Kelly, part 2 Everyone was feeling good. The girls had wiped the floor with the (formerly) best beach volleyball players around, even though neither one of them had been playing more than a few months. Dave and Neri had had some fantastic sex on the beach. Kelly had given new meaning to "a few good men" and Bill was on cloud nine thinking he was going to score with one of the most perfect specimens on the planet, maybe the most perfect. After showering up, they decided to hit the town for something to eat and maybe some entertainment. As they walked along the main strip, a few block away from the beach, everyone was waving to them, saying hi, telling the girls how awesome they were. Obviously, they were no longer part of some anonymous doctoral thesis project. Many people told them that they were the best volleyball players ever, bar none, male or female. Nobody that they encountered had seen Kelly's demonstration of female superiority at the obstacle course, so that part of their prowess was still a secret. They found a great seafood restaurant and had dinner, and now it was time to look for a place with a good band or something. All of a sudden Kelly let out a little girl squeal. "Let's go in here." It was a place with no hold barred fighting. "Not exactly what I had in mind," complained Bill. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun." Kelly looked up at Bill with that cute freckled face. He melted. "What do you guys think? he asked Dave and Neri. "Fine with us," they said almost in unison. So in they went. It was already pretty full, but they found a table near the back. It was not one of those MMA type venues, just some mats on the floor with tables within feet of the mats. They watched a few matches, mostly amateurish, but each time the winner would stay and face a better opponent. Eventually a winner emerged. He was pretty good, well conditioned, good skills, good stamina, and mean as a snake. He was about 5'10" and probably about 180lbs. The announcer came out and said "Our newest fighter to outlast all the others, Charles, has earned the right to fight the house champ. But lest you think it's not fair that Charles has fought 4 fights and the champ is fresh, the house champ has been demonstrating the marine obstacle course on the beach all day, so he's had some exercise too." Kelly and Bill looked at each other in surprise as the mean marine who had the (previous) record came out to the mats looking formidable and nasty. Kelly leaned towards Bill and whispered in his ear, "He's probably meaner and madder than usual, having been bested by a teenage girl earlier." Then she giggled. But she was right. The bell rang and the marine, who it turns out was also named Charles (we'll call him Chuck) and was about the same size as the challenger Charles, proceded to beat the living daylights out of him. As the poor Charles lay dazed and bleeding on the mats, Chuck jumped up and down, yelling that he couldn't be beat and dared anyone to dare try. "Anybody in the audience wanna try?' "I do." You guessed it. Kelly. Chuck peered out into the darkness of the audience. "That sounded like a women's voice. Come on all you faggots, anyone want to go up against me?" "I do" again Kelly spoke as she stood up. Bill tried to pull her back down into her seat. "Come on Kelly, I know you're a great athlete, but he's a killing machine, and if he's sees you, he'll probably want to get back at you." "I'm counting on that" Bill looked pleadingly over at Neri. "I know" she said, I should try to stop this, I'm afraid it'll be a slaughter." "No" said Kelly, I want to try this. "Hey Chuck" she shouted. "You're the faggot if you don't give me a shot." Kelly stepped from the darkness. "You" shouted Chuck. "Okay, bring it on, bitch. I know you somehow cheated earlier today, but there's no way you can cheat when there's no rules." Kelly was wearing cutoff jeans shorts, so everyone could see how muscular her legs were, but she was wearing a long sleeve zipper front pink sweatshirt, and all anyone could tell about her upper body was that she had a small waist and big tits, (also very broad shoulders, but most were looking at her tits). Very quickly, Chuck, using fighting skills developed over years, had the advantage. Poor Kelly was on her back, Chuck had her pinned down and was relentlessly punching her ribs from the side. Just when it looked hopeless, and people were yelling for the ref to stop the fight, Kelly brought her legs up and did a kip up with surprised Chuck crossways in her arms (much like Neri had done to poor Ben), but instead of landing on her feet, Kelly kept going forward, straight into a crushing body slam. Chuck never knew what hit him. "Wow" shouted Neri, "that's awesome. I can't do that." Kelly bounced to her feet as Chuck just lay there. "Whoa", she said. "I'll bet he wasn't expecting that." She was so cute, even as devastating as she was, she was still so cute. The crowd cheered. Kelly slowly and seductively walked towards Bill, unzipping her sweatshirt as she went. She took it off. Underneath she was wearing a white wifebeater, several sizes too small. Her tits, nipples erect stood out, her shoulders and arms already awesome, looking even more awesome due to the tightness. It rode up on her torso, revealing a rock hard core. Then she slowly, seductively unzipped her short cutoffs and let them drop to her feet. She was wearing pink shorts, extremely short and extremely tight, that she had borrowed from Neri. (Neri noticed that they were tighter on Kelly. After all, the two girls were the same weight, but Kelly was 3" shorter and therefore thicker.) Now, dressed in the aforementioned too small wifebeater, and pink running shorts, she looked so sexy and yet so formidable. Kelly stood, staring at Bill, then launched into a standing backflip, going so high many thought she'd hit the ceiling. She came down with a thud on poor Chuck. She slid forward and started rubbing her beautiful tits in Chucks face. She looked over at Bill, who sat, mesmerized, with the most raging hardon he had ever had. Probably every man in the audience was in Bill state. Evidently a number of women also. Bill glanced over at Neri, who was watching her friend and her eyes seemed glazed over. Neri finally noticed that Bill was looking at her. "I told you it would be a slaughter" she whispered. Bill looked over at Dave. "Aren't you going to stop her?" "Bill, if Kelly wants to do something, you and I together