Brandi Unbound Part Six By Mr. Squish, Part Six: She will crush you! The first rocket sizzled through the air, a challenge or a warning? Brandi laughed as her quick powerful right fist plucked it from the air. "Fucking weak, you bunch of cumsticks," she bellowed as she hurled the rocket back from whence it launched. It exploded terribly and ripped a hole in the military's line. Brandi strode forward and the attack began in full. Rockets and missiles tore through the air and Brandi's gargantuan muscles responded in kind. For several minutes all was a cloud of smoke, flame and explosions. Brandi tore through the missiles they fired, battering them to the ground with her massive arms. She caught them in her powerful fists and crumpled them like tin cans, their explosions doing little to the goliath as she made her way through the city. She stood mighty, taking all that this attack had to offer: shells, small rockets, missiles, grenades, bullets. She growled in ecstasy as the power of the weapons was absorbed into her already hulking frame. The weapons they had and were willing to unleash within the city limits were as useful as rubber bands and spitballs. Brandi was awesome, her body had feasted on energy for days and now was absolutely astounding in both density, strength and cut. There had never been a woman as physically powerful before and it would be hard to think any creature would ever be able to match her mass and monstrous musculature. Not even Sheila could compare anymore. Brandi took what they had. The barrage made her hot, to stand tall and feel the wash of weaponry emptied on her and have it do little and nothing to stop her was unbelievable and made her nethers tingle. Brandi couldn't help but smile and show off. Her guns were bigger and more brutal than anything mankind was throwing at her. Her hunger to dominate and obliterate the feeble ants beneath her was large. She used her awesome muscle to neutralize the might the military had collected in a knee- jerk attempt to topple the giantess before she became too big and too ferocious. Brandi pounded the shit out of the wave of tanks and rocket launchers, armed troops and aircraft that swarmed her position. Any strategy the defenders hoped to employ lacked significant bite to slow the monstrous muscle beast down. Brandi focused on the buildings, making a show of power, smashing structures with her fists, enjoying the feeling of the bricks turning to powder and the steel bending and tearing like putty. At over four hundred feet tall, Brandi worked her way downtown like a hulking bull in a china shop. She was virtually unstoppable, the shells and rockets bounced against her dense body and crumpled. Mankind was too puny, Brandi was a Goddess and a monstrously strong one at that. Her thighs were as destructive as her arms, the giantess unleashed titanic roundhouse kicks at the city's taller structures, knocking them down to her size. The Builtrite Tower had stood impressively amongst the skyline for half a century reaching nearly seven hundred feet tall. Brandi licked her lips as she strode to it. She knew tearing this baby down would be fun; it was her biggest target yet. She relished the moment and hit a massive flex, blowing up her chest and pumping her arms to their thickest girth yet. Drops from her aroused pussy slicked the ground around her. Her body tingled as she raised her arms above her, considering whether to begin the assault with her fists or wrap her gargantuan arms around its width and crush it like an accordion. Her neck thickened and Brandi reared back and unleashed a bloodcurdling war cry, her Mohawk glistening with blackened rage. The sound waves from her bellow caused the building to shake from her unbridled fury. "Pathetic," Brandi thought, "this pile of shit can't even stand up to my fucking screams." Brandi fingered herself, then licked the tips and moved in to break the building's back with her vice-like grip. Her broad back rippled with incredible might as she spread her massive arms around the building; her tremendous legs squatted and bulged as she began her incredible display of muscle domination. Her hulking frame bulged with frightening intensity, far more power than the impressive building had ever felt, far more. Brandi could feel the building give under her bruising muscle. She laughed as the beams groaned and crunched and panes of glass splintered and shattered. "You weak little bugs and your pathetic toys, I snap them like twigs," Brandi was enjoying the adrenaline coursing through her. The center of the building was falling to pieces, folding in on itself, fully unable to resist Brandi's gigantic arms. The top of the building teetered and fell away from its base, as Brandi's arms crushed the building's once sturdy middle to bits. The top exploded as it landed on a smaller building nearby and Brandi bellowed in victory, flicking bits of debris from her titanic chest. She pumped her pecs and punched them with her fists to show off their size and bulk and indestructibility. A line of tanks and oversized battle-cannons had set themselves as the titaness turned to face them. Her eyes glowed with pleasure, "You think you're gonna bring me down? I just tore that building to pieces. Something your little peashooters can't do. Look at these terrors," and Brandi pumped her stunning biceps, "These two monstrous bitches are gonna destroy you." She kissed their bulging mounds and ran her tongue across their girth, she laughed deeply as she turned her attention back on the military, "Bring it, you dim little fucks." And so they did, emptying their payload on the sick, huge muscle beastess. She stood before the little men and their feeble weapons, mightier and more massive than Kong, crueler and more dominant than Godzilla. Brandi inhaled deeply as the bullets and