THE DARK QUEEN By Musclebound Before the teeming mass of the most powerful army ever assembled the Hibernian Royal Family sat upon their high thrones. Rows and rows of tall busty female soldiers stood at attention in respect to the long lost Queen Mother. The well-built soldiers stretched their skimpy uniforms and in doing so effortlessly captivated the minds of the enfeebled male slaves paraded on each side of the formidable Imperial Guards. Belinda gazed with awe at the assembled might of female power. She noted the Imperial Guards uniform was designed to show to advantage the bulging curves of the female form. She remembered the very first time she met Calliope; her granddaughter was wearing the Imperial Guards dress and the demoralizing effect it had on her mortal captors, driving them to madness with uncontrollable lust. Athena sat alongside Zeus with Princesses Calliope and Callistro on either of them. Belinda sat on a throne placed in front of the Hibernian super power but at a lower level. From the sidelines but completely away from the mortals Eruck gazed up at his sisters and then turned his gaze to his mother. Belinda sensed the presence of her son and looked down into the eyes of Eruck standing amid the civilian population of Hibernia. Eruck then turned and looked at the slaves, only male and all wearing spiked dog collars that were designed to inflict maximum pain if the wearer should try to escape. Later that day Princess Calliope and Electra went out to celebrate Electra's elevation to royalty. As was normal practice, the building was cleared of people once it was announced that two Royal Princesses were to grace the building. The owner gushed "Your Royal Highness, I am honoured that you grace my establishment with your regal person. I had no idea that the Crown Princess herself was coming today" Princess Calliope smiled as she looked down at the bowing male "It was a last minute decision. We are here to honour Princess Electra" The male god led to two beautiful princesses to their table and seated them "Highnesses, I will send out a selection for your viewing" Princess Calliope nodded and turned to her friend "Ell, my old friend, how do you feel?" Electra bubbled up "Oh Calli, this is wonderful. The rank allows us to do so much, never before have I been privileged to have a whole club cleared for my own pleasure! I'm sad Penthesilea isn't here" Princess Calliope laughed "Penny, is busily crushing a country under thumb. Remember that feeling of crushing resistance?" Princess Electra ran her fingers down to her tingling pussy "Do I WHAT?! Nothing is more of a turn on than systematically destroying a mortal army. I'll forgive Penny this one time" The owner of the club returned with five hugely hung male gods "Your Royal Highnesses, I have a selection of milkers for your pleasure" Both goddesses looked over the magnificent naked bodies of the gods. Giant virile cocks hung down in full view of their lusty gazes. Princess Calliope's eye's widened as she sensuously massaged the growing cock "Mmmm, grow, baby grow" The goddess enjoyed the god's dirty looks at her none too small cleavage. Calliope pushed out her chest and enjoyed the feeling and sound of the straining seams of her top. A slight push of her big chest popped several buttons causing the goddess to gush "On my, I'm just such a big girl. My top just can't contain my big titties!" The effect was immediate as the already big cock grew much bigger in Calliope's expert hand. Calliope looked at Electra who was already furiously sucking the monster cock of one of the studs. The beautiful blonde put the big cock in her mouth and pointed to the big god and then dismissed all others, including the owner, with a wave of her hand. After minutes of hungry sucking Electra directed the tip of the cock to a waiting glass "Common 'BIGBOY' give me some of your beautiful semen" The big cock squirted a stream of boiling cum into the specially designed heat resistant glass. Princess Electra lifted the glass and lustily gazed at the steaming white liquid before slowing letting it trickle onto her tongue. The goddess swirled the tasty cum around her mouth and then swallowed it down her throat. Electra leaned over to her friend and locked lips to exchange semen. A dribble of cum dripped between the lips of both goddesses. Eruck, as usual, went to his sister with his daily load of gripes and moaning. Princess Callistro was fast losing patience with her pitiful brother. As such she no