Olga It was a night like any other night. Olga and I were sharing in the ecstasy of a heated Naked Karate Fuck after watching her dominate and finish off another victim. The sheer speed and power with which she took control of this man and finished him had me in a state of total Karate Lust and shaking in worshipful adoration at her power and nakedness. Olga always enjoyed stripping herself naked and finishing someone off, she really enjoyed it when they begged her for sex before she finally killed them. Her big hairy pussy would become wet as she continued her domination, she loved showing it off while dishing out a naked flying roundhouse, the site of her big hairy pussy would always excite me and her victims. The moans of erotic pleasure from me and her victims always excited her also. I flashed back to the mind boggling beating she gave as I was furiously slamming my cock into the Hairy Tenth degree black belted pussy, screaming at the top of my lungs, NAKED OLGA!!!!! 10th DEGREE BLACK BELT KARATE MASTER!!!! Naked MAN BEATER!!!!! She easily met me half way with her powerful man-beating hips thrusting upward, causing me to moan in awe of her physical and sexual power over me. The sound of our loud and boisterous Naked Erotic Karate Fuck filled the entire complex, I was sure there was no one that could not hear us karate fucking. Moans of EROTIC Man-Beating Domination filled the air as I lost control and orgasmed in her 10th degree black belted pussy. I continued shouting in worshipful lust and adoration over her martial arts skills. Yes Olga!! Yes Master Olga!!! My Man-beater!!! Naked Ninja assassin!! I love you Olga!! I love having a Naked Erotic Martial Arts Fuck with you!!! I screamed "Hootie-yah" as I mimiced her breathy exhaled words with every flying roundhouse, spinning crescent kick, and butterfly kick she dished out. These were screamed over and over as loud as my overworked lungs would allow it, WOW she could fuck so incredibly well!! Her erotic power and domination had me orgasming until I thought I would pass out. She seemed able to beat someone to death at will, and there was nothing anyone could to stop her. She was invincible. I tensed from the INCREDIBLE orgasm I was experiencing thanks to Olga's Karotica. The orgasm left me spent and dizzy, NO ONE can fuck like Naked Olga 10th degree black belt Man Smasher!!!!!!!!! Her next door neighbor was also aroused and I could her him masturbating to our Karate Fuck. A door was installed between condos so Olga could go over and dominate him without having to go outside. Olga went through the door and said, "come on, I want you to watch what I do to him, we've got a lot more fucking to do." Her neighbor started screaming in terror at the naked body standing before him. He coward in fear, screaming at the top of his lungs, while begging for mercy from the manbeater. Her naked body looked so invinceable, so completely perfect and dominant. The victim was backed into the corner and her totally naked body was exuding power and dominance as she closed in. He was now sobbing in terror because he knew what that naked body was capable of, total destruction and there was no defense from her naked onslaught. He screamed for mercy from my man smasher, his words slurred as he whimpered out loud in fear of the 10th degree black belted Karate Master. The smile on Olga's face bespoke of her incredible ability and confidence to do whatever she pleased with any human being on the planet. She was completely unstoppable. Olga's first blow was an incredibly powerful naked flying roundhouse!!! Her completely naked body jumped into the air as she spun around bringing her right foot across his face, she let out a loud and incredibly sexy HOOTTTIIIEE-YYAAAAHHH!!!! Blood immediately splattered the walls around the corner they were in. I started screaming at the top of my lungs in worship and adoration of Olga Tenth Degree Black Belted man killer!!!! The sight of a completely naked woman beating someone senseless just to arouse me had my head spinning and I was nearing passing out as she continued the naked beating she was dishing out. Even though we had just finished fucking, I was completely aroused after watching her dish out a SINGLE blow in domination. She was just Hootie-Yah'ing looking totally dominant while she was completely naked. The room was filled with the odor of Olga's complete and perfect erotic domination; her naked body illuminated the room with man-beating domination, oozing of the ease of her domination of the victim. His face was a bloody mess, and Olga was still sweating from our last fuck, there would be another fuck just around the corner. The speed and power with which the husband smasher had taken control of the situation had me shaking and moaning in erotic ecstasy! My throbbing cock leaked cum as I felt myself going over the edge. I was experiencing so much overwhelming lust that I could not process it all. She exuded total power and domination while she continued the beating, giving her patented "Hootie-Yah" with each blow! As tears of pain flowed, and screams of terror filled the air, the husband beating man-smasher executed the most powerful and perfectly executed flying roundhouse you will ever witness, leaving him unconcious of the floor. The sight of such an incredibly sexy blow performed with such precision and power, was too much, I started openly masturbating and worshiping her aloud. After she finished him off she turned around and showed me her BIG and incredibly HAIRY pussy to me, it seemed to have grown after becoming aroused from the beating. She asked if I wanted to continue the fuck we started before. I moaned in ecstacy and started shaking in lustful adoration again. She then grabbed me and lifted me completely over her head into the air. She held me there as she commanded me to look down at her naked body lifting me into the air so effortlessly. I begged her at the top of my lungs..."NAKED OLGA TENTH DEGREE BLACK BELTED KARATE MASTER!! PLEASE LET ME FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She then threw me onto his bed and jumped on top of me... We fucked for the rest of the night; she easily brought me to at least three orgasms. The victim was nearing conciousness as we were fucking and she asked if I wanted her to put him under again? I desperately wanted to watch her do some more Naked Karate, but her pussy felt so good I could not pull out. I begged her to beat me up as I served her completely, I thought of nothing but her and her martial arts ability.