The Tara Trilogy, Part Two: The Mat Part two of a true story about an off-again, on-again couple who developed a serious wrestling rivalry during the course of their relationship.   Michael couldn't sleep, though he felt a heavy fatigue in both body and mind.   The right side of his body still ached where he had landed following Tara's wrist throw only a few hours earlier, and he knew it would feel even worse in the morning. He listened to the sound of Tara's shallow, gentle breathing as she slept peacefully next to him. Her wild raven-black hair spilled over her pillow, and one bone-white, smooth, long arm was visible above the covers. Michael stared at her arm and puzzled for what seemed like the millionth time how this slender appendage could have been part of an arsenal of equally unassuming body parts that combined to defeat, he thought, own up to it...humiliate him in a wrestling match.   He stared at the ceiling, sighed. He felt for his own right arm, clenched his fist and flexed, feeling his bicep with his left hand. No one would confuse him for a body builder, but his bicep was rock hard, solid, impressive even. An accomplished soccer player and all around athlete, he had always been proud of his body, perhaps even a little vain, but no more. He felt weak as a kitten now, and was thankful that at least he had been able to rise to the occassion when he and Tara made love following the match.   But really, he argued with himself--was that ever going to be a problem? Much as you'd hate to admit it...much as you tell yourself you'd do anything to avoid getting thrown repeatedly by a 110-pound girl, there is a part of you that is more than just turned on by that. A part of you that has only to think for a second of Tara in her black sports bra, locking a slim white leg around yours before thrusting you helplessly to the floor; the slightest ripple of a muscle presenting itself in her lanky arms as she ties her hair back in a ponytail; the smug hint of a smile as she stands above you, long, skinny legs planted firmly, watching and waiting for you to get up in a futile attempt to counter-attack, only to toss you back to the carpet like a pizza chef deftly whipping kneaded dough through the air.   Shut up! he told himself....just shut your damn brain. It wasn't that bad...she didn't dominate you that much. You did throw her twice yourself, once very hard, and really, you only lost because she out-lasted you. You expended too much energy too early and she was more strategic, letting you tire yourself before moving in. And weren't you hesitant? Didn't you pause, even if briefly, after you threw her, concerned you had been too rough? The floor, the surrounding furniture...this was no boxing ring, it was an apartment, a makeshift combat arena with encumbering obstacles everywhere. Surely this changed your approach. Surely, it kept you from fighting as hard as you could--certainly less aggressively than Tara, who showed no reserve whatsoever in her efforts to defeat you.   Michael rubbed his tired eyes and cursed himself for still caring about this so much, for not focusing instead on what Tara most certainly would come daybreak: what were they doing, sleeping with each other again? Are they a couple again, or is this just a friendship "with benefits"--with a battle of the sexes thrown in--something Michael knew without asking Tara would not want. He rolled over in frustration, and tried yet again to get some sleep.   Michael woke to the comforting smell and sizzling sound of frying bacon. Tara was standing at the stove in the kitchenette, cooking breakfast, dressed in a sleeveless white ribbed T-shirt, and the same black bikini bottom she had wrestled him in. Michael felt an immediate stirring in his groin as he watched her. She spoke to him without looking up from the frying pan.   "I thought you'd never get up. It's almost 11."   Michael lifted himself up on his left arm and felt a jolt of pain shoot up his side, making him draw in his breath in a sharp hiss. This made Tara look up. "Are you OK?"   "Fine", said Michael as he slowly rose from the bed and went to the mirror to examine his side. There was a deep bruise combined with a raspberry-carpet-burn, a mocking reminder, he thought, of the wrist throw that did the most damage and basically assured Tara a victory in their wrestling contest.   Tara watched him check out his bruise, and tried not to smile. "There's some aspirin in the medicine cabinet", she said. "And some eggs and bacon will make you feel better, too."   Michael mumbled a thanks and retrieved the aspirin.   They didn't speak during breakfast, though Michael was thankful for the food and did start to feel better. He offered to clean the dishes and when he was done, tried to address the twin elephants in the living room.   "So", he said. "So", Tara repeated. "I wish I knew what to say." "We can't do this anymore, Michael. And I know it's my fault, I'm the one who called you..." "But I came right over, didn't I? I couldn't wait to take you on again." "What? Jesus Christ, Michael, are you talking about wrestling?"   