Barefooted Heroine:The Freeing of the Soles By Jack Rayden gets some new recruits to kick evil’s ass with bare female feet. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Three barefooted kicks from Rayden's perfect white feet left the ninja unconscious on the ground. "Ninja schminja" grinned Rayden as she looked around the room. Four large guards, at least ten scientists, and a ninja lay unconscious around the room, all victims of Rayden's fists, feet, forehead, etc. There was only one person left conscious in the room. Supervirus he called himself. Arnold Williams was his real name. A 19-year-old supergenius who had nearly ruined the world's economy and set up one of his own. Of course, now his plans were a shambles, the economic apocalypse was averted, and every single one of his followers and employees, amongst the brightest scientists and most lethal assassins were now lying around the room, all looking forward to many weeks of hospitalization and many years of incarceration. Rayden padded her way toward Supervirus, a cocksure smile upon her face. Oh, that crooked little grin, it was always saved for the last one. Her brains, body, brawn, and bare feet had destroyed many a nefarious scheme, and she always savored saving the super head guy for last. Letting him see her easily demolish his goons and underlings in a one-sided, offhanded manner as easily as she had outwitted his computers and booby traps. Now, this 6-foot, blonde-haired, black-clad Amazon was padding toward him soundlessly, and Supervirus knew he was about to get the worst beating of his life. "N-no, please..." Supervirus begged. "I'll go quietly--" "Hi-ee-yah!" cried Rayden, bending back her toes and shooting her right bare sole toward Supervirus. The foot stopped amazingly two inches from Supervirus' face. With that, a flood of urine shot down Supervirus' leg and he passed out with fear. Rayden smiled. That trick always got 'em. It also usually involved her walking around barefoot in supervillain piss, but ah well. Supervirus came to, as a piss-soaked bare right foot smacked his face back and forth. He woke up to Rayden, standing with perfect balance on one foot as the other did its work of waking him up. "No, no! Please" he begged. "I'll do anything you want, just don't beat me up!" Rayden shook her head. "You're an absolute supergenius whom the government will find too valuable to have rotting in prison, so they're going to ship you off to one of their little thinktanks and basically have you solving the world's problems for the rest of time." A sigh of relief came across Supervirus' face. Even that little glint of evil. Rayden knew it in an instant. "But you see my worry is that if you don't get any kind of punishment for this little crime, you'll just be back to your old ways in no time at all. On the taxpayers' dollar. And besides, I always beat the living shit out of the badguy." Pure fear came back across Supervirus's face. Maybe he could run. Anything just not--WHACK! CRACK! FOOT! FOOOT! "WAAAAAAAH!!!!" Supervirus became a very helpful resource to the federal government once he got out of intensive care. The phobia of beautiful women in bare feet never did go away, though. "One barefooted girl, 20 unconscious badguys," Rayden smiled as she padded out of the super lair. She slipped on the boots that she'd left hanging on her motorcycle and climbed onto the seat. "And with a little luck, I'll be in time for my play!" It was the last night of the show, and the audience had given a standing ovation. The sign over the theatre was being taken down; THE VAG—MON-L-G—S was all that remained ob the marquee, and the other letters were coming down quickly. Rayden was a gifted stage actress and she liked the idea of independent women in bare feet, but even she had been surprised at how well this production of a classic pay has gone, She had also been impressed by the producer Laura’s commitment to women’s self defense. And another actress in the play, Charity, was barefooted spunk incarnate. Beating the living snot out of villains for a living was fun, but having one’s only real sidekick be a telepathic extraterrestrial computer got a little wearing. Rayden was looking for a few friends to join her. But how do you broach such an invite? “I have to get home now—“ came a quiet voice. “Marella, you’re going out with us tonight.” Marella, the damaged one. Apparently, Laura was trying to get this timid submissive to ditch her sexist, abusive boyfriend. Marella had one monologue in the play, but just getting this girl to speak in front of people was an achievement. Rayden didn’t really get it. If a guy tried that crap with her, he’d be flat on his back in a hospital bed for a very long time. Still, you had to admire Laura’s efforts. “Marella, you put on something sexy, you take those shoes and socks off right now,” Charity admonished, “we are three totally hot, barefooted kind of girls, and you are partying with us tonight!” Ah, that innocently plucky spirit of Charity. It was nice, too. “Bryan likes me home immediately, he wants—“ “Why are you with him?” Laura asked sharply. Marella was shy about it: “He loves me.” Laura shook her head. “No one who loves you would abuse you physically or mentally, and I know he’s done both.” “MARELLA!” cried a loud, angry male voice. The girls all looked up. This guy wasn’t that big, Rayden