Nicole by It was ring match time. I was doing pretty good with the "fight house" matches but I needed to improve my ring record because right now I was in the position of being a jobber and with that reputation almost every lady in the league wants a shot at you. Sara told me after match with Carmen that my next opponent would be Nicole a 22 year old grad school student. There was virtually no information on her except that she was 5'2" and a muscular 130 lbs with long blond hair and hazel eyes. I did know this girl from the gym I worked out at. We had never talked but I had admired her ability to do pull ups and squats, which most women avoid. One time I actually witnessed Nicole do six unassisted pull ups. I arrived at the areana prior to the match and it was crowded with 300 spectators. As I looked around I saw a banner with the words "A Night of Champions". Suchi's title was on the line against Maria. I thought wow that will be a great match two very different ladies both extremely competetive going at it. I knew that I would have to try and watch it since I had wrestled both women before. They were both loses too but the one I was sore at most was Suchi because she took advantage of me being a rookie and just destroyed me. Another factor was I had a thing for Maria, granted most of the ladies here were attractive but there was just something that radiated from Maria. I was to be the second match that night so I went to change quickly so I could watch the first match. I put on my traditional black spandex trunks and my black boots, then I hurried out to catch the match before it started. Sara was standing in the hallway as I walked through and she asked what I was doing and I told her that I was going to watch the first match. She smiled a beautiful yet mischevious smile. Sara explained that Tammy, one of the ladies that helped found the league, was going to wrestle a young bussinessman named David. Sara told me to enjoy the destruction out there. Tammy wore a two piece spandex outfit that revealed her flat midrift and her strong shapely legs. Her top was red, her bottoms were black and she wore black boots. Tammy had light brown hair and a nice tan, she stood 5'8" and weighed 155lbs. David was a tall red headed man in his late twenties. He was 6'0" 185lbs and he had the classic boxer's build. He was dressed in light blue wrestling trunks and matching boots. David looked a little shy because this was his first match but Tammy looked calm like a lioness waiting to pounce and eat. Sara entered the ring as a referee and searched them both. Tammy attacked immediately performing a drop kick into Davids left knee. As David clenched his teeth in pain and grabbed his knee, Tammy walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She then grabbed his penis with one hand and his testicles with the other and paraded him around the ring. David had a look of humiliation and pain on his face and I had a massive hardon because Tammy was dominating so easily and she was enjoying her self. After 30 seconds of this she kicked David in the back of his left knee. Poor David fell down and Tammy grabbed his right leg and laid it out straight. She dropped several knees to David's right knee before she put his left leg in a leg lock. Tammy spent the next 10 minute torturing David's legs with leg spreads, figure4 leg locks, various ankle holds and a lot of knee attacks. She finally climbed on top of David and puched him 15 times in the face. As He slumped Tammy climbed to the top rope and executed a text book frog splash on David. All David could do was writhe in pain as Tammy stared at him smiling and celebrating with her fans. She finally and mercifully dropped down on David, and against what I thought she would do, She gave David a blow job and then made him eat her out. It was about the most erotic thing I had ever seen. Tammy had a look of complete satifaction, while David looked bewildered and sore. Years later as I analyzed what Tammy did to David and what many a woman did to me. I stumbled across their formula for victory and it was simply psychological domination and of course sexual promise. No straight man can tell me that wrestling one of these ladies would not arouse them, but I must take us back to the action and my up coming match. Since I was ringside already they anounced me first and then they announced Nicole. She was shorter than I liked a woman to be but I had to admire her build. She was well endowed and symetrically built, her muscle only complimented her frame. Her face was certainly cute but not beautiful again I can not state it enough that it is her body that catches the eye. She wore a pair of very short grey spandex shorts and a matching sports bra that left her middrift exposed. I noticed that her arms were 2/3's the thickness of mine, rather large for a lady. She wore white cross trainers and white socks that went above her ankles by two inches. The look in her eyes told me she was ready for this. I was happy that now I would be the experienced wrestler versus the rookie. The bell rang as soon as Sara searched us and we meet in the center of the ring in an elbow to collar lock up. Nicole was strong but I am stronger so I was able to push her into the ropes and slap her right across the top of her breasts. She had a look of surprise and pain on her face. I was getting very excited by this too, there was now the proverbial blood in the water. As she covered up her breasts I scoped her up for a body slam that left her arching in the middle of the ring. I could not help but pause and admire her voluptuous body as she writhed on the mat. I bent down and