Amazons and Hominians, 3-33

Author: Agua


The story is about tough fights between female (Amazons) and male (Hominians) warriors. Even though they are technically superior and more civilized, the Hominians have difficulties to overwhelm the Amazons which can profit from their tough fighting style.

What happened so far?:

First Episode:

In part 1, an Hominian expedition corps into the Amazon forest was defeated by Amazon attacks. Only few men could return to Hominia and report what had happened. The Hominian king equipped another army that could built a castle in the Amazon forest. Despite many losses, the Hominians could hold their line (part 2). In part 3, the enslaved Hominian women revolutionized against the male dominance. Those female slaves - mainly responsible for production of uniforms and food - were able to overwhelm the Hominian wards and to break free. They joined the Amazon army and thanks to their sewing-skills, the Amazons established a uniform production of their own. After receiving valuable information on the Hominian castles, the Amazons were even able to get 3 castles under their control that were Hominian recruit training barracks before. Thus not only the men in these castles and their equipment, but even the surrounding fertile plains and ore mines had fallen into the hands of the Amazons so that the Hominians run short with uniforms, food and metal for weapons (part 4). In part 5, the Hominians sought for male assistance against the mighty Amazons. The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe living in the hot western desserts, were ready to help. The Hombre forces sent eastbound to the Amazon jungle arrived and supported the Hominian forces in this area successfully. The Hombre army (18 - 21 year old boys) sent through the northern plains to help the Hominian teen army, however, was attacked on its' march and lost already many fighters before arriving at the destination. Part 6 marked a turning point: For the first time, the Amazons had significant losses. A revolution of their slaves (mostly captured Hominians) opened a second frontline, and many barracks, prisons and manufactories for uniforms and weapons got under control of the revolting males and regular Hominian battle units. Many Amazons were killed or captured during these fights. The Hominians were even able to reconquer their castles, fields and ore-mines. Part 7 reports about further deadly encounters between Hominian and Amazon battle units. Even though the Amazons could hold their lines at first, the Amazon territory became smaller and smaller. In part 8, the Hominians entered the last Amazon heart-lands. Despite high losses, they advance more and more so that the Amazon Queen decided to leave Amazonia and to find support by the neighboring male tribe of Anetylia. In a fair fight, an Amazon team could overwhelm an Anetylian crew. Therefore the Anetylians accepted the dominance of the Amazons in their country (part 9).

Second Episode:

Many years had passed since that day. Years that the Amazons had used to reinforce their strength, but the Hominians had become lazy. They had their income from the tributary villages. But in the last time, the villagers had attacked both, Hominian and Amazon convoys and border patrols. Since these attacks there misinterpreted on both sides as attacks of the other nation, the war started again. With changing success, Amazons and Hominians overwhelmed hostile scout troops and border garrisons (part 10 & 11). In Heveria Valley, the Amazons lost 400 experienced fighters at the attempt to attack Hominia (part 12) and later even the important border fortress Caraya Castle (part 13). Could the Amazons deal with this dramatic lost? By spreading a mysterious disease among the men, the Amazons thought to solve this problem once and forever. Though the Amazons could kill and enslave many Hominians and capture their precious equipment, they didn't reach their main goal to get the Hominian fortresses under control (part 14). The Hombres, another patriarchal tribe, wanted to support the Hominians by sending 560 men by train to the frontline. But the Amazons were able to kill these men before they even had a chance to reach Anetylia (part 15)! The Amazon Queen decided that it would be the best to kill all Hombre warriors so that the Hominians would be cut off from any support, but this operation failed completely (part 16). Now, there was only a last chance: To get one or more Hominian battle ships under control and to attack the Hominian ports. At least, three ships could be captured by the Amazons (part 17). Despite important successes (destruction of the port-fortress Gimseh), the captured canon-boats were not long under Amazon control. The Hominians were able to kill the Amazon fighters on board (part 18). Now it was their task to attack the home of the Amazons! At first, the Hominians tried to attack the Amazon fortress Mihitya, without success, however (part 19). Also an attempt to attack Amazonia by means of tanks failed (part 20). The only solution was the support

of the allied / enslaved Anathylians. A riot of the unfaithful Anathylians severely weakened the Amazon forces (part 21), so that finally Anethylia was under Hominian control (part 22). But Princess Daila was able to deliberate some hundred captured Amazons (part 23)! Not to be killed or enslaved, these Amazons had to retreat. The Hominians controlled practically all territories from the Hombre savannah over the fertile Hominian plains to the Amazon jungle and the Anathylian bush-lands. The only way that was still open, was the north-west-bound trail through the hostile dessert (24).

