INTERGENDER BATTLE ZONE WARNING THE FOLLOWING STORIES WILL CONTAIN ALLOT OF SEXUAL & VIOLENT REFERENCES SO IF OFFENDED & YOU WILL BE STOP READING NOW, FOR THOSE OF YOU MATURE ENOUGH I HOPE YOU ENJOY & PASS ON FEED BACK SO I CAN IMPROVE THE STORIES EVEN FURTHER, .   Welcome to Intergender Battle Zone pay per view where the main event will be a Elimination chamber match for the E.W.W title held by Superior Warrior as we head to the ring for the chairman of the E.W.W to kick off the program with some announcements to the fans. ' LADIES & GENTLEMAN WELCOME & THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THE PAY PER VIEW I WILL KEEP THIS BRIEF AS WHERE HERE TO WATCH WRESTLING NOT LISTEN TO ME TALK HERE AT THE HOUSE THAT RUTH BUILT YANKEE STADIUM IN FRONT OF 70,000 PEOPLE, I HAVE CHECKED WITH VIPERMAN WHOM BROKE HIS LEFT HAND & RIGHT ARM WHILST DEFEATING HIS FEMALE OPPONENT TO QUALIFY FOR THIS MATCH. VIPERMAN ASSURES ME HIS NOT ONLY RIGHT TO GO BUT THAT HE WANTS TO BEGIN TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT HIS TRAINING AS A NAVY SEAL & ALL HIS COMBAT TRAINING HAS PREPARED & TAUGHT HIS MIND TO BLOCK OUT PAIN WITHOUT USING PAIN KILLERS OR STEROIDS. PLUS I'VE LIFTED THE BAN ON BULK MOGAN & HE'LL COMPTITE TONIGHT ", the crowd chant Viperman & Mogan's names after hearing the exciting news to show how much they want to see them in action. Vin McCann the chairman of the E.W.W pauses then states " I'VE COMPLETED THE SIGNATURES OF 5 ADDITIONAL SUPERSTARS TO JOIN THE E.W.W BRAND & THEY ARE THE MOST EXCITING TAG TEAM OUTSIDE THE E.W.W THE WARLORD & THE BARBARIAN THE TOWERS OF PAIN WHOM WILL FACE THE CURRENT E.W.W TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS HRISTIE FEMME & STRISH TRATUS. THE OTHER THREE NEED TO COMPLETE PREVIOUS COMMITMENTS BUT HAVE DEFINITELY SIGNED & THEY ARE FORMER TWO TIME CHAMPION ANDY MORTON, PLUS I'VE CAPTURED THE SIGNATURES OF THE HOTTEST FEMALE IN MUSIC HRISTINA GUILIERA, & FINALLY FORMER STRONGEST MAN OF WORLD MR UNIVERSE HIMSELF 6'11 312 POUND FORMER MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPION AMONG HIS MANY ACHIEVEMENTS THE ONE THE ONLY STEVE ' THE BEAST ' SAUNTERS.   The chairman leaves the ring after making those announcements leaving us to get on with the pay per view & we kick things off with the much anticipated triple threat match with three individuals whom simply hate each other with so much history between them as we here the music of The Game playing Triple D he stands on the stage then walks down with purpose to the ring as the cameras click away as he climbs onto the apron glares at the fans then climbs in after spitting out the water, as he poses by flexing to show the fans his determination & game face is on as the music of Ron Sena & boy have these two had issues although they seemed to work well together in there 2 on 1 victory to become equal number contenders for the E.W.W HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP held by SPANISH ROSE whom comes to the ring in her gorgeous ladies black ring leotard swimsuit with the back open & he huge Spanish rose on the front along with her thigh high black boots also with Spanish roses on either boot displaying her 6'1 139 pounds body with long glamazon style black curly hair, to go along with her glamazon size 21 inch breast, V shaped body from head to toe with all the right curves along with her delouses tight arse making her way out now whilst Sena & Triple D stare down each other the gorgeous glamazon Spanish Rose sidelining both man by not only beating them but injuring them & putting them out of commission.   The bell sounds as the referee has the belt over to the outside official ( just a quick reminder to the first timers ALL matches have a 5 count stipulation & now counts unless stipulated ) as the crowd watches with excited anticipation as Spanish Rose with her back to the camera, Ron Sena to the right of her & Triple D to the left as they exchange glares as the fans make a loud racquet getting the whole arena pumped up as Ron Sena & Triple D both tried to attack Spanish Rose but she countered them both at the same time with double knife edge chops 1,2,3, they fire back two as Spanish Rose has to fight them both off with punches flying as the two eventually overwhelm Spanish Rose to whip her to the ropes right of screen on her return she gets double shoulder blocked to the canvass as she gets up to duck under there clothes line attempts before they both turn around simultaneously to cop double karate front on scissors kicks as both there head lock up at the ring lights & as Spanish Rose immediately wastes no time to double spinning DDT them face first to the canvass they both roll to the floor outside to regroup Sena in front of the commentators & Triple D in front of the main camera shot as they both clear there heads as Spanish Rose stands hands on hips taunting her challengers " COME BOYS I DON'T BITE I JUST HARM "  as they re-enter form there respective sides as they both try to get a fix on Spanish Rose trying to find an opening as Triple D & Ron Sena collar tie up to the confident champion to double shove her to the canvass. Triple tells her " MAYBE IN THE PAST YOU WOMEN COULD DO AS YOU PLEASED BUT NOT ANY MORE WITH ALL THE NEW MALE TALENT ASSEMBLED AT E.W.W ", as Spanish Rose & Ron Sena collar tie up as Triple D stands back to observe this time.   Ron Sena drop down toe holds Spanish Rose as he gets up to stare at Triple D & tell him " LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT I WANT TO BE CHAMPION AS MUCH AS YOU DO BUT WE NEED TO DESTROY SPANISH ROSE " they end up getting the meeting of the minds as Spanish Rose sensed the opportunity to butt there faces together whilst they stupidly avoiding her as she rams there faces together mercifully 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 21 times all up with both of them cut open as she double whips Sena & Triple D one arm each to the ropes on the far side they return to get double karate clothes lined across the chest that decks them both powerfully. Spanish Rose wastes no time in pulling up Triple D he blocks her rights to scoop her up to as Spanish Rose thrashes about so much she drops behind him to belly to back German suplex release her as Spanish Rose gets up facing the main camera Sena from behind forearm clubs her to the back of her head making her stagger a little bit forward as he follows up to clothes line Rose to the back of her head making her stagger towards the ropes as she turns around Sena nails 1,2,3,4, knife edge chops as Ron Sena whips her into a Triple D running high knee as it bowls her over. Triple D & Sena turn on each other as they unload big time as the chairman Vin McCann is furious. Triple D & Ron Sena refocus to both drill Spanish Rose with a right from Sena & a left from Triple D at the same time. They resume stupidly against each other as the fans love it as they end up rolling around on the canvass exchanging wild punches as Spanish Rose takes the opportunity to climb to the top turnbuckle right of the main camera in front of the time keeper & ring announcer to launch herself high into the air to come down splashing Ron Sena on top of Triple D at that particular moment as they where in the middle of exchanging positions whilst pounding each other as Spanish Rose gets up to climb to the same turn buckle to splash down on them again as they now both moan in agony.   