grabbed her legs and put her in a figure4 leglock, how she slapped the mat in pain but refused to give up when Sara asked her to. I was having fun now probably too much fun because I missed the fact that she sat up. Well I missed the importance of the fact that she sat up until she grabbed my balls for a quick release from the hold. It worked for her she purchased her release but was slow to get up just as I too was slow to get up. Finally I stood up hoping to attack but only to see Nicole just before she speared me in the gut. As I crashed into the ring post all thoughts of winning started to dim. To my pain and horror she rammed her shoulders into my abdomin repeatedly until she decided to mount the post and punch me in the face a half dozen times until I slumped down and sat on the second turnbuckle, that would turn out to be a mistake. Nicole knelt down on one knee and upper cut me in the balls. Now I was on the ground trying to get over the pain and Nicole was leaning against the ropes trying to catch her breathe and rubbing at her knees. A moment of hope bloomed inside me as I was able to get to my knees and to show my ring savvy I kept Nicole in my peripherial view and was able to move and avoid the knee she was aiming for my face and I got some revenge by punching her in the cunt. She fell to the ground moaning and rolling about clutching her pussy. Her mistake was not grabbing my head before launching her knee attack. When I was able to attack I found Nicole on her side in the fetal position so I laid down next to her and slapped a rear choke on her. She squirmed and struggled so I wrapped my legs around her waist and just let her exhaust herself to the point that she started to slump. Then I put her in a crucifix leg spread for the veiwing pleasure of the men in the audience. No really I did it to cause discomfort and pain and to thoroughly exhaust her. I let go of the leg spread after three minutes of her suffering and then I applied a claw to her temples until she was laid out flat on the mat. Now I was going to have fun I was shaking with excitement at what I would do now. I sat on her lower abdomin and grabbed her left leg and raised it to a 90 degree angle and then made another claw and put it on her pussy and just listened to her moan and groan, I could have cummed right there but I chose not to. I decided to end the match by pulling Nicole to her feet, this was harder than I thought she was very wobbly but finally I got her up by pulling on her pony tail. Then I punched her in the stomache as she doubled over I set her up for a pile driver. As I executed it the crowd was on their feet cheering and quite excited by this display of domination. Nicole laid spread eagle hardly moving so I decided to end it via the pin count. I removed her bra much to the appreciation of the male members of the audience and I put her in the traditional single leg cradle pin. Sara counted to ten without Nicole even struggling against the pin. As Sara raised my arm in victory I had an idea for the crowd that was behind me completely now. I removed Nicole's bottoms and proceeded to eat out her wonderful vagina this brought her back around and she started to stir. At this point I brought her to her feet naked except for her knee and elbow pads and her socks and shoes. I tangled her in the ropes so that she faced the crowd and I fucked her from behind in her vagina. The crowd almost could not contain themselves as I brought her to an orgasm. She moaned in pleasure and lost her footing and slumped. At this point I untangled her and made her turn around and pleasure me with her mouth. A minute later I came and she swallowed greedily. I left Nicole in the ring as I headed to the back to shower and take some Advil to help with the pain that Nicole had inflicted. I would soon come out to watch the championship match. Sara caught me on my way back and congratulated me for the victory but more so she congratulated me for my showmanship at the end of the match. Sara told me to balance that through out the match not just the end. How I am to do that I do not yet know I truly just survived Nicole had she kneed me in the head it would be her as the winner not me. When I finished showering and changing the match was already under way. Maria had Suchi in a painful boston crab submission hold. As I took my seat I noticed Suchi wore a beautiful white bikini with a floral design and white boots which really complimented her tanned skin complection. Maria wore a dark red leotard with black wrestling boots that almost came up to her knees this outfit complimented her pale skin and dark brown hair. Maria worked that Boston crab hold for good minute causing Suchi to cry out in pain but to her credit Suchi would not submit. I was on my feet cheering for Maria who I wanted to win even though earlier I thought she had no chance of winning. After releasing her hold on Suchi, Maria commenced stomping on her back and kicking her in the sides. The smaller Suchi looked done thoroughly awash in pain. Maria picked her up by her hair and put her in an abdominal stretch. Suchi held out even though she screamed and yelled she would not submit. Maria released the hold and looked a Suchi like lioness looking at a wounded gazelle. Maria rocked Suchi with an upper cut to the chin before performing a swinging neckbreaker on her. Suchi laid still and did not move at all. Maria climbed to the top turn buckle and jumped landing butt first on Suchi's chest. Suchi's legs and arms flew up and fell down. With a smile and a kiss to the crowd she pinned Suchi for the ten count and the title. The goddes finally had her crown.