thought, and not that good-looking. If this was who was treating Marella like this, he was going to have to learn what it was like to get beaten into a bloody pulp and not be able to do anything about it. Bryan on the other hand, saw things differently. Marella was his right. She was a woman and he had to dominate her. She wasn’t doing what she was supposed to, so he had to teach her. These girls she was spending time with were polluting her mind. They sure were hot, though. The short, thin, earnest-loking blonde, that must be Laura, the leader. She was incredible. Apparently, she tried to teach women to stand up for themselves. Bryan would have to beat and fuck that out of her tonight. The cocky-looking redhead… Marella had told him about how funny Charity was. It would be delightful to see her taught a lesson. And that six-foot blonde with the absolutely killer figure… Rayden. Bryan didn’t want to admit to himself that she looked like she could totally kick his ass. Which made him all the angrier. In particular, she would have to be destroyed. All three of these phenomenal-looking women were outdoors, standing on rough pavement in bare feet. And they all had a look in their eyes that Bryan despised in a woman: self-confidence. Marella had told him that all three of them absolutely loved going barefoot and were starting to get her to run around without her shoes. Laura had told her that a woman in bare feet was a perfect, free entity that could accomplish anything. Bryan wanted his future wife barefoot and pregnant, but not free. He had to get her away from these women who were polluting her mind. And destroy these women, so that she would not have role models. Laura, the cute, earnest-looking blonde walked toward him, her bare feet so well-trained that they treated rough pavement like a shag rug. A bully, thought Laura. She knew the type so well from her work as a women’s self-defense instructor. They felt so small inside that the only way they could find self-esteem was to push down others, particularly the woman they were with. She had to proceed carefully. She wanted this guy out of Marella’s life, she’d love him facing some criminal charges for the way he’d treated her, and most of all, she wanted an excuse to beat this son-of-a-bitch into a bloodied, bawling pulp. And given her phenomenal fighting skills, she could do it blindfolded with one arm tied behind her back (a stunt she did in high school, so the bully could realize how much weaker he was.) But as a respected women’s self-defense instructor, she couldn’t be seen misusing her skills. Best to negotiate the nonviolent but firm path. If she knew creeps like this, he’d find a free-spirited, intelligent, fearless woman getting his submissive to a position of safety so world-shattering that he’d provoke the violence. And then a complete ass-whooping would be legally and morally warranted. His buddies in the truck might be a problem, though… Charity knew a fight was brewing. Raised with four brothers, she quickly learned how to fight… and was the bane of assholes everywhere since her first fight in first grade boxing the snot out of two fifth grade bullies, just as her father had taught her. She knew Laura was a self- defense instructor, so she could probably handle Bryan, but Charity wanted to be sure that these two yokels wouldn’t try to change the odds. Besides, Charity hadn’t been in a good fight for over a year now, and she kind of wanted something to go down. “Come on, boys,” laughed Bryan, “let’s have some fun with these bitches!” His two buddies, Carl and Ray hopped out of the bed of the truck. Laura looked around. She was facing Bryan, Charity was staring at Carl; each of them was at lest fifty pounds and half a foot smaller than the guy they were facing. Rayden, however, stood six feet in bare feet (which is how she always stood) and was probably a couple inches taller than Ray. Just by looking, she was obviously much more athletic than the out-of-shape asshole in front of her. Bryan was leering the way bullies do, Carl had a grin and an erection as he looked down at Charity. Only Ray seemed to appreciate the gravity of his situation, realizing that this blonde barefooted Amazon could probably eat him for lunch. “All right,” started Laura, “this is the situation. Marella is leaving you. Immediately. She’ll be my new roommate for the time being. I’m also going to make sure she gets a job, an education, nice friends, and a guy who can treat her properly. Tonight, we’re going over to your place and taking her stuff. We don’t want any trouble, so we’ll just take her clothes, tiny personal items… anything that doesn’t fit in my car easily, you can keep. You’ll have to get a new roommate to help pay the bills. Other than that, you won’t be seeing her again.” Bryan burst out laughing. “Ooooh!” he mocked. Like a good coward, he looked to his friends for support. Carl was laughing, too, but Rayden was boring a hole through Ray with her stare… he looked downright petrified. “Well?” asked Laura, “are you boys going to let us go about our business and leave Marella alone forever? Or will us ladies have to get testy?” Bryan laughed. “Bitch, you got some spunk. We’re gonna have to fuck it out of you.” He turned to his comrades. “We’ve got three scary giiiirls in our way. Leave ‘em lying on the ground unable to walk because of good fucking.” He