The Teenage Girl Gang - Part 6 Brian gets on the wrong side of his new boss while the girls want money By Junkie - It was 10am on a swelteringly hot Saturday morning. Brian sat at his desk, leering out of the window to see if there were any potential buyers browsing the lot of cars on sale outside. He was also keeping an eye out for when *she* arrived. Taking his glasses off momentarily, the 40-year-old used car salesman rubbed his tired eyes. It was then that he heard a familiar sound, a sound he had been expecting and a sound he had grown to hate hearing every morning for the past week. It was the sound of his stand-in boss, Becky, making her way towards his office with her high-heeled pumps click-clacking on the hard concrete outside. "Good morning!" Brian spoke, forcing himself to greet her pleasantly as the aurburn haired young woman opened the door to his office. Without reply and carrying several folders of paperwork in hand, she simply strutted the short distance over to where he sat before tossing the paperwork down onto his desk. "I want that done by lunch." She announced sternly. She wore a smart business suit consisting of a short, black mini-skirt, and a white blouse underneath a black jacket, matching her skirt. Her long shapely legs were encased in dark nylon stockings. Standing a dominant 6-feet tall in her bare feet, she looked even more imposing in her high heels, which also made her impressive calf muscles stand out as she strutted around. Adjusting his glasses, Brian began to finger-through some of the paperwork. "Looks like this will keep me busy all day!" Brian chuckled, looking up at her slightly bewildered. She starred back at him stone-faced with her icy-cold emerald green eyes. "I said I want it done by lunch... And I want at least three cars sold today." "But I've only sold five all week! I haven't sold three in one day for years! This place just doesn't do that kind of business Becky, I've been working here for nearly twenty years - ask your father. I know he left you in charge while he went on vacation, but you can't make these kind of demands, there's no way I can get all this paperwork done and be on hand to sell three cars today - there's just no way!" Brian passionately stated... He was in fact just scratching the surface of words he had been holding back since meeting this jumped up bitch. Becky simply rolled her eyes as he finished his rant before beginning her own. "Listen..." She began, placing both hands on the surface of his desk as she leaned down towards him, getting in his face. "The reason you've only sold five this week is because you're a slacker. You're going to start pulling your weight around here from now on. If you've been working here for twenty years, then that's twenty years you've been losing my family money. You might think you can get away with it while my Dad is here - Chip, oh he's a soft old man - you take advantage of his kind nature, but it's not happening with me, got it? "But Becky..." Brian began to retort, eager to re-iterate his point that appeared to have been missed. "I said, have you GOT IT!?" She interrupted, raising her voice. "Yes..." Brian conceded, allowing for her patronising power trip before continuing. "But Becky, you have to understand that this is a small dealership, one person can't be expected to sell that many cars in a single day." "Don't give me that crap, Brian." Becky shot back with a shake of her head and an arrogant smirk on her attractive face. "Last week my Dad still wasn't sure whether to leave me in charge. I know you three little weasels were whispering in his ear, talking shit - 'oh she's only just out of high-school, you can't leave her in charge'. So I said, why not see who can sell the most cars and whoever it is, can run the place while he's away. I did you favor and gave you a chance - but what happened? I sold more cars than all of you put together! How many did you sell? 5, was it? And Shaun was the same while Elliot only sold three. Pathetic. I sold sixteen cars and on Friday alone I sold five, so don't give me that crap about not being able to sell more than three. You're either too lazy, Brian, or just plain not good enough!!" She finished, allowing herself another arrogant smirk as she knew her parting comment would cut deeply. Brian dejectedly sat back in his chair. It was true, the eighteen-year-old had out performed the regular team of salesmen that had worked there for years. But they couldn't batter their pretty eyes or sweeten the deal with a sexy show of legs while taking a customer out for a test drive. "Look, I can only do my best, Becky!" Brian conceded. "Nevermind your best." She dismissed his plea for sympathy. "As far as I'm concerned you have a long way to go before you're up to the required