Spanish Rose pulls Ron Sena off Triple D to belly to back German suplex release him thundering upright against the left of screen turnbuckle corner as everyone felt that one as Spanish Rose spears him no the turn buckle he balked her in the last second as he staggers away to come back to unload 1,2,3,4, thunderous unblocked rights whilst battling the pain his still feeling at the moment as Triple D Dangerously Davely Demsley comes to take over to unload his own fury rights 1,2,3,4,5,6, all making huge connect that rock her ancestors as he walks off allowing Sena to whip Spanish Rose from one turnbuckle corner to the other side as he ends up on his knees showing how much energy he used in the move. Spanish Rose protects herself form Triple D's running clothes line attempt by double booting his face to is the corner to double kick out with force Demsley's face as he stagger away holding his bloodied face but Sena managed to leaping clothes line her against the buckle as the huge ring shakes from the impact as Ron Sena steps away to place a staggering Spanish Rose on his shoulders as she battles away to avoid his finisher to elbow away at his face in desperation to end up getting fireman tossed instead but not with any real authority it was only a safety first move. Triple D Rick flair style leg chops her from behind gets up to repeat it with more punch the second then he  stands up as Spanish Rose clutches the back of her right knee to sign that she felt that one more as he grabs her right leg to knee smash her form a great height 1,2,3, times as he stars to stomp her right calf 1,2,3,4 times as Sena off the ropes clothes line knocks down Triple D.   Sena applies a STF U submission on Spanish Rose as Triple D gets up groggy to look around for the truck that just hit him to with his back to the main camera stagger over to double elbow drive Ron Sena in full cry to his lower back whilst he attempted to make Spanish Rose submit which she wasn't ready to do as Triple D Demsley drags Sena by his legs off Spanish Rose he wastes no time to apply a crippler cross face on the E.W.W Heavyweight Champion. Triple D demands  she tap out or he'll break her neck she refuses showing great neck muscle strength to indure not only pain but refuse to yield to the hold as she reaches the ropes as Triple D ( the rules are relaxed a sort of gentlemen's agreement twenty second count applies to break a hold in the e.w.w but the ropes can still be used to break a pin fall or submission in progress ) eventually Triple D release the hold he enjoys to punish the boundaries any match & shows still he will win at any cost as he pulls up Spanish Rose to set her up with a stomp to the midriff as she is placed in the finisher as Spanish Rose summons all her championship qualities to over head back drop Triple D off her to turn around slightly hurt to standing drop kick him Triple D making him back peddle to the props left of screen to gets his arms tangled in between the middle & top ropes in front of the entrance from where the wrestlers enter from. Triple D looks up to see Spanish Rose spear tackling him  as he felt it as you can see blood coming out of his mouth as she turns around to exchange left & rights with Sena.   Sena rights Spanish Rose to the face the crowd mostly boo but cheer as Rose return rights his face to again receive mixed responded for another 1,2,3,4,5,6, as  each time the boos & cheers grow until everyone of the crowd in attendance is involved as Spanish rose scoops up Ron Sena to side break him then fall away slam him to the canvass as she drops to the canvass clutching her right knee which seems to still be sore as Spanish rose the champion gets up to place Sena in full nelson but he counters by reaching back jawbreaker Spanish Rose but in the last possible second as they where coming down Spanish Rose did a back stabber to Sena to roll away to get up as Triple D clothes line knock downs her as he repeats it to off the ropes swinging clothes line coat hanger Spanish Rose to the canvass as she is sat up facing the commentators in a reverse chin lock with some strong left to right twist involved in it. Triple D helps her up to sleeper hold her now but Spanish Rose turns side on in the hold to elbow jolt his midriff 1,2,3,4, lifting one of the challengers off the canvass with each jolt to the ribs to get side suplex by Triple D desperate to maintain the upperhand as Sena back on his feet having regroup whilst all this was taking place waits patiently now to from behind  as the champion got to her feet flying fame asser her.   Spanish Rose is pulled onto her feet to get shoved powerfully to the buckle as the only way he or Tripe D can become champion is by either pinning or submitting Spanish Rose & vice versa for her to win in a triple threat she must of course do likewise to them. Triple D takes the chance to running clothes ram her face as blood from the face of Triple D ends up on the nipples of her wrestling leotard as she gets slingshot suplex as Triple D watches Sena off the ropes you can't see me five star knuckles her face. Spanish Rose is hurt as she is placed on his shoulders to but wait as Demsley running big boots his face knocking him down as Spanish Rose ends up on top of Sena as Triple D pulls her up & off him to belly to back angle slam Spanish Rose as he gets up repeat it to really stamp his authority as he pulls her up to midriff stomp her to set her up before Sena rallies to the course as Triple D delivers his pedigree as he rolls her over hooking one leg as the count is made 1, as Sena gets up to stagger over 2, 3 & a half before Sena reaches them she kicked out as the crowd jumps around with the excitement that she kicked out but the look on Triple D's face captured by the main camera is one to behold the move that has claimed numerous victories & derailed many men hasn't been enough as he stands her up but in doing so provided Sena with the opening he desired to spear him to the canvass & out of the picture to get up as Spanish Rose springs up out of nothing by grabbing Sena to snap suplex him as the crowd clicks away at the move performed with such speed.   Spanish Rose to think this is only the first match of the night as she quick snap suplex him a second time to pull him up again belly to back atomic knee drop him into Triple D on his feet hunched over as they bowl each other over as Spanish Rose pulls up Sena to place him in a chicken wing sleeper hold to Regal cutter him as she gets up to scoop up Triple D incoming off the ropes with momentum to flapjack drop kick his face as he lands awkwardly on his back as Spanish Rose pulls up Triple D to scoop him up to pile driver him as she makes the cover 1,2,3 but on the 4th count Sena breaks the count as he clubs away like a man persisted to club away at her face standing over her whilst dripping blood onto her back to pull her up to belly to back spin out power bomb her then bend over to pump up his shoes to motion along with the crowd crying out ' YOU CAN'T SEE ME ' as he off the ropes powerful 5 knuckle nails her face to set her up as he F U's Spanish Rose is this it 1,2,3 & a quarter no way what unbelievable resilience by the champion as she is pulled up to counter his suplex to falcon arrow suplex Sena but land needing to suck in the big ones as she pulls him up to repeat it but this time Triple D Rick flair chop blocks her right knee to make Sena land across her upper back as he pedigrees Sena then rolls him out of the ring & out of the way to motion to Spanish Rose seeing him through pain to come get some a he left then right wobbles her face to huge powerful fury right with a huge measured punched as he does it again as he off the ropes from right of screen comes at a groggy champion whom belly to belly suplex Triple D she crawls over to lie directly on top of Triple D & use her amazon seized breasts to smother his face whilst grapevining his midriff as she makes him scream in pain as more blood comes out of is mouth showing his suffering internal bleeding again at the hands of Spanish Rose as she release him to climb out of the ring wanting to make a statement Spanish Rose rolls the unconscious Sena back in.   