AURORA, SEXY ASSASSIN EPISODE III: Booted Supermodel Supreme Hands quivering and breathless, Faisal's eyes are transfixed at the spectacle of profound beauty that stood before him. The front sights of his AK-74 assault rifle blurs, as the sight picture steadily grows into focus, dreamlike yet real. His heart thundered like galloping horses, his resolve failing every passing moment as if HER exquisite loveliness was a huge boulder suddenly dropped on his chest. He gazes upon HER with unbridled awe as he takes in and commits to memory every inch of the luscious young female standing before him. SHE has shiny jet-black hair that cascades elegantly down HER shoulders. HER face is that of an angel with stunning beckoning eyes, riveting and quiet persuasive. HER facial features are a perfect combination of HER Spanish and Asian heritage with full rose-tinted inviting lips that seem to tease him relentlessly. With beauty timeless and incomparable, SHE has the charm of an innocent young next-door lass and yet replete with élan that could only be possessed by a sophisticated aristocrat. Beads of perspiration flows down from Faisal's brows amidst the cool air-conditioning of the security control booth as his eyes are drawn down to the wanton display of what could be the sexiest and most gorgeous female body he had ever laid eyes on. And to top it all, the splendor of the girl's luscious figure is generously revealed to him with only the most intimate feminine attire. A pair of sleek form fitting leather gloves encases HER hands while a classy black leather jacket with hems that ended high up HER narrow waistline fully open at the front and swept to the sides. Thus like a theater at curtain call, the magnificence of HER shapely firm breast is presented to him in breathtaking fashion, notwithstanding the thin fabric of HER brassiere that barely restrain the shapely pair. As Faisal's eyes explore every bit of HER shapely body he could not spot a single flaw or blemish on HER. Barely covering the girl's succulent mouthwatering thighs is a high- cut black thong panties that stretches high up to HER tiny 22-inch waistline with a minuscule patch forming a sharp inverted triangle that lovingly sculpts HER well-rounded pussy. The sexiest piece of bikini he has ever laid eyes on remarkably accentuates HER long shapely legs of flawless skin. To prop up HER tall frame even higher is a pair of glossy black patent knee high leather boots with five inches of stiletto heels. In effect, Faisal who was just of average height was effectively dwarf by the lovely young woman by a full head of towering beauty. But it was the girl's captivating eyes and enchanting smile that grip him helplessly in a hypnotic daze. Faisal was amazed that in spite of his menacing presence the girl showed absolutely no fear of him. SHE calmly stood in front of him like a Queen unperturbed by the deadly atmosphere that permeates the room. SHE had a majestic aura that made him feel like an unworthy peasant before royalty. His resolve severely weakened, Faisal unknowingly drops his guard as he lowered his slung rifle, letting it fall to his side and back. Although AURORA knew that SHE always have this hypnotic effect on men, still, SHE never cease to be amazed at the things men would readily do for HER just to get HER attention. AURORA is the most sought after commercial model who recently took the fashion world by storm with HER unprecedented beauty and incomparable charm. Fashion magazines suddenly experience a record boom in sales when they started featuring HER in the cover of several swimsuit and lingerie special editions. AURORA soon became an overnight worldwide sensation with invitations pouring in from prominent fashion houses desperately seeking and begging HER to grace their shows. It was on one of these prominent special shows that AURORA finds herself in this present precarious situation. AURORA was paid handsomely to grace the grand launching of the latest high-tech futuristic looking Ducati superbike side-by-side with the ostentatious debut of the latest line of Victoria Secret swimsuit and lingerie collection. The show producers were beside themselves with glee when they learn that AURORA was also a superb and expert biker and delighted even more when SHE agreed to drive the awesome superbike by herself while wearing Victoria Secret's most enticing feminine collection. AURORA was an instant sensation as SHE zoomed on HER Ducati superbike, driving it with expert precision and skills around the huge stage and around the enormous ballroom amidst the thundering applause of awestruck crowd of v.i.p's and distinguish members of high