Miss Laura vs. Jeff by Miss Laura, mk92787@hotmail.com Laura puts the squeeze on a scrawnier male who made the foolish mistake of showing up to the wrestling ring late. "He's on his way right now," was all the text message said. Laura felt like throwing her phone against the wall. She didn't like to be kept waiting this long. It's been almost a half hour since the match was supposed to start. Laura was all the more peeved because she made a point this time to show up extra early. She had to get the camera set up and running, stake out a locker, get in a quick shower, and change. She's been standing around in her red sports bra and boxers for nearly forty minutes now, her long red hair neatly tied back behind her, and she was quickly losing her patience. He's on his way right now? What the hell kind of help was that information, Laura wondered. On his way right now from where? Mars? He could theoretically be on his way right now for the next several days. She already had to go back to the camera and stop it from recording just so she didn't waste any memory or data. Laura really felt like strangling Tina for even giving her such a vague, stupid answer. Laura was more so getting annoyed at Tina just in general lately. If the guy ever shows up, this would be the sixth match in a row that Tina insisted on setting up. Every week now it's been "Oh, I've found the perfect guy!" or even just an arrogant "I'm sending this one your way." Tina's been getting a little too bossy about this hobby that Laura was not only reluctant to tell her about, but also one Tina doesn't really partake in herself. And to what end? Is Tina expecting a cut of the sales of the DVDs Laura sells online? Laura thought to herself that the one thing she does NOT need or want is a manager. Like with this new guy Laura was expecting, and quickly not giving a crap about. All Tina said in her voice mail was "His name's Jeff, he's also 30, and he's 150 pounds." The guy then e-mailed Laura a day later talking about how excited he was. Tina had not only given him Laura's private e-mail address but had also sent him several pictures, a description of her height (5'5"), her weight (175 pounds), her specific measurements (42DD-38-44), even her marital status! She was just about ready to tell Tina to butt out. Laura finally heard a quick scuffling noise approach the locker room, as if someone was frantically running. Jeff came rushing in and gasping for air, a tote bag slung over his left arm. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" he said between pants. "I got lost getting here. My GPS kept sending me to the 'Y.'" "That's okay," Laura smiled, "at least you made it." I'm so sorry to find out that you were the reason that poor Tina woman was found bludgeoned to death in the alley, she thought to herself. "Do we still have time?" "At the moment, yes. They won't open the gym to the public for another hour or so. Take a moment to catch your breath. If you need it, there's a Pepsi machine on the other side of the lockers." "All I need is a moment or two and I'll be ready," Jeff answered as he approached a locker Laura had opened and had ready for him (that's how much time she had to kill). He pulled up his shirt, and Laura took a look at his frame. Tina had told her that he was 150 pounds, and she could now tell that he did look a bit scrawny, as his 5'7" frame didn't carry the weight well. He did appear to be trying to compensate, though, as it appeared that he did work out, with some muscle tone in his chest and considerable development in his arms. "Have you wrestled long?" Laura asked as Jeff started kicking off his shoes. "Only a few times since high school," he responded while sliding off his jeans, revealing ugly gray trunks. "I was on the wrestling team," he added, knowing right then and there that it was perhaps the most needlessly redundant thing he could have said. "Well, I do it a little more pro-style than what schools probably allowed." "Oh, I know," Jeff laughed. "Tina told me." Gee, what DIDN'T Tina tell this guy? "Ever wrestle a woman before?" "No, but the idea always intrigued me. Should I be worried? I mean, I only saw one or two of your sample videos online." "Oh no, you'll be fine. You might get hurt, but you'll go home in one piece," she chuckled. "Good, it would be hard driving home with blood spraying from my nose." "Well," Laura smiled as she approached him, offering her hand, "good luck." "You too." Laura shook gently, as she always deceptively did, and was immediately impressed by how strong Jeff's hand felt. He didn't do anything macho with it, like squeeze too hard to show his strength or anything, but there was a nice firmness to it, like someone who worked with their hands a lot but took good care of them. Jeff meanwhile was equally impressed by Laura's body. He was never really into bigger girls, but he did like the sight of her; some nice meat on her bones. As their hands shook he couldn't help but glance down at her mammoth chest, noticing the front of her sports bra sway back and forth ever so slowly. "So," Jeff began as he turned to close his locker, "any stakes?" "Well, what do you want?" At this point Laura's eyes nearly glazed over in disinterest. Stakes? She couldn't help but wonder, why do the men always insist on stakes? Isn't the fact that they get to roll around with a half-naked woman who isn't their wife, and have the nerve to be able to justify it as qualifying as a "sport," enough of an incentive? Why do some people have the desire to be additionally rewarded for having fun? Laura could do without the discussion of stakes. She doesn't