standard. You're replaceable, don't forget that." Brian shrugged his shoulders. He had now heard about as much as he was willing to take. "Now stop wasting time, get this paperwork done and shift those cars, got it?" Becky once again flexed her muscles of authority over the older man. Brian merely nodded as he began to get more irritated and hot under the collar. "I SAID HAVE YOU GOT THAT!?!?" She yelled in a booming voice that would've been heard across the street. "Yes..." Brian finally replied with a level of irritation in his voice. "Good." Becky stated, satisfied that she had got the better of him, that she had put him in his place and shown him who was boss. "Oh and Brian..." She turned as she made her way to the door. "Bring me a cup of coffee up to my office in about a half hour. Cream, no sugar, okay." Brian breathed a heavy sigh, having to restrain himself further from showing the extent of his anger as Becky finally left the room. 'I swear, if she had pushed me any further, I would've jumped up and smacked the taste out of that bitch's mouth!' Brian thought to himself as he shook his head in a vain attempt to erase the bad mood she had put him in. He then dropped his head onto one hand and began filling in the paperwork in front of him. No sooner had he started that however, did he feel a cool breeze wash over him. As pleasant as it was for the breeze to give some relief from the oppressively hot, stuffy office he was sitting in, it began to irritate him as it swept up pieces of paper from his desk, blowing them onto the floor or into his face. 'Damn bitch must have left the door open' He thought to himself as he looked up from his work. Standing in the doorway was a figure that he did not expect to see. It was his fifteen year old step-daughter, Becki. If Becky was the bane of his life at work, Becki was the bane of his life at home. Always demanding money, buy this, buy that, teachers from school constantly phoning about her falling grades and absenteeism. And to think she used to be a straight-A student and such a sweet girl, before falling in with this group of girls she now hangs around with. Becki waltzed into her stepdad's office, followed by her friends, Sarah, Tasha and Lisa. They were all dressed in cool summer-wear, showing plenty of skin. Becki wore a slinky white halter top, light pink cotton shorts and flip-flops on her feet. The cute blonde's toe-nails were painted a shimmering gold. Sarah wore a light pink, sleeveless blouse that was tied, not buttoned, over a sports-bra, a denim mini-skirt with high heeled sandals that had a pink strap around the top. Her toenails were painted black, as were her fingernails. Lisa wore a blue camo mini-skirt and a black sports-top, with white sneakers. Tasha wore a pair of blue denim short shorts, white sneakers and a tight white sleeveless T with a bright pink lipstick-print logo in the middle. The girls all surrounded Brian's desk, the scent of cheap perfume filling his senses as they stood, hands on hips with one leg slightly bent, power-posing in front of him. "Becki!" Brian eventually said, surprised to see his step-daughter. "Shouldn't you be in school?" "Brian! It's Saturday!" She shot back. "Dumb ass!" He overheard Tasha giggle to Sarah. He shot her a scowl, which she immediately returned. "Well, what do you want, I'm really busy here, Becki." He spoke as his stress levels built. "I need you to give me eighty bucks." Becki demanded. "What!? What for? No, nevermind what for. No. I can't give you eighty bucks." Becki sighed before re-planting her hands on her hips. "We want to go to the music festival, Mom said you'd give us the money, so give it to me." She ordered, a mean scowl now on her face as she opened the palm of her hand in front of her and demanded that he give her the money. Brian just shook his head. "Nope, I'm sorry girls - A. I don't have it and B. You've already had enough money out of me this month." "Oh please Brian!" Becki whined, pouting and stamping her feet. The cute blonde had Brian wrapped around her little finger. Not that he ever had any perverse feelings for her, but Brian was just too generous and soft-hearted for his own good. All she had to do was turn on a little bit of charm and it worked every time. "How much do you want again?" Brian sighed. "Eighty dollars. It's fifteen to get in, but we need money for drinks, it's like 200 degrees outside" "Well, I don't think I've got that much" Brian softly spoke as he reached around and brought out his wallet. "HEY!!" He then yelled as Sarah snatched it out of his possession. He went to get up but Tasha slammed her size 9 sneaker into his chest, forcing him to stay sitting and pinning him up against the wall. "There's only like... fifty bucks in here!" Sarah angrily spat as she