Pauline Part 2; Pauline crushes all by Pauline goes from crushing a judge to a crushing vigilante Pauline woke up with a splitting headache. She moaned with pain, and tried to get up but the room started spinning. She immediately felt gentle hands come to try and steady her, "Whoa girl. Easy. Don't move much, that's a pretty good knock you took on your head." Pauline tried to clear the cobwebs, but her head hurt so much she couldn't see straight. Someone handed her some water and pills, which she took gladly. She tried to shake her head to clear it, but that made it hurt worse, she bent over moaning. "Where am I?" she asked. She glanced around slowly, trying to bring things into focus. She recognized some of her surroundings, and then some if it started to come back to her. "You're in the locker room", a male voice said. "You, ... uh, well, what do you remember?" the man asked nervously. He was obviously unsure what to say, so took the best approach to see what she remembered. She sat up a little straighter now, her head starting to clear, although it was throbbing like crazy. She put her hand to the side of her head and felt a huge knot and bruised tissue, she winced with pain. Let's see, she thought. I'm in my posing suit, yes, I remember the competition, I remember posing, the roar of the audience, waiting to get my trophy ... then..! "Wait", she said. I remember the competition. I remember being on stage, going through my routines, the callouts, the finalist. I was the winner ... but I wasn't, was I?, she asked sadly. Those around her just shook their heads and listened, waiting for her to go on. Pauline hung her head and thought, then she sat up again, a questioning look in her eyes, one of recognition and dread at the same time. "I remember this judge, one of the judge, a little guy sort of twerp looking thing." She didn't notice the light chuckling from the group of men around her. "I remember ... I remember ... uh ... well", she choked a little, fear showing in her eyes, tears started coming. "Is he ... uh, what did I do to him, is he, I mean ... " she couldn't bring herself to ask the question because she didn't want to hear the worst. She remembered breaking ribs, and remembers the body scissor, but just barely remembered the head scissor. But she did remember the stunning orgasm she was having when the lights went out. Since she couldn't remember what she did to Bob, she feared the worst. "Don't worry Pauline," one man said. "Bob will be okay. He's in the hospital with several broken ribs, a severe concussion and a busted jaw which will be wired shut for some time." ... 'probably a good thing' he said under his breath - the others chuckled, but tried to look serious. "Oh my God, I don't know what came over me, I was just so angry I didn't know what to do. How the hell could that guy call himself a judge. I just wanted to teach him a lesson, crush him, make him pay. I guess I could have killed him - huh?" They all nodded, looking serious again. "Oh my. What happened to me? Why does my head hurt so much. I doubt Bob did this." The men in the room sort of looked away, several glancing at the large security guard in the corner. The guard didn't say anything, he was instructed to keep his mouth shut for now, and he was not too happy about it. An official looking man in a suit spoke up, "Now Miss, what you did was very irresponsible and a man got seriously injured because of it. There could be charges pressed. Manslaughter, or even attempted murder I suppose." He paused for affect, panic rising in Pauline's throat as the man continued. "But ... given the circumstances ... " pausing again, barely suppressing a grin as he did, "I think we might be able to work something out." Pauline was sure she must have heard wrong, or at least misunderstood. "Whaa? What do you mean work something out? I mean I nearly crushed a man to death in my thighs", raising one of her muscular legs and flexing it as if to prove her point. She ran her hand over the thick muscles for just a moment, rotating the leg, her quadriceps muscles leaping out as she caressed her big muscles. The guys in the room quietly adjusted themselves, each wishing they owned that hand. Pauline stopped suddenly, aware of the change in the room, realizing everyone was staring at her legs. She dropped her head, slightly embarrassed. "Well, let me explain", the man began. For the next hour Pauline listened attentively, emotions from dread, to apprehension, to relief washing through her. She heard some of what she already knew, that she was the overwhelming favorite, that this stupid judge cost her the title. She didn't know there was going to be an investigation into his judging, at least that was the original plan until she took matters into her own hands, well, her own muscular legs that is. Pauline