Pecking order part 4: Self defence for girls by Bully, Monica uses her step-brother as a punching bag (Another addition in Pecking order -series. Read up! For adults only. Contains sex, violence and female supremacy.) The school bell rang. Monica picked up her biology books and stuffed them in her Vuitton bag, a birthday present from Mark. She put her Prada sunglasses on her forehead. "Something special" from Ryan. All the boys in class, including her teacher, couldn't help staring at her as she walked down the hallway in her white skirt and matching sneakers. Her tight, deep cut top highlighted her perky and full breasts. She swayed her curvaceous hips, smiling to herself as she thought about the trail of desperate erections she was leaving behind. She stopped for a chat with her gymnastics classmates, catching up with the recent gossip. Suddenly Steve, her last weekend's date, roughly pulled her with him away from the crowd, digging his fingers deep in her shoulder. "Steve! What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let go of my arm!" she hissed demandingly. After dragging her behind a corner Steve forced Monica against a wall, holding her by shoulders, gazing deep into her cold blue eyes. Monica thought she saw a tear roll down his cheek. The tall dark jock seemed to have lost his usual self-assured cool. He was trembling all over. "What am I doing? Hell, I've tried to call at least a hundred times. You could at least answer. I- I thought we liked each other," he stammered with a shaking voice. Monica understood the situation and relaxed a bit. She was used to these situations, however the desperate ex-lovers weren't usually this aggressive. The teenage heartbreaker forced herself to come down and to handle the situation like an empowered woman should. "Jeez, Stevey, you're okay. We had a nice weekend, and I really liked the earrings you got me. The dinner was great and you gave me a wonderful massage. What do you want me to say? It's not like were getting married. I'm a busy girl, I can't just hang on phone all the time." Steve shook and stared at her. Then, suddenly he broke in tears and grabbed her shoulders roughly. "You ungrateful, cock teasing little bitch! That weekend cost me two grands. And all I get is cold shoulder and blue balls? You were just leading me on, I know you were- I –" Steve was interrupted by Monica's sharp knee between his legs. His mouth gaped open. The surprised boy was still holding Monica by shoulders as she grabbed his pelvis and forced her knee in his groin again, crushing his balls and causing intolerable pain. Steve shrieked and dropped on his knees at Monica's feet. He was clutching his groin with both hands, still trying to understand what had happened. "Shut up! You don't want any audience to witness a girl beating you up, huh?" Monica teased and looked around to make sure they were alone before placing her sneaker on Steve's chest and pushing him on his back. "Nobody touches me unless I want them to. And nobody calls me a bitch. Do you think you can just buy me like that, huh? Fucking loser. You're actually accusing me for not sleeping with you? Hah! I got news for you, lover boy: were done." She emphasized her words by grinding her sneaker against his jeans covered groin which he tried desperately to protect with his hands. The moaning jock couldn't believe she had beaten him helpless in less than minute. "Now apologize!" the girl barked as the boy broke down in tears, spreading his hands in sign of submission. "Oh god, please, I can't take it...I think you broke something...please...please!" She continued grinding and stomping her sneaker against in his groin to make her point, feeling a familiar tingling and moisture between her legs as the beaten boy begged her for mercy. Even though Steve had lost all his sex appeal as a person, he was still a young good looking boy. Making him her plaything would be an efficient way to tame the macho and do some universal good for the world, she pondered while casually trampling his groin. Monica giggled to the cheap excuse she had made up. She was good of finding excuses for having sex. It was a bit too public a place for the kind of disciplinary actions she had in mind though. She looked around to make sure they were alone. Then she saw her. A big, chubby girl was standing roughly ten meters from them. She recognized her from the school but couldn't remember her name. The large, voluptous teen was at least as tall as Monica, about 180 cm or so. Her jeans hugged thigh her thick legs and broad thighs and her black cardigan could hardly hold her feminine curves. Her over grown brown bangs hung on her thick glasses. She wore no makeup. Plain looks, chubbiness and her silent withdrawal weren't the kind of qualities Monica's popular cheerleader friends cared for. "Hey there! Umm...what's up?" Monica said and turned to meet her. She cursed the complicated situations she seemed to be running in almost daily. The big girl was blushing and gaping at her with her mouth open. " just beat up Steve