pulled out all of the money, searching each compartment before discarding Brian's depleted wallet onto the floor. "More! You must have more around here somewhere!" Tasha interrogated, still with her foot pressing hard against his chest. He tried to push her aside, but had no leverage from the position he was in. "Check his jacket." Becki called out. Lisa followed the suggestion as she searched each pocket of his jacket, which hung by the door. She pulled out a couple of pens, a half-eaten candy bar and some small change. She threw the pens and candy onto the floor and passed the cash to Sarah. "That's not nearly enough. We're still over 25 dollars short of what we need." Sarah announced as she counted the change. "Don't you have a cash box around here anywhere?" Lisa inquired. "NO!" Brian spat in between clenched teeth, Tasha's foot still baring down on him. "What about a credit card? We could get some cash from an ATM." Sarah cooed. "NO!" Brian repeated. This is robbery! How can I be letting this happen, he thought to himself. "Come on, let's get out of here." Becki then announced as the girls ran out of ideas. Brian took a deep breath as Tasha finally removed her foot from his chest. "Fucking cheap ass!" Sarah scowled as she turned away with the rest of the girls, ready to leave. With that, Brian snapped. He wasn't going to allow bunch of fifteen year old girls talk to him like that and take his money. With the morning he'd had, enough was enough! He jumped to his feet and went for Sarah, who still held over fifty dollars of his money, but Tasha intercepted his path as a tussle broke out. Brian tried to push her out of the way, but her athletic 5'10" frame was too strong for his 5'8", slightly flabby, out of shape form. Tasha cut him off with a hard punch to the stomach, before locking him in a reverse headlock. "KICK HIS ASS TASHA!!!" Sarah boisterously yelled as Tasha cranked up the pressure of her headlock while Brian fought desperately to escape, much to the amusement of the girls who all began to cheer Tasha on, especially Becki, who was eager and excited to see a girl her age beat up her step father. "Is there a problem here?" An authoritative female voice suddenly sounded. All of the girls froze and turned around in surprise while Brian wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He ceased his struggles against Tasha, who released him from her headlock. Brian slumped down into his chair once more, not without aid from Tasha, who helped him back down with a shove before placing her hands back on her hips once more. Brian caught his breath as the room remained awkwardly silent. Becky, his boss, who had just entered the room, began to saunter over to his desk. Each of her slow, deliberate steps making the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. He looked up to see her attractive, yet stone-cold, deadly serious eyes starring back at him. She did not look happy! "Brian, 30 minutes ago I asked you to do this paperwork" She leaned forward, tapping her long slender index finger and pedicured nail on his desk. "But look, you've hardly even started it..." She stood back to her full height, assuming the same power-pose as the rest of the girls with her hands on her hips. "30 MINUTES AGO" She continued, raising her voice menacingly once more, displaying her dominance. "I asked you to bring me a cup of coffee. Yet I come in here now and see that you've done NO WORK and you're fooling around and fighting with a bunch of girls. This is exactly the kind of laziness and bad attitude that I won't tolerate. You seriously need to buck up your ideas Brian, otherwise it won't be long before you're out of a job." She finished. Brian swallowed hard as the thought of losing his job struck a cord of fear into him. Becki loved how her step dad was being spoken down to by his young female superior in front of the four younger girls, a fact that only served to heighten Brian's embarrassment and shame. "Okay, girls, everybody out." Becky then commanded, clapping her hands, as the girls all shuffled outside. Brian could still hear their voices talking outside... "My stepdad... Unfortunately." He heard Becki say. He also noted how much more chipper and friendly Becky's voice had become. "My name's Becky too!" She chirped. Brian continued to listen in on their conversation. "If any of you girls need a Saturday job when you're sixteen, washing cars and stuff, just stop by and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. My little sister, Lexi, is starting next week. Hell, I need all the help I can get with the three stooges I've got working here!" All of the girls broke out giggling before they all thanked Becky for the offer. "Hey, couldn't spare us twenty bucks, could you?" He heard Sarah ask. "We really