Jenny and Erica, part 2 by Fan of Fit Jenny had suffered in her hot power yoga class. She did not have the stamina to complete it. Afterwards, in the pool area, the skimpily clad Erica beat her up, leaving her feeling worthless and weak. Erica was hot. She had an awesome body, and she had pushed the much larger Jenny into the pool and taunted her not to come back to hot yoga until she was fit. This was so unlike what Jenny had read about on the internet. Yoga classes were supposed to be peaceful places of acceptance. She had chosen the most intense and athletic genre, even though she was out of shape. But still ... was it not absolutely true in all cases that all were welcome? Apparently not. Jenny had talked to the owners of the studio after the incident, complaining about what had happened. The manager was sympathetic to her plight, but ultimately unable to take any action, because there was no proof of what had happened. Jenny had allegations (which were of course true), but she had no proof. As well, she was a first timer, not a seasoned practitioner like Erica. Erica was a regular attendee of the class. Management knew her. Of course she denied Jenny's version of events. She claimed she had merely approached Jenny and complimented her on choosing yoga, and that Jenny had been very defensive. Erica said that Jenny had slipped and fallen into the pool, and that she was just a troublemaker probably jealous of Erica. Management believed Erica's version of the facts. Erica was such a good practitioner after all. Management had designs for her to teach a class. Little did they know that she was already teaching at Crash gym. How unfortunate for Jenny. For that is where she went after her humiliating experience to seek private yoga instruction. Jenny had some money. She could afford private training. And that's why she went to Crash. It was the best gym in Manhattan. Normally there was a "getting to know you session" where trainers and trainees would be introduced. It almost always occurred on location. Yet the gym was a busy place, and they could not just give one of their personal trainers full use of a room for a private client session. Instead, in this particular case, the trainee Jenny was told to go to the apartment of her personal trainer and meet there. This sounded great for Jenny. She could get private lessons in an apartment, without the embarrassment of making mistakes and being seen in a gym that was notorious for its abundance of hot women. Jenny entered the Tribeca apartment building full of hope and excitement. It was only an 8 story building. A loft style apartment building. Jenny walked in and was pleased by the sound of soothing yoga music. What a surprise when Erica appeared through the hallway to greet her. "You!" Erica said in disbelief. A smile creeping on her face ... "You!" Jenny said in shock. The two looked at each other for a moment. Both speechless. "Oh no, this is a mistake. I'm going!" "Stop right there fatass! You're not going anywhere. I get paid good money for these sessions. You are mine for the next two hours." "I don't want it though. I did not sign up for you!" Jenny stammered. "Yes you did and I'm going to give you exactly what you need! A workout. I know that you tattled on me earlier. I don't care. This makes up for it. Now you can stay and I can train you hard, or you can attempt to leave, in which case I'll beat your tubby ass. Jenny was getting teary eyed. "Oh God I can't believe this is happening. What did I do to deserve this?" "Deserve's got nothing to do with it. Its fate, you and I here. Now change your clothes and come over to your mat by the window." Jenny had no choice it seemed but to obey. She undressed. She had on really loose fitting and baggy sweat gear. It hid her ample weight. Erica by contrast was in her typical outfit. Black sports bra and low cut blue workout shorts. Her defined abs, arms, butt, and legs were intimidating to the soft figured Jenny. "First things first" Erica said. "We need to weigh your fat ass. Come over her and get on this scale." Jenny was about to do as she was told but Erica stopped her. "Wait. Take all of your clothes off. We need to get an accurate measure." Jenny stammered. "They can't be but a few pounds. Can't we guess?" "No we must be accurate. Now take them all off." Jenny did as she was told, reluctantly. Her ample, cream colored flesh was on full display to the ultimate yoga bitch, Erica. Erica smiled as Jenny stood up on the scale. "200 lbs ... Say it Jenny." "200 lbs." Erica said, holding her head down low. "200 lbs of mostly soft, weak, flesh ... Now you want to look like me, right? Jenny nodded her head, avoiding eye contact. Erica then dropped her own clothes and stood up on the scale. 