rockets and shells flew toward her. She pumped herself up, thickening and hardening her monstrous frame, hulking out in mind-blowing fashion. As the volley hit, it bounced harmlessly against her bulk. Her body glowed and grew more with each tantalizing impact, more power coursing through her already super-strong musculature. She let them shoot their load, brushing off the inferior firepower like useless gnats. Brandi smiled, lustily, "You little twats done? That all you got?" Once they knew they had no chance, Brandi turned to the building nearest, a few hundred foot tall home to some bank, and ripped most of it from the ground and threw it at her wee aggressors. It smashed into the front lines, flattening machines and men, sending scores running and in some cases flying through the air. With one power move, Brandi had unleashed bedlam on the forces that faced her. She strutted forward, enjoying the feel of her weight on the concrete and pavement below her, the bounce of her magnificent muscles and the insane raw strength she possessed. Her thighs were like buildings themselves, thick and wound with astounding slabs of furious sinew. She stomped the fleeing infantry beneath her feet, jellying them. When they squished, it tickled her, the blood mixing with the slick black lacquer of her toenails. She plucked a large cannon, now abandoned from the front line. She held it up near her face, studying it, and snapped it in half like a dry pretzel rod, "You're fucking kidding me, right? This is meant to stop this?" and Brandi bounced her big, badass pecs to make her point. Brandi grabbed a tank in each hand and held them high for all to see, shells and fire was scattered at her but still hoping to have some effect. "Watch and learn you little pukes ... ," she teased and then began to squeeze the tanks, slowly at first, grinding and tearing the armor. The metal squealed and moaned under the strain of Brandi's punishment. As she increased the pressure she flexed, showing of her epic arms and shoulders and chest. Even her neck bulged as part of the show. The metal began to pop like tin, the seams unable to hold, the tank treads tore and fell free like strips of tarred jerky. The tanks looked less and less like war machines and more and more like empty soda cans that were being mutilated before being tossed aside, thoroughly spent. Brandi growled lustily as the tanks gave out, now gnarled and twisted piles of metal in her destructive fists. "I'm bigger and badder than ever! Ain't nothing you got that I can't smash. This city is my playground, you miserable little turds and I'm gonna tear it to pieces. There is nothing you can do to stop me. Not with toys like these," Brandi tossed the ravaged tanks aside and felt her nipples that were now hard as rockets. Just touching the tips of her girls let loose a flush of orgasm; all of the domination and power had aroused her unbelievably. She let her body feel the pleasure, let it feed on the moment. She continued forward into the retreating forces, smashing the slow-moving trucks with her gorgeous feet and pile-driver legs. The cover fire was a joke and Brandi hardly noticed as it brushed her skin like grains of sand, for all its impotence. The trucks splatted like bananas: fluid and debris and people squirting free in broad spills. A low line of copters armed to the teeth flew in from her right, using the remaining buildings as cover, hoping to sneak in close for best advantage. Brandi ignored them, her sights set on a larger prize: glowing in the distance looked to be a large power facility, a tremendous place for Brandi to feed and grow even larger and more massive. Some tanks had spread out to cover the retreat and Brandi was enjoying stalking them and crushing their pathetic twatty selves. They tried to be clever and quick, but Brandi could level buildings with her fists, what chance did they really have? Once she had them, she peeled them apart like papier mache or crushed them like rotting apples. Brandi pushed forward further and reached a high overpass where the military had set up nests of cannons. As soon as she cleared the nearby buildings, they opened up on her. "Awww, are you gonna bring down Big Bad Momma Pump with these? How cute," she smiled as the shells hit home, as uselessly as before. The shells plopped against her hide like raindrops. "Your guns keep getting smaller and weaker and Momma's babies grow: bigger and harder and more fucking mighty! I'm gonna snap you bitches like twigs!" Brandi came upon the overpass quickly and just as she was in smashing range a small group of tanks tried to block her way. She snatched them from her path and squatted down, stacking one on top of the other until she had a stack eight tanks tall, like useless toys. They stood tracks spinning like a bunch of douches as Brandi went after their allies. The overpass rose a hundred feet off the ground and was lined with cannons. The shells continued to explode harmlessly as Brandi reached under the structure and pulled upwards folding in half like cardboard before crumbling the concrete like crackers. "I got news for you; your guns ain't doing shit. But Momma's guns are fucking murder!" she roared as pieces of overpass flew through the air and cannons tumbled aimlessly as the gargantuan goddess battered the remainder with her fists. Brandi grabbed a cannon that was emptying its load into her marbleized mid-section. "Let's compare payloads, your feeble popgun ... ", she mocked as she held the flimsy-looking cannon against her monstrously peaked right biceps muscle, "against a goddamn amped-up, pumped- up mountain of destructive power! You fucking fools, nothing's gonna stop me now!" Brandi snapped the cannon barrel in half and tossed it aside. She laid waste to the rest of the overpass and guns with her guns, crushing