Spanish Rose climbs back in as the main camera gets a great shot of her arse as she pulls up Sena to tombstone him head first into Tripe D's face as he ends up  lying directly on top of Triple D as she gets up to climb to the top buckle to frog splash pin them as the referee & the crowd counts 1,2,3,4,5 it's finally over as they cheer the outcome as Triple D & Sena both require medical attention as the referee raises her arm declaring the winner & still E.W.W HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the world SPANISH ROSE as she leaves the ring exhausted & limping from the pain of the right knee showing up more the longer the match went as the fans at Yankee stadium have been treated to an epic opening match as we pause to wait for the next match to come up. The returning Bulk Mogan will be facing the hot, the sexy ex-super spy Sasha Jaxon whom can handle herself not only in the ring but on the runaways of the modeling scene whether in Paris, London or Milan as she leave sot dish out punishment on her victims but not only pounding them but by sexually pleasing them too. Bulk Mogan makes his way out determined to put his suspension behind him knowing that he has a great opportunity for redemption even though the chairman was reluctant to reinstate him as he wanted to stick fast to the suspension as the fans constant emailing & petition by the fans forced his hand & he isn't stupid enough to ignore what the fans want & if they want him they'll get him. Bulk Mogan in the ring rips his shirt off the discards it into the crowd as he awaits Sasha Jaxon the 5'7 119 pound size 0 figure with long blond hair & that sexy super spy look about a 21 year old her face, size 16 inch breasts, hips as tight as anything & arse & legs that would make any man thirsty for her all packed nicely in her now famous black catsuit with black thigh high boots with heels as she comes in then stands hands on hips waiting for the match to start.   The bell sounds as the crowd chant for both competitors as the noise makes the atmosphere electric as Sasha Jaxon dwarfed by her powerfully icon legendary opponent the 36 year old ( fictional remember ) with the size 24 inch pythons wrap around her in a grapple lock up as they asses each others strengths & weaknesses, as the crowd roars as Sasha Jaxon arm drag tosses him to the canvass he gets up to see her in a sexy V shaped stance motion want some more & she gives him some more with same move applied as he bails outside needing & wanting to settle things down using all his experience. Bulk Mogan exchanges some friendly banter with the ringside fans agmonst this 70,000 crowd at Yankee Stadium, as he climbs back in as Sasha Jaxon helps him back into the ring from the apron by suplex slam. Sasha Jaxon off the ropes huge atomic back thigh drops the canvass he slid to the floor to escape quickly from the incoming drop. Bulk Mogan gets up & placed in a sexy stance head lock as he belly to back suplex Sasha as he gets her up to atomic knee drop her. Mogan pulls her up to whip her to the ropes to on her return from left of screen receive a great elbow shot to her chin but Sasha Jaxon does a matrix bridge to avoid the blow coming off the opposite ropes to flying chop his face but remains standing to club the sexy woman across her upper back 1,2,3, then whilst glaring at the fans fury right her face with her back against the ropes to whip her to the turnbuckle then follow up close behind but she use the ropes to double whisper in the wind kick his face as this time he is knocked off his feet but always having a great defense rolls to the outside to regroup.   Bulk Mogan shakes the cobwebs although it seems they are still only feeling each other out as he climbs back in as he motions to the sexy Sasha Jaxon in a head to toe catsuit unzip top half to show her size 16 inch breasts to distract the 8 time champion to left then right hook his face then she tornado punches his face but Mogan blocks it & rights her ribs 1,2,3 with her back to the main camera as he whips her reeling from the punches to the ropes to on her return over head back drop Jaxon. Bulk Mogan applies a strong chin lock as she stands up to lady like jawbreaker him as Mogan back peddles to the ropes to lean against them right of screen as Sasha Jaxon walk up side kicks his face to ram his face into the top turn buckle pad no effect he counters to ram her face into the top turn buckle 1,2,3,4,5, times to whip her to the ropes to shoulder block her face as she is knocked off her feet. Bulk Mogan grabs her getting up to drape her throat down on the middle rope to off the ropes pounce down on her. Mogan uses the ropes to snake eyes her displaying his ruthless skills when he decides to go down that road. Mogan whips her to the ropes to big wind up right her face. Bulk Mogan motions to the fans for that added fire that burns deep down when the fans cheer him on to deliver 1,2,3,4,5, fury rights as Sasha Jaxon on one knee slumps forward against his midriff.   Bulk Mogan helps her to her feet to whip her to the ropes to watch Sasha Jaxon on her return powerfully boot his face as he back peddles as he tries to coat hanger clothes line her but instead cops a classic high kick that rocks his world then Sasha Jaxon fisherman suplex's Mogan as he tired to block it as he gets up Sasha Jaxon already on her feet whips him but then counters to whip Sasha Jaxon to the turn buckle to clothes line ram her throat following up with huge momentum. Bulk Mogan steps back enough to asses his damage to running thigh ram her face then peel off slowly making sure that she feels the blow. Mogan pulls her up to place Sasha Jaxon on the top buckle far right of the main camera to super suplex her to the canvass. Bulk Mogan makes the cover 1,2 she kicks out. Mogan pulls her up to reverse chin lock as she counters out of the hold to spin out of it to hammer lock him as she makes him arch backwards in the hold using her sexy body seduce him by telling him " I NOW KNOW WHY YOU'VE BEEN CHAMPION 8 TIMES BUT YOUR NO MATCH FOR ME HONEY " as she reverse karate twirls him to the canvass as she waits to head lock toss him 1,2 times then Sasha Jaxon lady like single arm snapmare Mogan 1,2,3 times in a row as she allows Bulk Mogan to stand up to sexy side walk slam him what agility & great movement from one move into the next one. Mogan is whipped with all her sex appeal to the ropes right of screen to on his return she over head back drops Mogan after placing herself in a sexy stripper stance awaiting his return.   