Shemale War Drums The shemale Apaches dismounted from their ponies in the trees near the Pawnee camp. They could just make out the tops of the tepees through the early morning mist. The well hung Apaches women were naked except for their war paint and buckskin breechclouts that held their magnificent cocks and heavy balls, charged with hot spunk intended for the asses of the young Pawnee braves. About 30 pawnees lived in the camp with their squaws. They were scouts for the soldiers in the fort. The Apache shemales planned to wipe out all the pawnees leaving the whites without scouts and easy to ambush. But before the massacre of the indian braves, there would be some savage ass fucking of the bucks before they were sent to the happy hunting ground with their throats cut. The Pawnee squaws were known to be fit and strong and they would be taken as slaves for wrestling and fucking sport by the Apache she-braves. There were only ten apaches against the thirty pawnees but they would cut there way quietly into the teepees and surprise the braves. Also the Apache girls knew the pawnee braves would be weakened after being vigorously fucked by their squaws in the early morning. The painted shemale bucks crawled through the long grass toward the camp on their hard bellies. Their stiff cocks now fully stiffened to 8 inches and more. The shemales listened as the pawnee squaws humped their braves and pumped their cocks while fisting them at the same time. When it was all over the women emerged from the teepee's their naked bodies dripping with sweat. They sprinted down to the river to swim and cool off. Now it was the turn of the shemales as they discarded their breach clouts and drew their knives. Each one picked a teepee and quietly cut a slit in the cloth to crawl through into the dark interior .