Taylor?" she stammered. "Yes I did, but I had a good reason to. See, he attacked me and I was just defending-" Monica was interrupted by the girl who suddenly pointed behind Monica and shouted "He's getting away! Look, he's getting away!". Monica turned around and saw Steve half running, half limping to his car. "Oh, that's okay. I think he won't bother me again," she said to calm the girl down. The girl looked at her with admiration. "He's been bullying me for like ten years or so. Seeing you beat him was like the greatest thing in my life. My name is Emma. You're the new girl, huh? Monica Collins? We go to the same chemistry class." "Nice to meet you Emma. How do you know my name?" She asked out of courtesy. She was well aware of her near-celebrity status in their high school. She was one of the prettiest and most talked about girls in the school. "Cut the bullshit Monica. It's just that I thought you were like the rest of those cheerleader sheep, sucking quarterback cock and keeping your attentions strictly on attention whoring and the latest lipstick trends. But what you just did to him was so cool. That guy has always been so full of himself, especially the way he treats girls disgusts me. And they just let him, shaking their asses and batting their lashes for this fuck! He wouldn't let me alone either. I had to take all kind of shit and harassment from him and his jock buddies. Just because I had the guts to stand up for myself," she gasped and broke in tears. "I wish I could have done what you did. I wish I could have busted his fucking balls!" It was Monica's turn to blush and gape. Suddenly she realized how privileged she was with the way she looked. But instead of feeling pity for Emma, she felt hate and anger. Steve would pay, along with all the men who thought they could order women around and tell them what to look like. She walked to Emma and hugged her, whispering to her ear: "You don't know me. I've had the same thoughts you do, no matter who I hang out or what I look like. I think we have a lot in common," she said. "A lot more than ample cleavage," she giggled as their ample bosoms came to contact. Emma calmed down and giggled. "You're beautiful, nice and funny. Totally unfair." The girls looked at each other and smiled. "Would you like me to show you how I did you can beat losers like Steve up?" Monica asked, smiling wickedly. "Oh yeah. More than anything. You got to let me in on this." "Let's go to our place, it's just across the park. I'll show you a few moves and we'll get something to drink. Ok? Now where should I begin...this sounds like some Jedi-nerd shit, but the first and the most important thing is to take charge of the situation. You can't beat a boy up while playing the victim, huh? You'll gain the confidence, I promise, and It'll come naturally. Girls have a huge psychological advantage against boys. For example," she said in a comical low voice and poked Emma's breast with her forefinger. The girls giggled. The weather was sweet while they made their way through the playground, giggling and chatting. They seemed like two ordinary high school girls returning from school. But when Jack Richards saw them approaching from upstairs window, he feared the worst. Jack was Monica's step brother, but during the last two months she and her mother had beaten and blackmailed him and his father and seized their house. Monica's mother Joy had taken control of Jack's father's savings and the boy couldn't pay his university term bill payments. He was now delivering pizzas in the evenings, trying to save enough to move away while his father slavishly provided the women with a steady income. A month ago Jack would have ran or locked himself in his room at the sight of her, but Monica had been very thorough and convincing as she had taught Jack not run from her. He hid in his room as he heard the door slam downstairs, hoping that she'd ignore him. "Oh, this place is like a palace," Emma said with awe as the girls entered the hallway. "It's huge!" "My step dad's in banking. My mother drains all his money and I really can't complain," she chuckled and led her new friend to the kitchen. "What's your poison?" she asked and took a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. "I'm having what you're having," said Emma and let her eyes roam around the spacious kitchen and living room. "Let's go to the gym. You can change there and warm up," Monica giggled and poured the juice in glasses. "The gym? Wow! But I don't have any gym wear. I'm not really a fitness girl you know," she said and with an uncertain look on her face. "Oh come on, Emma," Monica said an opened the door to their spacious and well equipped gym. "Don't worry about the clothes. Think of me as your personal trainer. If you want to I'll teach you how to use this junk. But that's not what we're here for today. Just sip your OJ, take your jeans off and relax," Monica said while stripping down to her underwear. I'll get our punching bag," Monica giggled. Emma followed Monica's example and stripped