couldn't stop her.: Kelly got off of Chuck and glided over to a couple seated really close to the mats. They were transfixed. Kelly reached down and lightly touched the man's crotch. He jerked like he had been hit with a lightning bolt. "I'll bet you're wondering what it would be like to have sex with a woman like me." He nodded in the affirmative. "You should be wondering whether you'd survive having sex with a woman like me. Look at my torso. Yes, I have very strong arms and legs, but it is this torso, this trunk, this core that makes me so formidable. Do you think you could survive these abs pounding you into the mattress as I climaxed? She leaned in closer so her abs were almost touching his face. He was shaking. His girlfriend was shaking. Kelly was so hot, and she knew it. Chuck was starting to come around. Noticing this, Kelly turned to the couple and said, "Let me give you a demonstration. She moved towards Chuck, who was standing now. Kelly held her arms wide out to the sides, inviting Chuck to punch her in the stomach. He began hitting her with everything he had. It did nothing. At some point, Kelly turned her head back towards ringside couple, smiling. Chuck saw his opening and fired a shot towards her jaw. In a flash, Kelly grabbed him by the wrist and pulled in the direction of his punch, turning Chuck around with his back towards her. In a split second, she had him back to her across her chest and she leaped up and backward, spinning, and slamming him to the floor on his stomach with her on top of his back. She looked up at the couple. "Whoa, I bet he wasn't expecting that." She immediately bounced up and sauntered back to the couple. Staring at the man, she said "Take my shorts off". As he reached out she grabbed both of his hands and pulling them up over his head and then holding both of them in one hand. "Not you, your girlfriend." As the girlfriend reached out, Kelly said, "with your teeth." The whole place was in a frenzy at this point. The girlfriend complied, somehow getting Kelly's skintight pink shorts down so that Kelly was standing there in that wife-beater and tiny thong underwear. The boyfriend, hands held above his head, went into the spasms of an orgasm, even though nobody was touching him , and the girlfriend had a meltdown, dropping Kelly's shorts from her teeth and commencing to kiss and lick Kelly's perfect torso all over. Kelly stroked the back of the woman's head like she was some kind of pet while the woman shuddered in orgasm, all the while staring at the man. Everyone in the places was in a state from this sexiest and most perfect of creatures. Kelly dropped the guy's hands. And walked back over to Chuck . "A few good men? How about a few good women." Speaking to the whole audience, Kelly asked, "Hey everyone, this guys a sexist jerk. I think I've taught him a lesson, but do you all mind if I have a little more fun with him?" The crowd cheered its approval. Straddling the marine facing his feet, she squatted down and cupped his chin with one hand and grabbed one of his ankles with the other. She then stood up, bringing him with her and pulled hard until he was up high between her legs and his back was arching painfully backwards. To make things worse, she brought her feet together and started to squeeze with her awesome thighs. Chuck was screaming and swinging his unrestricted arms wildly, landing a blow now and then that seemed to have no effect on Kelly. After a short time Chuck's struggles became less and less. Kelly, still holding his chin and ankle, started spreading her legs, slowly going into a split and lowering Chuck to the ground. He lay still. Kelly let go of his chin and ankle and they flopped to the mat. Slowly, sexily gitting up and walking around the perimeter of the mat, she stared at the men in the audience. "Is there any challenger to the new champ?" she asked in a girly, sing-song voice. No one moved. " Are there any two or even three of you who'd dare try?" Again, no response. She giggled then asked if anyone would like to have sex with her. No response. "How about if I tried to be gentle?" Every guy and several women in the room threw their hands up, yelling and cheering. "Sorry, when I get worked up, I lose control and there's no telling what might happen." She looked over at Bill, who was a mix of emotions, arousal, and fright. She winked and threw him a kiss. Chuck was starting to stir. Kelly went and turned him over, then sat down on his stomach, leaned forward and slid down so her pussy was right on top of his crotch, then grabbed his wrists, spreading them out to the sides, and proceeded to rub her beautiful breasts in his face. As he came around, she looked into his eyes, "I could smother you to death with my breasts you know and there's nothing you could do to stop me." Chuck had a look of fear in his eye, and a surge of blood to his cock. "Are you ready to admit that I am your superior in every way? Nod your head." Chuck complied. Kelly let go of his wrists and crawled forward, dragging her pussy over his face as she went. She moved to the opposite corner of the mats, then she turned around, kneeling in the corner. "Crawl to me and worship me by servicing me with your tongue. " Chuck did as he was told. Kelly spread her legs to allow Chuck access, then she arched her back, threw her head back and played with her breasts, staring blankly at the ceiling. It seemed like most of the audience at this point had their hands inside their pants or someone else's. As she climaxed the whole place seemed to climax with her, and she involuntarily brought her legs together, almost crushing poor Chuck's skull and knocking him out yet again. She jumped to her feet, ran over and grabbed her pink shorts, quickly put her cutoffs on, then grabbing Bill by the hand, headed for the door. "Come on, Baby, we've got work to do. Bye, everyone," she waved as they headed for the door.Neri and Dave followed behind, knowing that after what they had just seen and being the only members of the audience who appreciated to the fullest extent what a different plane Kelly existed on, were both so turned on that they too couldn't wait to get somewhere private. Bill was as aroused as he had ever been, but in the back of his mind he wondered if he'd survive the night. "You really destroyed him." "You should see me if I get mad." Bill gulped visibly. "Don't worry, Bill, I hardly ever get mad, and besides, I like you a lot, and I'd never hurt you, never."