Bulk Mogan is helped to his feet as Sasha Jaxon waist head locks him making his upper body twist in the head lock as she running bulldogs him, as Sasha Jaxon pulls her opponent up whom grabs both her legs whilst being helped up to double leg slam her to the canvass to watch her head bounce off the canvass. Mogan combo elbow drops her upper back 1,2,3,4,5 times to kneeling chin lock her as she reaches & grabs the middle rope. Sasha Jaxon is pulled up to get scoop  slammed then she gets helped up as Mogan doesn't allow Sasha Jaxon time to counter as he knee stomps her then boot stomps her to the back of head whilst on all fours as he boots her ribs with a swift kick once as she gasps for breath. Mogan stomps her right side 1,2,3, stops momentarily then 4,5,6 times as he pulls her up to from behind belly to back to back break her as she counters to karate kick his face what flexibility as she repeats to show it wasn't a fluke as she turns to face her opponent then place his right hand on her hip to powerful thigh his chest then grab him to gutwrench suplex no way he blocks it to twirl back break her as he gets up to cop a reverse spin kick to his face as Mogan staggers around before trying to right cross hook her but she sways out of the way to karate cross body combo thigh attack him 1,2,3,4, then feint kick his face. Mogan is hurt as Sasha Jaxon right arm twists him as she forces the 8 times champion to one knee as he gets up he eyes gauges her as he left & rights her midriff, ribs, sides, & just under her breasts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,22 times without reply. Mogan wind up fury rights her face as Sasha Jaxon grabs the attempted punch as she rights his ribs 1,2,3 then she oriental tosses him to the canvass.   The 305 pound Mogan gets up slightly sore as Sasha Jaxon running leaps into the air to flying karate kick his chin with her boot heel as she watches him crash to the canvass sprawled out as she applies a side on chest scissors lock as Bulk Mogan wants the crowd to rally behind him as sits up in the showing the sweat glistering off his chest & back as he is turned side on to the main camera as Bulk Mogan shivers all over as Sasha Jaxon lets up to pull him up to arm wrench karate back kick his face to then release him to charge the ropes coming off the ropes to ' Booker T ' scissors kick his head but Bulk Mogan sways & ducks out of the way to side effect Sasha Jaxon to the canvass as he makes the cover 1,2, she kicks out. Mogan gets up reverse chin lock Sasha Jaxon as she stands up to back flip out of the hold to naked drop him as she stands up to off the ropes neck snap Mogan. Sasha Jaxon running kicks his chest sitting up to squat down provocatively to sit on his thighs sitting up to use her thighs to crush his sides as Mogan shows the strain & agony that his placed in as his chin rests on her sexy shoulder as Sasha Jaxon feels him having an erection as tells him " I BET YOU WHILST YOU BECAME 8 TIME CHAMPION YOU NEVER EXPERIENCE A HARD ON AGAINST YOUR OPPONENT " as she pulls his head off his shoulder asking him " IS THAT RIGHT " as he nods that's true.   Bulk Mogan is released as he lies on the canvass moaning from the pain as she holds up his legs to roll him over to Boston crab him as Bulk Mogan needs the Bulkamaniac's more then ever but can they rally the icon & future ' HALL OF FAME ' as he crawls & stretches every muscle in his 305 pound 6'11 chiseled out stone body as he tries & eventually does reach the ropes to the left of screen. Bulk Mogan is pulled up to his feet to whip him into the turn buckle far left as she walks over with a sexy strut to stand on the middle turnbuckle as she breasts smears his face then she pummels his face 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17 powerful punches. Mogan rallies to last ride her to the canvass, as he rolls off her unable to complete the pin fall as he is slow to follow up to his feet as Sasha Jaxon gets to her feet to measure a Taiji buzzsaw kick to his face to watch him glare at her all consumed with rage as he cops 2,3, more as he stands up to motion no more as he grabs Sasha Jaxon karate kick to trap it between them to t/bone suplex her. Mogan gets up to off the ropes huge hip & shoulder Sasha down the middle as she just got to her feet then to pull her up by her long blond hair standing back to back to reverse snapmare her at his feet. Bulk Mogan pulls Sasha Jaxon up to abdominal stretch her to set her up for a pump handle slam after feeling another hard on coming along. Bulk Mogan gets up full of power & energy as he motions to the record crowd of 70,000 plus at Yankee Stadium time for his trademark finisher as he returns off ropes the ropes far side of screen to deliver the atomic leg drops her but not content he stands up to repeat it as he makes the cover hooking both legs 1,2,3,4 & a three quarters she kicks out.   Sasha Jaxon is covered again 1,2,3,4 she kicks out remember ( 5 count applies ) as Mogan gets her up to whip her to the ropes to big boot her face to watch her tumble to the canvass to off the ropes to atomic leg drop her face he covers her 1,2,3,4 & a quarter she kicks out. Sasha Jaxon is pulled up as Mogan is getting unbelieveablely frustrated as he belly to back suplex Sasha Jaxon as he pulls her up as her nipples are showing now through her soaked black catsuit as he has Sasha Jaxon in a standing sleeper hold but Sasha Jaxon karate back elbows his midriff 1,2,3,4,5 then face 1,2,3,4, then Sasha Jaxon grabs his left hook to then grab his right to double reverse palm bend him as he sinks to his knees in agony as Sasha Jaxon informs Bulk Mogan " MY TURN TO PUNISH YOU " as she toe kicks his midriff on his knees 1,2,3, then she steps back to from a side on position sexily high elevation powerful kicks his face to watch his head rock back  Sasha Jaxon repeats it 2,3,4, times as she busts him open as she pulls him up, Mogan gets whipped to the ropes as Sasha Jaxon lady like side kicks his face as she remains in the position long after Mogan ended up on is back side. Mogan is pulled to his feet by his trunks from behind to torture rack Mogan as he struggles  to combat the 119 pound 5'7 size 0 shaped former sexy spy whom shakes him about as her opponent the powerful the icon of wrestling is being destroyed as she Samoan drops him, as she makes the cover 1,2, he counters with a small package roll up of Sasha Jaxon she kicks on the first kick. Sasha Jaxon sexily swinging neck breaks Mogan but he counters powerfully to snap suplex her 1, then pull her up 2, then a third time in a row without reply.    Mogan boot lace rakes her face, then again, then he stomps her right hand 1,2, times to pull her up as Sasha Jaxon left then rights him but he returns fire as no place  else will you see a woman going toe to toe with a male as they both slump against each other exhausted as Sasha Jaxon manages to summon up all her efforts to with back to the commentators sky dive Mogan as she gets up to off the ropes senston cannonball splash him as she gets up Sasha Jaxon full of momentum off the ropes springboard splashes his knees bracing himself to her midriff to get up to left hook her face then right as she slumps against the ropes as Mogan whips Sasha Jaxon to the ropes on her return she cops a huge big boot to her face as he off the ropes atomic leg drops her face it's got to be over this time surely 1,2,3, no sign of life from Sasha Jaxon she kicks out again he repeats it 1,2,3,4,5 more times in a row incredible as he hooks both legs exhausted from his battle with the gorgeous Sasha Jaxon 1,2,3,4,5 it's over as about eighty percentage of the fans celebrate his triumphant return as the official decision is declared the winner of the match is BULK MOGAN as he poses for the fans whom are clicking away as he struts away having survived an epic match against the sexy hot Sasha Jaxon whom has lost no fans.   