Safety first! If a wrestler submits, both wrestlers must stop any action that might lead to them hurting each other, and usually this means breaking apart. A new round following a submission is started at the center of the mat. If a wrestler goes completely "out of bounds" on the mat, both wrestlers will be required to break - even if this disrupts a submission attempt - and start again at the center of the mat. Some wrestling "arenas" may be "sunken" - such that the mat is surrounded by other mats for walls, and therefore there is no out-of-bounds area. A popular event is to match up a woman against a man, and award the man money if he wins, or the woman money either if she wins or if neither wins (giving her the benefit since she is likely smaller than the man, even though she is also likely strong for her size). Also there is a special rule that applies to a wrestler endowed with a penis. If this wrestler is able to demonstrate an erection followed by the loss of that erection while in the dominant (top) position of a sex-pin, that wrestler will gain a point. If that wrestler however is dominated in the sex-pin on the bottom position, and during that time is forced through stimulation to demonstrate and an erection followed by the loss of that erection, then the (sexually) dominant wrestler will gain a point. An optional extension to the match is that in the rare case that neither wrestler has won, then the match may go overtime until a quick (and therefore optionally non-sex) pin is achieved, in addition to anything else that might gain a wrestler the first overtime point, thus determining a winner. Obviously this type of wrestling is not just about sex, but about combining freestyle and submission styles of wresting, along with sexual domination (as well as defense against it). While this combination keeps out strikes and other unsafe moves, it nevertheless makes for an intense form of fighting! Some possible modifications to this sort of wrestling may be included, based on the venue and/or what the wrestlers agree to. One modification, meant to make the matches shorter (as is sometimes preferred in tournament action) is to limit the winner to being the first wrestler to win at least a certain, small number of points. For longer than usual action, the number of points could be set quite high, OR, to more accurately determine the better wrestler, the winner must be the first wrestler to have gained at least a certain number (more than one) of points ahead of the other wrestler. For an even more intense form of fighting, other submission holds may be allowed for points! This is often the case in elimination tournament action, where a man may end up having to wrestle a male opponent, in which case both wrestlers are given the option to wear shorts and NOT wrestle sexually. All this, however, puts less emphasis on the sex-pin, which is a matter of taste. The use of oil in some cases (such as this latter scenario) may be more optional than mandatory. There is another variation of SPW where wrestlers must not use oil, so as to allow greater friction for the purpose of immobilization. In this variation, immobilization is encouraged and awarded, but submissions for points are not allowed except for the submissions of "basic" SPW - ie. submissions from bear hugs, sexual intensity, or from being immobilized. This is considered to incorporate "real world self-defence" elements to SPW, where a defender must immobilize an attacker but not necessarily hurt that attacker. A point is awarded to a wrestler who achieves a standard (non-sex) pin against the other wrestler for a minute - requiring the buttocks and/or shoulder blades to be pinned to the mat. A point is also awarded to a wrestler who keeps the other wrestler facing the mat flat on his or her stomach for a minute. Once a point is awarded in either of these scenarios, the wrestlers must break apart to start a new round. If at any time during a standard pin, a wrestler changes it to a sex-pin, even if only for a moment, that wrestler will be awarded an extra point. [Suggestion for an illustration here: a man is flat on his stomach while the woman on top has put both of his arms across his neck and holds his wrists to keep him immobilized. (Neither or in oil).] [THE END OF STORY 1].