longer treated him as an equal but as a weak useless bore. Princess Callistro was walking down to the lake when an Attendant dropped down alongside the princess "Excuse me, Your Royal Highness, but your brother requests an audience with your royal person" Princess Callistro was already stripping off her clothing when she replied "What does the wimp want this time?!" The attendant tried to hide her smirk "He says, Highness, that the mortals were displayed like cattle at the parade" Callistro could hardly contain her anger "WHAT?!! He's worried that the mortals were displayed like CATTLE?! They are SLAVES!! They're of no consequence and he is a BLOODY GOD!! Like us! Why is he worrying about the frigging MORTALS?!!" The attendant dropped her head, unwilling to comment her opinion "He's a mystery, Highness" Princess Callistro walked into lake "He's bloody mad, he's not truly one of us and he can wait until I've finished my bloody swim!" After listening to Eruck's moans Princess Callistro joined her sister and parents for a family gathering. Athena looked at her eldest daughter "Calliope, my dear child, we have decided that we need time away from the public glare. We need time to acquaint ourselves after these many long years. Calliope, child ... we want you to reign until we return" Princess Calliope felt the surge of emotions and the first thought that crossed her mind was the banishment of her brother. The beautiful goddess bowed "It will be my honour mother" Telepathicly Callistro communicated her concerns to her sister [Calli, Eruck's been complaining about our treatment of the mortals again] Princess Calliope kissed her mother on the cheek but directed her thoughts to her sister [Cal, those words are treason. He can't speak like that. He can't have feelings for mortals, it's just not natural] Athena looked at her daughters "Why do you pair look so serious?" Princess Callistro answered "Just of few issues that need attending, Mother, nothing we can't handle" Princess Calliope continued her conversation [Cal, when I'm Queen, I'm going to get rid of him. Banish him somewhere. He must not cause embarrassment to our family and mother must not know that we intend to dispose of him] Athena touched Calliope on the cheek "Calliope, child, are you happy?" The Crown Princess smiled "Yes mother, I'm thinking about being Queen. I'm thinking about my first act" On Earth Princess Penthesilea stood on a bare plain devoid of any structures or trees. The Mauistan Army Headquarters once stood on the spot until it was reduced to dust. Penthesilea thought about the ease of destroying feeble mortal technology and remembered her conversation with James Rowan about her meddling with Earth history. James Rowan - "Just great Goddess. You have all this power and you treat us like an ant farm. You crush weaker people under your feet. What about the nation of the 'Black Flag' The slave nation. Did they exist in this OTHER WORLD!?" Penthesilea remembered her answer "No they don't. They exist only here. That is the problem when you change history it doesn't all go the way you want" James Rowan was dumbfounded "Goddess you do realise that this nation is arming itself for conquest. All the international treaties have failed. Soon they will spill into Europe" But at the time Penthesilea had thought she had learnt her lesson and was loathed to repeat her past mistakes "I know but if I attack the same thing will happen. All the countries will want me to destroy their enemies so they can rule the world" But James implored her "Goddess if it starts the great powers may fight each other. Great Britain has a treaty to protect the Balkans from war. France has a treaty to fight Britain if British troops land in the Balkans and threaten their neutrality. That despised country will take advantage of a war with Britain and France and overrun Eastern Europe" As events transpired the nation of the 'black flag' did what Penthesilea feared. They tried to use the most powerful weapons ever created to try and destroy the world's most powerful nation The goddess picked up an unexploded shell and squeezed it slowly. The shell exploded in her face to absolutely no effect. Nothing at all had the slightest effect on her body. Was her ability to resist the destructive effects of all weapons a blessing or a curse? Penthesilea murmured to herself "Well Jim, I'm doing something now. I'm fixing my mistake. Mortal will heed my power, resist and I will crush them without mercy" Princess