Third Episode:

120 years later: The Hominians were lulled by the many years of peace and had lost their fighting skills, while the Amazons had joined the Shaolines, a matriarch tribe on the other side of the dessert. An Hominian expedition corps had been defeated by the female alliance (25). In part 26, the Amazon + Shaoline coalition took over the province of Anetylia: All men left without fight after being convinced by the female superiority. But the Amazons + Shaolines were not satisfied to have Anetylia under their reign and prepared the next crusade (part 27)! The raid against the Hombre homelands was a total success: The land was under female reign, weapons, arms and men were captured (28)! The fights in Hominia were ongoing (29), and it was not clear who would win. Meanwhile, a riot of the enslaved men in the Shaoline homelands had changed the situation in favour of the male coalition (30). For the male coalition, the time to destroy the female reign had come! However, the first attacks of Hombre and Anathylian troops against Anetylia failed completely (31). Part 32 marked a turning point, since the male coalition (especially supported by the Thai army) rushed like a storm over Anetylia.

3-33. The Battle in Hominia

The northern parts of Hominia were still under Amazon reign as well as the Hombre homelands. While in Hominia, the men controlled at least the castles and towns, the men had lost all power over the Hombre savannah. But after the total defeat of the female army in the south (Anetylia), a mighty male army was on its way to support their Hominian friends. That's why the Amazons had to act quickly of they wanted to win the war!

It was clear that the Amazons only had a chance if they could force the Hominians to leave their protective castles and in best case only poorly equipped. In a direct fight, the Amazons could be victorious. Camouflaged by the night, an Amazon troop approached the walls of Swanson castle (that they had already tried to take in chapter 29!). Quickly, they installed the bombs on those parts of the wall behind which they supposed the arsenals and guard-rooms. Then, the women sheltered themselves in a safe distance. A huge explosion lit up the night! Nearly 100 men died immediately in this inferno! Others run panic-stricken out into the night nicely illuminated by the surrounding fires of burning arsenals and housing. Those men became easy victims of Amazon snipers! As the women had supposed, the men were not prepared for a fight, most were off-duty and didn't have arms and groin-guards, some men even just wore underwear as they had slept minutes ago. Therefore, Amazon bullets and arrows often found no resistance as they penetrated into male crotches!

Well-prepared Amazon storm-troops used the chaos among the men and rushed from all sides against the castle. The big holes in the walls made it easy to enter. The girls saw that even the few tanks and canons of this castle, were in flames and could not be used by the Hominians for defense. This worked better than the girls had expected!

Since the guard-houses were destroyed by the initial explosion, the best armed and trained men were already switched off. A slight danger resulted from the recruit-training centre, where young men of 18 to 21 years were trained even at night. Out of this building rushed troops of Hominian recruits with full combat equipment. The Amazons taught them that they now had weapons that could crack male cups at close distance! Tat-tat-tat-tat, the sound of automative weapons echoed through the castle. Hit boys rolled on the ground, their hands pressed against their crotches in the vain attempt to heal the deadly wounds! Too late: Their steel cups already filled with their blood, piss and last milk!

The few survivors decided to surrender. Female voices shouted orders through the night, and the captivates fulfilled them as quickly as possible: Weapons were thrown away; jeans, briefs and cup-jockstrap-combinations were stripped off. Each man was “allowed” to hand over his personal uniform to a female tormentor. His stained briefs or jockstrap had to be on top of the pile and turned inside out, so that the Amazon could immediately check the “combat-traces”. The male smell emitted by these briefs was a living proof how easily men could be overwhelmed by females just by exploiting their virility.

The metal cups had to be handed over personally. Many Amazons didn't have groin-guards by now and immediately put the precious prey into their panties to shelter the female shrine. Often those cups were still warm from the former owners. The men looked in horror how the female crotches bulged now with cups that only minutes ago housed their own prominent packages. Since the Amazon leaders had decided to breed new warriors, approximately 25% of the females shall be “fertilized” to become pregnant. Not to give any man the pleasure of penetrating a girl, the men had to lay down naked to be milked. The dominating girls stood above them often with spread legs, so that the men looked at the female crotches that were hardened by captured male cups. This image of women in total control quickly did its job and the men pumped their slimy loads into the glasses held underneath their cocks.