society. AURORA, wearing Victoria Secret's most provocative intimate apparel, easily upstaged every well-known supermodels present and became the focus of every lusting eyes in the hall as accolades for HER beauty and performance continue to shower down on HER. But the grandiose show was short-lived when the sound of celebration was overwhelmed with thunderous cacophony of gunfire as dozens of heavily- armed militia crashed through the gates and started herding the entire bejeweled crowd in the hall. Pandemonium broke as everyone tried to get away from the still unknown marauders, stampeding against each other especially when some of the intruders started shooting directly at the few braver souls who tried to get pass them. Without a moment's hesitation, AURORA jump back on HER superbike, gunned its powerful engine and felt its soothing powerful hum. Releasing the clutch, SHE careened through the panicking crowd aiming for the open entryway. Sideswiping one armed goon while mercilessly running down another beneath the grinding tires, SHE increased HER speed, feeling the reassuring vibrations spread throughout HER lower body. Intending to blast HER way out of the building, SHE swerved HER bike at the last moment sliding precariously when SHE saw that the security steel doors had already dropped down effectively shutting off all egress from the building. AURORA quickly headed for the huge staircase leading to the upper mezzanine area where SHE hopes to find the security control center. SHE dash up with engines revving up to a crescendo echoing in the huge hall of the lobby while bullets flew in HER direction. AURORA stops and dismounted from HER superbike upon reaching the security control center, rushing through its open doorway. SHE was dismayed to find the room a shambles. The attackers were already here. Hoping to still be able to salvage a way to escape the building SHE step over the bullet riddled bodies of the security personnel as SHE headed for the control panels. SHE was too late as SHE surveyed with dismay the wreck that these armed men have wrought. SHE should have realized that this was one of the first places that they would have raided and disabled. Unknown to the world, AURORA is the mysterious female assassin who has been so successful in HER deadly arts that SHE has already been credited with hundreds of kills in just three years since SHE first started. HER list of gruesome trophies included heads of state, dictators, mafia bosses and prominent figures in society and the underworld. No target was unreachable. No man was ever safe no matter the enormous fortune spent on security and personal protection. AURORA was a virtuoso in the arcane art of death. SHE is proficient in all forms of weaponry and explosives as well as being a certified genius in mission planning and operations. SHE is also deadly efficient as well in martial arts as evidenced with some of HER victims who died literally by HER own hands. Whether the mission profile called for stealth or all-out- guns-and-bombs blazing in full frontal assault, AURORA is without equal. AURORA is a legend in the world of assassination. None in history ever came close. None of the world's leading police agencies or intelligence network had come close to identifying HER. SHE always outfoxed and successfully eluded HER most ardent pursuers. There was never any danger at all in the past of being caught as SHE was always several steps ahead of them. Until now that is. AURORA was agitated as SHE finds herself in a situation where HER deadly secret might be accidentally revealed. "Freeze! Hands on your head and turn slowly!" said a commanding voice behind HER. AURORA calmly raised both HER gloved hands and slowly turns to face the man. AURORA finds herself facing an ugly dark muscle bound man armed to the teeth with the muzzle of an AK-74 firmly pointed in HER direction. In spite of the potentially deadly situation, AURORA stifled a laugh seeing the sudden unmistakable change in the man's expression as SHE revealed herself more fully to his unwavering gaze. SHE could hear his gasp as his rifle's aim wavered. AURORA could almost feel his eyes touching HER as it explored every inch of HER exposed body. This is going to be easy, SHE thought, as SHE begun HER charm offensive by showing off HER most alluring smile that held the man breathless. In one graceful motion, AURORA lowered HER gloved hands to the sides, swept back HER jacket to the back and rested HER hands on HER lovely hips, doing a statuesque pose as if SHE was doing it for the cover of a magazine. AURORA's regal poise and HER nonchalant attitude to his menacing existence struck Faisal with awe