Jealousy It was the summer going into my senior year at high school. I was broke as a joke and needed some cash to fund my marijuana habit, so I decided I needed a job. I found one at a gas station near by my house. It was a shit job for the most part, but the abundance of cute girls that came in almost made up for the eight-hour shits of endless boredom. My boss being a dickhead only topped it all off. I made friends with most of the people there. There was a foreign guy who was real nice, a kid I went to school with, but graduated a couple years before me, and there was a guy who went to school the town over from mine. We smoked weed most of the time he worked so working with him was pretty cool. There were also two old ladies who were a pain in the ass, but they were nice. I was just waiting for a girl to work there. After about four months it seemed as though my prayers had been answered. The kid, Chris, who used to go to my school said she was hot, probably the hottest he'd seen face to face, but she was in her junior year in college so I thought I didn't have a chance with her, but as most guys know even if you have no chance with a hot girl it's nice to at least have them around right? I checked my work schedule and low and behold I worked with her tomorrow. I was pretty excited because once you got a day with someone you usually worked with them for a while until somebody got fired or had to change for whatever reason. The day finally came. I was anxious on my way there. Like any other guy even though I was pretty sure I had no shot, but I still kept telling myself "You never know." I got there and she was early. The first thing that struck me is that she looked taller than me and I was 6'1". Not many guys were taller than me. I'd never seen a girl taller than me. She looked very serious and professional so smoking her up to see if I could get in her pants was off the table at this point. When I walked in I said hi to the old lady who ran the deli, Dolly and shortly after by because her shift was coming to an end. I introduced myself, " Hi, I'm Sean. I heard there was a new girl, but I didn't know I'd have the pleasure of working with you so soon." I thought it was a good thing to say. I wasn't going to tell her I looked at the schedule for next week and was waiting for it all week. She just gave a smile and said "Nice to meet you, my name is Becky." Her face seemed to be perfectly proportioned in every way. It was a face that would make super models jealous. Her cheek bones sat high on her face, he nose was sloped and shaped perfectly, her lips were full and luscious and her eyes were the deepest, darkest, and truest blue I'd ever seen. Her smile was bright and radiant and all her teeth looked as thought they were etched in a stone sculpture. They were flawlessly white. Her long black hair flowed and seemed to be well taken care of, she had no trace of skin problems on here face and she even had a golden tan. Chris was right. This girl was a goddess. I was very intimidated. After Dolly left I got to my usual spot, sitting on the stool behind the counter. Becky on the other hand was all over the place. She really worked hard. I felt like an ass so I did take out the trash, but once things settled down and we did all the work I plopped back down on the stool wishing I could get a better look at her body, but the store was cold because our cheap ass manager always had the heat down as low as possible so she was wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt under her work shirt. I did notice however she was wearing those tan slip-on shoes with no socks and I have a foot thing so that was driving me crazy. Now that there were no customers she was visibly bored. So I suggested we turn on the radio. She said "Yeah, sure, why not?" and turned it on to the typical girly pop station, but I couldn't have cared less at that point. She decided to start talking with asking how old I was. "eighteen" I said. "You a senior?" she inquired. "Yeah" I said "It's a lot of fun to be the big man on campus, but that's going to change dramatically in college I assume." She laughed and said, "It's not like it is for freshmen in high school, but most of the college girls don't go with freshmen guys. That's the only thing you have to worry about." "At I least that part is like high school though. "I laughed. She was pleasant and I probably had nothing to worry about, but I couldn't help but scrutinize everything I said in my head. I even was worried about weather or not I looked nervous. A girl had not done this to me in a long time. There was a silence for a bit and I decided to break it "So, what do you do besides work at gas stations?" I asked trying to not talk about me if we were going to talk. Oh, I like sports, but I mostly do school work. I know I didn't mention I'm in college, but I kind of think you