Penthesilea sighed. Even standing by and doing nothing, the incredible power of her body was so enticing to those who lusted to rule the world. Conquering this country would be easy and could be achieved in mere seconds. Princess Penthesilea gave thought of the effect on the world if she destroyed Mauistan completely. She thought [No! A more subtle extermination of the leaders would be more helpful or a present to Calliope as a token of my love] On Hibernia, Athena, Belinda, Princess Silenus and Zeus departed for a secluded place away from the prying eyes of the media. Queen Calliope's first act was to summon Eruck to the Palace. Eruck was led by two guards up to the lofty thrones and looked up at the Queen and Princess Callistro. To each side Princess Aurora and Princess Ariadne sat, in there roles as justices of the Hibernian High Court. Eruck tried to speak "Calliope! What is goin ... ... " Suddenly one of the Palace Guards struck him "BE QUIET!! Her Majesty has not given you permission to speak" Queen Calliope leaned forward on her throne "We find your sympathy for mortals to be disturbing and bordering on treasonous. You are now of our species and we are quite astounded that you don't display the true personality of a god" Princess Callistro continued "I agree with Her Majesty. Your lack of appetite for sex and mortal blood has raised speculation within our society as to the completeness of your enhancement" Eruck struggled against the iron grip of the two female guards "You racist bitches, you sit there in those powerful bodies and you don't care about the weaker mortals. Don't you know how your beauty drives mortals to madness!!" Queen Calliope raised her voice "ENOUGH!! Your words condemn you. We don't have feelings for the lesser creatures. We rule them with our greater intelligence, beauty and strength. Our rule is benign to all creatures who worship our divinity. We only destroy those who dare challenge us" Princess Callistro looked at the other judges "I believe Eruck has embarrassed the Royal Court. I vote we banish him" Queen Calliope looked at the other Justices "What do my learned Justices vote?" Princess Aurora said simply "Banishment" Princess Ariadne nodded her head I agree, banishment" Queen Calliope stood up "You are hereby banished from Hibernia for all eternity. You must make not contact with any of the Hibernian race" Eruck struggled until he found he couldn't anymore which prompted one of the guards to exclaim "Your Majesty! Eruck has lost all of his strength!!" Each of the princesses looked at one another in surprise until the Queen lifted up into the air and floated down in front of Eruck. Calliope pushed Eruck down to his knees and was surprised to find no resistance. Seconds later Eruck's massive muscular development suddenly shrunk back to the size of a mortal. Queen Calliope turned back in shock and looked at her sister "Cal, is not possible to turn back!!" Princess Callistro put her hand over her mouth in shock. Princess Aurora clutched Princess Ariadne's hand and dared not look at the mortal. Finally Queen Calliope forced herself to speak "Take him to Princess Silenus's dungeon and lock him away. Nobody must see him. UNDERSTAND?!" The Palace Guards saluted "At once, Majesty" Queen Calliope looked at the shocked faces of each princess in turn "In the name of the Gods! What is he?!!" On Earth Princess Penthesilea stood outside the house of the Military Junta of Mauistan. The goddess was embarking on a familiar course of action; her powerful body would smash aside any physical barrier and her breathtaking beauty would bring the mortals to their knees. Landing in the grounds the goddess walked up the path and just a few feet from her stood two guards, totally oblivious to her presence. The goddess was using her powerful mind to make her form invisible to mortal eyes. Slowly and confidently the blonde goddess moved up to the side of the building and walked straight through the brick wall. A sudden and stunning show of power always caught mortals off balance and caused them to panic. The wall of the building burst apart under untold physical strength as Penthesilea walked through without any effort at all. Penthesilea slowly ran her fingers along the brick wall carving out dust like she was digging into wet sand. The whole structure was delicate to her touch and as she tapped her fingers the building started to vibrate. Particles of plaster started to flak off the ceiling and fell like snow over the