turned menacingly toward Marella. “And I am going to beat you so bad, you will never even dream of doing this again. I’m not just gonna stop when you’re bawling your eyes out, begging me to stop, I’ll stop when I know you won’t have an ounce of fight left in you for the rest of your life.” Laura smiled grimly. “Well said. I was going to say basically the same thing to you. The only difference is that I’m telling the truth, while you will probably never threaten another woman for the rest of your life.” Bryan’s mouth dropped open in shock. He turned to his buddies. “Fuck these bitches up!” Rayden decided to take sympathy in her sparring partner and finish him quickly. “OK,” she shrugged, “let’s have fun.” WHAP! Her fist exploded across Carl’s jaw. His head snapped back, his eyes rolled, and Carl fell unconscious to the ground. Rayden shook her head dejectedly as she looked down at the now-sleeping heap; that almost wasn’t worth it. Nonchalantly, she turned back to her friends and their opponents. Marella’s jaw was on the floor, as were Bryan’s and Ray’s. Charity had a huge, impressed grin on her face, but Laura had a knowing recognition; she was looking at a kindred spirit and she knew it. “Well,” shrugged Rayden, “who’s next?” Ray turned back to Charity, who had now raised her fists up to cocked position; she had a cock-sure smile upon her lips. “Well, you can turn and go right now, or you can stay here and get beaten senseless.” Charity wriggled her toes excitedly. God, she loved a fight if the other side had it coming. “Fuck you, cunt, I’m gonna--!” “OK”, shrugged Charity, and shot her right fist straight out and into Ray’s nose. CRACK! Blood flew and Ray’s hands went to cover his injury. A look of concern crossed Charity’s face and she stepped forward, hands outstretched, as if wanting to nurse Ray’s injury. This let her inside his defenses so she could drive her knee up into his groin. Ray’s mouth formed a soundless “O” as he folded in half. Both hands flew to his groin, leaving his possibly broken nose open to the world. Just how Charity wanted it. She brought her knee right up into his face. CRACK!!! Before he could fall to the ground, Charity grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pulled him to standing, His face was totally bloodied and his eyes were glassy, but the pure fear inside them was unmistakable. Ray weakly raised his hands up. “P-p-please,” he mumbled through semi-consciousness and tears. “D- don’t beat me up anymore! I c-can’t t-take it!” But Charity’s snarky smirk gave him no comfort. He was looking into the face of a young woman both proud of what she had done to a deserving asshole, amused at how easy it had been, and possessing a pair of feet which were allowed to be free and bare as much as possible. Charity wriggled those toes one last time. “Say good night, hotshot!” she grinned wryly, pulled back her right fist, and let fly. Her fist seemed to Ray to be approaching in slow motion and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. To everyone else, that punch flew so fast and with so much power, you couldn’t help feel sorry for its recipient. Ray’s body spun 180 degrees. His eyes were totally blank, and that approaching fist was the last thing he remembered before waking up in the hospital with his broken jaw wired shut. Ray ate out threw a straw for the next month. He never bullied another person again. Laura had a few rules. Only use your fists in self-defense, or when justice demands. Only give the beating that is deserved, but never give less that that. Always, always be grateful for the gifts of womanhood and barefootedness that God had bestowed upon her; and never let the villains of the world forget that a woman’s bare feet could be very effective weapons. Oh, and any guy who got in a fight with her would leave with a broken nose, that was for certain. Laura turned back to face Bryan. His jaw hung wide open. He’d just seen two men get totally ass-whooped by two of the hottest babes he’d ever seen. And now, Laura, the one who had poisoned his submissive little bitch against him was raising her fists confidently. She was wriggling her toes in anticipation, just like the red-head had done. A crooked, cocksure smile was across Laura’s face, betraying a mix of amusement, anticipation, and distaste. Bryan reached into his belt and withdrew a small handgun. Laura backed off, that smirk gone from his face. “All right, you barefooted bitches. I’m gonna finish this shit right now! I’m gonna…” A high-pitched whine filled the air. The gun was shaking in Bryan’s hand. Rayden held a tiny device in her hand which was flashing. Rayden said: “Laura, the funny little device in my hand emits a magnetic pulse which will make it impossible for him to fire his gun.” Bryan pulled the trigger. Again, again, nothing happened. Fear covered his face. A smile covered Laura’s. Laura continued: “Marella, do you think your now ex-boyfriend deserves a beating?” Marella peeled off her confining shoes and socks and let her bare soles enjoy the cool pavement. It felt wonderful, freeing, womanly. Never again would she let her self be constrained. “He’s beaten me up every day of my life for the last six months.” “Well,” smiled Laura wryly, “in three months, I will have trained you so that if he raises a hand to you again, you will beat him senseless without breaking a sweat. But