down to her underpants and bra. She looked at her reflection in the mirrored wall and didn't really like what she saw. Her face was covered with her thick glasses and overgrown bangs. Her arms were broad and flabby and her thighs were double the size of Monica's, her bottom was wide and her voluptous breasts were straining her g-cup bra. The big dark girl thought she looked the opposite of her new blond and fit girlfriend. As she promised herself to go on a diet Monica appeared in the room with a surprise that made her forget about the selfloathing. Monica grinned widely as she rode her step-brother in the room. "Say hello to our punching bag," she giggled and dismounted the blushing half naked boy who stared at Emma in horror. "Oh my God! Is that Jack? Jack Richards?" Emma gasped. "You know each other?" "I totally can't believe it. We used to go to the same chemistry class!" "Small world, huh? He's my stepbrother. He is also my little slaveboy," Monica giggled. "We'll use him as a practice dummy for our self defence class. After all, there's nothing like the real thing." "You mean you beat him up as well? Like you did Steve Taylor?" Emma asked as she ogled at the blushing boy. "Oh yeah. That was the first thing I did when mum and I moved in. You have to keep boys in place, and I think this is the right place for them," she said and yanked Jack's head up by his hair. "Right, big brother?," she added and giggled. "Get up and spread you legs. Keep your hands behind your back! Do it!" Emma watched with growing interest as Monica barked orders and the boy struggled to keep up with them. " Go on and feel him, Emma. Feel his body. Feel everything." Monica smiled as she saw the excitement in Emma's face as she slowly moved her hands around Jack's naked upper body, moving her fingers along the trembling boy's ribs and tummy. The blushing boy couldn't help to get hard as the girl gently explored his thighs and abs. The girls looked at each other and giggled knowingly as the bulge in his briefs kept growing. Jack closed his eyes and hung his head. "Do you still think he is strong? That the male sex is stronger? Look at him. He's so weak and helpless. He can't even control himself." "I've never been with a boy before. I thought...I thought they didn't like me," Emma whispered and the Monica saw that the old uncertainty was coming over her. "C'mon Emma. Look at him. Don't you see how you're teasing him with your body? He's totally hot for you, trembling under your touch. I think he's going to poke a hole in his briefs," she giggled. "Now feel his balls. How do they feel?" Emma pulled Jack's briefs down and his swollen cock sprung up, slapping against his stomach. Again the girls giggled. The girl touched a boy there for the first time in her life, loving his reaction as she felt his groin and finally closed her hand around his testicles. "Mmm...they feel like huge jelly beans. They're so soft and hard at the same time..." Jack was moaning uncomfortably as she squeezed harder. " hurts..." he begged. "Oh my! Are they this tender? I hardly squeezed them," she wondered and turned to Monica. "They are so easy to hurt that it makes it all kind of unfair to boys," Monica said while moving behind Jack, twisting his hands behind his back. "Let's get on with our, uh, self defence lesson. Now the first thing you want to do is to floor the guy. You might wanna be quick about it so that he has no chance of getting you first. The easiest way to get a guy down is to get him in the balls. I'll let you try it yourself. Jack, open your legs wide." Monica said in his ear. "No! Please...not this! Please Monica!" the boy panicked, speaking up for the first time. "Either you play nice or you'll spend a week in the basement and we do this to you anyway," Monica whispered in his ear. Jack tried to hold back the tears and opened his legs wide, leaving his naked balls hanging vulnerably. "That's a good boy," Monica whispered. Emma looked at his terror stricken face and couldn't help to get excited. She felt so powerful as this young man begged her with his eyes as she grabbed him by his shoulders. She felt her confidence build up, relaxed and pulled her knee back. Then she lifted it sharply between his thighs, crushing his genitals between her knee and his pelvic bone. Jack shrieked in pain and dropped on his knees as Monica let go of his hands. Emma was dazed as she watched the young man clutch his groin and roll on the floor, sobbing and gagging. "That's pretty much what it takes to beat a boy," Monica giggled. "Normally you might want to repeat that but Jack's so subdued it's not necessary. Now that you have your guy down you can use your position to advantage and kick and trample him as long as it takes to soften him up for the kill. When he's winded enough you want to take out his hands so he'll be totally helpless. You can either twist them around until they weaken, which takes time but is a lot of fun, or you can just tie him up as we'll do now. Monica gave her cotton belt to Emma. "Just do a few basic knots