and bewilderment. SHE seemed to treat the whole affair as a minor irritant with him as an insignificant insect not worth the bother. For Faisal, everything was surreal, the environment dreamlike. Time stood still for him forgetting who he was and why he was there. He was completely and utterly taken by AURORA's enchanting beauty that he was practically mesmerized. From a deadly combatant to a subservient fool, the transformation was sudden and complete. He was profoundly smitten by the sight of a perfect beauty, a virtual Goddess whose sexual attraction is unparalleled and beyond his imaginations. His mind completely in a trance Faisal was steadily drawn towards where AURORA stood. He felt like a worthless slave before a Goddess as he approaches HER with tentative steps. All the while, AURORA just smiled down at him, greatly amused at his fumbling reaction. AURORA didn't flinch but just stood HER ground as Faisal halted less than a foot away from HER. SHE gave him HER most alluring smile as SHE looks down at the shorter Faisal. An involuntary sigh ensues from his lips as he was dazzled by HER million watt smile. With his mouth open in awe, Faisal literally drooled over the towering, near naked beauty before him. He was so taken by AURORA's smile that a sizeable drop of drool escapes from his lips and splattered on the tip of HER expensive patent leather boot. AURORA looks down at HER boot and expresses HER displeasure by giving Faisal a condescending stare. Confident that Faisal is now completely enthralled by HER, SHE dared further and in an immaculate authoritative voice said, "Damn! How dare you to blemish my boot you worthless piece of scum. These boots are priceless and worth more than your life, you camel dung!" Horrified at HER sudden outburst and his shameful conduct before this magnificent beauty, Faisal was beside himself expressing his sincere apologies. But AURORA was inconsolable as SHE said, "Well, since you dared to stain my boot you disgusting old goat then it is only proper that you must do something about it, eh?" Pointing down at HER boot, "Get down now and clean up your mess!" AURORA commanded, with a touch of aristocratic English accent in HER words. Dazed and in a heady dreamlike state, Faisal complied and slowly drops down to his knees before the lovely AURORA. With pulse racing at the anticipation of finally getting to feel HER, Faisal reach out to touch HER boot with the intention of wiping away his drool. SHE quickly move HER boot away from his reach and said, "Don't you dare lay your filthy peasant hands on my boots". AURORA, turn HER back on him, exposing HER perfectly shaped firm ass barely covered by the thin layer of HER high cut black panties. HER heels made sensuous clicking sounds as SHE gracefully swayed HER way further away to the control panels by the wall. SHE then stood in front of the work station to face Faisal who remains kneeling on the floor a few feet away from HER. With a smile and a melodious voice, AURORA says, "So ... , what are we waiting for? Quite disgusting to just allow your despicable filthy drool dry up on my boots. Do get a move on, will you?" "But ... .but how ... h-how ... c-cc-could ... .I...I ... c-clean ... your b-bo-boots ... if ... I ... c- can't use ... mmy ... hhhandsss ... ?" Faisal stammers as he looks up heavenward, trying to discern the mischievous grin that dominates the angelic face above him. "Well now, why don't you be a good boy and impress me", SHE cooed teasingly. Placing one booted foot forward, SHE wink down at him, giving ample encouragement. What remain of Faisal's still lucid consciousness couldn't believe what he was doing and what he was about to do as he slowly inch his way, crawling towards AURORA's beckoning boots. All his life Faisal was raised to believe in the submissive role of women especially in a male dominated society of Islamic fundamentalism. But all the dogma that has been his constant faith is quickly defeated in the presence of this most attractive young woman of unparalleled beauty. HER beguiling charms have effectively overwhelmed his entrenched prejudices in a flash. From a holy warrior, Faisal has been successfully converted into nothing more than a pathetic groveling creature whose only sole purpose is to please and praise this girl of epic beauty. AURORA smiles with satisfaction, looking down at the pathetic little creature crawling his way slowly and steadily towards HER. Although certainly not the first time to have men literally throwing and groveling at HER feet, still it never cease to amaze AURORA at the effect HER beauty has on boys and how they are instantly reduce to abject servants in