assumed so anyway." I smiled and said "Yeah, it was just a hunch" That was witty I thought to myself.. "What are you going for? I asked her. "Nutrition, I want to be a personal trainer. I figure I can help a lot of people that way and besides I want to make sure I'm always working out. There are too many fat people in this world and I refuse to be one of them." She then turned the conversation around to me asking " You're almost out of high school, what do want to do? "I'm going into communications. I like Sports too, but I want to commentate or do one of those pre game show gigs. It sounds like you want to play sports though, which ones do you play?" Oh, I dabble in all of them, but what about you, have you ever played an organized sports she said with a grin. "Yeah, I used to play football and I play any other sport just not on an organized level." I immediately knew her next question before it came out of her sweet lips and I was dreading it. "Don't you play anymore?" "No." I said sheepishly "Why not?" the second thing I didn't want to hear, but knew it was coming. I had to answer and I figured I'd better just tell the truth. " After a kid on my team got busted with steroids they drug tested my whole team. I failed for weed, and got suspended from the team. They tested me to more times and I failed both times and got kicked off the team." I finally told her with my head down "So you're a regular Ricky Williams huh." She laughed. I got red and just in the knick of time a customer came in, but she rang him up. She lifted her foot out of her right shoe, and all I could see was here sole, but was very smooth and her arch was high. Could her feet be perfect too? I had to see the rest of her feet. I was snapped out of my trance by Becky's voice. " Hey, will you go get the coffee, it's over flowing?" I then realized that I had a HUGE boner. FUCK, I had to go though so I got up and ran hoping she didn't see it. I took care of it and went to take a piss so my boner would go away. I came back to the empty store and sat back down on the stool "So I saw you liked my little foot show hmmm." She said seductively. Before I had a chance to answer she said " Don't deny it before you gauge my reaction. I love it when guys pay attention to my feet" said biting her lower lip. And my boner was back. Was my strange fetish paying off for once? " As a matter of fact I think there's a party going on you might be interested in. It's this Friday. I hope it's not on too short of notice she smiled devilishly. No, not at all was all I could manage to say. She my hand and the nearest pen and wrote here number down on my hand. Was this really happening? This was the hottest girl I'd ever seen, she liked her feet to be worshiped, she was in college, and I'd only been working with her one nigh! "Call me on Friday and we'll meet here. We'll take me car." Every minute of the next two days seemed like an eternity. I got there just as Becky was ending her shift. She greeted me with the mischievous smile I'd been getting used to and simply asked "Are you ready?" I just shook my head thinking did you even have to ask.? I followed her to her car. It was a nice new Audi, silver. "Nice car" I said "Thanks" she said with that smile of hers " Put this blindfold on" she ordered handing me a black bandanna. "We'll be there in about twenty minutes." There was no hiding my ... excitement. I could feel her smiling at me through the blindfold. After what seemed like three hours on my part, but was probably about twenty minutes as she said we arrived in a college town I used to live in. I knew where we were, but said nothing. She was taking me inside a sorority house. My ego could probably be visible from Mars about now. I thought I was the man. When we walked in I was the only guy in site in a house of about 50 VERY attractive women. The weird thing was it was like they were all dressed for an aerobics class. They were all wearing spandex leotards with bare feet and all of them had very sexy feet too. If this were an internet site it would be the most popular on the web. Becky excused herself, said something about having to get changed out of her work clothes, which I understood being at a party and everything. Looking around the party another thing that struck me was all these women were in superb shape. Muscular even. Not like a bodybuilder, but like fitness competitor and they were all around my height. Shortest girl was no lie like 5'9". A very hot dark skinned black girl came up to me and handed me a Smirnov. "So, you're Becky's next victim." She laughed. "You're a bit younger than usual, but you're a pretty big guy. Don't let yourself think you have a chance because of that." She laughed again as did a crowd of her friends as she walked away. That girl was talking like we'd be fighting. Why the hell would I fight Becky and why the hell would