felt so stupid and disappointed in herself when she heard this. If she only hadn't lost it. But she was just glad she didn't kill him. As she listened to the parts she didn't know, her jaw dropped open as she heard the punch line. "Due to the severe concussion you gave Bob with those thick, hugely muscled, ripped, rock-hard, and I might add, sex legs you have ... ." Pauline was beaming and giving the guys in the room a private show of the hugely muscled thighs as she flexed her quads over and over, running her hands up and down their massive girth as she did, looking at the bulges in the pants of every man in the room. " ... you were saying sir? Please do go on." He caught his breath and continued. "Ahem, as I was saying, due to the concussion ... well it seems Bob has lost his memory, at least some of it. He can't remember anything of that day at all. He doesn't even remember being there to judge the contest. In fact he was surprised to find out that he was a bodybuilding judge at all. This has been quite a favorable turn of events for you I must say." Pauline was shocked at her good fortune. But as she thought more about it, she knew there had to be a catch, this was too good to be true. "What about the witnesses, what about the men that stopped me, the security cameras? Won't the Association be pressing charges?" she asked, hopeful. "Well, here's the sticky part", the man said. "I'm afraid we can't just let you get away with this completely scot free, or we'd have a lot of flat- headed judges walking around", they all laughed at this comment, some of the tension leaving the room as they pictured rows of muscular female bodybuilders crushing the judges at the edge of the stage if they didn't stay in line. "We are going to have a meeting, just a very small group of people who know about this. We are going to try and keep this as quiet as possible, but there are enough people who know, or suspect what happened that we can't just sweep it under the rug. I know there will be sanctions against you, and, well, I can't say now what they might be. But, you can probably figure ... uh ... " he trailed off, sadness in his voice. Pauline already knew. Six months later ... Her bodybuilding career, such as it was, was over. She was banned from the sport, giving up the opportunity to turn pro or win endorsements, or anything of the sort. This devastated Pauline but she couldn't help feel that she had gotten off easy. It could have been much worse. The idiot judge had a full recovery physically, was told that he had suffered a terrible accident at the competition when some lighting fell from the stage and struck him in the head and crushed him to the floor. Incredibly over $250,000 appeared in his bank account for damages, and since he was feeling fine, he didn't press the matter. As for Pauline, she disappeared after the incident, breaking off all ties with everyone she knew from that area and she moved to a different part of the country. She didn't even tell her boyfriend where she was going. She was hurt, angry, and upset with herself for getting so carried away. But a part of her enjoyed it, she still remembers the incredible orgasm she was having as she crushed that guy, and she had never experienced that before or since. She wanted to know how she might do that again. She figured she knew how, but was hoping for an alternative. She was set up financially because it turns out that what she had done got the attention of some people of influence who followed women's bodybuilding. They knew of the incident, and were glad of it, but they could not endorse her response publicly, so they secretly made sure she was financially secure. She had done many people a favor by what she did to that judge. She did not know who was behind her financial boon, but she had her suspicions, and if her suspicions were correct she knew she would likely hear from her supporters again. Pauline was hooked on not just bodybuilding, but on maintaining her massive, bulging muscular body. She was also looking for an outlet for her aggression, and needed to experience that feeling she had when she had that judge locked between her muscular thighs. Pauline quickly discovered the underground world of fighting. Women against woman, and sometimes women against men, mixed wrestling. There was fighting of every kind. Boxing with rules, no holds barred fighting, wrestling, and submission wrestling. There was also fantasy wrestling, and everything in between. Pauline rather enjoyed the idea of a man worshipping her rock-hard body, so she decided to make her start in muscle worship. . Pauline was an immediate success. She was getting more hits on her web site everyday and more requests for sessions than she could keep up with. The rumors that followed her following her last competition actually