HER presence. Faisal's excitement increase with every inch he gains as he approaches the spot where AURORA stands regally, towering over him. Faisal stops as he finally reaches AURORA, HER boots mere inches away from his face. Hesitating just a moment longer, he glances up once again to AURORA who merely smiles and move HER right booted foot towards him, the pointy toe a mere inch or so from his face. The sweet musky smell of expensive leather suffuses Faisal's senses, overwhelming him completely. "Go on my loyal pet, don't be shy now. Your wish is granted. Lick my boots, slave" AURORA says in HER perfect Queen's English. Faisal has never felt so happy in his life upon hearing AURORA's soft erotic voice granting him permission to proceed. Slowly, he bows his head reverently and planted his lips on the pointed tip of AURORA's booted right foot. At last, it was an enormous thrill for Faisal to finally feel the fine texture of the boot's exquisite leather on his lips. The coolness of leather sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe his luck to be granted such a privilege as laying his unworthy lips on AURORA's boot. He proceeded to give AURORA's boot gentle tender kisses like one would give a new born baby. Careful and tender at first, he proceeds to kiss HER boot from the toe and around the sides. His lips also found its way around the leather covered ankle and then continuing down the long thin shaft of the boot's 5-inch stiletto like heel. His kisses have gone full circle around AURORA's proffered boot and finding his back to the tip of HER boot. AURORA suppresses a giggle each time Faisal planted kisses on HER boot. SHE could easily feel Faisal's loving lips through the thin leather material of HER boot. The ministrations of Faisal's lips on HER boot covered foot are so distinct that for AURORA it felt like as if no boot leather separated his lips from HER delicate skin. Faisal momentarily stops his lip's exploration to look up from AURORA's boot. His eyes traverse the length of HER high boots to HER long shapely long legs, HER creamy white thighs, HER shapely inviting pussy barely covered in the sheer material of HER black high cut tanga panties. Faisal almost fainted at the sight of HER perfectly shape pussy especially so near to him and at this submissive perspective to boot. Faisal could see AURORA's hands clad in black leather gloves, resting on HER sumptuously configured hips giving HER an air of authority over him. HER sleek unbutton leather jacket had fallen off HER shoulders to hang loosely behind HER, draped by HER elbows, to expose more of HER tiny waist and flat iron abs as well as to reveal to him the splendor of HER shapely well rounded breast. But it was AURORA's radiant captivating smile that finally sealed his fate completely to live forever as HER lowly slave whose life is no longer his own but HER own personal property. Faisal bowed his head and let out his long enormous tongue and with it took a long slow swipe from the toe of AURORA's boot and arching it at HER mid toe and instep and traversing all the way up and around HER ankle. Faisal was overwhelmed by the heady smell of fine leather finish and its distinctive taste on his wet tongue. The combine smell and taste of AURORA's boot heightened his giddiness and lust. He strives hard to impress HER with his slavish devotion. He was so hard by then that he felt his erection about to burst out from the seams. Faisal heightens his phase and licks faster and faster with long fervent swipes of his tongue. Stifling a laughter threatening to burst out of HER lips, AURORA bit HER lip, while enjoying the sweet soothing feel of Faisal's tongue as it lovingly caresses HER boots. AURORA lifted HER left booted leg and firmly planted it on Faisal's left shoulder, making him a virtual footstool. The sharp pointy sensation of HER long stiletto heel as it digs into Faisal's skin must have been quiet painful for him as AURORA felt him squirm a bit. SHE could hear shortly after a satisfied sigh from Faisal, a sure sign that his suffering was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure that he is enjoying in being stomp beneath the sole of AURORA's boot. Faisal's deep moans as he eagerly licks and kisses every centimeter of AURORA's boots was clearly a sign of his now being deeply ensconced in a otherworldly state of consciousness. So deep is he in his fantasy world that is now oblivious to everything that's happening around him. Feeling safe and confident with Faisal securely pin under beneath HER boots, AURORA retrieves HER wafer thin satellite phone, attached its remote ear and mike set and proceeds to make a secure