Amazons and Hominians, 3-34

Author: Agua


The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized, the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from their tough fighting style.

What happened so far?:

First Episode:

In part 1, an Hominian expedition corps into the Amazon forest was defeated by Amazon attacks. Only few men could return to Hominia and report what had happened. The Hominian king equipped another army that could built a castle in the Amazon forest. Despite many losses, the Hominians could hold their line (part 2). In part 3, the enslaved Hominian women revolutionized against the male dominance. Those female slaves - mainly responsible for production of uniforms and food - were able to overwhelm the Hominian wards and to break free. They joined the Amazon army and thanks to their sewing-skills, the Amazons established a uniform production of their own. After receiving valuable information on the Hominian castles, the Amazons were even able to get 3 castles under their control that were Hominian recruit training barracks before. Thus not only the men in these castles and their equipment, but even the surrounding fertile plains and ore mines had fallen into the hands of the Amazons so that the Hominians run short with uniforms, food and metal for weapons (part 4). In part 5, the Hominians sought for male assistance against the mighty Amazons. The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe living in the hot western desserts, were ready to help. The Hombre forces sent eastbound to the Amazon jungle arrived and supported the Hominian forces in this area successfully. The Hombre army (18 - 21 year old boys) sent through the northern plains to help the Hominian teen army, however, was attacked on its' march and lost already many fighters before arriving at the destination. Part 6 marked a turning point: For the first time, the Amazons had significant losses. A revolution of their slaves (mostly captured Hominians) opened a second frontline, and many barracks, prisons and manufactories for uniforms and weapons got under control of the revolting males and regular Hominian battle units. Many Amazons were killed or captured during these fights. The Hominians were even able to reconquer their castles, fields and ore-mines. Part 7 reports about further deadly encounters between Hominian and Amazon battle units. Even though the Amazons could hold their lines at first, the Amazon territory became smaller and smaller. In part 8, the Hominians entered the last Amazon heart-lands. Despite high losses, they advance more and more so that the Amazon Queen decided to leave Amazonia and to find support by the neighboring male tribe of Anetylia. In a fair fight, an Amazon team could overwhelm an Anetylian crew. Therefore the Anetylians accepted the dominance of the Amazons in their country (part 9).

Second Episode:

Many years had passed since that day. Years that the Amazons had used to reinforce their strength, but the Hominians had become lazy. They had their income from the tributary villages. But in the last time, the villagers had attacked both, Hominian and Amazon convoys and border patrols. Since these attacks there misinterpreted on both sides as attacks of the other nation, the war started again. With changing success, Amazons and Hominians overwhelmed hostile scout troops and border garrisons (part 10 & 11). In Heveria Valley, the Amazons lost 400 experienced fighters at the attempt to attack Hominia (part 12) and later even the important border fortress Caraya Castle (part 13). Could the Amazons deal with this dramatic lost? By spreading a mysterious disease among the men, the Amazons thought to solve this problem once and forever. Though the Amazons could kill and enslave many Hominians and capture their precious equipment, they didn't reach their main goal to get the Hominian fortresses under control (part 14). The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe, wanted to support the Hominians by sending 560 men by train to the frontline. But the Amazons were able to kill these men before they even had a chance to reach Anetylia (part 15)! The Amazon Queen decided that it would be the best to kill all Hombre warriors so that the Hominians would be cut off from any support, but this operation failed completely (part 16). Now, there was only a last chance: To get one or more Hominian battle ships under control and to attack the Hominian ports. At least, three ships could be captured by the Amazons (part 17). Despite important successes (destruction of the port-fortress Gimseh), the captured canon-boats were not long under Amazon control. The Hominians were able to kill the Amazon fighters on board (part 18). Now it was their task to attack the home of the Amazons! At first, the Hominians tried to attack the Amazon fortress Mihitya, without success, however (part 19). Also an attempt to attack Amazonia by means of tanks failed (part 20). The only solution was the support

of the allied / enslaved Anathylians. A riot of the unfaithful Anathylians severely weakened the Amazon forces (part 21), so that finally Anethylia was under Hominian control (part 22). But Princess Daila was able to deliberate some hundred captured Amazons (part 23)! Not to be killed or enslaved, these Amazons had to retreat. The Hominians controlled practically all territories from the Hombre savannah over the fertile Hominian plains to the Amazon jungle and the Anathylian bush-lands. The only way that was still open, was the north-west-bound trail through the hostile dessert (24).

