Pauline Part 3; Pauline crushes all by Pauline satisfies her crushing urge, but at what price? Pauline was puzzled at what the men who just left her house were up to. Who did they represent? Who was this mystery man, and what did he want with her? They had said something interesting before they left, that she would get to do what she likes to do best. And they left her a video. She was very curious to see what was on the video. She immediately went to her study and put the DVD in the player. There weren't any advertising, or lions roaring, or boys fishing from the moon, just a black and white sign that stayed on the screen for about five seconds that said something about some lady vs. a man, names she didn't recognize. Then the next scene there was a large ring with two figures standing in it. When the camera panned in to the female, her breath caught. The woman looked like she had been carved out of living stone. Her body rivaled her own in mass and muscularity. She might have even been bigger, but it wasn't clear yet how strong she was. She paraded around the ring exaggerating her steps as she went so the big quadriceps muscles of her huge thighs would thunder with each step. She flexed those thighs, and then brought them to a shuddering step with each heavy step. She held her massive arms up and did a double biceps flex. She held this pose for a while, her arms rippling with pure power. She turned her back, and repeated the flex, huge muscles in her shoulders and back making shadows with the light in the room. She had on a tiny thong bikini, her large, muscular chest fairly bursting out of the material. Her opponent, a man - and fairly large one at that - was a bit ruffled by her incredible body, he was seeing it for the first time. He had never seen this much muscle on a woman. But being a man, and not accustomed to any role reversals, he just reasoned that "she was just a woman" after all. A big mistake that many men make. He was getting impatient with all this prancing around and head games. He was ready to get down to business. He shook the nervousness out of his arms, keeping loose, dancing on his toes like a horse about to shoot out of the starting gate. The woman, her name was Kate, was all smiles like she was on a Sunday picnic. This angered her opponent - Crusher. He was going to wipe that smile right off her face at the first chance he got. Finally she quit prancing around, quick introductions were made by the announcer, and the fighters went to their corners to start round 1. This was a submission only match, but death was optional. The bell. Kate pranced out of her corner, smiling and bouncing up and down like a teenage cheer leader. Angered, Crusher ran out of his corner like a charging bull. He had his arms up to grab her and crush her, when she suddenly disappeared. She had leaped clear over the charging man, and was standing behind him. He turned around in amazement, and was met by a blinding flash of pain to the side of his head, and then to the other side as she flashed out with one foot as fast as anyone could throw two fists. She was still smiling. Now he was really angry, but a little wiser, at least we can hope. He circled, slowly this time, and put his hands up as if to engage her in a test of strength. She almost doubled over laughing. "Hey big guy, do you think I'm stupid. You must out weigh me by 75 pounds, and you want me to have a test of strength with you?" Crusher just stood there, he hadn't expected this. But he couldn't argue with her logic. "Well, okay!" she finally said, almost like a dumb blond, "just to humor you I'll play your silly games. But try not to hurt me too much." Crusher just grinned, he couldn't believe she was going for this. He clasped her hands firmly in his, above their heads. He was startled by her strong grip, but then she did have pretty good muscles. He started to push. "Well big guy, let me know when we're supposed to start." He noticed the rippling of her arms as she resisted. He thought there was some trick, that she had a brace or something, because he was pushing fairly hard. The only noticeable resistance was a hardening and swelling of her large arms. He grit his teeth and decided to end this quickly. He put everything he had into it, intending to knock her to her knees and quickly crush her. His hands moved hers down about an inch, then stopped suddenly as if they had hit something solid. He looked at her, then behind her, looking for a chair, a table or something that her elbows could be propped against. Then he caught his breath. Both of her arms were bulging with rippling, rock-hard muscle. But she wasn't breathing hard. The smile was gone, but there was something else there that bothered him even worse, a confident smirk. He pushed for all he was worth, sweat pouring off his forehead, but he made no headway. He wore himself down like that for another minute before he heard her speak. "Okay mister, I thought you were going to tell me to start, so I'm starting without you." At that her arms burst outward with even more muscle and he immediately felt pain all the way up and down his arms and especially in his wrists as she bent his wrists back painfully. He instantly hit his knees, and was hurting tremendously. She continued to push him down, steadily increasing the pressure until he thought the bones in his hand would break. "Pleeese" he squeaked. "You're hurting me, you're crushing my hands!" "Oh, I'm sorry, why didn't you say something earlier, I thought you were going to push. I didn't realize ... " she said with a big grin. She let him go, and he staggered to his feet. She was prancing around again, flexing her huge muscles for the crowd. She had her back to him, and he began to charge her. She didn't need any special powers to know this, he was as quiet as a bull in a china shop. When she knew he was just a step or two behind her, she bent over deeply at the waist as though taking a bow, and upended him right over her. He almost flew over the ropes as she bolted upright as he flew over her, and bounced him off her muscular back. She ran over to him as he hit the ropes and sprawled on the floor. "Here mister, let me help you up." She grabbed him from behind and lifted him effortlessly to his feet. In fact his feet left the ground entirely, and then his face turned red, and