A modern Amazon by looner11@web.de A businessman meets a modern Amazon The attractive woman was sitting on a bar stool talking to another girl. She was laughing and seemed to have a good time. From time to time she passed her hand through her loose hair. The short skirt of her business suit emphasized her beautiful, long legs. Surprisingly she wore bare feet. She simply dropped her black high heels down. They were lying under her bar stool now. I never saw the bitch that casual. Starring at her bare feet I remembered the day when I saw her for the first time. It was at a meeting where I had to present a project I was working at. My boss just introduced her as Miss Keller a new employee. After about ten minutes of talking she interrupted me with a question that hit me very hard. She knew exactly were she could hurt me. Of course I didn't know an answer to her question. When I kept silent, she answered the question for me. And she did a very good job. With an innocent smile she showed me up in front of my boss and destroyed my work within five minutes. And as if that wasn't enough, she showed me how to do it better. It was a disgrace for me. She was nearly as large as I am and had a very athletic body. Normally her hair was made up to a ponytail. I remembered watching it bouncing up and down when she left the room after the meeting. But now it was loose and she looked very good I had to admit. She enjoyed the party and everyone seemed to like her. "Let's see what happens over there.", Tom, a co-worker said, pointing to the big door. I heard many people cheering to someone. Our company organized a party for all employees every year. Every time we eat together and then there are different games. Last year we did a barbecue and played baseball and boccia in a park. This year we had dinner in a restaurant but nobody new something about the games. When Tom and I entered the room we saw a beam. The beam was about one meter over the ground and the ground around the beam was covered with mats. Two guys were standing on the beam facing each other. Everyone had a stick with a pillow at every end of the stick. They tried to throw each other off the beam by beating the other with the stick. Finally one of them lost his balance and fell down. Then two girls had to fight. They were both in business suits: black skirts and a white blouse. Both already put off their jacket. Then they slipped out of their high heels and climbed onto the beam. The Asian girl was small but seemed to be very skilled. The blonde girl was bigger. Both girls fought very hard and aggressive. I liked to see the girls in such a competitive situation. This situation reminds me of another competitive situation I was in some time ago and I felt the anger coming up again. It was when my boss left the company. It was up to me to get his job. Nobody would question it. But suddenly there was this woman again, Miss Keller. I couldn't understand why they even thought of giving the job to her. Of course she did a good job but she was new to the company. The decision should be made after a meeting where we both had to present our projects. She began and I realized that it would be very hard to keep up to her. I started my presentation a bit nervous. Then Miss Keller asked me a question and I needed some of my papers to answer it. While I looked for my folder I saw her innocent smile. She knew very well that she just brang me in big trouble. When I opened my folder I noticed that the papers were gone. I panicked and desperately searched the folder. I was besides myself in this moment and finally the boss of the company ended my presentation."You can congratulate your new boss.", he said to me looking at the attractive woman who showed me up again. No doubt I lost to her and even worse she would be my boss from now on. Like in trance I went over to her and shook her hand. During the days after she became my boss she let me now that she was in a superior position. She demanded some changes and didn't pass a possibility to tell me that I did something wrong. I began to hate her and I also hated my job. The Asian woman hit the head of her opponent and the blond girl fell to the mat. The winner jumped down, raised her arms and put her little bare foot on her beaten opponent for a moment. What a sight. Everyone was cheering. Then she helped the blond woman to her feet again. We still watched another fight when we heard cheers from the other corner of the room. When we arrived at the corner we saw that there were mats on the ground and the two guys who just fought on the beam competing in a wrestling match now. several men and women were cheering. I was still watching the fight, when I heard someone calling my name. It was Bill. He organized the games and now he wanted me to fight on the beam. That was no problem for me. I like sports. I'm very athletic and love to compete with others. When I reached the beam and realized who my opponent was I was speechless for a moment. At the other side of the beam there was Miss Keller holding the stick in her hand. "What's up ? Are you afraid of her ?", Bill asked. I shook my head, still a bit confused about this situation. Miss Keller leaned the stick against the beam and made up her hair to a ponytail. She looked really gorgeous in her short business skirt. She had strong legs and I could see her muscular stomach while she fixed her hair. Smiling over to me she slipped out of her high heels and climbed onto the beam. Until now I saw her as an attractive and elegant woman, but now she looked like an Amazon warrior. She was strong, very athletic and she had that aggressive, confident expression in her eyes. At the same time she looked very feminine. I climbed on the beam with mixed emotions. On one hand I wanted to defeat her and I really thought about how to do it in the most humiliating and painful way. On the other hand there was this strange feeling in my stomach. What if I lose ? Bad enough that she was more successful in business, maybe better than I am but lying beaten at the feet of this bitch was a nightmare. I attacked first but my opponent was astonishing fast on the beam. She went backwards to avoid my attack holding her balance with ease. I tried to hit her head as hard as possible but when I missed her, I had difficulties in holding my balance. Now the woman took her advantage and hit me at my side. I let my stick go and it fell down. Using my arms to hold my balance, I stood helpless on the beam. She had the possibility to push me down, hit me lightly with her stick or even wait some seconds until I fall by myself. I was absolutely defenceless and at her mercy. But the bitch seemed to have the same thoughts as I had before. She used her stick like a baseball stick and hit me hard at the back of my legs. My legs left the beam and I fell very hard to the ground. My nightmare came true. I was lying beaten at the feet of the beautiful Amazon who also was my boss and the audience was cheering. When I looked up I saw her still standing on the beam doing a double victory pose. Then she jumped down and I remembered the Asian girl putting her foot on her beaten opponent. Even the thought of this made me jump to my feet as fast as possible. Losing to Miss Keller was humiliating enough. I didn't need to feel her foot on my chest. I tried to smile when we shook hands but I noticed that it was more a grimace than a smile. "I hope I didn't hurt you.", she said with her innocent smile and we both knew she didn't mean it.