Third Episode:

120 years later: The Hominians were lulled by the many years of peace and had lost their fighting skills, while the Amazons had joined the Shaolines, a matriarch tribe on the other side of the dessert. An Hominian expedition corps had been defeated by the female alliance (25). In part 26, the Amazon + Shaoline coalition took over the province of Anetylia: All men left without fight after being convinced by the female superiority. But the Amazons + Shaolines were not satisfied to have Anetylia under their reign and prepared the next crusade (part 27)! The raid against the Hombre homelands was a total success: The land was under female reign, weapons, arms and men were captured (28)! The fights in Hominia were ongoing (29), and it was not clear who would win. Meanwhile, a riot of the enslaved men in the Shaoline homelands had changed the situation in favour of the male coalition (30). For the male coalition, the time to destroy the female reign had come! However, the first attacks of Hombre and Anathylian troops against Anetylia failed completely (31). Part 32 marked a turning point, since the male coalition (especially supported by the Thai army) rushed like a storm over Anetylia. The Amazon attacks in Hominia (33) could only postpone the triumph of the men but not stop it!

3-34. Final Victory

After the triumphs in the Shaoline homelands, Anetylia and Hominia, the male coalition of Thais, Hominians, Hombres and Anathylians wanted to free the last province under female reign: The Hombre homelands. The technologically advanced Hominians sent tanks while Hombres and Anathylians formed infantry and cavalry. (The poorly equipped Thai fighters didn't participate but returned partly to their homelands (Shaolinia) or worked as home defence in Anetylia.)

The tank attacks against the Amazons in the Hombre homelands turned out to be a great success: Fleeing women run away followed by tanks the killed them ruthlessly by permanent machine-gun-fire! The heaps of fallen Amazons grew bigger! All that the following Hombres and Anathylians had to do, was to collect weapons and to strip the overwhelmed girls. Of course, the killed women as well as their uniforms were in bad status: Slashed at many points by numberless bullets, it would be a lot of work to repair these jeans and underwear. But it also had a psychologic effect, since the holes and bloody stains from ruptured cunts had to be repaired by female slaves to show them how easily male superiority triumphed over the Amazons!

For the Amazons of front section 4V3, it became a matter of survive or die to stop 4 attacking tanks! Since the women didn't possess any anti-tank-weapons, there was only one tiny chance what could in fact work because the tanks moved rather slow in this landscape: The gunmen on the tanks stood in the hatches and handled the machine-gun on top of each tank. The iron hatch-cover was opened to the frontside so that it sheltered the tender abdomen of each man. Their backs, however, were unguarded and the men inside and on the tank could hardly see what happened behind them. Some girls equipped with guns, bows or revolvers looked for shelter in small trenches and let the tanks pass them by. Often they risked to get under the driving chains and to be killed. However, if the girls succeeded to pass behind the tanks, they could fulfil their deadly mission: With a precise shot against the unguarded asshole of the gunman, they killed him and stopped the deadly fire from this tank against their mates. But the Amazon intention was even to take control of these tanks!

Therefore, 2 or 3 girls run for each tank from behind and jumped on its chassis. The killed gunman (a private by rank) that blocked the entrance, was simply torn out and thrown to ground. Thanks to the noise of the engine, the 2 tank-drivers inside had not noticed what was going on. And it was too late for them, when 2 girls jumped inside. Though disoriented by the darkness inside the tank, the girls quickly got in action. Within 2 seconds, each girl stood behind her victim: One arm wound around the young man's throat to strangle him, the other arm drove the dagger against the unprotected virility. (For luck, tankmen didn't wear cups.) Warm blood and piss rushed from the fatal wound and coloured jeans and seats. The girls held their victims for some seconds till those were dead. Then, they tugged the lifeless men off the seats and threw them through the hatches outside.