served to fuel her popularity. She was in high demand, and loving every minute of it. Every now and then she'd get a request for full contact wrestling, not the fantasy kind, but full out muscle to muscle against a man. She always had to take it easy on them because she didn't want to hurt anyone. When she got her legs around a man's chest, she always got that warm and tingly sensation in her groin, but it was mostly frustrating because she couldn't squeeze hard enough to satisfy herself. She did have a request from a big burly man who laughed at the idea that she could subdue him, in any way. She looked at him coldly. He had asked for a muscle fantasy session because he had always been disappointed when he asked to wrestle. None of the women he had been with could give him even the slightest competition. So he laughed at the thought that she could be any different. She just stared at him icily. "Are you a wagering man?" she asked flatly. He just laughed again, but he stopped laughing as he noticed her staring at him with a cold look. "You aren't kidding are you?" he asked incredulously. She just stared at him. A big grin spread across his face as he realized she was serious. But then he hesitated. "Okay, what's the catch?" he asked. "I mean how do you expect to pin me?" he asked again with a chuckle. "I mean look at me. I'm over 250 pounds. I spend 2-3 hours a day at the gym. I was a linebacker for a pro ball team until just a year ago." "Who said anything about pinning you?" she smirked. He started to shake his head, realizing he was right all along. "I plan to crush you into submission" as she stared straight into his eyes. His jaw dropped. He couldn't believe she was talking like this. Was this a joke, or for real. He smiled. Maybe she was serious. O well, he thought, it's her funeral. He started to get up to get ready, but then he stopped. Pauline had dropped the robe she was wearing, and bruno's jaw dropped. He was looking at a female marble statue of muscle, a true life muscle goddess. But just as quickly, he got his bearings, and tried to be bravado. "Well missy, you have certainly spent some time in the weight room, that's for sure. I would have really enjoyed the muscle worship, but I think I'm going to enjoy this even more. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" "Well sir", she replied politely. "This is your session, it's your money that makes this possible, so you are the customer, and the customer is always right. I made you an offer, and it's up to you if you want to take the risk. But Oh, by the way, the price goes up for full contact wrestling, $500. But I have a special today just for you because I like you. If you can beat me, you don't have to pay. In fact I might pay you, because - you see - I've never been beaten. But I guess there's always a first time." He could not believe he was hearing this. But than maybe his hearing was just as bad as his judgment. He pulled out his wallet and peeled off five new $100 bills and set them on the table, and turned to her, taking off his clothes to reveal his wrestling clothes underneath. Pauline stood there, lightly flexing her hard muscles, getting ready for what was ahead. She started to feel tingly and wondered if there would be any fight with this guy. "So," he turned to her. What are the rules?" She laughed, "Rules? What rules? Oh, those rules, yes, every good competition has to have some rules so we know when someone is cheating. Okay, let's see. No guns. No knives. No weapons of any kind except the ones you're wearing. Is that a club in your pants, or is that attached?" she laughed. His face turned red. "What is wrong with you woman?" "I promise not to hurt you too badly", Pauline added. "I think there is one reasonable rule that I will follow, I don't care whether you hold to it or not, because it doesn't matter", taunting him. "I promise that when I hurt you, I won't do any permanent damage. That will be hard for me, because I sometimes get carried away - as you might have heard. So it would be best if you tried to fight fairly, and don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Bruno was getting angry. He couldn't believe her arrogance. (He wouldn't know the difference between arrogance and confidence if his life depended on it, and it just might at that.) "Okay then lady. It's your funeral. But don't expect me to take it easy on you, you brought this on yourself for being so cocky. I wanted this session to last a bit, but I'm afraid I've run out of patience with you so I'll make this quick, and the next time we'll do something more within your ability level. Understand?" Pauline simply answered by standing on her toes with her feet apart, and turned both her huge legs into granite-filled, bulging muscle. She then put one foot out, and shook her huge quad