need them and certainly doesn't make it her driving force to win. She couldn't help but think about a key difference between men and women. In all her years of wrestling, the stakes the men would insist upon, and it should be noted that she has never encountered a female opponent who needed stakes, were always sexual in nature. It doesn't even matter what they wanted, which position, which orifice they desired, or what, but she could count on their requested reward being some sort of carnal pleasure the way she could count on the seasons changing. It made her laugh how her own needs for some sort of free service were quite different, and there was a time in which she actually had losing opponents wash her car, do her laundry, and pay for landscaping. Laura was lost in thought as Jeff described what he wanted, and she barely heard the words "What about you?" "Pardon?" "What would you like if you win?" She really wanted to tell him that she didn't need a "treat" because she was an adult, but she decided to be kind. She ran through some of her usual medial-task requests and came up with very little. Then Laura noticed Jeff's arms again. Nice, defined biceps; strong-looking hands. "Okay," she began, "if I win you have to treat me to a massage afterward." A smile quickly came across Jeff's lips. "Can do!" he beamed. "And I mean a massage," she continued, her voice and tone dropping a level. "You're not going to see me naked, and you're not going to be touching any body part that doesn't have a muscle directly underneath. If so much as a fingernail goes in an ungentlemanly direction, I will NOT be happy, you read me?" Jeff's smile cooled, and he nodded respectfully. "You can trust me." They both quietly walked down the hallway to the well-lit ring. As Jeff entered through the ropes Laura made sure to turn the camera back on. Jeff said in his e-mail that he knew she taped and sold her matches, and he was more than excited to see it come out, but still Laura was considering making it a condition that opponents have to sign a release and waiver from the get-go. Everyone is so sue-happy these days. Laura slipped under the ropes and waited in the corner opposite from Jeff. She had more than enough time to get ready for the match, both physically and mentally, but she still gave her joints and limbs a good loosening out of habit. "Any last-minute rules or anything?" Jeff asked as he also stretched, more in response to Laura doing it than anything he thought he needed to do. "Anything off-limits?" "Yeah," Laura deadpanned. "No text messages from dumb blondes." Jeff laughed heartily as if he knew exactly whom she meant. As Jeff and Laura both approached the center of the ring from their respective sides, Jeff crouched down slightly and put his hands out in front of him, ready to grasp. "Test of strength?" Jeff quietly asked. "Sure," Laura answered as she walked up to him and clamped onto his hands. Laura wanted to be polite and more so wanted the match to get going, especially after such a delay, but the truth was that she hated tests of strength. She just never saw the point of them. You squeeze, they squeeze, so what, she thought. It's not like one of the persons involved is suddenly going to lift the other up over their head by their hands and then spin them around like they're making pizza dough. That would be a real test of strength in Laura's mind. But still, she played along, as she at least understood that some guys and girls get into doing it, for whatever reason. She pressed her palms forward and tried to apply pressure, feeling Jeff's hands push back. She did like how his hands felt, no doubt about that. Jeff started to wince, feeling pressure against his wrists. He tried to take a step forward, but it was no use. Laura was too big to push back, practically an immovable object. He was amazed not just by her size but also by how she used it. Laura meanwhile was becoming increasingly more and more bored. She could feel Jeff's fingers try to dig in between hers, but she knew it was almost out of desperation. Time to end this, she thought as she pulled him toward her and brought her knee up into his stomach. "Uuuhnn!" Jeff moaned as he doubled over, with Laura letting go of his hands to allow him to grasp himself in pain. Laura looked down and saw an opening, so she drove her right fist down onto his back. "Aaarrr!" Jeff dropped down onto all fours, trying to find the perfect balance between reaching for his back and keeping himself from plopping down all the way onto the mat. Laura felt a wide smirk come across her lips as she slowly walked around Jeff, who was down on his hands and knees in a blur of pain. She came over to his right side and swiftly kicked him in the ribs. "Uuuhn!" Jeff groaned as he rocked to his left, falling down onto his side and trying to tuck his legs almost into a fetal position. Laura watched him slowly crawl toward the ropes and climb up onto his feet, holding onto them for dear life. As he turned around to face Laura all he could do was gasp as he saw the back of her hand sail toward him. Jeff let out a silent wince as his head snapped to the side, causing him to stumble toward a corner. He was seeing nothing but stars, not even sure if he was still in the ring. Laura saw he was in a daze and decided to see if she could end it early, rushing toward him and ramming herself into him, flattening his smaller frame into the corner. "Uuhhhhhn!" Jeff moaned as the larger woman plowed into him, his arms dangling loosely to his sides. Laura leaned in close and looked him right in his glazing-over eyes. "Do you give?" she asked