Michael realized he'd chosen the wrong elephant. Tara got up from the table and turned her back to him. "You are such an idiot", she said. "Wait, Tara, I'm sorry...I know you're talking about us, and where we're going...I'm just tired, I'm not thinking straight." "It sounds to me like you're thinking. It's just that all you care about is your stupid bruised ego." "Look, Tara, that's a little unfair. You did call me to come over, and you used a wrestling challenge to do it. You were as ready to wrestle as I was." "Yeah, OK, Michael, but what did you think--that we would wrestle and then you'd just go back home? You know why I really wanted you here, and the only reason I lured you with promises to kick your ass is because that's all you could talk about for like a month. You were challenging me to a match almost every day, and I hoped you would quit and just ask to be with me instead, and when you didn't, I grasped for this obsession you have with proving you can beat me, and shame on me for doing that, but I just wanted to have you here with me, OK? Now you know."   Michael finally felt a shame not related to having lost to a girl in a wrestling match. He saw in a flash how dense he'd been about Tara's feelings toward him, and he felt like a heel. He got up and walked over to Tara and put his hands on her shoulders, turning her gently toward him.   "Look, Tara, I'm sorry. I do want to be with you again, and I think we can make it work if we both try. I's hard for me to put into words, but you know how competitive I seriously I take our soccer games, and how i always try to win....and I know you're the same way...when you said you could take me at wrestling--and then proved it--it just drove me crazy. It's all I could think about, and it's still very hard for me to come to terms with."   "Why? What is the big deal?"   "Come on, Tara, please. Do I have to spell it out for you? I've got 4 inches of height on you and at least 50 or 60 pounds. And at the risk of sounding completely sexist--you're a girl. Guys don't lose wrestling matches to girls."   "Michael, I grew up with 3 brothers, and I beat the crap out of all of them on a regular basis. We fought all the time. We wrestled, we had boxing matches....that's how we settle differences in Irish families. Do you have any idea how many times I gave my brother Tommy a bloody nose and sent him crying to Mom? It didn't matter that I was a girl. I was expected to defend myself the same as them."   "That's different, Tara. You were just kids then. I'm a grown man, and you're a woman, and there's no way a grown woman should be able to beat a grown man in a wrestling contest. You think you could still take your brothers in a fight now that you're older?"   Tara shook her head, and chuckled a little. "Michael, if any of my brothers were stupid enough to pick a fight with me now, I have no doubt it would end with them on the floor, wishing they hadn't messed with me. And just for the record, the last time I beat up Tommy was when he was leaving for his junior year of college and tried to steal some of my CD collection to take with him. That fight ended with him face down on the floor while I held his arm twisted behind his back. He begged me to let him go before I would."   Now Michael shook his head. "Yeah, well, I'm guessing Tommy isn't particularly strong or athletic. I am."   "You are, Michael. I don't want you to think that I think otherwise. But facts are facts, and I still beat you, didn't I?"   "Yeah", said Michael, and he couldn't look Tara in the eye as he said it. "You did. But Tara, I have to be honest with you. I want another chance. This is important to me, maybe at a level you can't understand. And it's not why I want to be with you--it's just something I hope you can allow for me if we're together. It's part of how I see myself--being a good athlete, being strong. I also think it's something that attracts both of us to each other. I remember the first time I saw you play soccer, and outwork a guy for the ball--I have to tell you, it excited me like you wouldn't believe."   This made Tara smile. "So it's not a turn-off for you if I beat you at wrestling?" "Oh, god, Tara...just the opposite. But I still want to beat you. Very badly." "Well, that's good to know", she said. "Because you know me well enough by now to know that if I'm challenged at something, I give it my all. Every time. And the fact is, Michael, I enjoyed putting you in your place. You were so sure I couldn't beat you, and it felt great when I did." "So, you'll give me another shot?" "Yes, but Michael, it's going to be up to you to deal with the outcome. If you become so obsessed with trying to beat me that it becomes the most important thing in our relationship, i want no part of it. You have to be more attentive to me as a boyfriend than the last time we went out. I may be able to kick ass, but i'm also a girl who likes to be treated special, and feel like my boyfriend cares about me. And I know there are other girls out there who are prettier than me, and girls in the soccer league who flirt with you. Just don't take me for granted."   "I won't", said Michael, and he meant it. "And just to be clear--it's OK if I ask for a rematch some time?"   Tara smiled but didn't say anything. She leaned in to kiss him, and Michael felt her large, firm breasts press against his chest. He started to get hard and was even a little woozy when she slowly pulled out of her much so that he didn't  notice she had wrapped her leg around his. By the time he did she was already drawing it back and locking his arm, leaning into his shoulder, and tossing him to the floor. Michael stared up at her, and Tara winked at him.    "Sure. But maybe you should wait til you've had time to recover from the last whupping I gave you."   But Michael wasted little time seeking his revenge. The very next week he challenged Tara to a wrestling match after they came home from a dinner out on the town. Tara accepted and went into the bathroom to change. She came out in skin-tight black leotard leggings and a sleeveless white T-shirt. Michael felt a shiver of desire run through his body. "That's not fair", he said. "You look so hot in that, it's an unfair advantage."   "Deal with it, Michael. I'm a 110-pound girl taking on a  170-pound guy, remember? I should get SOME advantages, don't you think?"   Michael's desire was replaced with irritation at Tara tauntingly reminding him of his weight and gender advantage. Not only did she wrestle well physically, she clearly knew how to get inside Michael's head as well.   They agreed that the carpet was still too rough on their knees and skin for floor-wrestling, so the match would be decided by best of 7 throws. Whoever threw the other 4 times first would be the winner.   Michael fought well, and managed to throw Tara twice. But in the end, the match was decided much as the last one was, with Tara fending off Michael's attacks and counter-attacks long enough to tire him out, and when his movements became slower and more telegraphed, she moved in with lightning precision and took him down. Two were wrist throws in which Michael was literally corkscrewed to the floor in swift, sure motions. He succumbed once to a clean leg sweep, and the final blow was a slinging throw across Tara's hip that sent him rolling a good 3 feet, nearly knocking him into the far living room wall.   Over the course of the next couple of months, Michael challenged Tara repeatedly, growing more determined and frustrated in equal measure in his attempts to get a win. But to Michael's increasing irritation, he wasn't getting any closer to beating her, in fact, quite the opposite. Tara kept a running journal of their 'scores" in the best of 7 matches, and in the beginning there were a good number of "TARA 4, MICHAEL 2," even "TARA 4, MICHAEL 3" results, but as the weeks wore on the scores most often read "TARA 4, MICHAEL 1", until eventually a series of clean 4-0 sweeps by Tara started showing up.   It was in these matches that Tara expressed a kind of boredom with the proceedings, as if she didn't even need to try very hard to win. She would often check her hair in the mirror in between sending Michael to the floor and waiting for him to get up, and ask him questions during the times in the match when he was most out of breath, saying things like "Do you think i would look good in a mini-skirt?", right before executing a leg sweep or wrist throw.   For Michael, it was his "Dickens period"--the best of times, and the worst of times. The sex with Tara was amazing. He was more turned on than ever, seeing her slender naked figure, feeling her thin toned thighs, all the time realizing this seemingly gentle, harmless figure was capable of performing intimidating martial feats he was helpless to repel.   But his ego was almost completely deflated, and his resentment was growing. He started making excuses that he kept to himself for why he kept losing. Eventually, he convinced himself that if he could just get Tara on a wrestling mat, he would be more willing to throw her with full force, knowing she wouldn't get hurt hitting a hard floor. He also knew that he had a better chance against her if he could get her on the floor and use his weight against her. In throws, she used her quickness, judo-like leverage, and wiles to bring him down. On a mat, Michael told himself, she'd have no chance.   He told her, "i'm going to buy a wrestling mat. I want our next match to be on it." Tara was skeptical. "I knew this was too good to be true", she said. "You're not able to deal with losing to me, are you?" "I am", Michael said angrily, "But we haven't had a REAL wrestling match yet. You've never actually PINNED me, have you? This would be a true marker of who's really the better wrestler."   Tara just rolled her eyes, and said "If you're willing to lug a freaking wrestling mat all the way over here, knock yourself out."   A week later Michael did just that. He was full of adrenaline, and determined to make the most of this chance.   They still started standing, as with the best of 7 throws. This match would be determined by a pin or submission, however, and the number of throws would not matter.   