back and forth, and brought it to a sudden stop with a snap. He just stared, his pants bulging a little more. "Okay, maybe I will take my time, I can't wait to get my hands on that luscious body of yours. Any time you're ready doll." He walked slowly towards her, a grin on his face. She just stood there with her hands on her strong hips, lightly flexing the muscles in her chest, abs and legs. She looked like she had been carved from solid rock. Bruno approached carefully. At least he took some caution, figuring she might even know how to fight. "I hope you've got good insurance miss. It will be a shame to mess up that incredible body", he said, pretending to be looking down at her shapely legs. With a moment's hesitation, he threw a knock out blow from below his belt straight into her stomach. He saw that she didn't even see it coming because she never flinched. The next thing he knew, he saw blinding lights and pain shot all the way up his arm from his broken knuckles to his elbow. "Damn it lady! I thought you said no weapons. That should include no body amour." She started to laugh slowly, and then more and more. Her huge breasts shook, her muscles quivered and rippled as her laughter increased. He was livid, his face red with rage. "What the hell do you think is so funny about that. I nearly break my hand because you're cheating, and you think it's funny?" "Oh no, I'm not laughing because you about broke your hand. I'm laughing because you're so damn stupid! He stared at her open-mouthed, his anger building. "Are really that stupid, or just blind, or both?" she taunted. "Well, I guess I shouldn't expect much, because you haven't shown yourself to be too smart to this point. Have you looked at me, I mean have you taken a good look at me. Not only am I incredibly muscular and stronger than you, but I'm nearly naked. Do you get it? Almost naked. Where in the hell would I hide body armor?" she asked, cracking up as she said it. He just stared, realizing she was right. His mind just about short circuited as it tried to assimilate this new information. But ... but ... he still couldn't accept it. Then what did I hit my hand on, I mean how could it hurt so much, he was thinking. He looked up, the realization setting in as he looked at the stone wall which were her abs. As his mind expanded (what little it could) to accept this new information, another thought hit his foggy brain. One little thought - "Uh oh". "Oh, and about that insurance you asked me about? I have very good insurance, for me, not for you. You signed a waiver remember? This session was your idea. You even paid me to beat you up, didn't you? Just because you didn't think it was possible doesn't mean I'm off the hook for my services. I always deliver on my promises. I may have a problem with only one of them, and if I do not keep it, then I might have to use my insurance policy. I might accidentally do you permanent damage, but I hope not." For the first time, bruno really believed her, and he was afraid. Well, maybe he had a little sense after all to realize (belatedly) when he was in over his head. Trying to use the element of surprise again, he bolted upright and ran as fast as he could to try and tackle her. As he got to her, it happened again, he hit a brick wall, but this time he almost dislocated his neck. Pauline stepped back a little, her balance upset by the 250 pounds that just slammed into her. Then she stepped back toward the fallen man, and lifted his head up between her thighs into a standing head scissor. She put her head back, and with a look of bliss on her face, she started to squeeze. Her thighs expanded, slowly at first, being careful not to use full power. She didn't want to kill him. He felt instant pain, and his hands went to her thighs automatically to try and pry them apart. He thought he was hallucinating this time, that he had hit his head too hard because all he felt was stone. But the stone was hot, and it was moving beneath his hands. He felt the stone bulge, and then go back, and then ripples of stone would move his hands around, in and out. Each time he felt his hands move outward, he felt like he would faint. His head was in a vice, and he couldn't do anything to free it. He realized finally, that the stone was her thighs, her huge quads to be more precise. And she was in dreamland as she began to squeeze his head a little tighter. Her legs just seemed to expand further and further. She rocked on the balls of her feet, relishing the delicious feeling as she ran her hands lovingly up and down the huge ball of muscles that bulged from the side of her leg. She was almost mesmerized by her own muscles as she ground her legs tighter. She heard something that brought her back. Oops, she thought, I have to be careful, I almost lost it right there. She realized the