wanna go to the music festival at the Orange arena this afternoon." "Oh no I'm sorry." Becky replied. "Oh, okay, thanks anyway." The girls cooed. Why the hell couldn't Becki and the rest of those little bitches have that kind of respect for him? Brian wondered. "Bye Bye." "Bye... Nice meeting you!" "Byyyeeee" He heard them all chirping back and forth. As the girls left, Becky turned and re-entered Brian's office, slamming the door violently once back inside. "Right!" She announced. It wasn't her style to be through berating him yet. Not by a long shot. "...But we've only got 53 dollars and a few cents!" Lisa whined as the girls walked off down the street. We need money for a bus ride, money to get into the arena and money for food and drink. We don't have nearly enough." "Let's just keep asking people, surely some loser will give us money." Tasha suggested. "DO. SOME. FUCKING. WORK!!!" The girls all looked at eachother before bursting out in giggles as they could still hear Becky yelling at Brian. "No... I've got a better idea." Sarah announced. "Instead of wasting time asking a bunch of losers for money, let's just take it!" "What do you mean?" Becki asked... "You mean rob someone?" "Yeeeeaaahh!!!" Lisa and Tasha both beamed. "Uh huh" Sarah sounded. "What does the average guy carry around with him, 40, 50, 60 bucks? ...Maybe a lot more if we get lucky" She finished raising her eyebrows with a wicked grin. "Hmm. I don't think this is a good idea. We could get into trouble with the police." Becki hesitated. "Oh come on Becki!" The other three girls whined in unison. "If you got robbed, wouldn't you go to the police and report it though?" Becki asked in a serious tone, still apposing the idea. "I would like to see someone try to rob me!" Tasha cooed with cockiness. "No but seriously..." Becki pressed on. "Yeah, I guess I would go to the cops" Lisa then chimed in. "There's no way I'd let anyone get away with that, but that's why we should mug a guy and not a girl. A guy would be too embarrassed to tell anyone that he got robbed by girls and would just want to forget it ever happened." "Absolutely!" Sarah agreed enthusiastically. "Come on Becki, we'll need you to be our look-out, you don't have to do anything else!" "Oh all right, I guess." Becki finally conceded. "But that's all I'm doing!" She declared. "Yaaay!!!" Sarah cheered, skipping ahead of the rest of the girls, unable to contain her excitement for what they were planning. Sarah just loved to be bad. The girls decided that they would hang around at the mall until they spotted a suitable victim. Their target would be a male, that was alone and visibly carrying an ample amount of cash. They wandered around the mall, looking out for guys going into stores, getting their wallets out and displaying cash on their person. Before making a move on anyone, the girls decided to have a drink in a diner. "What about him." Lisa suggested, nodding at a guy wearing shirt and tie. He appeared to be buying a take away meal for one. As he produced a wallet that appeared fat with dollar bills, the girls eyes lit up. "Let's follow him!" Sarah beamed as the girls all leaped up, following the smartly dressed man as he left the diner. The man walked briskly towards the mall exit and out into the parking lot. The girls all scurried after him, keeping 15-to-20 feet back. No sooner was the man outside however, was he opening and hopping into a plush BMW. "FUCK!" Exclaimed Sarah, stomping her foot as their intended victim zoomed away. After a couple more failed attempts at searching for and pursuing a potential victim, the girls began to get frustrated. "Look, this is no good." Becki said as the girls found themselves back out in the parking lot again. "We're going to have to plan this better. First we need to find a place where we, or should I say you, are going to mug this guy. It has to be secluded and where no one can see what's happening. Then we need to find a guy and THEN we need to lure him there." "Okay..." Lisa began, "How about... Hmmm." She deliberated while looking around. "Around back of there?" She finally pointed to a nearby brick wall that ran alongside the parking lot as a potential place. There was an opening at the far end of the wall and checking it out, the girls all agreed it would be an ideal place. All that was around there was a couple of parked fork lift trucks, a stack of wooden pallets and a bunch of garbage cans. "Okay, now we need to find a guy and lure him out here." Becki instructed. "...And just how are we meant to 'lure' him, Becki? Lay down a trail of football game tickets and cans of Budweiser?" Lisa joked. "No silly, I mean one of us will have to go talk to him, say our car has a flat tire or something... Guys love to think they're good at that kinda