The tanks were now in the hands of the Amazons, and they shall turn out to be deadly weapons against the following Hombre and Anathylian infantry! Quickly the tanks were turned and drove now against the surprise male troops. The gun-girls in the hatches knew how to handle the machine-guns! The full-metal-bullets didn't make any difference between unguarded groins, light or heavy cups: At this distance, the machine-gun cracked every nutshell and smashed every proud package inside! Hombres and Anathylians – mainly young macho men of 20 to 26 years that were close to victory and felt superior to the useless Amazons – weltered in pain on the ground, their hands tightly pressed against the crotch where the cracked eggcup had given way to a deadly invader! The only thing, the surviving men could do, was to turn around and flee as the Amazons before! But even on the run, many men were ripped from behind! The piles of killed men grew bigger. The following Amazon infantry just had to collect weapons and uniforms of the fallen men. The masacre was just postponed by the fact that 2 of 4 tanks run out of munition.

Somehow, the men had informed the headquarter, because suddenly the Amazons had to face new tanks: Those were not equipped with machine-guns like theirs but with mighty cannons. This was the so-called male version of tanks and meant to break walls of Amazon fortresses or bunkers. Now, they targeted their cannons against the „female“ tanks. Bum! Bum! Bum! Bum! Each bang announced the end of an Amazon tank! Thus the male coalition was in control again! When the victorious men returned, they found the battle field covered with the dead bodies of young Hombres and Anathylians, partly disrobed by the women, partly in full uniform. WOW! The Amazons really knew how to kill men: The jeans of the young males were shot through right where it counts! The automatic gun had effortlessly cracked each cup! Even though the men didn't want to dishonour their mates, they urgently needed weapons, uniforms and cups so that they disrobed their killed mates. Just briefs or jockstraps remained with the killed, but the shot-through cups were taken out to be repaired or recycled. Then, the killed young men were quickly buried in a big hole.

Another border region between Hominia and the female controlled Hombre homelands: Approximately 600 women, partly hastily trained former Hombre slaves, marched under Amazon commanders into the hills from where they expected another wave of attack. What they didn't know: A Thai bataillon was already here, hidden in the bush-lands along the road. The Amazon bataillon marched in the regular combat order, i.e. experienced women with thick male groin-cups on top, followed by the commanding officers in the middle and finally inexperienced recruits with poor weapons and few armours at the end.

The 200 Thais had only few weapons and would have no chance against the heavily armed women in an open fight. But to their luck, they recognised that they had entrenched in the right order: Their only machine-gun was aiming against the frontage of the marching Amazons so that it could crack the thick cups of these women, while their poorly equipped fighters could finish off the inexperienced young girls at the end of the long row in a close fight.

The Amazon bataillon was not very well prepared for an attack when their best warriors of the first rows already fell to the cup-cracking machine-gun! These women had no time to grap and use their weapons but weltered in their blood that rushed from fatal wounds on the crotch! Even the massive male cups that they had taken from overwhelmed men, could not protect them!

At the same time, the Thais attacked the young and poorly trained recruits at the end of the row: These girls had not recognised yet what was going on, and since these young chicks had no armours, they became easy victims of arrows fired from crossbows or were simply finished in a close combat: It was fascinating to see with which precision the Thai bowmen found the tender crotches of their victims and with which force the arrows and bolts stroke into Venus Monds, pussies and assholes! At least 80 girls went down with arrows protruding from their abdomens. Additionally, the Thais were excellent karate fighters, and the young chicks with unguarded tits, ovaries and groins were no match for them. Seconds later, dozens of 18-year-old girls weltered on the ground coughing blood and cupping their sore abdomens and titties, while their G-strings and crotches of their jeans already soaked with blood from their cunts. The slaughter was swift and completed with ruthless efficiency. The Amazons were taken completely by surprise!

Some women were still equipped with the low-quality female groin-armours that could be easily cracked by guns or even cross-bows. The Thai-soldier Phuc drove a war hammer against the Venus mound of his Amazon opponent. But here, the female groin-armour was too thick to be cracked by a simple war hammer. In rage, Phuc pushed the girl to ground and forced himself between her spread legs for that she could not close them. Now, he send another strike right between her legs, right where her crotch-seams met. Since he was a smith himself, he knew that the female armour was thin and brittle above the pussy-entrance. And in fact, the war hammer easily penetrated through the poor armour and entered her cunt. When Phuc redrew the war hammer, blood swept from the fatal wound and deeply coloured the worn-out jeans of this dying girl! Helpless shrieking was all the hit girl could do! Never again, she would be able to attack mighty males!