I think it might do you good to see that happen right now.” Laura turned toward Bryan, “and I can think of no better lesson to you, sir, than for a beautiful, intelligent, eternally barefooted woman half your size and with ten times your worth takes you apart very, very slowly.” Bryan pulled the trigger. Again. Again. Nothing. “You have beaten my friend on a regular basis. I tell all my girls that a man who beats a woman deserves the worst beating imaginable. You have tried to threaten us tonight. I tell my girls that such a person deserves a beating. You have tried to fire a gun at me, and I tell everyone of my girls that a person who attacks you with a lethal weapon must be taught slowly surely one-sidedly, and excruciatingly painfully that that should never be done. For the next few weeks, you will be lying in a bed recovering with more pain than you can possibly imagine. For the next few minutes, I will blacken both of your eyes shut, break your nose, knock out all of your front teeth, break your arms, your legs, your ribs, and crush your testicles into jelly. Here goes.” “Yaaaaah!” Full of terror, Bryan pulled his gun back and swung it as a club. There was a quick flurry of Laura’s hands and Bryan was hurtling through the air. The gun clattered harmless toward Rayden, who snagged it with her toe and kicked it out of the way. Bryan, on the other hand, thudded to the ground quite painfully and gracelessly. “Wow. You’re really tough,” teased Laura. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle such a weak, fat loser as you.” Bryan popped up, full of anger. This bitch wasn’t going to ruin his life. SWOOSH! SWOOSH! SWOOSH! He threw punches all around Laura, but not one of them found their mark. Laura shook her head. “This is how you throw seven punches.” The palm of her hand crashed into Bryan’s nose, breaking it. The next fist buried itself in his solar plexus. Bryan folded, groaning. An uppercut straightened his back up, then two more jabs slammed into his right eye. He could feel it starting to swell almost immediately. Another punch slammed into his mouth, breaking teeth. “And Number Seven!” “No, no!” begged Bryan, “Please!” He held his hands up, terror on his face. “You’ve broken my nose. You’ve knocked out my teeth!” Sure enough, broken teeth were spewing as he begged. “I’ll never beat up another woman as long as I live! I promise.” “I call it uncle plus.” Laura said. “You beat them up until they beg for mercy. But you can’t stop there. They must get one more round. That will break them and make sure they never, ever dream of hurting another woman again.” Slowly, deliberately, Laura lifted her leg so that her tough, calloused, dirty sole was staring Bryan right in the face. “This is one of the most important forces of good in the entire universe. The most important motto I teach my students is this: Free your soles and your soul will follow. A barefooted woman is strong, powerful, intelligent, sexual, caring human, and undefeatable. And once she learns the power of bare feet, she must use them to kick evil so hard, it will never dream or rearing its head again.” Marella was smiling from ear to ear. Here a 5-foot-two-inch, 110- pound woman had beaten a 6-foot-2-inch bully into a blubbering puddle of absolute fear. Marella also felt her female power growing by leaps and bounds now that she could feel the earth beneath her bare female soles. In ten years, Marcela would become the State Senator, champion the rights of the underdog, marry a wonderful man, go barefooted as much as possible, and beat the living shit out of 10 rapists, 3 serial killers, 4 pedophiles, 8 terrorists, and many many more pieces of human shit. But what happened next brought about the most satisfying kick of her life. “Now you will learn the power of bare female feet,” said Laura. She kicked him in the face with her raised right bare sole. Bryan staggered back, ran into the wall and staggered forward. Laura put her right foot down on the ground and swung her left around to the side of his head. Whack! Bryan staggered toward Charity, who brought her left foot up in a roundhouse. CRACK! Bryan staggered toward Rayden who balanced on her right foot and held her left foot out to stop his punch drunk stagger. A quick flick of the foot sent him careening toward Marella. Fear filled Bryan’s eyes. Hate filled Marcela’s. Through his semi-conscious haze, Bryan saw Marella’s fist pull back. This man had beaten her so much, Marella had forgotten what self- confidence was like. But no more. Marella was about to throw the first punch of her life. Somehow, it felt natural. WHACK! Bryan landed on the ground, mercifully unconscious. WAHOO!!!!!! The four girls ran to each other hugging and high- fiving. “That was awesome!” cheered Charity. “Those guys didn’t stand chance!” Marella was grinning from ear to ear. “I am never going to let someone treat me like that again. Laura, I am coming to your class every week, and I am 100% barefoot for the rest of my life!” Charity hugged her warmly. Laura turned to Rayden. “We have a lot to talk about.” Rayden nodded. “You’re absolutely right. I think I’ve just gotten three new partners in kicking the shit out of crime. Barefoot style!” WHACK! CRACK! THUD! OOF! OUCH! Rayden and her new squad of crimefighters will be turning badguys into bloody pulps with bare female feet n the next installment.