125 lbs even. "Jenny I want you to think about this for a long time. We're both about the same height. Yet look at the two of us. I intend to put you through hell during this session. And you are going to come back. Because you want to look like me. I'm hot. We also know that I'm a lot stronger than you. So you need to keep that in your mind when you want to give up today, okay? Hot equals strong. Hot equals toned and sexy. Hot equals lots of sex with better guys than you could ever get right now ... you get it? "Yeah ... got it" Jenny demurred. "You have about 80lbs of blubber to lose ... and about 5 lbs of muscle to gain to look like me. You do want to look like me, right?" Jenny was finally able to look at Erica in the face, and with tears in her eyes she admitted "Yes. Yes. That's what I want." "Good. Acceptance is the first phase of change. You have to accept what you are. And what are you? A fat, weak, tub of jelly. I can make you strong and toned. Now a little further motivation. Come here." Jenny obeyed. The two were up close. Erica took hold of Jenny's soft hands. She placed them over her firm breasts, which were pert and perfectly round. "Just to make sure...this is what you want. Go ahead and feel all of me. This is what a woman is supposed to be. Feel all over. This is what we are going to develop in you ... if you work hard enough." Jenny slowly started exploring Erica's body. Erica stood straight like a rod. She seemed to tense her entire body as Jenny ran her hands over her ... squeezing her butt. Feeling the powerful and long muscles that Erica had all down the backs of her legs. She grabbed Erica's right hand and held it slightly above her head. She used her free hand to play gently with Jenny's relaxed bicep muscle. It was so smooth. So long. So different than Jenny's arm. Erica flexed suddenly and a rounded, hard ball of muscle quickly danced along the length of her arm ... enough to overcome Jenny's soft grip. Jenny then ran her hands down Erica's beautiful stomach. She poked her finger into the lean and dense lower ab muscle. She noticed that Erica was not bothered by this at all. She then noticed that Erica was breathing out of her lower lungs. Her stomach was gently rising and relaxing as she breathed. Jenny, for a brief moment, tried to breath the same way ... but then she forgot. One last time she thought she might grab two fistfulls of Erica's butt. Erica tightened them hard just as she tried and Jenny's soft hands could barely grip the smooth mass. Erica then backed away. "Enough. You know what it feels like. The most basic pose is downward dog. You do remember that?" Jenny nodded. "Allright. Get down on your hands and knees." Jenny obeyed. Erica began her instruction. "The first thing to know about down dog is, though it may seem difficult to you at first, its really a resting pose. When you have mastered it you will find it easy. That's because the weight will be evenly distributed between your legs and feet and your hands. The key is making that perfect upside down V shape. When you can do that, all the muscles and bones will be aligned in their proper form, and you will not tire. But so long as you struggle to get that perfect V shape, it will remain very difficult. You will struggle against gravity ... your own fat ass being your worst enemy. Now initially it will be impossible to get your heels on the ground and get that V-shape. But I'm going to make you try as hard as you can. We'll hold the pose for as many breaths as you can handle. We are not counting seconds ... we are counting breaths. Begin now." Jenny went into the pose. Her heels could not reach the floor. Yet Erica grabbed her hips and starting pulling them up and back, forcing Jenny's heels onto the ground. "My they are soft..." She kept applying the pressure. And Jenny's breathe became more and more labored. "My legs hurt! Ow! Stop pulling so hard!" "We need to ... at least try ... to keep those heels ... on the floor" Erica said as she put all of her weight in to "assisting" Jenny. "Deep breathes Jenny ... C'mon! Short breaths only make it tougher. This pose is designed to lengthen and strengthen your hamstrings and your arms, and also it will lengthen and strengthen your abs." Erica let go of Jenny's hips allowing her heels to rise but placed her right palm underneath Jenny's hanging belly. It was horrible for Jenny. She struggled. Her body was not yet strong enough to sustain the pose correctly for so long. Erica began to put even more upward pressure on Jenny's soft hanging gut. "You've got to learn to control the breath and not let it control you. It got to be breath 10 and Jenny was really in pain. Her arms and legs were shaking. Her whole body was shaking. Her upside down position meant that all of her abdominal fat was hanging in Erica's sharp hands and fingers. Every breath Jenny took was a labor. "Try to suck your gut up and in Jenny. You need to work your PC muscles ... those are the muscles that tighten around a penis when you are having sex. They give your man pleasure. My guess is that yours are weak. Guys know this kind of stuff. That's why the only sex you can get is from losers." Jenny starting failing under the effort but Erica would not remove her hand. Her soft fat rolls were now being gripped hard by Erica, as she was almost totally being supported by those long hard yoga fingers. When Erica finally removed her hands Jenny collapsed onto the mat. Jenny lay there breathing hard. Already her vast naked body was glistened in sweat. Erica let her lie for a brief moment. "Let me show you the proper technique." Erica then got into the pose. It was perfect. Her firm ass pointed straight up into the air. Her heels were planted in the ground. Her strong arms were supporting her upper body. A perfect V-shape. Erica started teaching. "Get up Jenny." Jenny was admiring her beautiful naked form at this