the cannons in her fists and stomping the structure flat with her titanic legs. The overpass crumbled to powder as her feet and calves bore down with their full torque. She stood amongst the destruction of the weak military: tanks and guns and trucks turned to scraps, unable to withstand her enormous brawn. Brandi inhaled the scent of her work, the "eau de domination" that filled the air. Her skin had darkened from being exposed to the sun and the heat of the explosions. She looked so good: thick and ripped, bronzed with her dark, razor-thin Mohawk crowning her muscle goddess body, a lethal highlight. Brandi lazily, seductively pumped her beef as she returned to the stack of tanks that had stood helplessly waiting while she wiped out their comrades. Brandi beat her chest in victory, "All you twats got is a bunch of toys. Big Bad Momma Pump is power!" She roared in ecstasy. That's when she felt the first prick. It hit her in the chest. Followed by a flurry of a couple dozen more. "What the fuck?" Brandi looked down at her broad chest and it was peppered with what looked like darts, small smoldering darts with twinkling lights on their ends. "Cease and desist your destructive activity, or we will be forced to inject you further and activate full restraint and immobilization. You have T-Minus twenty to surrender to overwhelming force," a mechanized voice rang out. Brandi was stunned. She looked in the direction of the voice and she saw the copters from before hovering in formation awaiting their next order. She smiled, finally a challenge. "Overwhelming what? You mean you fucksticks? Oh, I'm gonna rip your copters to shit. They ain't gonna be able to find you with a microscope when I'm done," and with that Brandi strode toward the pack of whirlybirds. Another flock of darts hit her in the chest, the impact didn't feel like much, just a bunch of pinpricks. Nothing to a giantess, a beast like Brandi. "Hold your advance or we will activate the darts in your chest and you will become incapacitated. This not a warning," the voice responded. Brandi stopped and looked at the darts, a dark and delicious thought crossed her mind: "You mean these? I was just going to return them," she teased and continued toward the choppers. "Stop immediately, activation will commence on a five count. Consider this your last point of negotiation," and the mechanized voice began the countdown. "Five, four ... " "Let me help you with that, three, two ... ." Brandi continued darkly. Brandi flexed her upper body hard, her chest inflating incredibly, "One ... mother-fuckers ... " The darts flung loose and were propelled back from whence they came, i.e. directly in the path of the choppers. "Holy shit, abort! Abort!" the mechanized voice was still transmitting. The darts cut through the air viciously and the battle copters did their best to dodge and avoid, still not all were successful. The leader drove his copter downward, a successful juke, but left the warbird behind him exposed and the darts sliced through his prop sending the craft whining out of control toward Brandi. The gargantuan muscle beauty enjoyed the havoc she unleashed and as the crippled chopper spun towards her she struck hard, smashing it from the sky with a devastating right. One massive blow was all it took and one chopper was done. The copter landed hard, crumpling on impact, a fire creeping from its engines, the rotors completely gone. Brandi bounced her King Kong pecs, flaunting her dominance. A second chopper on the near flank had also been struck by the shower of darts and was doing its best to right itself, dropping low and looking to shield itself amongst the buildings. It was pulling itself together and turned down a corridor hoping to emerge behind the giantess and maybe distract her and allow for a counterattack. It flew sharply from seclusion with guns blazing. Big Bad Momma Pump mocked his feeble attempt; the bullets were so lightweight, as she wrestled the battle copter from the sky, "Might as well try coming on me, dumb jizz-lick." When the pilot pushed the throttle and tried to quickly climb and wrench himself from her deadly grasp, Brandi tore the rotors free, like plucking a wounded bird's feathers, then slammed the copter's boy into a nearby building obliterating both, "Useless as a fucking pigeon," she scoffed as she turned her attention on the dearly departed's friends. Another volley of darts flew her way and she turned, the weapons sticking in her shoulder and upper arm. "Right back at you, you dickless wonders," Brandi sneered as she flexed her left arm and the darts flew back. She charged this time following their flight and the copters veered left sliding away, all but one. The mighty monstrous muscle woman was too quick and grabbed it by its tail, crunching that in her fist. It tried to pull free, but one merciless blow from Brandi split its carriage in half. Brandi hurled the rear of the copter at its pals and spun another from the sky. She leapt on that like a starved cannibal and held its bruised body aloft, then stretched it until it snapped and tore like a used rubber band. Brandi abandoned that carcass and watched the other copters disappear behind the buildings in the near distance. She licked her lips and returned to the stack of helpless tanks. She considered what would be fun, while playing with her biceps, "God, these are huge and still growing. This is making me so hot," her voice trailed off as she began to make love with her mouth to her engorged left. Her tongue teased and traced the veins causing the mass of muscle to throb and thicken even more. Her pussy was dripping like a faucet, her abs buckling as waves of pleasure washed over her. She could smell her juices running down the insides of her thighs and then she knew what to do. To be Continued. End of Part 6