she fight me? I cracked open the Smirnov and chugged it. It was so easy. It tasted like soda and after all I was at a party. I was trying to get DRUNK! I think I was getting whiplash just walking around looking for the rest of the beverages until I got the kitchen in which I saw six cases of the stuff and a beer bong. I loaded four in there and took it. It was a lot easier than beer and I'd taken that much beer in one before so I figured I'd be drunk soon. Just as I made my way by the staircase I saw Becky. She'd changed all right. Into some sexy black -lace lingerie. Her breasts were perfect, but they didn't add up to being real at all. She hadn't an ounce of fat on her as far as I could tell. Her abs were defined. As were her arms. They were bigger than the average girls biceps, but clearly packed much more power. Then I saw her legs. They had some meat on them. They looked deadly in all honesty., and a bit bigger than her arms in proportion to her body. I finally made my way to her feet. Each toe, the perfect length and shape. They weren't too big or small, they had a beautiful shape and the arches were the highest I'd ever seen. They were obviously well kept even though at the moment unpainted. "Well Sean, I see you like my new outfit" she said with her usual evil smile, but in a most seductive voice. I looked down and low and behold I had a tent pitched. I looked and grinned blushing. "We like to have some fun at our parties here, so I have a little proposition for you. We'll wrestle, and if you win, I suck you off, but if I win you worship my feet until I say stop." I figured it was a win, win situation for me. Either way I got what I wanted so I accepted.. She lead me down to a huge basement, with mirrors on the walls and ceiling, and mats on the ground. "Before we begin I'd just like to inform you that since the age of six I've training in Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu, Kick Boxing. I'm twenty-one now so that makes it fifteen years. I'm strong, fast, skilled, flexible, and ruthless. It really isn't fair of me to wrestle you, but that's what turns me on. I'm going to make you my slave, but I don't think you'll mind too much. I had no response. What could I say? All those Amazon women were down there with us so there was no running. At this point I didn't know if I could win. " I'm ready" was all I could say. She immediately came after me sweeping my right leg and I was on the ground. She was everything she said she was and I was just an average guy. I didn't stand a chance. Once she got me on the ground it didn't take long for her to put me in a grape vine. It sucked. She held it for at least a minute too. Her driving her pelvis into mine did give me a boner though. She then took her hands off my wrists and let go of the grape vine and put her hands on my chest, spun herself around and put me in a reverse scissors. "Aren't you even going to fight back, or do you just like it too much?" she said cruelly looking at my hard on. I felt like shit. There was nothing I could do. She was so sexy. I was in immense pain and this wasn't quite the way I'd imagined looking at her ass tonight. I had to admit. It was a work of art; firm, round, tan, flawless skin. The total package "Kiss my ass" slave boy she said as if she were a mind reader. I still had some defiance left in my though and refused. I could feel her smile. It was what she wanted to hear. All of the sudden she poured on more pressure. "Are you ready to do what I say? I have a couple more notches I can take it up to if you like. My head felt like it was going to explode, so I just did as I was told. "Goooooood boooooy." She said mockingly. After a couple second she let go and got back on her feet. I just lay there hoping she was through. She wasn't. She put her foot on my chest and made a double biceps pose for her crowd of amazons and they all cheered her on. She hadn't even broken a sweat through all this. Suddenly she walked around me and stopped in between my legs. " Sean, I can stop, but I want you to do something for me first." 'Fuck you!" I said angrily "Sorry big boy, but it's not looking like that's going to happen tonight." Her and all her friends laughed. It enraged me. "Anyway, like I said earlier, I'm going to make you my slave. You just have to agree to it. I'm a fair woman. Tiffany, bring out the contract. Sisters, we're about to get a slave for the sorority. Lets see the other sororities match that" In not time at all the same black girl that got me my drink appeared with a contract. "You're going to sign this, and when you do you will legally be our slave." "I'm not signing shit" I said. I was definitely drunk now from the all those Smirnov's at once and then the wrestling. "You sure?' she said with a smile on her face "Yeah I'm pretty fucking sure .Now let me the hell out of here bitch" "You're in no position to be making demands, much less to be calling the woman who just kicked you ass nasty names" I made and effort to get up after a second and she stomped hard on my balls. I assumed the fetal position right away. