Brother verses sister combat By Buzz Haywood Older brother and younger sister in competition On a message board. Okay, well I guess this is my turn. I voted and I read other comments. But I was reluctant to add my story. Why? Because people do tend to either lie, or exaggerate, add things to make their stories more interesting. I can see when a story gets to ridiculous or when somebody is being a troll. It gets to the point when a story is good and believable, but people still question it. I just wanted to get that off my chest. OK so anyway, I'm a huge wrestling fan, so is my kid sister. I'm 6 years older. I wrestled in school and did backyard wrestling. I don't know, she kept talking about wrestling, and I'd have my friends over to wrestle in the basement, made a welfare "ring" and just wrestled for fun. When I got my first camcorder, we began taping it. One day while I was bored, me and my sis talked, and next thing I knew we had agreed to a match. There was no arguing or anything like that. The rules were simple, pin or submission wins. I admit I was over-confident. No, I don't remember what we were wearing. (Who cares?) I do have the height, weight, advantage over her. Don't remember too much of how the match went, except it was short. She won, by pinfall. I was shocked. So we went again, and she used her speed to her advantage and pinned me again. (Talk about embarassing.) She was getting arrogant, so I asked for another chance. Boom! Another loss by pin for me. By this time she was bragging. So I challenged her again. Bam! Another pin. She wins again. :( I don't know what to do here. She says she bets she can make me submit. Long story short, we both put $5 down. Another long story short, she tripped me down, and twisted my arm, I was hurting, I screamed out. I submitted. She released the hold and grabbed the money. I'm 0-5 here. I wanted another chance to make things right. She talked me into betting $10. I did. She twisted my bad arm, and I submitted again. 0-6 and she took the money. She kept track of this in a notebook. That was day one of our wrestling rivalry.. After seeing how hurt my arm was, she stopped gloating. We talked and eventually shook hands, she promised not to tell. She kept the money. A week later we did wrestle again, but the results were the same. (0-16) Yes, there is more to the story, but there's too much to write. [Add-on) Weeks later, the secret came out when she gave me a bloody nose. (According to her records it was win 68 for her and I was still at 0.) Fortunately, only the folks found out...for now. (add on) So we started taping the matches. I was getting frustrated. She definitely had high confidence when she beat me for the 100th time. I kept getting scared that she'd let the word out. Especially after punching me in the face full force (win 120?) and I had to make up an excuse for the bruise. Add Needless to say, the tapes began piling up. (0-180) and eventually, the friends did find out. Add on After her "big 200th win" word got out. The guys are trying to coax me into having a match in our backyard fed with shoot-style rules. Tonight she told me the score is 264 matches. And she "reminded" me she won all of them. I just want to finally win. Add on: We did wrestle in the backyard fed. Yes she won again. She says it was her 286th win. I'm feeling bad. My self-esteem is down over this. I don't know what to do about this. (End Post) Brother: Buzz Sister: Lauren More happens between us. The rivalry continues. An underground MMA league heard about my series of matches with Lauren. The promoter approached both of us. Lauren quickly accepted. But I hesitated. 'I don't know. Probably not,â^À^Ý I said. 'Why not? Are you chicken, Buzz?â^À^Ý asked Lauren. She had been acting real cocky these days. The current record was 296 matches. Lauren with 296 wins and me with 0 wins. I would need to train and practice if I was going to accept this guy's invitation. Lauren had all the confidence in the world right now. Myself? I had none. I needed to change all that. My sister was already becoming an accomplished athlete. I needed to set things right. It won't be easy. Lauren is already a way better athlete than I am. Her strength is superior to mine. It's strange, she and I used to get along so well. Now her ego is out of control. I can't believe we're at this point. End Chapter