Despite the hopeless situation, the Amazon officers (covered in the middle of the marching bataillon from any attack so far) were still alive and could give orders. And their order of a Rojard – a sideward break-out – came unexpected for the Thais. Especially, because it was not a trial to refuge from the deadly Thai attack, but a counter attack! So nearly 250 women rushed into the bushes against the middle of the Thai bataillon, where only 50 men were clearly overcharged to stop 250 Amazons! Of course, these men fired against the oncoming women, but often their guns or bows couldn’t break the massive groin-cups of the Amazon officers, so that the few defenders were quickly overwhelmed by number. The weapons were torn off the mens' hands and used against them. Since the Thai bataillon was poorly equipped, most men had no or only a light groin-cup that was easily shot through. Even though Thai men were not so well-hung as Hombres or Anathylians, the deadly effect of smashing the bulge between their legs or cracking the eggcup, was the same! In some cases, the women even used the old-fashioned war-hammer to pierce the steel-sheet armours! The shrieks of dying Thais echoed through the valley!

But the Thais were not left alone by their mates: Those quickly sprung in action to decimate the attacking girls: Shots echoed through the valley, and the women broke down by dozens. The machine gun was already empty so that it could not support the fight anymore. Nevertheless the Thais aimed against the women threatening to fire. The bluff worked: The Amazons decided to surrender. The Thais simply aimed against their surprised opponents and ordered: “OK, girls. Throw your weapons away! -- Nicely done! Strip your jeans down! Faster!” Reluctantly, the women opened their jeans and pushed them down. Underneath, G-thongs and male cotton-briefs mostly with groin-cups were visible. Only few girls wore female groin-guards. The stainless steel of these pussy-guards shone in the sunlight. “Your smelly panties also, or shall we test your protectors against bullets?!” In fear, the young women stripped their armoured underwear as well, revealing traces of female usage inside. Now, their unprotected cunts were left to the delight of the victorious men.

All together, only 100 women had survived this onslaught. The captured women were brought to bunkers and castles under male reign. Here the prisoner-girls shall be used as training-partners, slaves and sex-toys. On their march, the overwhelmed Amazons were lead through some deliberated villages, where the now free men stood along the road and cheered and applauded as they saw what was left of a whole Amazon bataillon: Approximately 100 girls, naked and completely subdued. Carriages of captured arms, uniforms and worn female combat-underwear accompanied this track to equip new male warriors!

The news of oncoming male bataillons spread quickly among the male slaves in the last occupied territories. The men started an upraise in the last castles controlled by the Amazons. Many girls had already been killed by the revolting men. The female castle defenders were on alert now, but obviously not careful enough. An Amazon troop walked over a grid-bridge, not knowing that well-equipped Hominians stood underneath! A hail of arrows and bullets penetrated the delicate crotches of the Amazons, and sent them dying to the ground!

Some Amazon riders quickly jumped on their horses to slaughter the oncoming Hominian enemies. The male slaves in the castle, however, supported their male brothers and had “prepared” the saddles of the horses. They knew that most horse-women didn't wear groin-guards: While jumping on the saddles, sharp nails and razorblades slit the sensitive cunts of the female warriors. The hurt Amazons fell off the horsebacks and rolled helplessly on the ground cupping their bleeding slits – though not dead, but at least unable to fight! Quickly, some male slaves jumped at these hurt Amazons, dragged them into a building either to finish or to bind them. Then, they opened the gates for the attacking Hominians.

The invading men took dozens of Amazon prisoners. Most were enslaved. Some women were chosen to try out the Hominian archery against the female protective cups (“pussy-guards”) used widely by female soldiers. This armour followed perfectly the female body-shape but was made of poor steel by Thai smiths. Bullets shot from guns or machine-guns penetrated the brittle cups up to a distance of about 150 yards. Bolts shot from crossbows had more difficulties to pierce the armour, especially from front since the armour was hardest above the Venus Mond. Here, only bolts at closed distance succeeded. It was much easier to break the pussy-guard right between the legs on the cunt or along the ass-crack, but these spots were not so easily accessible. Soon, all target-women were killed and lay in puddles of their own blood!

Only days later, all provinces – Amazonia, Hominia, the Hombre and Anathylian homelands and Shaolinia – were deliberated and under male reign!