connection to Joaquin, his sidekick and full time slave. Joaquin is AURORA's ever faithful and devoted assistant cum man- Friday, cum domestic slave, and cum occasional lover. Joaquin is a brilliant computer whiz kid and electronics expert and also serves as AURORA's surveillance and intelligence man. Ever since the first time he saw HER on the internet he was beguiled by HER Goddess like beauty especially when SHE finally agreed to chat with him using HER web cam. But Joaquin could also be a bumbling idiot and a jerk at times. But overall he is very dependable. But what really endeared Joaquin to AURORA is his slave like devotion to HER. He serves HER unquestioningly with an obsession to please HER. AURORA quickly gives Joaquin the situation and a brief summation of the events of the past hour. "In the next 10 minutes I want you to hack into this building's mainframe and get the doors unlocked. I also need you to give me an idea of who these guys and are what they're up to. Make yourself useful and get to it!" AURORA was momentarily alarm when Faisal's radio crackled to life, his commander's voice demanding if he had the errant naked girl on a bike under control. AURORA knew that SHE was the one being referred to but decided to keep HER cool and check what HER captive was going to do next. SHE watches Faisal as he slowly reach for his radio while remaining pin down by HER booted feet. To HER relief, Faisal's moans of "ohh.. yeah ... " , "hmmmm yes ... yes ... " was perfectly in tune with his inadvertent replies to his commander's queries when in truth he was just unconsciously giving voice to his ecstasy of tasting AURORA's boots. "Alright, keep your eyes on HER at all times and kept HER under control. You behave now!" Faisal replied or seems to, "ooh yes, ... . Hmmm.. yes..yesss ... ". An irritated voice remark, "Faisal, you better quit smoking that smelly cheap cigar. It's screwing your brains". AURORA couldn't help herself but laugh out loud at the silly exchange between HER captive and his unwitting commander. From the myriad of close circuit monitors in the security room, AURORA could see all the rooms, corridors, stairways and elevators of the enormous building complex. SHE could see armed men moving around and herding people around and gathering them in the ballroom. SHE watches them move floor to floor and room to room searching for civilians. Their coordinated movements suggest military training in close quarters combat. Their good but not good enough, thought AURORA, smiling as SHE watches them clearing each room. Thanks to Faisal, they have bypassed the security section and it would be sometime before they decide to recheck it. SHE has time but not much. AURORA was pleasantly surprised as SHE looks down at Faisal's progress. SHE was delighted how HER boots actually shines from the efficient devotion of Faisal's tongue. It was as if his tongue is oozing with natural shoe wax on the soft fine leather of HER boots. AURORA could not deny that SHE is beginning to feel unmistakable stirrings stroking HER from within. SHE could sense a pleasant warmth building from the tip of HER toes going up and deep within HER loins. SHE could feel herself getting wet from the heady excitement of Faisal's unabashed boot worshipping. "Good boy", AURORA cooed. "Nice job you've done shining my boots. Now, if only you could be such a dear and do my heels this time. You think you can handle that?" Without another word spoken, Faisal lies down on his back and eagerly awaits AURORA's next move. He closes his eyes knowing of what's bound to happen to him, his method of cleaning up AURORA's boot heels was effectively communicated to HER without words being said. He could hear the sensuous click-clacking sounds AURORA's heels are making on the marble floor. From the sounds HER heels is making, he could picture HER with his eyes close that SHE was walking around his prostrate body, circling and inspecting him. Moments after hearing her stop walking, Faisal felt the unmistakable feel of a boot sole alighting tenderly at first on his now bare chest. Faisal felt himself momentarily stiffen as the boot sole press down harder on his chest as AURORA mounts up on his frail body. Faisal's eyes open wide as he felt AURORA's full weight bore down on his chest. Although AURORA's lithe figure is quiet light in body weight at a mere 100lbs, still, a man's chest was never design to be a woman's foot stand. Tears of pain watered Faisal's eyes as AURORA's boot heels dug deeper into his pale skin. He could hardly breathe at all, but in spite of his torment all feelings of pain seem to dissipate quickly as he marveled at the magnificent view