floor. Mortar fell out between the bricks as Penthesilea yawned, it was all too easy. Guards rushed to the house and were startled as a chimney suddenly crashed to the ground. The roof collapsed as the frame timbers snapped like twigs, the walls started dancing a drunken jig before they collapsed in a cloud of dust. The guards stepped back from the swirling dust cloud until a figure slowly emerged. The guards blinked, the figure was of an impossibly beautiful female. She defied logic, no woman could look that stunning. The guards stood transfixed, unable to comprehend the beauty that stood before them. It was like the young woman's face and incredible body was holding them hypnotised. Princess Penthesilea advanced to the guards and cooed "Which one of you big boys wants to tell me where the birds have flown?" Both guards suddenly lurched out of their dazed stupor and drew their guns. Penthesilea looked down and laughed with contempt "Oh boys! Do you really think those little pop guns are going to hurt me?" The guards could hardly hold their guns steady as Penthesilea's super charged animal magnetism caused them to shake with lust. The dominant female advanced with the knowledge that she was immune to their weapons. The goddess purred "Gonna shoot me boys? Come on! But those little bullets won't even scratch me" Both guards fired their guns and were horrified to see the bullets bounce off the girl's incredibly tough skin. Bullet after bullet, even ones directed at her eyes were totally useless as they shattered into fragments. One guard murmured "What kind of creature are you?" Princess Penthesilea smiled "Why, I'm a goddess" Seconds later the goddess tore out the guard's heart and feasted upon his blood. The dead body had just fallen to the ground when the blonde beauty threw down the drained heart and knocked the other guard to the ground. The dominant female straddled the mortal and slowly started to shed her clothing, blood trickled from her lips and down over her magnificently developed boobs. The guard could not take his eyes off them, so firm and pert, despite their large size. Suddenly he realised, this she-devil wanted to have sex with him! She had just murdered in cold blood, feasted and now wanted sex, would she kill again? But Penthesilea was so beautiful and her hard toned body so inviting that the guard was sporting a large hard on. Princess Penthesilea licked her lips and purred "Mmmm! You're big for a mortal. Give me a good bull ride and I might spare you. It would sadden me to kill such a magnificent specimen of mortal. The goddess slipped the condom of the mortal penis and slowly pushed her pussy down over his large size "Ohhhhh!!!!big and so filling!!" Penthesilea started riding that big bull cock and panted her pleasure as it stretched and filled her completely. On Hibernia, where survival of the fittest reigned supreme the most muscular, big-cocked slaves were given the most preferential treatment. The little micro endowed slaves usually lost their man hoods and became Royal Eunuchs, their undersize equipment being regarded as useless by the ruling goddesses. Again and again Penthesilea orgasmed and when the male needed time to recover, the goddess, whose sexually superior body needed no recovery time, worked herself to orgasm. A blast of goddess juice spurted from Penthesilea's pussy and surged across the broken remains of the house dissolving the rubble and started consuming the earth around the foundations. The hissing, boiling broth dissolved its way down into the ground until it was cooled by the soil. The ground started to cave in where the juice had burned its way far below. The guard watched slack jawed as trees and bushes fell into the large depression and then looked at the goddess sucking the boiling juice off her fingers. Penthesilea laughed "My pretty mortal big cock, I was protecting your delicate body from my quite hot lube juices. I'm really deadly to your kind when I get excited" The mortal's cock wilted in the face of such incredible female power. On Hibernia Eruck was unceremoniously thrown into a cell in Princess Silenus's dungeon. A Palace Guard peered into the cell, her face devoid of emotion "Enjoy your new home, mortal!" Eruck shuddered, physically and socially he had been demoted. His sisters, Calliope and now Callistro, would kill him as an embarrassing inferior. He was now a skeleton in the closet of the Royal Court. The hopeless wails of the other prisoners burned into the mind of Eruck