A modern Amazon 2 by Looner11@web.de Miss Keller shows a businessman that she is not only better in business I was totally beside myself. Losing to a woman in a fighting game is one thing, but losing to this arrogant bitch, who just left me behind her in business and became my boss was a nightmare. The whole company could see me losing to her. Totally frustrated I went to the mats again. The Asian girl was fighting against the blond, bigger woman. I wondered how good she fought against her bigger and stronger opponent. "She is really good.", Tom said. "I wouldn't risk competing with her." "She is too small to fight a man." I answered astonished about his idea to fight this little woman. "But look how skilled she is. She might practice martial arts or so.", he replied. "Are you afraid of little girls ?", I asked. "No, but think of your match with Mrs Keller. You never know how it ends.", Tom said. "Thanks for the advice.", I said a bit angry, "but this is wrestling. No woman would beat me in wrestling and especially not a little Asian girl." I looked back and saw Miss Keller talking to a man. She was laughing and I wondered if they were laughing about me. I felt pathetic when I saw this powerful and at the same time attractive woman. Why was she so superior? There was nothing I wanted more than beating her and take back my self-confidence. But while I saw her talking and driving her hand through her loose hair, I knew it would be difficult. She was just good. Finally the Asian girl managed to get on top. "Give up.", she demanded but the blond woman refused. With a quick move she wrapped her legs around the neck of the other girl and applied pressure to the hold. The face of the blond girl went red and she panicked. After a while the blond woman gave up. Again the Asian girl stood up and did a victory pose with her little foot on the chest of the loser. It was a great sight. While I was still enjoying the victory pose I heard a voice: "What about a revenge for you ? Maybe you can show here that you are better than I am.", Miss Keller said. I was shocked by the thought of wrestling my attractive boss. Otherwise it would be a chance to give back all the humiliation. She didn't let me a chance to decide: "Or are you afraid to lose ?", she sneered walking to the mat with swaying hips. I saw no chance to avoid the match without losing my face and stepped to the mat. Putting off my shoes and my shirt I got ready to fight. Miss Keller slipped out of her high heels and put off her blouse. She was still wearing a white, tight top. I looked at my pretty opponent while she made up her hair to a ponytail. The white top emphasized her tender shoulders and her firm breasts. The short, black skirt didn't hide much of her beautiful, strong legs. When I noticed that she was watching me I felt catched starring at her legs and her superior smile showed that she knew my thoughts. Then the referee started the fight and again I was astonished how strong and how Skilled she was. I didn't manage to bring her down to the ground. Suddenly she used a judo technique to bring me down and landed on top of me. I fought like hell to push her off but when I finally pushed her to the side, she tried to get me in an arm lever by stretching my arm. With her feet she pushed against my ribs and my head. I knew that this arm lever would end the fight and did my best to avoid it. My biceps already hurts terrible but I knew I must go on. Feeling the warmth of her foot at the side of my face I used my other arm to get free. Suddenly she let my arm go and I felt on my back. Holding my hurting arm, I missed my chance to get a better position. Miss Keller was again on top of me. "Do you give up ?", she asked. "Never.", was my response and I really meant it. Looking up to the attractive woman on top of me, I knew that losing to her would finally destroy my ego. I simply must avoid a defeat. Again I bugged and kicked as hard as possible but she stayed on top. When I tried to push her to the side, she suddenly turned around with a very fast move. Before I could react, her bottom pushed my head down. With a loud knock it was smashed to the mat. It hurts terrible and she did it several times. The audience was already laughing. "She defeats him with her but.", a woman shouted. My pretty boss sat down on my chest enjoying her dominance. Feeling her weight on my chest I already knew that I lost but I simply couldn't submit to this woman. Then the dominant woman on top of me got serious. Holding my face in place with her feet she slipped up and choked me with her cute bottom. All her weight rested on my throat now. Within seconds I cried out my submission. After my submission she stayed on top of me. Sitting on my chest she enjoyed the cheering of the audience. I couldn't do anything but looking up to the pretty winner who was now doing a double biceps pose over me. When she finally got up, I just wanted to disappear as fast as possible but this time she used her chance. Stepping on my chest, she pushed me down again. I felt the warmth of her bare foot on my chest and it was difficult to breath against her weight. I really hated her for humiliating me like that and I felt so helpless trapped under her foot. If I had the chance I would kill this arrogant bitch but I could only look up to her while she enjoyed my humiliation. And so did the audience. Everybody was celebrating the beautiful woman who just kicked my ass. Looking down at me she sneered: "Who is stronger? Who is the winner ?" I couldn't say anything. My eyes filled with tears and I turned my head to the side. I heard her giggling when she took her shoes and walked away. I turned my head and saw her walking towards the bar with swaying hips.