The attack was really worthwhile for the Amazons: Nearly 250 Hominians were killed, another 70 had been captured, while the girls had only lost 45 warriors. A significant amount of weapons, munition, uniforms and male groin-armours was captured. Especially in the houses and arsenals not destroyed by the explosion, the Amazons found what they looked for.

The captured men were lead away: Naked and without any dignity left they marched in a colom warded by Amazons. It was humiliating to see these women equipped with weapons and groin-guards that only hours ago sheltered and housed proud male packages! But the worst humiliation and pain was still to come: All the men shall be impaled on the country-road to frighten new arriving Hominians: Each man had to go done in a “doggy position” so that his asshole was exposed and easily accessible. The man was held now by 2 girls, and another girl thrust the pointed stake into the expecting male cunt! Two different forms of impalement were applied:

  1. A spiky pale was driven into the rectum of the victim and quickly slashed the inner organs. A cruel but fast way to kill a man.

  2. A rounded pale and the rectum were well lubricated. Afterwards, the pale was gently introduced into the man's “pussy-entrance”. Now the pale with the victim was erected so that it slipped more and more into the victim due to his body-weight. Inner organs were not slashed but slowly squeezed and squashed. It took hours of unspeakable pain till the mistreated man died.

The subdued men howled in pain as blood shot from their ass-pussies! Then, the stakes were erected and the body-weight dragged the males down, destroying all inner organs! Many Amazons got wet between the legs seeing their feared and hated opponents die! The last blood-gurgled cries of the dying men were hardly to hear!

After this successful attack, the Amazons joined with fresh and auxiliary troops to attack the next fortress or town. In Swanson Castle, they had also captured some trucks and other vehicles that they used now to move on. But it was a bad surprise for them that not only Amazons, but also Hominians used guerrilla tactics: The Amazon convoy drove on a country-road when all of sudden mines exploded and their trucks were whirled up into the air. The sound of braking steel and glass mixed with the cries of wounded and dying women. The few Amazons that had survived without serious injury tried to get an overview over the situation. They walked between the wrecks, but before they understood what had happened, they were under Hominian fire from all sides! Ovaries, pussies and assholes were busted by cup-breaking bullets. It was no help that many girls wore captured male cups, since those were worn over the Venus Mound and were too small to shelter the whole femininity. And even if the bullet had contact with a cup: At this short distance, the Hominian automatic guns cracked nearly every cup!

The massacre was quickly over: Nearly 200 Amazons lay dead on the ground, no survivors! Howling victory, the Hominians came out their shelters and lines along the road to take what they needed. The commands of Hominian officers echoed through the valley: “Drag these killed slatterns over here! Strip them! Collect all weapons and uniforms! Check, whether we can still use some of the wrecked vehicles! Throw the naked bitches into the trench!”

All girls were undressed. Most Amazon weapons and uniforms were still intact since the women had been killed by braking bones and necks during the bomb blast. The piles of captured jeans, groin-guards and underwear (mainly G-strings, but also male briefs) grew bigger. The groin-guards were mainly of Hominian origin, only few Amazons had female-designed pussy-guards. The strong, alluring, female smell from underwear and naked pussies made the men horny. Even the girls with slashed uniforms that had died under gunfire were disrobed. The holes and bloody stains from ruptured cunts shall be later repaired by female slaves to show them how easily male superiority triumphed over the Amazons! The typical crotch-tight cut of the Amazon jeans and the captured, bloody female strings and thongs would easily prove that Amazons and not men died in it! (Thongs are similar to G-strings, the main difference being that thongs have more material between the legs and back so that they are more suitable for the victorious men, whereas a G-string has less material, usually an actual "string" of material.)

Quickly the trench along the road was filled with dead female bodies. The victorious, proud men urinated and ejaculated on the scattered bodies of their victims. The Hominian officers decided to impale the remaining naked women and to put hem up like scarecrows along the road. As they had impaled captured men only hours ago, now the girls ended up with a wooden stake rammed between the legs and coming out at the mouth. Their abused bodies would show to every woman what it means to challenge the male dominance!!!