and make sure they are tight," she said and nodded her head approvingly as Emma grabbed Jack's hands and tied them behind his back by the wrists. "Now for the fun part," Monica chirped and clapped her hands excitedly. You can use your imagination and find out ways of making sure the boy knows his place. You can hit him, claw him, bite him, kick him, just make sure he is scared of you. One of my favourites is the sexy, agonizing and humiliating scissor hold. Just sit on the floor beside him and trap his little tummy between those strong thighs of yours." Emma followed Monica's instructions and pulled hapless Jack between her legs. Her pussy was already tingling and the thin boy's side felt great against her thighs and crotch. "Now you just squeeze his abdomen as long as you like. The lack of air will make him even weaker." Jack moaned in pain as Emma's thick thighs clamped tightly around his waist. He tightened his abs but Emma just squeezed harder. "He's trying to fight back!" she giggled at Monica. "Poor boy! It won't be long until his abs tire out." "Oh yeah, I can feel him getting softer," Emma panted and pumped her thighs around Jack, pulling and rubbing his body even closer to her hungry groin. Finally Jack's resistance collapsed and he broke out in tears and gasps as the big girls thighs crushed his abdomen. "Please Emma...I can't breathe...please stop!" Emma just laughed and pumped her thighs faster around the helpless boy, lying on her side, watching her helpless victim. Soon the girl started to tremble and moan, shaking the boy violently between her thighs as she climaxed. "Oh, I never thought boys could be this fun," she panted as she almost lovingly caressed Jack's red tearstained face with her hand. "Oh, we've just begun! You can basically do anything to him now, though I prefer making him do stuff for you," Monica said. She had monitored the lesson from a pressing bench which was getting wet with her juices. The sight of this inexperienced girl humiliating and beating her step brother was too exciting to watch without getting involved. "My favourite thing is to make him kiss me," she said and walked over to Emma and Jack. She stood over Jack's head and licked her lips "To kiss my ass, that is!" she laughed and lowered her behind on Jack's face, facing his feet. The beaten boy obeyed the sadistic girl's unuttered command and started to kiss and lick her between the buttocks. Monica moaned and climaxed in an instant on his face. Emma watched impatiently as Monica casually having her post orgasmic chill with Jack's head wedged between her buttocks. "Can I go too?" Emma asked Monica when she finally seemed to come down from her orgasmic power trip. "Oh, sure! I got a bit carried away there, sorry," Monica chirped and made room for Emma, who followed her friend's example and pulled her panties down to her knees before straddling Jack's face. Monica giggled as Emma's eyes lit up as she moaned in ecstasy. During the latest humiliating events Jack had been silent. He had closed his eyes and concentrated on keeping conscious. He didn't want to give his tormentors the pleasure of hearing his pleads. He felt another dripping wet crotch on his face and almost automatically licked around Emma's asshole. He did his best to pleasure the girl as he had learned that the sooner they'd had their fun they'd leave him alone. He accustomedly pleasured the heavy girl who had been his co-student in the morning. He feared that he was going to be sick. Finally he heard her orgasm and felt her juices flowing on his face and around his head. The lack of oxygen was making him trippy. "As I said, this is just the beginning. You can use your imagination to further dominate your boy and take advantage of him in any way you want, business or pleasure. I also like to milk boys. I like the taste. And it's rich in vitamins and minerals!" "You mean you...milk his sperm? And eat it? Yuck!" "I guess it's an acquired taste, tee hee. But really, you should try it," she said and pulled the helpless boy's limp cock out and teased it hard in seconds. "Just move your hand on it like this, see?" Jack moaned in pain and pleasure as Monica roughly pumped his exposed cock. "Uh-oh, I see pre-cum! Quick, pass me your OJ glass!" Monica fetched the glass just in time. Jack came screaming as Monica milked his load into the glass and had a tase. "Thank you, Jack! Wonderful," she giggled as she passed the glass to Emma, who suspiciously scooped up some cum with her finger and licked it. " were right. It tastes sexy! And a bit like pineapple," she added analytically and slurped the rest of glass. The girls left their spent and drained punching bag on the floor after untying his hands. "I gotta go home now, it's getting late," Emma said and dressed up. Thank you so much for your wonderful self defence lesson, I'll put it to good use." "It's been a wonderful day, Emma. Let's get together tomorrow as well? I'm sure we'd have fun! "Sure, sister! I'd love to." The girls hugged and giggled like the high school girls they were.