thing." "Oh I love it, I love it!" Sarah screeched, jumping up and down and flapping her hands in excitement. "It would probably look better if just *one* of us went and found a guy, while the rest of us waited out here." Becki then suggested. "Oh, oh, oh. Me! I'll do it!" Sarah quickly claimed responsibility. She was manic. "Hey baby..." She practised in a soft, demure and sexy voice. "Would do me a favor?" She continued, twirling a lock of her long, tousled, dirty-blonde hair and pouting her full red lips. Tasha and Lisa were both in fits of laughter as Sarah sashayed around continuing her little show before mincing off back into the mall to find a guy. Not wanting to waste any time, she walked into the first store she came to. An auto-parts store. Sarah rolled her tongue as she checked out a cute guy browsing the car-stereo section. Appearing to be in his early 20s, the guy carried the appearance of your typical college jock, around 6'2 with short shaved hair. Sarah would've otherwise been excited to ask him out, but just now, the thought of robbing him for his money excited her more. Suddenly however, her attention was diverted by a guy at the counter. He paid in cash for what appeared to be a can of spray paint. Producing his wallet, it appeared chock-full of money. A smirk crept across Sarah's face as she continued to focus on the guy, eyeing him from head to toe. He too, appeared to be in his early twenties with dark hair and pale white skin. Tall and gangly, he was quite dorky looking with a big nose. He stood around 6'4" and wore a pair of grey knee-length cargo shorts and a red basketball shirt. Sarah momentarily pondered which guy to go after before making up her mind that it would be the dorky-looking guy. After all, the jock would probably be more inclined to deny the advances of a young girl in her mid-teens, whereas the dork would be hapless to resist helping the beautiful little minx. Plus Sarah knew the dork had money... "Hi..." Sarah cooed, catching up to him as he left. The guy had to check twice to see that she was indeed, speaking to him. "Hey." He finally returned in a deep voice, stopping to look down at the shorter girl who stood 5'8 in her high heels. "What's your name?" Sarah inquired. "Neil." The tall guy replied. "What's yours?" "Robyn." She lied with an evil grin. Sarah spun him the little story Becki had suggested, about her car having a flat tire and needing assistance from a "big strong man" - like Neil. Sarah spoke flirtatiously and he, of course, didn't think twice about saying yes to the attractive young blonde, or that she might not even be old enough to own a car. He was just honored and felt privileged to have been asked and it wasn't long before she was leading him, by hand, out of the store. Sarah kept up a fast paced cat-walk in front of Neil with long, deliberate strides and her hips swaggering. Neil was forced to take awkward little steps in order to avoid catching Sarah's heels as she continued to lead him, her dainty hand slipping slightly and now just gripping his long index-finger as they walked. Neil noticed her black painted fingernails with each nail sharpened to a fine, menacing-looking pointed tip. He thought they looked unique and kind of sexy as he eyed the rest of her from behind - her short denim miniskirt showing off plenty of leg, her trim waist and long tousled wavy hair that danced as she walked. "Hey, what kind of car do you have?" Neil asked as they walked across the parking lot outside, approaching the opening in the wall. Sarah noticed that Becki had somehow found her way on top of the wall and sat looking down, with her legs dangling over the edge. She assumed Tasha and Lisa were behind the wall, waiting in the place they had arranged while Becki kept a look-out. "A Honda!" She chirped back at him in reply to his question. "Here - I'll show you." She then said, leading him through the small opening in the wall. Inside Neil saw no car, just the two brunette teenage girls, Tasha sitting in one of the parked fork-lift trucks while Lisa stood by. Sarah released his hand and walked back around, blocking his potential escape. "What's going on?" Neil then asked with a puzzled look as he eyed each of the girls before turning back to Sarah. Sarah slowly untied her blouse and removed it, leaving her in just her black-sports bra and miniskirt. She then stepped up close to him. "I said what's going on, Robyn?" Neil asked again. The other girls chuckled hearing the fake name Sarah had obviously fed him. "This!" Sarah suddenly said before jumping up and mashing her palms into his temples. "AARGH!!!" Neil yelled out as the blow dazed his senses, bending over and bringing his hands up either his of his head. In a flash, all three girls set upon