that he now has of his lovely tormentor. From his supine angle, he was directly looking up close at the majestic beauty of AURORA standing up on his fragile chest. With her long shapely boot encased legs seeming to stretch to the heavens, SHE towers above him like a Goddess. The severe sustain aching in his chest feels more like some comforting balm. Faisal was so sensually arouse that he was growing impossibly harder every passing second, as if his dick is about to burst out of his pants. AURORA stands poise with both gloved hands resting on her hips. AURORA's superb martial arts' training enables HER to perfectly balance HERSELF on Faisal's chest, shifting her weight from one booted foot to the other without danger of falling. Watching her human carpet grimacing in pain with every slight shifting of her weight brings HER a heady feeling of absolute power. The feel of having a man trampled beneath her boots brought forth a new surge of erotic rush to AURORA, a growing heat suffuses her like undulating tongues caressing her from the tip of her toes to her innermost thighs. AURORA smiles down at Faisal and slowly extended her right booted foot to his face, lightly touching his face. SHE commences to caress his face with the toe of her boot before resting its sole on his lips. As if reading Her mind, Faisal shifted to meet the stiletto heel with his lips and then slowly taking 5 inch of it into his mouth. The cold hard heel of AURORA's boot probe deep as far down Faisal's throat as he could bear. With the toe of Her boot firmly planted on his forehead, AURORA slowly pump her boot heel up and down Faisal's mouth, wetting the heels in the process. Faisal resisted the urge to throw up as the 5 inch stiletto heel viciously stabs repeatedly down his mouth and all the way to the back of his throat. "Your enjoying this a lot aren't you? Hmmm?" AURORA says. "Oh yeah, yes suck my heels you worthless old toad. Hmmm, that's it ... yeah, oh you must really be in heaven now, I do say." she says, continuing to mock the helpless man beneath Her booted feet. "Gosh, seeing you like this makes me feel sooo hot and soooo wet, my little slave. Time that we do something about it, eh?" With that, AURORA, dismounts from Faisal's badly battered body walks away to stand and lean on a nearby table. AURORA then beckons to Faisal, "On your belly now like a little worm and crawl to me, slave. I will grant you your most cherished wish." Faisal didn't have to be told twice, as he immediately belly crawled his way towards his Goddess. He stop as he reaches once more AURORA's booted feet as she commands, "Good boy. Now stand on your knees and kneel before me". Faisal immediately obeyed, head bowed but surreptitiously glancing at Her marvelous creamy smooth shapely thighs. AURORA step closer until Her naked thighs was an inch away from Faisal's face. She grabs Faisal's chin and yank it up to make him look up to her. She smiles down at him, "You've done such a wonderful job with your tongue, my little slave. I've never had a bootboy with such talent as you. I'm quite impressed with the way you shine my boots". Faisal beams with pride, delighted to have made this lovely Goddess happy with his devoted work. "Since I always recognize and appreciate good service, I believe you have earned a reward." Faisal was beside himself with anticipation upon hearing Her words. He then felt AURORA's gloved fingers gently pushing his forehead, tilting his head back. He gasps as AURORA begins to mount him, swinging her legs one after another over and above his shoulders, his face rubbing against the silky smooth skin of her inner thighs. He could smell her musky sweet aroma, Her pussy just an inch away from the tip of his nose. With one gloved hand firmly gripping Faisal's hair, AURORA, gently lowered herself on his eagerly awaiting face, feeling his hot breath warming her crotch. "Hold still slave...hmmmmm.... that's better....yeah...this is going to be fun", said AURORA as she gently seated herself on Faisal's face. AURORA, with one glove hand on his hair and the other on her waist, she close her eyes as she began to rub herself slowly to and fro on Faisal's face, making slow gyrating motions of her hips. AURORA, smiles to herself, remembering how She first came to like riding horses in her early teens and discovering the sensuality of having a powerful beast completely brought under her control and having sexual pleasure in the process. But having a man beneath her legs instead of a stallion, a lump of his hair as a stirrup and his subservient face instead of a saddle was a sensation beyond compare. The sense of absolute and complete power over a