point; she did as commanded. "Now I want you to run those soft hands of yours over my belly." Jenny obeyed. "Tell me what it feels like." Jenny kept caressing them. She applied light pressure. Unlike her own body, nothing hung loose. There was nothing to grab hold of. Just a smooth stomach gently expanding and constricting with breath. "Its firm but also relaxed. I can feel all the muscle, but its not tensed or tightened. Its just stretched out. Like a cat. And you are actually breathing through your stomach ... that's so cool!" Erica started talking again. She was breathing regularly but somehow she could still teach. "Its good you notice that. That's part of what yoga is about. Its strong but its also relaxed." Erica jumped out of the pose. Again they stood facing each other naked. "The next most basic pose is another standing position. Its called Warrior I. Do you remember?" Yes. How could I forget ... "I know. That's one of the ones where you were checking out my ass. Well now I get to check out your ass! So get into it!" Jenny obeyed and assumed the position. Erica began instructing. "Now Warrior I is more than anything a butt and thigh strengthener, but it also works out the abs, shoulders, and arms. Its another all around pose. The idea is to keep your back leg straight and your front thigh perpendicular to the floor. Now lift your arms up high! Palms together, elbows straight! Keep your hips turned forward." Erica began groping Jenny. She first placed her hand on Jenny's elbows to "straighten them" high above her head. This was hard for Jenny. It made it more of a struggle to breathe. She then forced Jenny to make her bent knee perpendicular to the ground. Erica then took hold of Jenny's back right knee and straightened her leg out. She got in front of Jenny and put her hands on Jenny's hips and began trying to square her hips. This was very tough for Jenny and she had trouble holding the pose. She was sweating and breathing hard. Erica then started grabbing on her tit flesh and squeezing it. She lightly patted Jenny's soft stomach and grabbed it and put pressure on it, even as Jenny was in a position where she could not tighten her stomach muscles. She was defenseless and felt powerless. What would happen if Erica suddenly punched her in the gut? But Erica did not punch her. She started talking again. "All of the warrior positions as designed to build power. They are designed to make you into a warrior, like me! Tee hee! The original yogis did not have time to devote to military and strength training and doing all of the other work they had to do to survive and prosper. They also realized they needed meditation and down time. So they were smart and they crafted exercises that would make them powerful but at the same time relax them." Jenny was having trouble "relaxing" and eventually she could no longer keep her arms straight and they bent and sagged. She was breathing very heavy. "You can stop now Jenny. But I'm going to show you how its done." Erica then assumed Warrior I. It was such a gorgeous pose with Erica. Everything was so long and strong, but at the same time very relaxed. "Jenny ... punch me in the stomach very fast now and see what happens." Jenny's eyes lit up. She revved her harm back and with all of her strength hit Erica hard in the gut. It had no effect on Erica. Jenny was bothered by this, so she hit her again. Erica laughed. Jenny was amazed. She did not even notice but she had started to rub her pussy. She punched her again and began rubbing herself even more. "Stop it fat ass. This is a teaching session ... not a masturbation class." Erica grabbed Jenny by the hand and escorted her into a side room. There was an odd machine. It looked like a torture machine. A bicycle taken apart and laid out on some kind of springboard. "Come ... sit down. Lie down on the board. Here. It's a sex machine. An ab motivator. " Erica said with a glimmer in her eye. "How does it work?" "It's like a contest, between me and you. You lift your torso up and the board rises under you, releasing a spring. That causes a plastic rod to come out of your opponents bench, inserting into her. Now our feet are strapped to those pedals. We have to pedal ... the faster you petal the faster the rod will go in and out of me. The higher you lift can lift up, the deeper it will drive into me. It's a sexual fitness machine. I found that intense pleasure can be an even better workout motivator than pain...and this will definitely motivate you to lose that gut of yours!" "But how can I expect keep up with you?" "You can't. That's the idea. But you will do it ... because I have very strong abs and legs and I can quickly turn your pleasure into pain by hoisting myself all the way up." Erica then laid Jenny down and strapped her in. Ok Now I'm going to release the clutch. When I do that a long, red, glass dildo will come out of the board and I'm going to help position it inside of you. Its going to go in very deep, but when I lay down on the board you'll see that it will nearly come out ... but not quite. It will be in you at all times ... Like you were having sex. I'll have to raise my torso up like I'm doing a crunch if I want it to go deeper into you." Erica released the clutch and a cold hard rubber rod released out of the board. Erica guided it into jenny