The third match is the title defense of the E.W.W tag team titles as the champions Strish Tratus in a all bright pink spandex one piece sleeveless jump suit with low cut back complementing it with sexy black knee high boots as her blond hair brushed & glowing magnificently in the night lights as she comes to the ring all off 5'6 131 pounds with great features as she is accompanied by her tag team partner Hristie Femme 5'5 121 pounds dressed in a skimpy two piece red cheerleaders outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination with black knee, elbow boots with her fiery red hair as she is always excited every time she comes to a ring as she jumps around like an energies bunny showing off all her sexy female features that have grown men drooling of her all the time & holding up signs in the crowd to marry them. They climb in as they stand & interact with the huge crowd in attendance as they wave, tease & blow kisses to the crowd as there opponents the African American connection Towers Of Pain come out Warlord 7'1 307 pounds shaven head with powerful physique shown off by wearing his black trunks & boots while his partner Barbarian stands an impressive 6'11 333 pounds with muscle son muscles not one ounce of fat & his muscles cut so fine as he even looks is more impressive then Warlord as he wears crimson red trunks, with red elbow & knee pads along with red boots with his short black afro as they climb in & tower over the champions as they don't laugh at all strictly business in the ring as always as they have last minute discussion.   Strish Tratus begins against Warlord as they seize each other up as they know they require to stick & move as Warlord seems to cut off half the ring for Strish  with his powerful frame as he grapples with Strish Tratus & easily forces her to the ropes to with his right palm pressed against her face restrain her to whip her powerfully into the buckle she ends up coming off the turn buckle like getting a whiplash as she lands in the middle of the ring looking up to see him standing over her to big stomp her vice versa to her lower back. Strish Tratus is pulled up as she gets tosses to the floor near Barbarian's corner whom is standing right of the main camera ( IN ALL E.W.W TAG MATCHES UNLESS STIPULATED OTHERWISE TAGS MUST BE MADE WITH AN OPTIONAL TWENTY SECOND DOUBLE TEAM TIME LIMIT WHETHER IN OR OUT OF THE RING & THE CORNER MAN CAN BE USED PROVIDED HE/SHE REMAIN IN THERE CORNER HOLDING THE CORNER STRING AWAITING A LEGAL TAG ). Warlord tags Barbarian whom pulls her up as Hristie can only watch on as Strish gets Irish whipped into the hoarding at ringside. Barbarian running big boots her face as she rests against the hoarding.   Warlord comes to assist to double whip her to the steps as 15 seconds tick over as Warlord goes back to his corner as Barbarian rams her back first against the ring structure 1,2,3, times to place her on the apron then standing on the apron running leap into the air to back thigh drop her throat as it rocks her body. Barbarian tags Warlord as they double suplex her back into the ring as one half of the E.W.W tag team champions is hurting already as Warlord whips her into a Barbarian scoop spine buster slam as he gets up all full of excitement that they are executed all the right moves at the moment as he tags Barbarian whom only just stepped out as they whip her into the turnbuckle right of screen as Warlord clothes line ram her no as Strish Tratus double kick outs his chest as it catapults him airborne  into his partner Barbarian following up as it doesn't deter them they continue towards her as Strish double clothes line knock down attempts them but she's countered by getting double whipped to the ropes to double elbow shot her chest as the referee informs Warlord he needs to steps out as he does so as Barbarian whips Strish Tratus cockily into a neutral corner as hard as Barbarian could motioning to Hristie witnessing it all unfold to enter the fray. Hristie never one to back down wants as she tries to tag Strish Tratus hand held out by Barbarian but he taunts her by pulling it away as he instead applies a bear hug on shaking her like rag doll as Strish Tratus grabs the ropes behind Barbarian to break the hold. Warlord watches him snake eyes her then drag Strish by her blond hair across the ring but she stands up to karate volley kick the back of his head he doesn't even flinch as Barbarian continues on his merry way to tag Warlord as they double choke slam her.   Barbarian & Warlord set her up Strish Tratus for a 3 D & they hit it as they pull her up to repeat it then again three time all up as the main camera captured it all in full view as Warlord makes the cover 1,2,3,4 she kicks out as the crowd cheer but deep down are having looks of concern for her well-being as they should because Towers of Pain haven't got there name by being pleasant in the ring as they 3 D her again. Warlord is left to pull Strish Tratus up to dangerous DDT her in her bright pink spandex sleeveless one piece jumpsuit as he pulls her up to torture rack her but Strish uses this move to warp her legs around his face to crucifix reverse head scissors take down him as she uses the hold to not only regroup but get some back on Warlord as she releases him to get up as Warlord is yelled at by Barbarian to get up as Warlord does so just for Strish Tratus spin around chick kick his face as she watches him stand to attention & glare at her then grabbing her by her hair to knee ram her face to then fling her to the canvass with utter disgust for her. Warlord tags Barbarian as they set her up to double suplex her but she counters to double block it to some how double quick snap suplex them as she crawls with all she has to make the tag & finally she has having reached her as the crowd roar as Hrisrtie Femme sun set flips Warlord then Barbarian as she repeats it to Warlord then Barbarian as she is on a roll as Hristie turns her attention to the legal man at this point in time Barbarian with that his whipped straight into Warlord front on like a couple of mack trucks to then whip him staggering around to the ropes to on his return he gets huge over head back dropped & lands so heavily that the ring shook as Hristie Femme waits to karate combination left & rights side to side kicks to his face like i.e punches being thrown 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 12 times all up.   