noise was bruno screaming and pounding on her thighs. His face was red, and his eyes were bulging, and his mouth was foaming. "O God. Stop, stop ... it hurts! I can't take much more, you're killing me! Please stop" he sobbed. But Pauline relaxed only a little, watching the huge muscles relax, and go from humongous, to simply huge. She slapped the side of her legs which produced a simple thud. She took his hands and put them back to the thickest part of her legs as she lightly flexed to allow him to feel the sensuous nature of her sexy, muscular gams. Despite himself, bruno erected again. He had gone soft at the height of his pain, but now was simply suffering a headache as she had relaxed. "What do you think? Am I strong enough? Do you think you can handle me big guy? Remember the offer of the free session. You'll have to do better than this big man" she taunted. He didn't know how to take this. He should have been able to get free, but he felt like he was caught in a car crusher. Suddenly the pressure went away, and he fell to the ground, almost smashing his nose into the floor. He groaned, and looked up. He saw tree trunks. That is, he saw tree trunks that were her thighs, but these tree trunks moved. It looked like huge snakes were moving up and down her legs as the muscles bunched, and rippled and rolled beneath her skin. "Feel that" she commanded. "Feel the little muscles that are simply crushing you. You cannot take it, and I haven't really begun to squeeze yet. But don't worry, I probably will before we're done. I hope YOU have good insurance." He stumbled to his feet, and charged again, this time careful to stop as he got to her. He opened his big arms wide, and wrapped them around Pauline's upper body, trapping her arms at her side. "Pretty good move guy. You got me there. Now what are you going to do?" He threw his head back and started to squeeze as hard as he could. Pauline actually felt some air leave her lungs, and her ribs bent inward. She grunted, "ugh, pretty strong - for a guy", she said. She set her face and began to flex. He felt the resistance and tried to squeeze harder, but he had very little left. She didn't give in anymore, in fact he felt his muscular arms moving. He looked down to see her forearms, biceps, chest explode with muscle. He could not believe her eyes. He looked up and she was staring right into his eyes with an intense look on her face. "Not bad fat boy. But not strong enough." With that she flexed her arms harder and began pushing outwards. Oh no, he thought, this can't be. Slowly at first, despite using all his strength, he felt his arms moving outwards. He felt another burst of power from her body, and he lost his grip on his wrists. His arms were coming apart more quickly now as her upper body expanded with rock-hard muscle. Her shoulders were breath taking, every muscle fiber was pumping with blood, veins sticking out, and her traps like boulders above her shoulders. She continued to power her way out of his hold, smiling. "Well, I hope you got more than that, or you're in big trouble." She threw her arms around him, not even bothering to trap his arms. And she squeezed. "Aaaarrrggh" as all the air left his lungs. He felt steel bands erupt around his body, which were in fact her 18 inch biceps powered by thick vein filled forearms, and shoulders and back muscles that were steel hard. He groaned again as he felt the pressure increase, the mountains of muscles looking like the Himalayas. But there was no snow cover to these mountains, they were hot and hard, beads of sweat beginning to show. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe, and his ribs felt like they would break. He brought his arms up as best he could, and pounded on her back. It felt like granite, and he brought his hands down to rest on her back, and began to feel the rippling hard muscles with canyons separating each muscle group. She tightened some more, his ribs started to creak. She held the power just short of the breaking point, knowing just how far she could go. She felt proud of herself for not breaking him up yet, it takes great self control she knew. She was jolted from her reverie as she felt a sharp blow to her nose which hurt like hell, and she realized it was bleeding as she felt the blood seep down her thickly muscled chest, running through the chasm that was her cleavage. "Oh, that was a bad idea sir", you are starting to make me mad. To punctuate her point, she powered her arms almost to full power just for a moment. Pain like he had never felt before shot through his whole body, centered in his chest. He thought his heart would explode, his chest was about to cave in. She grunted and gave him one more burst of power, "Crrraaack, Pop ... .snap" at least three times in quick succession. She released her hold and let him