as he sat on the bed and stared at the bare walls of his small cell. A few minutes later a horse voice was heard from the adjoining cell "BROTHER! Brother, who are you?" Eruck stood up and went to the door "I am Eruck, brother of Princess Calliope and Princess Callistro" The other voice laughed "YOU LIE!! Eruck is a GOD! Like those other fucking demons. They wouldn't put one of their own kind down here" Eruck sneered "I'm not one of their kind anymore! I'm mortal again and they tossed me down here to get me out of their world" The other voice laughed again "LIES!! LIES!! The Queen bit you and made you into one of those blood sucking creatures. Now she sends you done here to spy on us" Eruck protested "NO!! Athena didn't send me here. It was that kinky brat of a daughter. CALLIOPE IS QUEEN!!" Eruck could hear the dread in the other's voice "NO! Not HER!! She's a merciless bitch thoroughly schooled to hate mortals by that evil witch Silenus" Eruck replied "Yes, I speak the truth. Athena has left Calliope as monarch. That pleasure seeking man eater has thrown me dow ... ." Suddenly the fast paced echo of boots on the hard floor prompted the other voice to wail "BE QUIET!! I BEG YOU!! DO NOT SPEAK IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!" Seconds later Lady Ophelia appeared at the door. Behind her were two Secret Service agents and two Imperial Guards troopers. Ophelia commanded "Stand and approach B483599S" Eruck pleaded "Lady Ophelia, PLEASE! You know me!!" Suddenly Eruck thought his head would exploded as a searing pain coursed through his skull. Lady Ophelia commanded "You are B483599S. You DO NOT use my name!" Eruck's heart sank; he was a sex slave once again. But Lady Ophelia held up a sheet of paper "By order of Her Majesty, Queen Calliope, we are empowered to take you for medical analysis" Eruck screeched "You're going to cut me up?!!" Seconds later the door burst open and Eruck was knocked flat by a flick of a finger from one of the Imperial Guards Troopers. The other trooper picked up Eruck like he was a small doll and held his 200 lb weight in her outstretched hand. Ophelia looked down at Eruck "Make this easy for yourself mortal, we're much stronger than you so don't fight us" As the troopers carried away Eruck, Ophelia and the other two agents washed the minds of the prisoners with their more powerful brains and removed any memories of Eruck. Princess Callistro, deputising for her sister rose in Parliament to announce "Honourable members, I wish to convey Her Majesty's idea to the parliament of creating a Colonial Army from female members of our Dominion Planets and under the direct control of our Imperial Guards. The Queen has the opinion that this 'Colonial Army' will relieve the burden of generally occupying the planets from the Imperial Guards which will be free to spread our domination beyond the known universe. All those who do not submit to our glorious right to rule will be crushed!" The proposal was carried and later that day Princess Callistro was watching her sister's latest male swimsuit plasma disc and rubbing her pussy as she took in the bulging power of the male models. Probing her wet pussy Callistro purred "Oh Calli, these hunks are so delicious! And those briefs are SO TIGHT!!" After sucking her juice covered fingers the younger princess asked "What are you going to do with our mortal embarrassment? I do so hope that you kill him" Queen Calliope rolled her eyes as she stuffed the smashed carcass of a Red Tip further into her hungry pussy "I want to kill poor MORTAL Eruck dearly but I know mother will be angry with me. I have to prove that he is some kind of ... ... whatever the freak is ... how about we feed him to Doggie?" Princess Callistro looked at her sister as she crushed the ribcage of the Red Tip and pushed the smashed bones further into her pleasure tunnel. "Calli STOP!! What you are doing to that poor Red Tip is driving me CRAZY!!! But the idea of watching Doggie chew up his body and drink his blood is wild! And talking about blood look at all the blood you are wasting from the Red Tip, its just gushing out of that carcass!" Calliope pushed a bit more of the mortal body into her pussy and looked down. The blood was spurting was the fractured body. Calliope reached down and tore off the lower portion of the body and tossed it to her sister. The Queen laughed "Here Cal, feast on this!!" Hungrily Callistro tore apart the remains and sucked on the blood as she squeezed every drop