Hristie Femme whips Barbarian to the ropes to spear the giant almost out of his trunks as she gets up full of energy jumping around as she jumping not watching him tag in Warlord as she double spinning dangerous DDT's Warlord & Barbarian as barbarian rolls all the way to his corner as Hristie makes the cover on Warlord 1 he easily kicks her off orbiting her off him. Warlord gets up as Hristie Femme tags Strish Tratus they double either side volley kick his face having whipped him  quickly to the ropes as they follow up by grabbing a leg each to wish bone Warlord as he rolls around hurting like hell as they repeat it 3 more times with greater  resolve to do it like they wanted to tear Warlord in half. Warlord is helped up by a Strish Tratus side head lock as she punches his face 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, times as she releases Warlord he drops to his knees as Strish Tratus flicks her hair back before she boots his ribs 1,2,3,4,5, then she karate forearm clubs him side on 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7 times like she was trying to karate chop a huge piece of wood or some thick ice in half. Warlord is in agony now as Warlord is pulled up to get tossed outside as Strish Tratus waits for him to get half way up before she running flying lariat clothes lines him then she rams him whilst back peddling from the previous blow to the steps. Strish Tratus pulls him up to ram his face into the steps 1,2,3,4,5, increasing the speed of each one 6,7,8,9,12 all up. Warlord is rolled back in near there corner as she climbs back in tags Hristie Femme to place Warlord on the top buckle they wave to Barbarian teasingly as he stands in his corner watching them double fisherman suplex him to the canvass.   Hristie Femme rips off her panties under her skimpy cheerleader skirt to face smoother him with her pussy as she makes him convulses all over as she stops pulls him up to handstand double mule kick his face as it rotates him 360 degrees backwards through the air before he landed on the canvass back first. Warlord is pulled up as Hristie Femme whips him to the buckle easily without much resistance at the moment to walk over sexily feeling herself left of screen to boot choke him showing her pussy off to the world. Hristie Femme stops to ass stink his face as she enjoys it giving herself an orgasm whilst doing it as she bronco busters him then rides him in the corner for about thirteen seconds. Hristie Femme drags him away from the ropes while a sitting up figure four leg lock Rick Flair style as she makes him squirm but he refuses to yield as these to power houses are about to be tamed by the E.W.W tag team champions having never been faced by such lovely opponents as these two as Warlord is desperate to reach the ropes at any expense so as not to submit as his partner screams at him " DON'T YOU DARE SUBMIT TO A WOMAN YOU HOLD ON EVEN IF SHE BREAKS YOUR LEG " as Hristie Femme informs Barbarian that wouldn't phase her one bit. Hristie Femme release Warlord as he reached the ropes near the right of screen as Hristie Femme helps him up to use the turnbuckle corner to rebound suplex Warlord.   Hristie Femme tags Strish Tratus as they help him up to double chick kick his face either side as they help him up to repeat it as Strish Tratus makes the cover 1,2,3,4 & a half he just kicks out under extreme duress, as he is helped up as Strish Tratus scoop up the powerful opponent to drape him over her right shoulder to press his face into her crouch to tombstone him after thirty five seconds as she makes the rest in piece knelt cover 1,2,3,4 he some how kicks out to the relief of his tag team partner, as they now understand what the chairman of the E.W.W meant by stiff competition as Strish Tratus pulls him up to tag Hristie Femme as she places Warlord on her shoulders as Hristie Femme Dragonrana pins him off her shoulders 1,2,3,4 he still kicks out. Warlord refuses to be beaten as Hristie Femme pulls him up to place him in a kneeling position masterlock him but his powerful shoulders & biceps should be able to counter this & they do as he breaks it easily even after copping a beating. Hristie Femme karate kicks his face as he turned to face her as Hristie Femme scoop him up to airplane spin him with such lightning speed then stomp suddenly to jolt him all over before she steam rollers him as she makes the cover 1,2,3,4 & three quarters he just has a little left in the tank. Hristie Femme places him in a front on grapevine chest scissors as he midriff is smothering his face as she makes him convulses from pure agony as he fades away his resolve coming to an end as his partner Barbarian is so frustrated having watched it all unfold as they had there opportunities but couldn't deliver as Hristie stops to pull up Warlord to make him stand up as she teases Barbarian before she karate volley kicks his chest he bends over to cop a down ward karate back leg across his head as he lands face first to cop a karate down ward kick to his head he is out cold not moving as she rolls him over placing one boot on his chest 1,2,3,4,5 it's over as the winners & still E.W.W TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS STRISH TRATUS & HRISTIE FEMME embrace & enjoy there victory as they  interact there victory with the fans both in the ring & as they leave.   This now brings us to the main event the Elimination Chamber match for the E.W.W title as the first four come out to be locked in there chambers until they are allowed out but the fans aren't sure whom follows except that Viperman will start which means one of the two women must start as well as the chairman won't want two males making mince meat out of each other before the other four join in so the four be locked away come out the first is the powerful the animal Dave Vatista & one half one the 2 on 1 E.W.W champions as he is dressed in red trunks, elbow & knee pads as well as red boots with his logo on the trunks & tattoos as always all over as Vatista seems to grow muscularly more & more each time he appears as his power will be hard to contain in this unforgiving structure as his 2 on 1 E.W.W champion follows ( SINCE THE WOMEN SEEMED TO WIN ALL THE TIME THE CHAIRMAN GOT ANGER & INSTALLED A 2 ON 1 TITLE SO THAT IF THE FEMALE WINS SHE HOLDS BOTH TITLES & VICE VERSA SHOULD THE MEN WIN ) whom is Drock Mesnar the ultimatum power house former three time W.W.E champion & 7 time Ultimate fighting champion as he comes out in dark blue trunks, elbow & knee pads & boots as he gets marshaled to one of the chambers. Now we require two more as the people's most favorite diva outside E.W.W Tori Vilson dressed like Wonder Woman the former Miss Playboy & two federations diva plus now also former E.W.W champion herself as she is locked away too as the last one of the four will be the current champion Superior Warrior dressed like the Ultimate Warrior except in all white & a Rhode scholar ( REMEMBER 100 % FICTIONAL ) to boot having had a perfect record since joining as he stares down the women he won it off her chamber as she sexily motions bring it babe as Superior Warrior gets locked away too.   