his mouth opened but no sound came out except a quiet "whoosh" as all the air left him. You didn't even need to be in the front row seats to see Kate's arms expand, thicken, tighten, ripple, and swell once more into steel cables of pure, man-crushing power. "Hey mister! Mister! Are you alright, talk to me, I can't hear you!" she said mockingly as she swung him back and forth, pretending to be shaking him alert, when she was in fact crushing him harder and harder. His face turned several shades of colors, and he was spitting, gagging, and making all kinds of strange noises. "Oh, maybe he's choking on something. I better do the Heimlich maneuver on him. They say you have to pull once, very hard to make sure whatever he's choking on comes up the first time. Okay, you ready mister?" He was barely conscious, and tried to shake his head no, but his head only wagged back and forth as she shook him. She relaxed slightly, allowing him a shallow breath and then ... . "Here goes" she warned him. She leaned back, and with a small grunt powered her arms to nearly full power all at once. His back bent in pain, her arms looked like steel, swelling to nearly 18 inches, hardening, thickening, hardening again, the veins nearly showing the blood pumping as she set herself. Her hands grasped further up her arms as she increased the pressure. Barely breaking a sweat, she looked around quizzically. "Hmmm, I didn't see him cough anything up, I guess I'm not squeezing hard enough." The audience just moaned with glee as they knew what was next. This time, without relaxing, she ratcheted it up another couple notches. The audience gasped as they saw her arms of steel expand like never before. Her face was set, her teeth gritted, a low moan of pure power coming from her lips. "I'm trying to help you mister" she hissed through closed teeth. Crusher was gone, his head lolled around on his neck, spittle and a little blood came from the corner of his mouth, her massive arms cut inches deep into his formerly hard body, and his back bent dangerously. Suddenly, the audience heard, "Cruuunch, craack ... .snap", as Kate powered her hold for a few more seconds. Crushers body jerked in silent pain, his nerves reacting even unconscious, trying to relieve the terrible pressure. Finally, after several more seconds, Kate finally let his unconscious body drop to the mat. She looked down at him, then out to the audience, she shrugged her huge shoulders like she didn't know what to do. The audience laughed, and began a chant, slowly, but it quickly picked up steam. "Crush him ... crush him, crush him, ... ... .and so it went. Kate smiled, flexed her entire body, and quickly sat down next to Crusher, who had barely regained consciousness. He moaned weakly, barely breathing, as she pulled his large body up between her thickly muscled thighs. This is what the audience came for, her powerful, crushing body scissors. It's her trade mark, although she's quite capable of finishing off her opponents with her strong arms alone. She looked up, "What do you want me to do?" "CRUSH HIM!" the audience shouted all at once. And so she did. She squeezed only slightly at first, her large thighs swelling with power, a groan escaping his lips. She looked out at the audience. "HARDER!" they all said at once. She nodded her head knowingly, and the audience could see her thighs harden further, into twin slabs of granite hard, thick, rippling muscle. They must have been nearly 30 inches around by now, but it was hard to tell because of the body smashed between them. Crusher could not moan now, but he waved his arms and legs around slowly, trying to ease the pain in his damaged chest. "There, that should just about do it don't you think?" she asked the audience. "NO - HARDER!" they shouted again, getting into their roles now. "Well, okay" she said. "But this could hurt him badly, and I won't be responsible. With that she turned back to the task at hand. She set her face, readjusted her granite thighs, leaned back on her elbows and began to squeeze in earnest. Her thighs bulged hugely, the man in them thrashed around at first, beating on her massive thighs which just made a dull thud, and was rewarded with further swelling of her massive, muscle laden, steel legs. The striations were deep, the veins bulging, the skin nearly transparent as her legs began to squeeze out whatever life was left in him. The audiences shouting died down now, in expectation. The only sounds in the whole auditorium now was the low grunting of Kate's exertions, and the flapping of Crusher's arms and legs, which had now stilled. Kate leaned back, thrust her massive chest up in the air, and with an Amazonian grunt poured on a full power squeeze against his chest. Her thighs exploded with muscles as if they would burst through her skin. The audience groaned collectively as they heard the snapping and cracking of his over matched chest. More quickly now, "Craaack, snaaap, crunch, craack, craack, ... .snap, pop ... " and quieter and quieter as she crushed every bone in his chest. Blood was pouring freely from his mouth and nose now, his tongue protruding from his mouth, his body flat between Kate's still squeezing, hardened thighs. Kate's breath was coming in shallow gasps herself now, and then her breath caught, the whole audience moaned with her as her legs exploded even further one more time as a massive orgasm flowed through her. Her legs rippling, jerking the corpse between them, smashing him flatter than anyone thought possible. She groaned out her orgasm along with not a few in the audience as well, many did not even have to touch themselves. Kate finally came down to earth, picked up the body effortlessly, powered him over head, then put him down on her massive back, and with one quick flex snapped his back. A few more moans came from the audience. She then threw his corpse over the ropes, and the audience came out of their seats. ... meanwhile ... Pauline had been watching this entire tape, she barely breathed the entire time, she realized she had her hand in her own crotch, and was sopping wet. She leaned back, played over a few images in her mind, and with a muscle exploding, mind blowing ecstasy, exploded into a huge orgasm. She knew she had found her calling. She could hardly wait until they contacted her again ... End of Part 3.