of the red liquid from the mortal's veins. Calliope mashed up the remains of the mortal and ran her fingers under the blood seeping out of her stuffed pussy. Slowly the Queen sucked the blood off her fingers and looked across to her sister. Princess Callistro and smiled as she watched the goddess as she licked the blood dribbling off her chin and thought about Eruck's disdain for blood. "Cal?" she mused "Why did you change your regard for that trash Eruck?" Princess Callistro spread her legs and started to work her excited pussy "This! Calli! He doesn't pleasure himself. The girls are so disappointed with him, he's keeps turning down their advances. He is so offensive and obscene. Do you know the wimp wouldn't watch me masturbating. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!! He so WEIRD!!!I never saw him drink any blood and he had so much regard for MORTALS!" Queen Calliope flicked her fingers and quickly two eunuchs appeared "Clean up the room, now!!" Calliope turned to her sister "Cal, I don't understand what he is, but! He's not a 'Pure Blood' like us and he doesn't have our breeding. I won't have him as a brother. He is a threat to our power over mortals with his bleeding heart attitudes" On Earth Princess Penthesilea had found the hiding spot of the ruling Junta and had burst through the feeble defences and smashed her way through the building until she cornered the family. The General's wife and two daughters were spellbound by the incredible animal magnetism of the most beautiful female they had even seen. Deep and very powerful lesbian feelings surfaced in the mortal females and all three dropped to their knees and pleaded for strength and power. Two guards challenged this strange and intoxication form of absolute beauty prompting Penthesilea to purr "Think you can take me, boys?" Seconds later the goddess inhaled and sucked both mortals into her mouth. Penthesilea crunched the bodies in her mouth and spurted blood from her lips. The surviving mortals looked on in a surreal daze. It couldn't possibly be real. Penthesilea chewed up the remains and felt waves of pleasure wrack her body the remains of man slid down her throat. The feeble man looked in horror as blood trickled over the full red lips of the goddess and looked back at his family. His wife and daughters were touching this woman in the most provocative and sensual way. The general whispered in a shocked voice "What are you doing? She's a girl! I'm your husband and your father!" The wife looked at her daughters touching the goddess's swollen nipples and taking turns to kiss her lustfully on the lips and then disdainfully looked at her husband "LOOK AT HER!! She's the ultimate in female power and beauty. What can you give that she can't!!" The general screamed and pulled his gun. Shakily the mortal levelled his gun and fired "DIE BITCH!! DIE ALL OF YOU!!!" The wife and daughters laughed as this tall, busty beauty plucked the speeding bullets out of the air and crushed it between her fingers. The wife laughed scornfully "Is the best you can do? Look at her power and look at your impotent male strength" Seconds later Penthesilea brought the general to his knees with her mind and looked at the soon to become goddesses "I am taking him back to my world as a token of my love for my friend the Crown Princess. Now I will make you into creatures such as me" On Hibernia Princess Electra had arranged for a surprise for Queen Calliope. Electra waved at a chair positioned beside a solid wall with a small hole just above the chair "Here Calli, take a seat and keep your eye on the hole" Calliope laughed "Ell, this is just so KINKY!! I LOVE IT!!" Slowly a mortal cock pushed through the hole causing Calliope to sneer "OH ELL!! I hope the talent gets better than this!!" Electra smiled "Be patient Calli, it will get better" Next another small mortal cock slithered through the three inch diameter hole "WHAT!! NO!! NO!! TAKE IT AWAY!! Ell what are you doing to me?!" Seconds later a monster sized cock appeared on the other side on the hole. Queen Calliope's eyes widened "YES!! This is more like it!" The big cock was much too large for the hole and in a show of absolute god power, drilled it way through the shattering masonry. The big god cock burst through the crumbling bricks causing Calliope to exclaim "I know you stud and I'm coming through!!" The blonde goddess burst through the thick wall like it didn't even exist and wrapped her arms and legs around Achilles' super