Dysfunctinal Family This story was made up completely out of requests. If you have any for future stories, please send them to luffarungen@hotmail.com Ben Green was a stud to the world, at 23 years old he was the university jock that many girls wanted to date and a lot of guys wanted to be. But at home, things weren't like they were in the outer world. If people had known what normal day life was in the Green home they would be more surprised than they'd ever imagine. Ben had just come home from varsity after a long semester and looked forward to finally having summer break. Unfortunately for him that meant he had to stay at home with his mom and younger sister. Even still, that was life as he knew it and by now he had grown so accustomed to it that it was nothing special or weird for him anymore – it was life. During his first few days back nothing in particular happened, most likely because his mom and sister had been away. But since last night they were both back and things would from now on be normal again in the household. Ben awoke this morning and went down to the kitchen a few minutes later. As he came down the stairs, the young lad saw his mother sitting at the table, having just finished her breakfast. As Brenda Green, Ben's 48 year old mother saw her son she began smiling. It had been a while since the blonde, 5'6 tall, 140 pounds heavy woman, had last seen him. She stood up and hugged her son, lifting her 6 foot tall son a foot off the floor in a front lift. Ben immediately felt her strong arms around his body and realized his mom was still as strong as before. As the hug ended 15 seconds later Ben got a chance to look at his mom and as he saw her body he realized he was right, she was as strong and fit as ever, her body looking not like a 48 year old's but more like a 30-year-old's. She had long blonde hair, well toned arms and almost a six pack. Her legs were also toned and gave the outsider a hint about the fact that aerobics was her favourite thing in life. His mom made him some breakfast and put in on the table. She sat down on the chair and patted on her lap. As if on signal, the 23 year old football player, 6 feet tall, sat down on his mother's strong thighs, his feet dangling a few inches above the floor. "Good boy", she said as she stroked his hair. Ben took hold of his chair and began eating his breakfast, his mother behaving like his 165 pounds were nothing for her strong legs. When Ben had finished his breakfast he stood up and began walking away when his mother spoke up, with a stern voice. "Ben, being away for a few months again, and you managed to already forget what you are supposed to do after breakfast?" "Sorry mom", the boy meekly said. "You know the drill young man. Get over here!" she told him and immediately Ben came over to her, stood in front of her and bent over, with his back turned towards her. *WHACK* Brenda gave him a hard spank on his butt and Ben reacted like she had anticipated, with a soft jump due to the hardness of her swat. The boy then turned around and gave his mom a kiss on her cheek and then kneeled in front of her. He put his head down and kissed her one foot like the obedient, humbled man he was. "Good boy", Brenda said calmly, as if this behaviour was not odd at all. "Now you can go". Ben hurried away but before he left the kitchen he turned around: "Mom, where's Christie?", he inquired. "She went to the mall earlier this morning to shop. She'll be home in a few hours honey" his mom shot back. An hour later his mom had gone to her friend's place, reminding Ben to do the dishes, leaving him home alone. He was watching TV in the living room when he heard the backdoor open. Christie was home. He heard his kid sister put things in the cupboards in the kitchen for a few minutes before she came to the living room. His beautiful younger sister was a sight to behold. She was 5'8, weighing in at 135 lbs, with a body to die for – toned, fit and with somewhat large boobs. She had been doing gymnastics since she was a kid and loved to swim (she was on the high school swimming team for four years) which had given her very strong legs, somewhat big, but not overly muscular. Her long blonde hair swayed from side to side as she walked over to her older sibling with a wide smile on her face. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts so her leg muscles and toned arms were clearly visible. "Ben!", she almost screamed out. "I've missed you so much! How's varsity life?" "Good", Ben answered shortly. "How's your life?" "Well", she began. "Not that much fun since you're not around anymore. I mean, I've been on a sabbatical this year so I've been working all day long.....and I haven't had time to do much fun.". She gave her older brother a big hug, also lifting him a foot off the floor like her mom had done, before setting him down a few seconds later. "But Benny boy......why are you in those clothes?", she asked. "You know the rules of this house, especially when only you and me are around". "But mom didn't....." he began. "But mom isn't here right now is she? And besides....the only reason she hasn't enforced the rules on you yet must be because you just came home.....but I'm not mom and I'm not as nice as her. So off with it! Now!". With a stern look on her face, Christie put her hands on her hips and stood in front of her bigger, older brother and demanded him to do as she said. To a normal observer, there was no way this bigger boy would let her boss him around like this, but as mentioned before, this wasn't a normal household.....and soon Ben began taking his clothes