and then secured Jenny's fat waste using a belt so she would not be able to wiggle free from it. She then got down on her own side ... released the clutch and strapped her own body in. Guiding the hard rubber dildo inside of her tight pussy. "One last thing before we start. At some point we are probably both going to orgasm. Now long before then ... you know how it is ... we are both going to get really tight down there. Its going to make it harder to pedal when that happens. Of course not all women are equal. Some of us have much better bodies ... and are much tighter than others. That's something fat girls like you have to work on, and this machine will help to train you. Now Lift up and start pedaling! There was a mirror on the ceiling and the two could see each other working ... pedaling. A 200 lb tubby vs. a hot and toned yoga bitch. Jenny could see Erica's perfect body and her muscles and her sweat glistening body as she moved her legs back and forth. She could see the dildo going into her tight pussy. Erica was not pedaling that fast. Jenny was not either. They were both enjoying the pleasure at this point. Jenny admired how with every long pedal Erica's tight body moved very little. Her firm breasts jiggled ever so slightly with each bicycle kick. Jenny kept watching Erica, not aware that her abs were getting sore. "Lift up ... higher!" Erica moaned. Jenny did as she was told. She could see Erica moan and turn her head to the side and then back up to the mirror. Jenny began to get winded. The dual challenge of keeping her back lifted off the board along with the bicycle kicks were taking their toll. In a panic she put forth a burst of serious energy. She could see Erica's face light up with pleasure, as the plastic rod went deeper into her now and was going in and out much faster. Erica then suddenly tightened. Her athletic body must have been extremely powerful. So much time spent perfecting it. That plastic rod was going much slower in and out of her. This in fact was Erica's best kept sexual secret. Men would ache and moan when she would tighten up around them. Jenny would never get to feel it as they could though, for her Erica's tight body was the cause of her own torture. Knowing what was happening to her Erica lifted her body up very high and started cycling extremely fast ... like it was hard to even see her feet moving. Jenny's whole body began to quiver and she ran out of energy and collapsed, having to take these deep and fast thrusts. In the mirror she could see how high up Erica was able to lift herself ... almost able to make a 60 degree angle off the floor. Her abs were covered in sweat and exposed her deep 6 pack for the first time fully. Her whole body was like a machine. And Jenny ... both in pain and pleasure could not stop watching those beautiful breasts and chiseled abs work so seamlessly. Soon Jenny began to scream in pleasure. She exploded all over the place and began to shake violently. But Erica would not quit. This went on for about two minutes until Erica was completely out of breathe and spent. Erica collapsed down and was breathing hard. Had Jenny not been strapped in ... she could have done a lot of damage to Erica's long, toned, and now deep breathing belly. But besides being strapped in ... her body was convulsing in a full blown orgasm. Erica slowly regained her breathe, removed herself from the board and walked over to Jenny unfastened her. Jenny's body was shaking still and Erica straddled her down to the ground and then sat on her face. "Lick it bitch." Jenny had no recourse but to lick. Erica was very cruel during this humiliation and made a fist, planting it for support into Jenny's softened stomach. She started lots of deep pressure while at the same time rubbing her own very toned lower belly and upper crotch with her other hand. While Jenny was struggling for air with Erica's fist planted in her stomach, she was also being made to lick Erica's crotch. It was a very humiliating thing for her to experience. "You weak fat bitch! Stick your tongue in me further!" Jenny would try and do it but it was hard to breathe and her mouth was getting tired. This went on for about five minutes until Jenny, spent and heaving for air stopped." "I can't do it anymore. I can't lift my head any further." "You fat bitch. Your fat face and fat head are too much weight for your own fat neck to bear. Well now you know what its like to be humiliated by somebody much fitter, leaner, and hotter than you. And since you can't give to me the same pleasure that I just gave to you, you are going to have to come back for another session. But before that I'm getting off!" Erica then spread her knees out as far as they could go on Jenny's soft arms and started bouncing her own hot and tight crotch onto Jenny's neck. Harder and harder Erica bucked to stimulate herself. With each blow Jenny was in more and pain. Jenny's soft, fleshy neck vs. Erica's sexy, yoga toned crotch. She tried to lift her arms up to stop it all but they were pinned down by Erica's knees. And her arms hurt bad too. It was no match. Jenny last remembered seeing Erica's athletic belly and firm tits bouncing up and down on her before she could see no more. She was covered by a hot, wet, sticky burst of energy that exploded out onto her face. She then passed out.