Tara came at Michael harder than he thought she would, and ankle-tripped him to the mat. But she didn't follow him to it. After a brief struggle, she managed a leg sweep, but again stayed on her feet.   Michael got up and feigned as if he was taking a step back, then lunged forward. He caught Tara like a linebacker unimpeded to the quarterback and slammed her to the mat. She let out a gasp of air, and seemd to be winded. Michael thought for less than a microsecond whether she was OK, realizing this may be his only chance. He scrambled atop her, straddling her on either side, and putting the full force of his upper body weight on her as she struggled to get free. Catching her wrists was the hardest part. She kept flailing her arms side to side and twisting out of his grasp when he did grab them. She was also bucking under him like a bronco but Michael's weight was too much for her.   He finally got a strong hold of her wrists and began to force her arms down. With almost no muscle definition visible in her arms, it was hard to tell just how she held him off so long. Michael was grunting and pushing and sweating with every ounce of his strength to force her arms down, and when he finally had her arms pinned, a kind of mad triumph took hold in him.   He repeated "Yes! Yes!" out loud into Tara's face.   She looked up at him and said "Congratulations. You finally beat me. Now get off me."   But Michael wasn't about to let this moment pass just yet.   "I don't think so", he said. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to admit that I'm your physical superior, and THEN i'll let you up."   "You're joking", said Tara.   "I'm not", he replied, "And here's some extra incentive for you." Michael took Tara's wrists and forced them under his thighs as he moved up on her chest. Now he had her arms pinned underneath his legs and his hands were free.   "Say I'm your physical superior, Tara, or i'll slap that pretty little face of yours."   Tara got a dark look in her eye. "I'm warning you, Michael."   "You're in no position to do that", he said. "And lightly slapped her face with his right hand."   "Say it", he said, and slapped her other cheek with his left, a little harder.   Tara just stared at him. "Say it!", repeated Michael, and slapped her harder still.   Now Tara started bucking again, moving Michael slightly, but enough to throw off his attempts to slap her face, which started to miss. She was wriggling her arms as well, forcing Michael to concentrate on keeping his legs tight on her arms. He continued to yell "Say it!" and trying to slap her, until Tara pried one arm free and began to block his strikes. The bucking continued and just as Michael felt Tara might get him off her, he got up.   "Fine", he said. "Doesn't matter that you didn't say it. I proved I am your physical superior. I pinned you, Tara. You lose, I win."   Michael was breathing heavily as he spoke, knowing his bragging sounded hollow and forced.   Tara was now standing, giving him a hard look. "Two out of three, Michael", she said.   "What? No, we're done here."   "What's the matter, Michael? Don't you want to prove this wasn't just a fluke? Surely if all it took was a wrestling mat to change things around, that's all you need, right?"   Michael tried to gauge whether he could pull it off again. All he had to do was get on top of her again. He could do it.   Tara began re-tying her ponytail, looking directly into Michael's eyes. "All these weeks, michael, I've never refused ONE of your wrestling challenges. I'm making one now. I challenge you to a wrestling match, making this a best 2 out of 3. You won the first, now it's time for the second. Unless you want to pussy out."   That's what made Michael agree. "You want 2 out of 3, Tara? You got it."   They walked toward each other in the center of the mat. Michael decided to go with what worked for him before, leaping at Tara, trying to knock her down with a tackle. But like a matador toying with a charging bull, she sidestepped his attack and deftly guided his momentum along, tripping him as he went by and knocking him to the mat. Michael was grateful for the forgiving padding, knowing if he had landed on the floor it would have hurt a lot more. But as he got to his feet he started to wonder how he was going to get Tara into a ground contest, and he was concerned as well about his achilles heel in all these matches with her--his dwindling stamina. He had expended a lot of energy in the previous match, especially since he didn't expect another one.   He got back up and decided to go slowly, allow his energy to return before making a run at pinning her. But Tara wasn't about to let that happen. She was on him in a flash, striking him twice in the chest with quick, stiff straight-arm shots that knocked Michael backward. Before he could recover his footing, Tara grabbed Michael's left arm in both of hers and pinned it to his side. Then she twisted her hips and slung the trapped arm hard across her body, and Michael felt himself lifted off his feet, around Tara's hip, and onto the mat where he landed with a hard thud. He tried to sit up to get re-oriented, but he suddenly felt a pressure around his neck. Tara had him from behind, one forearm under his neck, her other arm braced against the back of his head. She had him in a half-nelson. She was sitting behind him on the mat and as he struggled to break her arm lock on his neck he watched as her legs came around either side of his body and clamped across his mid-section. Michael was having trouble breathing. He grunted and struggled as Tara tightened her grip. But Michael's hands were free and he was just able to get an arm up to loosen Tara's hold on his neck. He spun free and scrambled away from her, getting to his feet as fast as he could.   