off. His t-shirt and shorts were soon off and he looked down into his sister's eyes, pleadingly. "Go on" , was the answer he got from her and with a fast yank his underwear was gone too. As he stood there naked in front of her she look him up and down, with an evil grin on her face. "Nice, I see that you've been working out this past year brother. But from your behaviour it seems you still remember who the boss is around here. Good....very good". With that the 19-year old blonde amazon went to the couch and sat down. She motioned for Ben to come over and as the naked brother came over she began scolding him. "I was hoping you would have learned by now....but you will have to be punished for this Benny boy. Don't worry though, I'll go easy on ya since you just came back" she said assuringly. Ben laid down over her lap, his penis pressed against her thighs as he held his legs up in the air, just as she had taught him. He closed his eyes and waited for her to begin spanking him. * WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK* * SWAT SWAT SWAT * Ben's body jumped with every slap her hand put on his naked a ss and his behind became redder with every swat. After ten hard slaps, she stopped administering her big brother for not being naked when she had come home. "Get up lard a ss", she said and almost pushed Ben off of her. Ben's eyes had already began watering a bit though and when Christie saw this she felt a sudden strike of sadness come over her. "There, there brother. Don't cry", she cooed as she began massaging his buttocks with her left hand. "I didn´t mean for it to be that hard....I just got a bit carried away. Did Christie hurt Benny?". As Ben nodded yes she stood up and put her left hand under his knees and her right hand under his arms and bent down a bit. A second later she stood up and easily held her much bigger brother in her arms in a cradle carry. Christie gently rocked Ben's body from side to side, all the while saying "there there, little baby. Don't cry". She began walking around the living room with him in her arms and after a minute she felt like it was enough. She let Ben down and saw that his eyes were not teary anymore. As soon as she'd done that she went back to the couch and sat down and lifted her legs in the air. "You know the drill" she said with her stern voice again, the niceness gone already from her behaviour. Ben knelt down and began crawling to where his sister was sitting. After he reached her he laid down on the floor with his head facing up under her legs. Christie looked down at her helpless brother and put her feet down on his face, gently, and soon Ben began licking the soles of her feet. "Good boy", she said happily as her brother licked and licked on her soles, like he had done nothing else in his life. He had become better during his year away at this, she thought to her self. Had he been training? Ten minutes later Christie was bored. She lifted her feet up and Ben stopped licking. He rolled away and stood up, as did his sister. She patted him on his head and dried her feet bu moving it up and down on their fur rug. "Let's go to the kitchen", she said as turned around and stood still. Ben knew what this gesture meant so he came up to her back, put his arms around her neck and jumped on her back. His sister caught hold of his legs and pushed his body up and down in order to better position him in the piggyback. When she was satisfied with his position on her back she walked towards the kitchen, not burdened at all by liftee's weight.. 15 seconds later the pair had reached the kitchen but Christie didn't put him down. Instead she went to the fridge, opened it, looked inside for about 10 seconds and then took a jar of frozen yoghurt out. She walked over to the cupboard, opened it and took a spoon out. "You want some boy?" she asked him. "Sure" Ben answered happily. He really liked frozen yoghurt. With that Christie carried him over to the table where she first put the jar and spoon down on the table before letting her brother off her back. The 19-year old dominant sibling sat down on a chair and Ben followed her, sitting down on her lap. He took the lid of the jar off and Christie took a spoonful of yoghurt. Ben opened his mouth and his sister fed him, like he was a little child and she his mother. She continued to eat some herself before feeding him again. Five minutes later they were finished and Christie cradled her brother, while he was still in her lap. She stood up from her sitting position, displaying her superior strength to him, before sitting him down on the table. "Stay!" she ordered, knowing he would of course oblige. She ten proceeded to put the spoon in the sink and the jar in the fridge before coming back to her dominated brother. Christie crouched down, put her shoulder against Ben's stomach, both of her arms around his lower back and stood up, lifting him with her. Ben fell over his sister's shoulder and found himself lying naked in and over-the-shoulder carry. "I don't know if I've gotten stronger or if you've lost some weight brother, but either way you feel lighter to me now than last year" Christie told Ben as she flexed her right bicep, smiling over her last comment. She began carrying the hapless boy back to the living room when the backdoor to the kitchen opened and their mom came in. Brenda looked at the sight in front of her, her younger daughter standing there, carrying her naked older brother. She smiled to herself - her daughter was sure following in her footsteps. "Had a fun reunion kids?" Brenda asked as she closed the door behind her. "Of course