helpless man who slaves away for her, coupled with the suffusing physical hot flashes she feels with every stroke of his slavish tongue quickly brings AURORA to new feverish heights. AURORA was pleasantly surprise at the wonderful skills of his new slave's tongue that no sooner when they both started, she was now increasingly near to one of her most explosive climaxes she could ever remember. She simply couldn't just let it end so soon. With supreme effort, she resisted the urge to let go and cum all over his face so soon. "Ohh my slave... you're so good. Slow down, I don't want to cum just yet... I want to enjoy.... keep it steady.... yesss that's it... yeahh..., attaboy..... Yes...yes...hmmmmmm". AURORA match her words with subtle steady yet graceful movements of her hips and thighs, the grinding of her loins on Faisal's face slowing to regular rhythm much like an equestrienne slowing down her stallion to a leisurely trot on the countryside. AURORA's valiant efforts to hold off her inevitable climax were proving more and more difficult by the second. Her resistance to just let go was like a desperate effort to stem back an onrushing tide. She knew that she only have moments before her dam finally breaks. But she held on, her gloved fingers unconsciously gripping her slave's hair painfully harder and harder, intent to prolong the magical moments. Faisal on the other hand was totally unaware of AURORA's raging sensual emotions racking her entire body. He was totally absorbed in his own world, still unbelieving his fantastic fortune of having a woman like AURORA, a beauty beyond his wildest imaginations, receiving his slavish devotions. Faisal is completely consumed in AURORA. The silky smooth taut skin of her thighs envelops him totally, her sweet musky feminine scent fills him with an intense power that has him gasping for more. But of all the wonderful sensations he is experiencing it is the taste of AURORA that simply overwhelms him as he passionately savors every tiny dewy drops of her womanly secretions. This heavenly feeling that is consuming Faisal is further heighten with the awareness of his being brought totally and helplessly under the complete control of this young woman of unearthly beauty. Faisal's face is now thoroughly lubricated, as AURORA rubs her pussy to and fro from his chin and across his nose to his forehead and back again in constant bucking rhythm. The soft lapping sound produce by friction of her inner thighs and her pussy on his very moist face was now join in by AURORA's sexy soft sighs. Encourage, Faisal's hands slip down from its hold on AURORA's narrow waist. With his left he managed to nudge to one side the ultra thin silk fabric of her thong panties, thus finally lifting away the only cover that shielded her delicate pussy lips from the hungry assaults of his tongue. Faisal resume his tongue's ravenous offensives on her now expose pussy lips. He applied his tongue on the lower rim of her love hole and her pussy lips, swirling it and licking it while his face move in perfect tune to AURORA's swaying hips. No matter in which way AURORA moves or how fast or slow she moves it, Faisal's tongue is constantly on the spot where it desires to be at any moment, never breaking stride. Although Faisal's ears were completely enclosed between AURORA's gorgeous thighs, he could hear her gasps loudly, that have now replace her once soft sighs. There was now a renewed intensity in the way AURORA have press her pussy more tightly on his face and the increasing tempo of rocking and waving her hips. He knew then that AURORA is now close to her first climax. Inspired, Faisal varied his tongue's ministrations from making small concentric circles on her love hole to slowly winding its perimeter as it rotates around her pussy lips and even reaching out to her inner crotch. Faisal's longer than average tongue was able to do this by extending and retracting it at random and varying speeds. As his tongue reaches the outer limits it can go, the revolutions becomes smaller but in quicker and faster speeds until it finds itself back on AURORA's glorious love hole. Faisal manage to sustain this spiraling tongue method at an incredible fluctuating rate as slow as one per minute to a hundred per. Inspired, Faisal varied his tongue's ministrations from making small concentric circles on her love hole to slowly winding its perimeter as it rotates around her pussy lips and even reaching out to her inner crotch. Faisal's longer than average tongue was able to do this by extending and retracting it at random and varying speeds. As his tongue reaches the outer limits it can go, the revolutions becomes smaller