Now we know whom the remaining two will be as Mandice Michelle dressed in a red vinyl lace up buster top, & black metallic tights that hug her sexy arse & legs for show & tell as she struts around in her red knee high lace up boots without heels on them as flicks her hair back awaiting for Viperman coming out in his one piece red jumpsuit like Batman except it's crimson red & white a diamond shaped white back ground for his huge V logo whilst wearing crimson red boots & gloves & Zorro like mask as Viperman steps in the fans at Yankee Stadium are in for a treat as the this huge structure is being lowered by a huge crane. Mandice Michelle & Viperman look around to see what the hell they are in for as the bell sounds the fans are excited as they collar tie up as Mandice Michelle whips him to the ropes to drop down as he skips over her on the return to come off opposite ropes as she does the splits to RVD toss him using her legs to the canvass. Mandice Michelle & Viperman collar tie up as he forces her to the ropes left of screen to knife edge chop her 1,2,3,4 times as they switch places as Mandice Michelle unloads her own reverse knife edge chops 1,2,3,4 times to whip Viperman to the ropes to get speared by him. Viperman gets up to measure a double drop kick to her chest to watch her get up to off the ropes with momentum get double fall away drop kicked by Mandice Michelle, as the fans are in grossed in the action unfolding. Viperman gets up to exchange left & right showing no ill effects of his injuries so far as Mandice Michelle back hand bitch slaps him around 1,2,3,4,5 times to power press no as the 286 pound 6'7 former bounty hunter & ex navy seal turned E.W.W wrestler clubs away upon her upper back, lower back 1,2,3,4,5 as we get a camera shot of Mandice Michelle's back as she sways to the left then right to avoid his blows as the clock is ticking down to allow the first one out of there chamber which is in one minute as Mandice Michelle & Viperman have clothes line each other thinking the same thing as they attacked the ropes nearest them. Viperman & Mandice Michelle are slow to regroup as they get up with thirty seconds to go.   Mandice Michelle quick snap suplex Viperman then again as she now arm breakers his left arm remembering he has a broken left hand as he shows some pain this time but still showing great resolve. Viperman counters Mandice Michelle coming for him with a karate super kick as it sends Mandice Michelle to the canvass. Mandice Michelle is helped up as Viperman Irish whips her to the ropes right of screen as she on her return flying clothes line takes down Viperman as the crowd counts down the last 4 seconds 3,2,1 & it's as the spot light scrambles around everywhere to get a fix on that very person & it's the champion Superior Warrior. Superior Warrior enters out of the chamber as he watches Viperman eye gauge Mandice Michelle to then slingshot suplex Mandice Michelle as Superior Warrior being smart holds back a little as he waits for an opening as Mandice Michelle & Viperman are the progress of slugging it out with karate chops that echo through out Yankee stadium ( YOUR STILL THINKING HOW THEY GET THE STRUCTURE IN PLACE IN A OPEN ARENA A LITTLE BIT OF THAT 100 % FICTIONAL MIND & HUGE CRANE POSITIONED OUTSIDE THE STADIUM LOWERING THE CHAMBER DOWN WITH SOME QUICK ADJUSTMENTS ). Superior Warrior climbs  into the ring area as Michelle has whipped Viperman at him they knock each other down to the canvass. Viperman & Superior Warrior get up as Mandice Michelle double upper cuts them with a punch each 1,2,3, as the third one propels them both out of the ring to the unforgiving steel on front of the main camera.   Mandice Michelle rams Viperman's face into the steel floor 1,2,3,4,5 times to pull up Superior Warrior whom shoves her with a huge shove into the chain fencing back first as she balks him following up to avalanche the fence as she rams his face repeatedly into he fence 1,2,3,4 times as the clock ticks down as the fans see it down to ten seconds as Michelle tosses Viperman into the ring to leave her to left then right cross kick Superior Warrior to the face he responds with his own left & rights as he karate kicks her chest as she lands on the steel floor. Viperman is on his feet shaking off the cobwebs as the clock reached zero as Tori Vilson is next in as she attacks Viperman in the ring as the fans go off there head as she pummels Viperman with vicious hooking punches 1,2,3,4,5,6, times as Mandice Michelle meanwhile has got the upper hand on Superior Warrior as she has pump handle slammed him on the floor. Mandice Michelle pulls him up to suplex him from the steel floor into the ring as Tori Vilson has Viperman in a sleeper hold as he counters to snap mare her but Tori Vilson walk up power high kicks  his face with great follow through 1,2 times as he staggers around as Tori Vilson scopes him up to slam him on the steel floor on the far side of the main camera. Mandice Michelle head locks Superior Warrior whom belly to back suplex to the canvass as he goes after Tori Vilson whom has just leveled Viperman with a brutal karate side kick top his V logo area.    Superior Warrior belly to back German suplex tosses her against the chamber he stood in as she gets up to leap frog Superior Warrior spearing & smashing through one right side of the far left of screen chamber as Tori Vilson picks him up to belly to back spin out power bomb him into the steel floor as she hurt herself a little too as she gets up to watch Viperman has power bombed Mandice Michelle whom tried to pedigree him as Tori Vilson saves Mandice Michelle being almost tossed with a Razor Edge to the steel floor as the clock counts down again to the last ten seconds as Viperman is spinning neck breaker by Tori Vilson as she pulls him up to tiger suplex him to pin him 1,2,3 he kicks out before the forth count is made. Viperman is sore as Mandice Michelle squats on top of the right of screen chamber housing Drock Mensar to frog splash into the arms of Vatista whom made the save on Superior Warrior to catch Mandice Michelle to fall away slam her to the canvass. Vatista goes for Tori Vilson as they fight like to alley cats as Tori Vilson karate left to right kicks not only Vatista but also Superior Warrior coming into the picture at the same time with same follow through & impact. Tori Vilson repeats it with her left as she arm breakers Viperman already right broken arm as she repeats it as she dangerous DDT'S Superior Warrior face first into the steel floor cutting him open.    Mandice Michelle meanwhile is folding her own & fighting off a really fresh Dave Vatista as they have exchange blow after blow as Mandice Michelle judo chops his face then right shoulder then as he grabs her she double elbow his shoulder blades 1,2,3, to belly to belly monkey flip him over the top rope to land flesh  first on the steel floor. Viperman has been power bombed by Tori Vilson meanwhile in her Wonder woman outfit 3 times while she power slammed Superior  Warrior twice. The last man is freed & of course that is Drock Mesnar as Superior Warrior is tosses into the fence far right of screen as Tori Vilson turns him around then places Viperman in front of him top karate volley kick his chest 1,2,3,4,5 times as each time the impact was felt by Superior Warrior too as they  both fall away separate directions. Mandice Michelle is body slammed after trying to left then right Mesnar 10 times as he tells Vatista to help out Superior  Warrior & Viperman as Mandice Michelle as countered Drock Mesnar's early F 5 attempt to drop down in the middle of the ring behind him to ram him to the turn buckle to place Mesnar on the top turnbuckle right of screen to Ninja suplex Mesnar off it as Tori Vilson has tombstone Vatista on the steel floor after kissing him passionately 1,2,3,4,5 his gone his out of there as Vatista is eliminated. Tori Vilson gets up to be attacked by Superior Warrior on his second wind. Superior Warrior tosses Tori Vilson with a gorilla press slam at the chamber far left of screen as Viperman has got himself up his right arm severely slopped as Tori Vilson getting up karate kicks his right shoulder 1,2,3, then she snake eyes Superior Warrior attempting to avalanche her against the fence.      