mom!", Christie answered happily. "We just had some frozen yoghurt. Really yummy!". "Good, go.....wait a minute! What's this Ben?" Brenda shouted suddenly. "Didn't I tell you to do the dishes mister?" Crap, Ben thought to himself. He had totally forgot about it. As he lay there, with his naked ass towards his mother, over his 4 year old younger, much shorter, sister's shoulder he dreaded what his punishment might be. "Christie dear", Brenda said in a stern tone. "I just came back home, so why don't teach him a lesson this time?". "Sure thing mom!" Christie said happily. "I'll be happy to help ya out." and with that comment she put Ben down. "I think we do something we haven't done in a long time brother.....let's wrestle!". Ben bowed his head down as he knew he would be no match for his sister. She used to always beat him in wrestling ever since she began doing gymnastics, her strong, big thighs always helping her beat him easily. Christie turned her back to Ben and told him to jump on as she wanted to give him a handicap, she would try to exhaust herself by piggybacking him to the living room. But both knew that in reality she would not be exhausted at all by doing that. Ben jumped on, his dick pressed up against her back, as she easily carried him to the living room, their mom in tow. When there, she put him down took her t-shirt off, showing him her six pack abs. He had a sixpack himself AND he had more muscles in his arms than her.....unfortunately that wouldn't help him much as the women in this family were much stronger than the men anyway, especially since both always kept themselves in good shape. The two siblings squared off in the centre of the room but before 20 seconds had gone Christie bent down and lifted her bigger, naked opponent up in the air and put him across her shoulders in a fireman's carry. Ben's legs straddles her right shoulder as they hung limply on each side of it, as she began spinning around. After a few slow spins he was put down, just to see himself, seconds later, being lifted up again, across her shoulders – but this time with his back against her shoulders, in a back-breaker. Christie pushed his legs and head downwards, making him scream out in pain, for almost a minute before she jumped twice, making his body jump up too and land hard on her solid upper back and shoulders. Brenda kept encouraging her daughter throughout the one-sided fight and even clapped when Brenda finished the back-breaker by throwing Ben off behind her, letting him land with a thud. Before the beaten young man got time to get up again, his sister almost jumped down to the floor and manoeuvred his body in between her thighs so she had him trapped in a body scissors hold. As she pushed her thighs together her victim began screaming for release and tapping her big, strong thighs to let her know he gave up. But Christie was relentless and waited another twenty seconds before she let go of her hold, although the last ten seconds she didn't put as much pressure on her hold as before. She let go of her naked opponent and quickly stood up and watched Ben roll around on the floor, moaning. She stood there smiling for a minute before she stood in front of the still lying Ben. "Kiss my feet as a token of my superior win geek", she said angrily, with a hint of pleasure in her voice...pleasure from the easy victory. Began helped himself to kneel infront of his amazonian sister and gave her right foot a peck. He continued by kissing her left foot and soon he was not only giving her feet some real hard kisses but he was also licking it, knowing this is what she was expecting of him in order for her to not to anything more to him. A few minutes later took hold of his hair and lifted his head up. She looked at her mom, not sure if she should continue, but her mom gave her thumbs up and Christie went on to do what she had done so many times before. She pushed her brother's head between her thighs and clamped them together, trapping Ben in a strong standing headscissors. She didn't put that much pressure on it though but instead savoured the moments of watching his naked body try to escape this hold. About a minute later, after the young muscular man had failed to get lose, she fell down to the floor, her thighs still holding his head between them – she had easily manoeuvred him to a normal lying headscissors hold. And this time she was going for the kill so she immediately put pressure on her hold. Ben began to twitch his naked body all over the place, knowing what was to come but he was too weak for his younger sister and 30 seconds later he had passed out. Christie let go of her hold, rolled off and stood up, smiling. Her mom came over and gave her a hug....."way to go Christie! You did real good" she exclaimed. "You are really progressing. Too bad for Ben that he hasn't been training as much as you or he might have stood a bit more chance today". Brenda gave her taller daughter one more quick hug before she looked down at her naked son. She shook her head and said "poor thing, better put him to bed where he can rest". Her daughter meekly nodded affirmingly as Brenda kneeled down and lifted Ben's body in her arms in a sitting cradle carry. She slowly rose, brining him with her, and then began walking with him in her arms to the hallway. She went to the stairs and began climbing, one by one, easily holding her much larger son like he weighed nothing. Brenda reached the top of the stairs some 10-15 seconds later and carried her burden for another 20 seconds before finally reaching his bed where she gently put him down. /Luffarungen