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt "How dare you!" She shouted clearly infuriated by my comments. She grabbed my ankles and spread them out and stomped on my balls three more times each as hard as the first. I screamed in pain. I'd already eclipsed my height of pain again. "Well, I feel much better now." She said with a crazy looking smile." You gonna sign the contract now" she asked innocently" Guess we should give him a minute huh?" She and the other girls laughed hard. After what seemed like hours I came a round a little bit. It was probably more like minutes, but Becky was right there. The first thing I saw was her lovely feet and suddenly I realized how afraid of her I was. It was a terrible feeling. She reached down and handed me a pen and paper and said "I'd sign it if I were you sweetie." I had no choice. I didn't know if my balls could handle another beating like that, so I signed it. " Now, time to make good on that little promise of yours cutie." She said smiling. "I think he remembers girls" They all laughed again. I just broke down in tears." Leave us" She commanded her sisters. They all quickly did as she said and I was left alone with Becky. She held me. "You'll be so much happier. It'll be a good life. Don't cry. You'll be surrounded by beautiful women the rest of your life. You won't have to worry about a thing. We'll make enough money to support you. Best of all you'll be getting laid every day." She said with a comforting smile. I could say noting. I was broken She had won. I was her slave. I never stood a chance. My psyche was damaged. I'd stopped crying now, but remained silent. "Come on, we're going home" We went up stairs and she saw Tiffany, the black girl and said "Put him in the car,. We're leaving. She took me to Becky's car and opened the back door. I laid down on the seat and she got in up from. I guessed they were roommates and Becky was getting her clothes. She came out in the sweat pants and a white t-shirt and we drove to Becky's. The ride home was long and my mind was empty. I was just in a trance. I couldn't believe what had happened. " We're home sweetie." Becky shouted with glee. "How long will he be like this Becky?" Tiffany asked "Don't know" she said "I've never went this far with it, but I just had to have him. He's sooo cute." Tiffany looked at her for a second with an eyebrow raised. "He's aight." "Time to bring him in" Becky said with joy in her face. What was a fucking puppy to this woman? They both got out of the car and Becky opened the door. "Ok, come on in" when went in it was a typical town house. Nice, but not too nice. I just did as I was told though and got out of the car. She led me to the door and through it. Tiffany turned on the lights. They had a very girly place. Pink everywhere. Pink mac PC, pink couch, and bean bag chairs and pink walls. "I bet he's tired Tiffany. Let's go to bed." We all went upstairs to the bedroom this time Becky turned on the lights. The was a pink shag rug and a black chair. On one side there was a Kelly Clarkston poster and on the other side an Eve poster. There was a huge closet, and two dressers both with sizeable mirrors and the usual knick-knacks around. A stereo and CD's. All kinds of crap. "Tiffany and I are together, but we decided that we'd bring in a man. Of course one that is a constant slave to the superior females, but we both like boys too. You're out play toy. That's why you're here, forever. We're going to sleep on the bed with you at the foot of it I do expect you to make good on your promise tomorrow morning. If you don't there will be consequences. Do you understand?" I just laid down, but I couldn't sleep. Tiffany had her feet in my crotch not hard, just there., and Becky had her feet in my face. I had a boner all night long. We went to sleep at about 8:30 or 9:00 last night so it was a long night for me; long and reflective. I was stuck, but was it really so bad. These girls were two hot bisexuals. I was with them forever. I was very torn. Just them the alarm went off and Tiffany and Becky both stretched their legs. Becky wasn't so bad, but Tiffany crushed my balls against the footboard. It killed, but not as much as last nigh She fully realized what she'd and chuckled. " Sorry "she said falsely. "Time to wake up sleepy head." You've got a job to do she giggled turning her legs around dangling her perfect feet off the bed. "Get to work." I of course was hurting and didn't make it out of the bed in time satisfactory for her. Her cheerfulness quickly turned to rage, as she stood on the bed and kicked me off it. "When I tell you to do something you do it" I hit the ground