muscular body. Achilles, despite his massive hard on looked embarrassed "Calli I must spea ... ... " Queen Calliope put her finger to Achilles' mouth "SSSH Stud, we had more important things to do" Calliope rubbed her pussy against Achilles' giant cock and kissed her man passionately on the lips. Princess Electra stood back and watched as the Queen proceeded to give her boyfriend all the love she could. Calliope purred "Missed you big boy, miss me?" Achilles ran his fingers over the blonde hair partially covering Calliope's gorgeous face "How's my kinky beautiful princess?" Calliope beamed "I'm well Achilles, but now I am Queen, at least for a while" Achilles picked the magnificent form of his beautiful girlfriend and threw her down on the floor. Calliope giggled and spread her legs "Come on big boy fuck me hard!!" Electra pulled on the chains and dragged both Count Surkoff and Francis Dean towards her dominant form. "Poor, poor little mortals, I afraid Her Majesty was not impressed by your dinky little dicks. She's fucking a real man. Just look at the power and strength of them. They're doing things that would kill your pathetic bodies. Just look at that big powerful cock, so filling, so satisfying and so much stamina. Achilles can give the Queen hundreds and thousands of orgasms. How about you? One pathetic orgasm?" Princess Electra held her pets while she forced them to watch as Calliope orgasmed for the 2000th time. For hours the marathon continued and neither partner showed any signs of exhaustion. Count Surkoff was amazed at the stamina of these gods and wondered how much longer they could keep going. It was after midnight before the two mating gods concluded, Count Surkoff was stunned that the lovemaking had been going on for over 18 hours. Just then Princess Penthesilea arrived back at the Palace with her present. Calliope jumped to her feet and her face lit up. Count Surkoff looked at the energy of Calliope as she bounded to her feet and lustily embraced this other blonde goddess. How could she have so much energy after having sex for a full day? The Count noted the deep attraction this blonde brat had for that other blonde brat and deep love that both these goddesses held for each other. Hope was fast disappearing for this Queen loved women and only had feelings for super endowed males. Could she love a man like she loves Penthesilea ? Could see ever have feelings for men who weren't gods? Also he noticed that the male god had suddenly disappeared. Suddenly the count saw that Penthesilea produced a capsule and opened the door. Queen Calliope jumped up and down and clapped her hands "Penny, my dear love, for me?" Penthesilea pulled the mortal out of the capsule and tossed him to the floor "My dearest Calli, he is the former ruler of Mauistan on Earth. I am giving him to you as a sign of my love for you" Count Surkoff felt his heart sink; this goddess had plundered his country and taken the leader as a pet for her lover. He watched as the blonde Penthesilea came across and kissed the dark headed goddess who was holding his chain with words he didn't understand. Both goddesses embraced and kissed before Penthesilea stripped off her clothing and slowly approached the Queen. Queen Calliope brushed the tears from her eyes "Missed you so badly, Penny, come to me" Calliope and Penthesilea embraced and then dropped down on the bed, bodies entangled. Penthesilea straddled Calliope and pushed her big chest into Calliope's magnificent endowment "Pleased lover?" Calliope wrapped her arms around Penthesilea's shoulders and pulled her down "Penny, how could you ever not please me? You're made me so happy" Count Surkoff's jaw dropped, this insatiable sex machine was ready for more! If Count Surkoff had known Calliope at all he would have realised that the hours of intense sexual activity with Achilles had only warmed her up! Both goddesses kissed passionately as they rolled around on the bed. Their mouth wateringly magnificent bodies held the former Junta and Count Surkoff spellbound. Princess Electra pulled on the chains and moved the dazed mortals to another position so they could be in a better position to be overawed. Penthesilea pushed a black cylindrical object into Calliope's inviting pussy and then purred "Calli darling, pleased squeeze those powerful muscles of your's" The object was a bomb of 1 000 000 000 times the power of the ancient 'Fusion Bomb' Penthesilea pushed her moist lips to Calliope's pussy as the bomb exploded. The