drop to the ground, in tears of pain, trying not to breath too deeply from his crushed ribs. "O shit. Oh shit. I thought you said no damage." "I said no permanent damage. Your ribs will heal, although they are going to hurt for a while. If you don't behave yourself, I might have to renege on that promise. You thought that was strong, I'll give you power mister. I'll give you muscles like you never thought possible, you won't know what hit you. She laid down next to his hurting body, and lifted him effortlessly between her massive thighs. She readjusted him until he was comfortably placed (for her) between her man-crushing legs. "Okay baby. You asked for it. You better put your hands on these thighs and feel as fast as you can, to get your small amount of muscle worship out of the way before you black out. Who knows, if you do a good job, I might just give you a little more time to breathe. After all, I'm not in this business because I don't like to be touched. You show these muscles appreciation and they will be good to you. Well, at least not as bad to you." And so she began. She flexed lightly, but giving him serious pain because of his already busted ribs. "Oops" she said. "I forgot. Okay, here, feel again." She flexed with her legs apart this time, her ankles wide open. His body moved up with the swelling of her lower leg under him. Her legs turned to steel under his probing fingers. Despite his pain he got an erection again. She smiled, and made a little sigh. His hands explored some more, looking for a soft spot. But every where he felt, he encountered rock- hard muscle. She relaxed, and then she flexed very hard, but careful not to close her legs. He shuddered from fear and arousal as he realized just how powerful her big legs were. He knew he would be dust if she closed her legs and powered them that hard again. As if she read his thoughts, she brought her legs only slightly together, but kept them rock hard, like a flesh- covered, muscled pair of chop sticks. He groaned in pain, and in arousal as he ran his hands up and down the chiseled, rippling mountains of muscle. He reached for her calf, which she gladly flexed in his hands. He touched her outer thigh, her upper thigh, and ran his hands over each huge mound of her quadriceps. "Yes, you are pretty good with your hands. You just might live after all." She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of his strong hands massaging her legs. "Harder she told him. Try and knead the muscles in my legs, use your strength man." He pushed harder, unable to dent the thick muscles. He barely moved the huge muscle tissue around when she relaxed, and when she flexed, he might as well have been pounding iron. "Come on. Harder, harder, I want to feel it." He was squeezing as hard as he could now, sweat building, his ribs throbbing. "Hhmm" that's better she said. Her legs hardening as she relaxed the rest of her body, feeling the warmth spreading throughout her lower body. "Oh yes, that feels good, although it's still not hard enough." She flexed again, harder this time, moaning. He was frantic, the pressure was mounting quickly, the air gone again. He ran his hands up and down her legs as fast and hard as he could given that he was about to pass out. As she threw her head back and closed her eyes, she let out a louder moan, and the tightened her man-crushers even further. O God, she's going to kill me. His ribs were bending now, the pain unbearable, her legs like steel. He was beating on them as hard as his oxygen starved, hurting body would allow. She only moaned deeper, the pounding feeling good on her Amazon body. She began to feel that familiar tingling, and she was gone. She was in muscle lust now and it was a coin toss for the poor guy helping to serve up one huge Amazon orgasm. Lucky for him it had been a while for her, she was ready. "Oooh yes. OOOhhh yes, God that feels good ... don't stop.." (He wasn't doing anything, but she had no idea). "Oh God I'm going to cum ... yesss ... yessss" Crraaaack, ... cruuunnch, snaaaaap. "Aaaaaaah" she screamed in passion as her thighs closed together closer and closer. His body was flattening between her steam roller legs. Poop, crack, crunch snap. His ribs were going fast now, and she was still in the throes of her orgasm, but it had peaked already, and she was pulsing the muscles in her thighs, and his ribs stopped breaking, but he still hadn't had a breath in a while. Flex ... ripple, relax, flex ... ..massive muscles bulged, and quivered as the orgasm wracked her body and she wound down. Her thighs were pumped like they had not been in a while, the wrecked body draped over her huge lower thigh, most of his chest covered with her upper thigh. His body was black and blue, bruised from the top to bottom rib, and further. His internal organs had almost