with a thud. Tiffany was laughing. "She crushed my balls on the footboard. I couldn't get up." This made her even madder. "That's NO EXUCUSE! You need to be punished. On your knees right in front of me." She assumed her previous position on the bed and I knelt in front of her. She then clamped her legs around my head and pulled my face tight to her pussy and squeezed me. It was about as bad as last night. After a while she said "I can squeeze much harder so next time it'll be far worse." She kept going thought. Her legs felt like two steel bars on either side on my head. She was really powerful, and so pain stakingly obviously more powerful than me. Suddenly she released me. "Now" she said giddy like a little girl "Have you learned your lesson?" I just kept my head down and nodded. "Good boy" she said sickenly happy." Now get to work." I had no choice. She put her feet in my face and I started to kiss them. "Don't be shy silly." She said cutely "Get in there and suck my toes." So I just did what she said and started to suck her toes. They tasted like what I thought my thumb did when I was little. It wasn't bad at all. "Mmmmmmm yesss, I 'm SO glad we decided to get a slave for the house. I swear to god this is better than sex for me." She breathed sensually. "LICK MY SOLES WORM." She said kicking me in the face. Again, I wasn't going to defy her. She'd proven she could beat me. I was pretty damn scared of her. Her feet though, they were a dream: so smooth and soft. They felt as good as they looked. She pushed me over with her right foot suddenly and said now a want a massage, and it better be good. I was scared again. I'd never given a foot massage. What if it wasn't good? She placed both her feet on my chest and I started to message right under the balls of her feet with my thumbs. Looking up at her with fear. She clearly enjoyed that. Out of the blue the phone rang. Tiffany picked up. "Hello ... Oh hi Rita, yeah Becky's right here." Tiffany handed Becky the phone and she squealed. "Hi mommy. I finally got a slave like you suggested. He's cute and he likes feet. He's perfect. You're coming over? Oh you'll love him. I'll see you in when you get here, but me and Tiffany have to go to the gym. I'll leave to door open if you beat us back ... .I know I should work out earlier, but we had a busy morning. Ok, love you bye." "You're mom's coming over?" asked Tiffany for the first time since we met she looked happy. "Yeah, she wants to see our new boy toy." Giggle Becky "Ok, well we better hurry to the gym so you're mom doesn't come to an empty house." "It won't be empty. Sean will be here. You'll just love her sweetie. We'll be back at ten" Jesus it was 6:30 in the morning. These girls were serious. I was going to get some sleep while they were gone though. Before they left they both gave me kiss good-bye and Becky told me not to make a mess. "By the way, don't think about leaving. You signed a contract and when we find you, you're in big trouble." Said Tiffany scowling at me. I figured I'd be screwed if I did so I just did as I was told. I laid down at the foot of their bed and went to sleep. I awoke to the sweet lips of Becky. "Did you have a nice nap? I see you were a good boy and didn't make a mess. My mom is on her way. You two will get along famously." She laughed. Minutes after the girls got back I heard a knock on the door. Becky jumped up to get it. "Mommy, she cried as she opened up the door. She walked in and my jaw hit the floor. She was a lot taller than Becky. I'd say about 6'8" Her legs were absolutely ripped to shreds. It was the first thing I noticed because she was wearing spandex shorts.. Her thighs were each probably 40" inches her calves about 28" I'd guessed and again they were ripped. You could see all kinds of veins and striations all through her legs. What was really crazy is her waist was maybe a few inches bigger around than Becky's. She was also wearing a cut off white T-shirt with her black spandex. Her abs and all the muscles of her mid drift were clear. She had an eight-pack abs. I could see her nipples, but she had no breasts to speak of, only gigantic pecs. Her arms were insane too. "31" inches" she said, "both of 'em I measured them this morning. That's unflexed too". She bragged. She had no neck it was weird. I'd never seen ANYONE that muscular, let alone a woman. Her face though was not nearly as pretty as Becky's, but she did have that black hair. Her nose was big and her lips weren't as luscious, but in the eyes and hair you could see the family resemblance. She was wearing flip-flops too and feet were nice like her daughters; bigger of course, but still really no flaws. The skin looked more aged and it was, but they were beautiful anyway. She did have a deep tan though. Obviously fake. "Why don't you compete?" asked Tiffany. "Who would provide the competition? I do