Mandice Michelle has bounced Drock Mesnar's head off the steel floor 25 times after complete shooting him as she tangles with Viperman tosses at her inside the ring to help him up to airplane spin him to F U him lady like as Mandice Michelle top buckle moonsault leg split nails his throat as Viperman is out cold 1,2,3 as Drock Mesnar running side on big boots her to the face, he then falls down groggy & bleeding from the back of his head. Viperman is on his feet trying to shake out the cobwebs as Tori Vilson RKO's him out of no where having coming off the top turn buckle far right of screen. Tori Vilson makes the cover 1,2,3,4, he kicks out. Superior Warrior steps into the ring area to come for Mandice Michelle to try to set her up for a power bomb into the turn buckle. Superior Warrior has probably broken Mandice in half with that move. Mesnar pulls her up to scoop her up as Mandice drop down face smashes him then with momentum somersault rolls under the on coming clothes line of Superior Warrior to get up to Taekwondo spin kick his face to reverse spin kick his face as she ducks under Viperman clothes  lining Mesnar out of the equation as Superior Warrior is grappling with Tori Vilson whom spiral bombs him. Viperman goes after Mandice Michelle in the middle of left & right hooking away at Mesnar's face as he slumps against the right of screen chamber as she leaves him alone to scoop Viperman coming for her to atomic back drop him as she comes for him now as Tori Vilson spear tackles Superior Warrior against the fence to military press slam in the middle of the ring as Tori Vilson climbs to the top of the chamber left of screen as Mandice Michelle power bombs Mensar on top of him as Tori Vilson shooting star splashes them both as the count is made as she remains on top of both Superior Warrior & Drock Mesnar with them pinned beside each other as the referee makes the count 1,2,3,4 as Superior Warrior lifted his right shoulder but Drock Mesnar's shoulders remained pinned 5 his out but Superior Warrior survives just in the nick of time.   Drock Mesnar is helped out as Viperman takes the best karate kick from Mandice Michelle to is face 1,2,3 times all up but he out of no where big line clothes lines her face as he pulls her up Viperman gorilla press slams her on the canvass as Tori Vilson has frog splashed Superior Warrior 1,2,3,4 he kicks out again refusing to go quietly. Tori Vilson has Superior Warrior in a camel clutch as she shows of her terrific body as she enjoys punishing the current E.W.W. champion Superior Warrior as Viperman karate volley kicks her to the back of her head as Viperman turns his attention back on Mandice Michelle to Oklahoma slam her onto the steel floor right of screen as he goes over to pull her up to scope her up to tombstone Mandice Michelle on the steel floor as he covers her 1,2,3,4,5 as Tori Vilson had her hands full with Superior Warrior whom refuses to submit as he is saved by Viperman yelling out I'm coming. Tori Vilson makes him almost  submit as his hand was about to come down just before Viperman from the ring running suicide dives at her between the top & middle ropes off him. Viperman pulls her up to exchange karate roundhouse kicks how can a woman cop some much punishment in such a brutal match yet remain sexy doing it. Tori Vilson is Irish whipped by Viperman into one of the chambers as she snake eyes him crashing through it trying to avalanche her upright slumped against it. Tori Vilson moved in the last possible second as she comes for Superior Warrior whom sweet chin music her so hard she lands head first on the steel floor as he climbs to the top of the chamber where Viperman is still trying to regroup out of.   Superior Warrior frogsplash pins the unforgiving floor as she rolled away under the bottom rope inside the ring area as Superior Warrior has cut open his face even  more now as Tori Vilson pulls him up to pulls him up to lady like sweet chin music him as he is out cold as Tori Vilson covers him 1,2,3,4,5 his out of it so one thing we now is that we will have a new E.W.W champion crowned once the match is over. Viperman has got it together to come away form the damage he gave the chamber to climb in as Tori Vilson in all her glory waits for Viperman as the fans are on there feet chanting for either competitor to win as Viperman stands before Tori Vilson as they grapple both having been to hell & back in this match already but it will be worth it after they win. Tori Vilson exchange great karate chop techniques with Viperman 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,23 each as they both reel back to thunderous karate super kick each other to there respective faces as Viperman crashes to the canvass as Tori Vilson remains like a vision of a angel over Viperman as pulls him up by is suit to tell him " VIPERMAN IS NO MATCH FOR WONDER WOMAN " as she power press displays him for the world top see but he drops down to Russian leg sweep Tori Vilson as she is allowed up he Viper back kicks her throat into a stunner as she is out cold as he crawls over to hook both legs 1,2,3,4 she kicks out. Tori Vilson has kicked out as Viperman needs to follow up quickly as she placed on her back after a back breaker to climb to the top of a chamber as he moonsault splashes Tori Vilson on the steel floor she springs to life like ' The Rock ' would to catch his moonsault to tombstone Viperman onto the steel floor as she covers him flopped on top of him 1,2,3,4 & a half he has somehow kicked out the crowd can't believe it as they love every minute of it riding emotional rollercoaster of this INTERGENDER BATTLE ZONE main event.    The E.W.W title is what's at stake as both Tori Vilson & Viperman are pulling out all the stops to claim victory as Viperman is tossed into the ring as Tori Vilosn from the far left of screen turn buckle missile drop kicks his face as Viperman cops it right on his logo. Viperman is helped up as Tori Vilson pulls him up to off the ropes clothes line from hell Viperman as he countered to belly to belly bear hugged her as she responds to clap his face 1,2,3,4,5,10 times to bear hug Viperman in all his glory wearing his crimson red suit as he slumps into Tori Vilson in her Wonder Woman outfit as Tori Vilson seems to be getting stronger after everything they have been through as she allows Viperman to go then as he stands groggy Tori Vilson uses her old boyfriends finisher as she cradles him to Franchise Viperman as she has just franchised his arse as she makes the cover no as she gets off him will this be a huge mistake as she climbs to the top of the chamber from which she was released to shooting star splash Viperman as the referee makes the count 1,2,3,4,5 that's it it's over as Tori Vilson falls to her knees with tears of joy coming down her face as the referee hands the title as the winner of the Elimination Chamber match & new E.W.W Champion is TORI VILSON as the chamber is lift to allow the fans to soak up the victory with Tori Vilson as Viperman put in a courageous performance just as he promised as Tori Vilson has poses for many shots as she leaves the ring as I  thank you all for making it to the end & hope you enjoyed it until next time please feel free to comment but be fair as I'm only doing it for fun O.K .