But as he rose to his feet he felt dizzy, and there were spots before his eyes due to the lack of air from Tara's hold. He could barely see what came next, rather he felt the familiar helplessness that came with one of Tara's legs locking the back of his knee, pulling back sharply, and the mat rushing up to his face as he was thrown yet again.   Tara was on him in an instant, grabbing the top of his right shoulder in both her hands and pushing on it to roll him over onto his back. Then she lifted herself ever so slightly in the air and brought her knees down hard on Michael's upper chest, knocking the wind from him. He could offer no resistance as she next grabbed his wrists and thrust his arms underneath her legs, clamped down hard on either side of his upper torso. All Tara's body weight was concentrated on Michaels' chest. She was sitting on top of him, his arms pinned solidly beneath her slim but wiry-strong legs. Michael's legs were free, but he found he had little energy to move them. He looked at Tara's face, only inches now from his. Tara spoke to him calmly, but with a sinister tone.   "I think you know what's going to happen now, Michael."   Michael's voice came out in a weak whisper "I won't say it", he said.   "Fine by me", said Tara, as she drew back one long, slim arm and brought her hand flying across Michael's face. The blow stung, and Michael winced.   "Say I'm your physical superior, Michael, and I'll let you up."   Michael tried to move his arms, but all he could do was wiggle his fingers as Tara had her legs firmly on top of his wrists. He tried to buck her off, but was too drained of energy. She answered his efforts with another slap across the face, harder this time, followed by another, then another.   Michael felt his eyes begin to water with the force of the blows. Tears began streaming out the sides of his eyes. "Say I'm your physical superior, Michael. It's the only way you're getting up." The slaps continued on either side of his face, each harder than the one before it.   Michael could not bear to utter those humiliating words, but he began to worry about damage to his face. What if he got a black eye from Tara's strikes, or a split lip? How would he explain it at work, or to his friends? This fear overcame his pride. "Stop", he pleaded, "Please...I'll say it."   Tara paused with her hand in mid-strike.   "Tara is..", he said, his voice barely above a whisper, which prompted another slap to the face. "Louder than that", she said.   Michael raised his voice. "Tara is my....physical superior", he said, his voice breaking with the pain and humiliation of the admission.   Tara got off him and Michael immediately felt his face with his now freed hands. He turned over slowly on the mat and saw his tears puddle onto the blue padding. Slowly, he limped over to the mirror and looked at his face. It was crimson from Tara's blows, and puffy around the eyes from his tears but otherwise there didn't seem to be any obvious scarring. He hung his head and started to walk towards the bathroom to clean himself up when he heard Tara say "Where do you think you're going? This match is best 2 out of 3, remember?"   Michael started to back away as Tara moved toward him. He put his hands up in a defensive gesture and was just able to say "no, no more" before Tara grabbed his left wrist in both her hands and jerked it towards her, twisting down then upwards, kicking out Michael's left leg at the same time.   He fell to the mat in a twisted heap, with Tara still clutching his wrist. "Don't worry", she said "I'll make this quick." Tara shoved her foot into the middle of Michael's back, forcing him face down onto the mat. She then started to twist the wrist in both her hands, pulling his arm upward toward her, and Michael felt a jolt of pain travel up his arm.   He yelled out for her to stop, and Tara said, "I'm only going to say this once, Michael: Don't you ever....EVER...slap or hit me again. Do you understand?"   "Yes...yes...please STOP!"   "Say you submit"   "I submit!"   "Say i'm you're physical superior."   "You're my physical superior!!!"   Tara released his wrist and it fell with a slap to the mat.   Michael shut his eyes and tried to block it all out. He tried to choke back the sobs welling in his throat, and was only moderately able to do so.   After he was able to get up, Tara made him fold up and put away the mat.   They spoke very little to each other the rest of the evening, and that night was the first time since they began wrestling each other that they did not make love afterward.