him; kicking, punching, slapping, scratching. Sarah clawed her sharp nails across his face, drawing blood as each razor-sharp nail shredded his skin. Tasha reeled off a flurry of punches to his body and face, snapping his head back with a crisp, straight jab to the middle of his face, breaking his nose and causing it to pour with blood. Lisa bruised his legs and mid-section with a barrage of kicks to the shins and stomach, before kicking up high and punting him on the chin with the toe of her sneakers, rocking his senses and causing him to crash to the floor. In desperation, Neil quickly began rolling and diving to avoid the deadly face kicks each girl went for. Most kicks missing his face by mere fractions of an inch as each girl's sexy leg rocketed up as Neil retreated back, darting around before finally being able to scramble back to his feet. Neil nervously looked from side to side as the girls once again advanced on him, surrounding him. He knew now that he was in a fight and had to defend himself. Tasha once again stepped up to him and snapped off a high-kick that whistled in his ears as he barely avoided it. Neil gritted his teeth and jabbed an angry punch back at Tasha but also not finding anything but air. Like a large wildebeast being hunted by a pack of lionesses, he hoped that his resilience shown so far would cause them to abandon their attack... But Neil's show of offence only served to heighten the girl's aggression as they all rushed him again, not wanting their victim to get away after coming this far. Neil covered up as best he could in defence but there was no way of avoiding six hands and six feet all together. Lisa smashed a hard punch into Neil's kidney while Tasha caught him with a stiff karate chop to the neck. "Hiii-Ya!!!" She yelled, before slamming a hard knee into his thigh, following up with another and another, numbing his leg as he grimaced in pain. Sarah then stepped up and unleashed an unsuspecting low-kick that smashed into his testicles, his feet briefly being lifted off the ground, such was the force behind the kick. It left him poleaxed and overwhelmed with pain. A look of sheer glee enveloped Sarah's face as she observed the excruciating agony that washed over Neil's face. He stood momentarily, clutching his groin, bow-legged and unable to move, unable to make a sound and unable to even breath properly, the pain being so bad. Lisa wound up and blasted him in the face with a strong round-house punch, spinning his body around towards Tasha, who mirrored Lisa's punch, only the bigger, stronger brunette hitting much harder than her friend. Wearing a chunky gold sovereign ring on her middle finger, an audible 'smack' sounded out as Tasha's fist impacted his face, cracking his cheekbone and leaving a visibly defined "T" that was engraved into the ring she wore, imprinted onto his face. Now spinning into Sarah's path, she leaped up and delivered an impressive stagger kick, faking on one leg before powering the other up and into Neil's already sore and brutalized ball sack, this time impacting even harder than before. "Ding! Ding!" She playfully chirped, waving a finger in Neil's beaten, bloodied face as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slowly collapsed to the ground with a long, slow, agonizing groan. The three girls mercilessly descended onto him, kicking him as he lied semi-conscious in a fetal position. Kicks and stomps rained down on his whole body. "Let's get his wallet!" Lisa finally called as their victim was now visibly beaten beyond the point of resistance. "No..." Sarah replied however, putting her arm out and stopping her friend from bending down to search his pockets. "Not yet..." She continued, slowly crouching down beside Neil. "Just take it!!!" Neil whimpered in defeat. "Just take my wallet!" He cried, wanting only for the assault to end. ...But that wasn't yet what Sarah had in mind as she crouched down beside him. "Oh no..." Neil breathed in fear as he watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was un-buckling her high heeled shoe, slowly and methodically. Finally she threaded the pink strap through the buckle and slipped the shoe off her left foot, letting out a little giggle as she did so. "Come on Sarah!" Becki called down, growing impatient with Sarah's apparent time-wasting when the girls could've been finished and now making an escape, but Sarah was relishing in the moment. With her shoe in hand, she looked up at the girls with a devilish smirk, before looking down at Neil and hearing his plea for sympathy "Please don't..." He whimpered again. Sarah however simply blew him a kiss before raining down the hard heel of her shoe onto his face, again and again. "Argh!!" Neil spat as blood poured from the deep cuts each blow busted open. Tasha and Lisa