patiently. "N...no," he whimpered, more out of pride than any physical stamina. "I'm sorry then," she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Jeff's waist. Keeping him in the corner, Laura took a deep breath and slowly lifted Jeff up, getting his feet up onto the bottom ropes. Jeff gasped as he felt his body rise, his feet now bounding lightly on the ropes. He slowly tried to shake his head clear to see what the heck was going on. "Good thing you're lighter than me," Laura smiled as she clamped her hands together and lifted Jeff up again, now getting his feet onto the middle ropes. She pressed herself close against him to keep him from squirming too much, her face against his stomach. All Jeff could do was let out an involuntary "Whoa." He started to feel really uneasy as he appeared to be towering over the ring, his feet almost feeling like he was standing on Jello. He so wanted to come to his senses, and he was barely able to manage a "What are you doing?" "Shhh," Laura whispered before taking another deep breath. With a quiet grunt, she lifted Jeff up again, getting his feet onto the top ropes. He now teetered precariously over the ring, and all he could see below him was the top of Laura's red hair. Laura wrapped her arms around Jeff's calves and locked onto them as best as she could, re-strengthening her hold as she prepared to leap backward. "Oh god no!" Jeff moaned as he could see her body crouch down slightly. Laura jumped back, pulling Jeff off the ropes with her. Jeff sailed through the air as he fell like a demolished building. There was nothing he could do as the mat rapidly came up to him. They both hit the mat with a loud "WHAM!" sound. Jeff got the worst of it as he met it with his face, chest, and stomach, all of which were flattened against it with no movement. Laura mostly felt the impact in her back and rear, but after the number of times she's done this, she's used to the sensation. Almost. Laura slowly sat up, first making sure her outfit was still on correctly. Sensing everything was fine, she scooted over to the side of the ring. Laura used the ropes to slowly climb to her feet and then stomped over to Jeff, who by now had rolled onto his back and was groaning. Reaching down, Laura got a good chunk of Jeff's hair in her hand and yanked up. "Upsie daisy," she cooed as she painfully pulled Jeff up onto his feet. Jeff winced silently as he was hoisted, grabbing onto Laura's thighs and then her hips for climbing support as he slowly rose. "All done now?" Instead of answering, Jeff let out a winced growl and locked his hands onto Laura's shorts. Clutching onto the waistband, he charged the two of them back in the direction of the ropes. Laura's back fell into the ropes softly, the force of Jeff's charge pushing them into the ropes deeply. Their bodies bumped into each other nicely and in the impact Jeff unintentionally tugged Laura's shorts down slightly on one side, causing her meaty left hip to peek out in the process. Feeling herself pushed back into the ropes, and feeling the ropes sag greatly behind her, Laura tried to get a grip on Jeff, more than anything to pull him up and push him away before the ropes decided to break, but he was too low against her body and all she could clutch were the tops of his shoulders. Jeff could feel Laura trying to grab at him, but he wanted to keep the little momentum he had received going. He quickly rose up, stayed in close to Laura, and drove his right knee deep into her stomach. "Oohph!" Laura coughed as the sharp knee pierced into her soft flesh, causing her to double over. In all the years she had been wrestling and fighting it was still the one thing she could never prepare herself for, a shot to the gut. The dull explosion of pain, the very faint queasy aftereffect, it never gets any better over time, at least nothing she could get used to. Her current predicament took a backseat to a new thought that was quickly filling her mind: Damn, that hurt! Jeff meanwhile was on cloud nine, as he finally hurt this large, tough lady. The excitement was beginning to turn him on even more so, amplified by seeing her bulky frame crumple forward over his knee in pain, his eyes momentarily fixed on the pale white skin of her bare lower back. But his brief ogling was stopped suddenly upon remembering what she had done to him earlier, throwing him around almost like ragdoll. It was time to make her pay. Jeff leaned over Laura's bent body and wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands almost meeting underneath on her belly. He was so close to her that if he wanted to he could kiss her bare back, but that was for later, he told himself. "You're going for a ride, bitch," he sneered, more mock-taunting than serious, as he did truly respect her. Laura nevertheless didn't like the sound of that, both the threat and the label, and decided it was time to stop playing around. With her arms dangling in front of her, she pulled her right arm up to her left shoulder and drove it back, ramming her elbow into Jeff's side. "Uhhhn!" Jeff howled as her elbow dug into his right side. He immediately let Laura go and hobbled along the ropes, grabbing onto the top one for support as he stopped to try to suck in some air. He had but a moment when he heard a rhythmic pounding behind him. He turned just in time to see Laura's right shoulder plow into his chest. "Aaaaghh!" Jeff shrieked as his hand went to his chest, caring very little for the fact that he was now careening backward toward the mat. As far as he was concerned, the room was spinning anyways; he could have been falling for the last ten