but in quicker and faster speeds until it finds itself back on AURORA's glorious love hole. Faisal manage to sustain this spiraling tongue method at an incredible fluctuating rate as slow as one per minute to a hundred per. The circular motions of Faisal's tongue brought forth an immediate change in AURORA's hip movements. Her rhythmic rocking was more pronounce with gyrating movements as she grounds herself harder on Faisal's face. Faisal felt his Her gloved fingers gripping his hair harder and increasing the aches in his scalp. He feared that She would be able to completely pull his hair off the roots. Faisal can hardly breathe, as AURORA pulled his face deeper and deeper into her. Although hardly catching a breath, Faisal was already so deep in his euphoric state, that instead of stopping, he bravely forge forth with a single minded purpose of giving AURORA the best pussy eating she will ever experience. For AURORA, her efforts of holding off for as long as possible have become more remote with each stroke of Faisal's skillful tongue. She never imagines that just moments before that this lowly creature could possess so much talent at giving Her pleasure. he was simply an artist, with Her body as the canvass receiving relentless and devoted attentions of tongue's brush strokes. AURORA arch her back when she felt Faisal's protruding nose ease itself between the folds of her pussy lips, which was quickly followed by his inquisitive tongue, making tentative small exploring flicks. This cause a renewed an intense pulsating sensation which radiated throughout her body. "Ahhhh, yeahh....hmmm, that feels good. Oh yes! hmmmmmmmm," AURORA moan. The equestrienne and her stallion were no longer just moseying, they were now galloping to speed as AURORA gyrated faster and faster, grinding her pussy harder on Faisal's face. Finally, Faisal's tongue playfully sucked her swollen love button into his mouth; all of Her remaining resistance starts to fall apart. With his lips forming a tight seal, he increases the sucking motions, urging her to let go. And so She did in one big spasmodic orgasm. "Ohhhhhhh! oh God! oh wow....." AURORA scream as the most electrifying sensations ripples and pulsates from every core of her being. She feels like falling in an endless void, as her sweet juices gushes freely down Faisal's eagerly awaiting lips. It was like a humungous dam collapsing as waves upon waves of her orgasms flows freely like a surging river. Faisal felt like drowning with AURORA's endless flowing love juice combine with her hard thrashing and buckling as she greedily grounds and squash her pussy on his face. Faisal feels like the wild steer being ridden relentlessly and tirelessly by a superbly talented rodeo girl. After what seem like unending continuous orgasms, AURORA slowly regains her breath subsiding into a peaceful bliss. Although totally drain out, AURORA never felt so alive. "That was fantastic my dear slave", AURORA had to concede with a very satisfied smile. "you really know how to give a lady a bloody good time", she beams down at him. Faisal continued his ministrations long after the last drop of AURORA's cum had been tasted. He was now tenderly kissing and licking her as if toweling her dry with his tongue. AURORA looks down at the kneeling Faisal, helpless and vulnerable. It was too bad, she thought, of the tragic fate she is about to hand to him. Under different circumstances, he would definitely have been a keeper, a nice addition to her stable of males willing to be her slave. Faisal was totally lost in his fantasy that he was unmindful of AURORA plans, as she maneuvers and repositions her thighs around his fragile neck. AURORA then crosses her powerful legs together at the knees, her booted legs squarely planted on the hard floor. With Faisal's neck firmly secured between her majestic thighs, AURORA snaps his neck with a powerful twist of her hips, with unmistakable crackling sound. She loosens the vise-like grip of her thighs and allowed Faisal to slide down the floor, his eyes staring lifeless. "Farewell dearie. it was great fun while it lasted", AURORA mocks Faisal's dead body. She steps over his corpse, bent down to grab his assault rifle and slung it over her shoulder. She unbuckled the tactical hip holster from Faisal's waist that held a G37 Glock in .40 caliber ammo. "You wouldn't be needing this now, would you?" she says to the dead terrorist at her booted feet. AURORA was just about to finish securing the holster belt around her narrow waist when the door to the room suddenly swung open with three of Faisal's companions barging with weapons raise. ... ... ... be continued ... ... ..