this for fun. Besides I don't want a bunch of perverts jacking off to my pictures. It's not like I need the money either. My business takes up enough of my time, and I still have to keep up with my martial arts right?" I couldn't believe it. She was unstoppable; a hugely muscled giant with martial arts skills. She must have taught Becky. " Why don't you guys put on more muscle?" Becky's mom asked "I've started to try. I want to get a much muscle as you Rita." "Considering you're only 5'10" and I'm 6'9" That'd be pretty impressive. I couldn't believe my ears. Was she really that tall? " "I don't know mom I kind of like the idea of men pleasuring themselves to me. It's just one more way of dominating them. They can't resist me and I could pop their little heads in my thighs." This girl was nuts, but at the same time so sexy. Everything did and said turned me on and I hated myself for it. "What did you come by for mom?" Becky asked "I'm glad you asked sweetheart. You're going to move in with me. You're not muscular enough and I want to sharpen your martial arts skills. Don't worry you'll still have time for school. Bring Tiffany, she can train with us and bring your little slave boy over there. We'll have fun with him." "Ok, sounds like fun. I can't believe you're still getting bigger though mom" Becky said. "I'll never stop packing on muscle. Not until I die at least. Working out and getting stronger is better than sex for me. The only thing better is seeing a man crawl at my sexy feet. Seeing the fear in their eyes when they beg me not to kill them I literally pissed myself in fear of the mature muscle giant standing before me. Her girth was jaw dropping and her sadistic attitude terrifying. With the greatest of ease this woman would kill me. I was totally helpless, and it was a really shity feeling "Did he just wet his pants" She noticed looking at my pants laughing at me. Just then a look of furry crossed Becky's face. Oh Shit" was all I could manage. I knew I was screwed. Without a word I received a round house kick to the side of the head that would make Chuck Norris jealous. "Look at the mess you've made" she screamed. She then grabbed me by my shirt and drug me to the bathroom and threw me in. " Get in the shower, get clean, and get your ass out here. Make it snappy too, and you obviously don't have any clothes so you can come out naked." I just followed my orders meekly in dreaded anticipation of what awaited me when I got of the shower. I didn't even care about the humiliation. I was beyond that at this point. I was a slave. I took about a minute in the shower. I washed my body and hair, and rinsed off. I then hurried out of the shower and into the living room where the three of them stood waiting. "Lay down sweety" Becky said. I did just as she said and then her mom kicked off her flip-flop and approached me. "Are you scared of me BOY?" She said threateningly. I just shook my head yes and an evil grin crept across her face. "Good, you should be, I could easily crush you." As she said that she rested her sexy foot atop my chest, and slowly applied pressure. My breathing became more and more restricted until I couldn't breath at all. "I hold you life in my hands, or should I say, my feet" she laughed evilly. "P...p ... please ... ..stop ... I ... can't ... ..breathe." I pleaded my face turning colors after a little bit. Even though I was near death I managed to have a hard on and like she had eyes in the back of her head she said "Somehow I get the feeling you wouldn't mind going out like this" The other girls giggled at me. I thought I was beyond humiliation, but I wasn't, and just then she let up. I could breathe. I'd never take that for granted again. "I'll let you live ... for now. My daughter likes you. I personally don't get it. I'm only into women. Men are just for reproduction and my amusement, but I wouldn't want to have one around for more than a night." "Mom, he's just so cute, I knew you wouldn't hurt him too bad. He's so cute," Becky said as she rushed over and hugged me. I was very confused at this. She was a very unstable person. She was so childish, but extremely sexually aware of herself and obviously a dangerous person what was my life going to be like now? What was in store for me? "Mom, I like having the sorority though, I don't want to leave. Can't we all move into your house? "I guess you can.. You guys will have to share rooms though. My house is big, but not that big." "I know mommy " Said Becky full of glee. "We'll have a small army of tall, muscular girls who just so happen to be martial arts experts soon. We'll be ready to take over the world" she laughed. "I can't wait 'til you get tired of this guy so Rita can crush him" Tiffany said bitterly. I had no idea what the think right now. Becky was the only thing keeping me alive it seemed so I wasn't going to piss her off.