minutes and he wouldn't have known the difference. He didn't even realize how close he came to landing on his ass when he felt Laura grab onto his left hand and pull him back upright. For a moment Laura thought that she was going to regret keeping him on his feet, as there was a good chance that she missed a great opportunity to end this match, but she wasn't done with him. It may have been a bit of a bruised ego to go along with her stomach, but she wanted to make it absolutely clear who the dominant party is. It was time to really end it. She got as close to the tippling man as she could and slowly wrapped her arms around him. She made a point to pin his developed arms to his sides, allowing him to do little more than squirm. The bearhug was nearly complete, and all she needed to do now was squeeze. Jeff wasn't sure what to expect at this point, but he could immediately feel the pressure against his arms. It was more the pressing weight than anything, as he couldn't really feel any well defined muscles in Laura's biceps. He couldn't help but wince, and from the sound of it he was almost sure that Laura was squeezing an involuntary groan out of him. Laura clasped her hands around her wrists and she tightened her hold around Jeff, pressing closer against him. She could feel her bra flatten against his chest, causing her cleavage to blossom up slightly between them. She could feel sweat start to practically pour from his body, some of it seeping into her bra. She knew she was going to win. "Little man have enough?" she whispered in his ear as she pressed in closer. The fight was quickly disappearing from him, and his mouth hung open as if in a silent scream. "N-n-no," Jeff stammered out in a quick pant. Even he didn't believe himself. He made a last-ditch effort to try to squirm out of Laura's python-like grip and tried to twist his body, to little avail. All he managed to do was worm his body closer against Laura's. Laura tried very hard not to notice how excited Jeff was getting. Because of how tight she was squeezing him and how close they were, if it wasn't for the two layers of shorts that were between them Jeff could very easily have slipped right into her. Not that Jeff was alone in that sentiment, as Laura was about a lingered thought away from needing to quickly change into some drier shorts, but she more wanted to win the match; it was the sole reason she was there, period. Jeff's head began slowly twisting back and forth, his teeth gritted shut and practically grinding. Streams of sweat were streaking down from his forehead, and tears were slowly forming in his eyes. Laura saw how defeated he was and, deciding to not even wait for the official end, began to take a few steps forward, parading him slowly around the ring. "Do you give now?" she asked, her voice as calm and serene as a maternity nurse. "Yes!" Jeff answered without hesitation. "Dear god yes!!!" Laura opened up her arms, and Jeff dropped to the mat like a lump. She looked down at his crumpled form and a satisfied smile slowly curled at the ends of her lips, allowing her but a moment to savor the victory. "Good match," Jeff whispered as he tried to suck in some air, very carefully picking himself up to get onto his knees. "Wow, you're tough." "Need a hand up?" Laura asked, somewhat cautiously. She could still remember a match from when she was first starting out, long before she started making tapes, where she defeated the guy and then foolishly offered him some help. He took her hand all right, and then pulled her into a kick to the stomach, and it was all downhill from there. Though Laura was still technically the winner, the creep nevertheless cleaned the floor with her. "No, I'm fine," Jeff responded, some strength coming back to his voice. "Just give me a minute." "Fair enough. I'll meet you in the locker room." By the time Jeff had entered, Laura was already sitting on one of the benches, still in her match outfit. She had momentarily thought about waiting for him already laying facedown, but she ultimately decided that it would look a little too pompous, like a dominatrix awaiting her servant or something. She always prided herself on being a good winner, especially because she knew first-hand how humiliating a loss can feel; it doesn't need to be compounded by a winner who suddenly thinks they're king or queen of the world. "You don't have to do this, you know," Laura explained. "No, it's okay. A deal's a deal. Besides, nothing would give me greater pleasure." "Nothing?" Jeff was momentarily at a loss for words, his face blushing quickly. He finally chuckled and smirked, "Just lie down." Laura laid across the bench facedown and could hear Jeff crouch down onto her left side. She tried to make sure her hair was still neatly tied behind her so she could just brush it over one of her shoulders to help get it out of the way. She was about to ask Jeff if he was comfortable kneeling on the floor when all of a sudden she felt his hands form around the base of her neck. As he started to rub, she could feel her muscles practically ooze. She couldn't help but let out a pleasing moan. "Have you done this before?" she asked. "Well, I went to school for physical therapy." "Why didn't you pursue it??" "Shhh," he whispered, and Laura could feel his thumbs press behind her shoulders and slowly knead in circles. She softly groaned in compliance. "Just let me take care of you," Jeff added. For a brief moment, Laura was beginning to like the idea of stakes. END (If you enjoyed this story and want to see more of Miss Laura in the future, please send feedback to the address at the top.)