burst, and he had internal bleeding. As she finally relaxed, she simply rested her massive thighs on him, and she began to become aware again. "O shit! Oh shit! Have I done it again? Did I kill him, O please no, no." She jumped up and leaned over him to check for signs of life. He finally sucked in a breath, and groaned even though he was unconscious. There was blood dribbling from his mouth and nose, and his chest had some odd bumps to it, and his waist looked a lot thinner. In panic Pauline got up and called a special number she was given for just this circumstance. The party on the other end of the line said "Don't worry, we'll take care of everything." Pauline hung up, trying her best to revive the broken man, and then thought better of it. An ambulance showed up minutes later, and several men scrambled in without a word. They didn't ask a single question, they didn't even look in Pauline's direction. They just did their work quietly, trying to stabilize his vital signs. "How is he, is he going to be alright?" Pauline asked frantically. They did not answer, but just looked at each other gravely. Pauline was scared. After a time, they rolled him out of her house, into the ambulance and were gone. Pauline was so scared. She expected the police to come to her door at any time and arrest her at least for manslaughter - or worse, but nothing. That was almost worse than hearing the loud knock on the door. After a week, then another, and a month went by, and she heard nothing (she didn't try too hard to find him either), she began to relax. Until one day, she did hear that knock on the door and she about jumped out of her skin. In fact, she almost dropped the 425 pound weight she was bench pressing at the time. She grabbed her towel, and pulled it in front of her to try and calm down, and it just tore in two. She was nearly in tears as she answered the door. There were two men at the door, but they weren't cops. Who were they? They were dressed in dark suits with shades on despite the fact it wasn't sunny outside. "Pauline? Pauline Cushman?" they asked. "Or should we simply call you The Crusher", they looked at each other and chortled. Pauline was horrified. These men knew, but who were they, and what did they want? "Pauline, we want you to know that we know exactly what happened, but we also want you to know that no charges will be filed, everything has been taken care of." "But ... how, why ... who are you guys and what do you want from me? And that guy, is he alright, how badly hurt is he. Did I do any permanent damage?" "First off, forget about that guy. It's best you don't go there if you don't want to get into any trouble from that. We had to pull a lot of strings to keep you out of trouble, but we're going to want something out of you if you want this whole thing to go away." Pauline was relieved, but nervous at the same time. She was smart enough to know that a conversation like this sounded suspiciously like blackmail at worst, and at best manipulation which she could do nothing about. "Relax. You'll get answers soon enough. We just came here to assure you first of all, and to let you know that someone is looking out for you. Don't you worry about who right now, but we can only tell you that he is very impressed with you - very indeed." "But what does he want from me, and how does he do all this?" she asked, already knowing the answer. People that can pull strings like this are usually very powerful and accustomed to getting their way. "Like we said, we aren't allowed to tell you very much, except that you will get to do what you enjoy doing best. And you'll be well paid for it, and I think we can safely say you will enjoy it like you've rarely enjoyed anything in the past. So, can we expect your cooperation, or should we just go away and leave you to yourself to deal with any consequences that might arise from your destruction of that man's body?" The way he said 'destruction' sent shivers through Pauline's body, but she knew better now than to ask again. "Yes sir. I'll cooperate. I am very grateful for the help that you,..uh, someone has provided for me. What do I do now?" "You just continue to do what you've been doing. Hit those weights hard and continue to build that incredible body of yours. Oh, and no more sessions. You must not do any more sessions for now. You are out of that business for the time being. If you don't cooperate with this last request, I'm afraid we won't be able to do business or help you." Business? What business was that she wondered? Well, she knew they had her over a barrel. Besides, she was more than a little curious about what business she might be getting into. These men were obviously very influential, so she had to trust them. What had she gotten herself into ... We'll find out in the next edition of Pauline