blast caused Calliope to roll her eyes in complete abandonment while some of the blast vented into Penthesilea's indestructible mouth. The beautiful Queen purred "Mmmmmmm ... nice. Got any more tricks, lover?" Penthesilea clicked her fingers "How about a mortal meat sandwich?" Calliope licked her lips "You bad girl!! You know who much I love the meat sandwich!!" A mortal male was placed face to face with Calliope and his body on top of the Queen's magnificent form. This was the only time a mortal was permitted to touch the royal body of Calliope. As the mortal enjoyed the feeling of resting his chest on Calliope's mountainous breasts he didn't notice Penthesilea positioning herself behind his back. Slowly Penthesilea leaned forward, her excited nipples were protruding from her big breasts as they smashed down through the mortal's frail body. The mortal's ribcage was smashed like toothpicks, his organs ground flat as Penthesilea's super powerful and super heavy body touched Calliope's. Both goddesses then started grinding their bodies together, smearing each other with a film of blood and pulped human flesh. Electra could hardly contain herself as she watched the blood and gore seep from between the other goddess's bodies. Electra sat down and spread her legs wide, fingering her excited pussy as she watched Penthesilea start to lick the bloodied remains off Calliope's stunning body. The blonde beauty scooped up the paste of blood, pulverised bone and flesh and suggestively licked off her fingers, much to Calliope's pleasure. Another mortal was compelled to sit on Calliope's face and then Penthesilea turned her body around and dropped her dripping pussy over Calliope's mouth. The action smashed through the fragile mortal body, again crushing bone and bursting the organ. Queen Calliope felt her pussy explode in orgasm as the mortal body was forced into her mouth. The goddess chewed on the remains and ground it to a bloody pulp. The Junta looked in horror the murderous scene in front of his eyes and then at Marshal Sericoss who entered the room with a mop and bucket. The Earth mortal screamed "Can't someone stop these bitches?" Marshal Sericoss whimpered "The devil can't be killed. CAN'T YOU SEE THE USELESSNESS OF FIGHTING THEM?!! No weapon that man can build can even scratch them. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! NOTHING ... NOTHING AT ALL CAN HURT THEM!! Repent and worship the superior form of women" The Junta turned back and looked at the undoubtedly superior form of the two goddesses as they rolled over, fondled and licked and probed each other's bodies. Suddenly the sound of steel stretching under pressure made the Junta suddenly turn his head. Wide eyed he saw the tall busty black haired goddess stretching the links of a steel chain as she tore a lengthy piece off Count Surkoff's chain. Next Electra placed two fingers in between a link and easily squeezed apart the metal. Such strength was incredible and soon she had the Junta free of his chain as well. Electra decided it was time to teach this upstart a lesson in who was the dominant sex. The goddess took both Earth mortals on a tour of Calliope's bedroom, games room and dungeon. Everywhere were displayed statues of figures engaged in lewd, violent, kinky and quite bizarre sexual acts and one theme ran through all of the artworks. All of the female characters in these sexual displays were dominant and victorious over their emasculated and destroyed male victims. Calliope was clearly sex obsessed and liked to use the power of her incredible body to sexually defeat the weaker bodies of mortal man. Princess Electra touched her excited pussy "See mortals, see the power of the female body, see how our bodies drain the life of the mortal man" Both of the mortals looked at some strange statues, fear was frozen on their faces and quite bizarre, all had stiff cocks. Electra felt her pussy getting wet as she looked over the cold frozen statues "These are the dead defeated males who instigated an insolent rebellion against our glorious sex in the 'Gender Wars' Women were victorious and the leaders of what was called 'The Confederation of Planets' were turned to stone for Calliope's ever lasting pleasure" The mortals looked at the faces on the statues, each portrayed stark horror and complete abandonment of hope. Count Surkoff felt his stomach turn when the full horror of Electra's words sank into his startled mind. Man had no hope and no future! To be continued.