cheered her on. "Give it to him Sarah!" ... "You go girl!" They both called. On and on Sarah viciously beat him with her shoe, working up a sweat in the mid-day sun as she relentlessly battered him. Leaving one hand to defend his crotch, Neil put the other across his face so that the heel wouldn't put out his eyes. The heavy shoe acted like a small hammer as his face and even his hand were soon awash in blood, streaming down and leaving a pool beside where he lay on the hard concrete. Finally Sarah relented her assault. She took a moment to drink in her victory over an older, larger, adult male. She wiped the blood from her heel using his basketball shirt before shuffling back to her feet and slipping her bare foot back into her shoe and re-fastening the buckle. "Now gimme your fucking money!" She snapped, using her foot to roll Neil's body over onto his front, exposing his back pockets. Sarah took out the fat wallet from his back pocket. She searched each compartment and pulled out all of the money before tossing the black leather wallet to the ground. The girls all gasped as they saw the huge wad of cash Sarah had retrieved. Lisa even came in and pulled the loose change from the front pockets of his cargo shorts, leaving him absolutely penniless. Picking up her blouse, Sarah tucked all of the money into her front pocket before re-tying it around her middle. Neil lie with spasms of pain shooting through his body from the ruthless assault he had suffered. Sarah rolled her eyes as she listened to his incoherent mumbles. "I think I should put this fucking loser out of his misery, whaddya think girls?" She grinned. "Yeah - you go for it girl." Lisa agreed. "Knock him the fuck out!" She encouraged. Sarah leaned down and harshly pulled up on Neil's hair, he was too badly beaten to be pulled back to his feet, but with some effort Sarah managed to pull him up into a sitting position, on his ass with his legs spread apart, but still instinctively covering his crotch. Without warning Sarah then blasted him with a short, sharp, soccer kick to the face. The brutal kick snapping his head back violently as his body immediately went limp and flopped down, out cold and motionless. Sarah, Tasha and Lisa gathered around and surrounded their victim's prostrate body triumphantly with their hands on their hips. To add insult to injury, Sarah once again scooped up Neil's wallet. It was empty apart from a few credit cards. The girls looked on as Sarah used both hands to bend the wallet into a tube shape before crouching down, pulling open Neil's mouth and stuffing his wallet as far into his mouth as it would go. "Thanks for your help - hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Sarah arrogantly said as she stood back up. All of the girls, even Becki, couldn't help but break out into giggles at the comical sight of the unconscious man with his own wallet involuntarily sticking out of his mouth, forming an "O" shape. "Sarah! You're so cruel!" Tasha commented in between giggles. Becki, suddenly turning around and noticing an elderly couple walking across the parking lot, getting a little too close for comfort, quickly made her way down from the wall. To get down, she climbed across and used the pile of wooden pallets that were stacked up high to climb down into the area where the rest of the girls were, still giggling away. "Come on, we gotta go, people are coming..." She quickly said, grabbing Sarah by the wrist and pulling her along after her. "Oh but I could really use a pee!" Sarah protested, still giggling, looking back at Neil's open mouth. "No!" Becki anxiously shot back as she lead Sarah quickly through the clearing in the wall and out into the parking lot as Lisa and Tasha nipped along after them. "Okay, well I'll just have to take it in your Dad's mouth, next time I see him!" Sarah replied. "Hmm, okay..." Becki giggled, preferring the sound of that idea. "And he's my step dad, not my real dad!" she stressed. "Whatever!" Sarah sighed, as the two girls bantered. They continued walking, each of the girls unable to wipe the smiles from their faces, basking in the ease at which they were able to lure, attack and rob an unsuspecting civilian of their hard earned money. "WOW... There's like, 280 dollars here!" Sarah beamed in delight as she finished counting the money. Added to the fifty dollars Becki's loser dad gave us, that's 330 dollars!" "...And some change!" Lisa cooed, jangling the loose change she had taken from both Brian and Neil." Sarah finally divided the money up between the four of them. "We should definitely do this more often!" She said with great enthusiasm. THE END of Part 6. Part 7 coming soon (seriously!) ...And if you enjoy my stories, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to write to me .