Massacre At Dawn Wearing only their brief breechclouts and war paint the Apache women dismounted from their ponies and crept towards the soldiers camp through the early morning mist. Strong Pony, Snake Women, Swift Arrow and Running Bare crawled through the long grass ahead of the main war party of Apache female hard bodies, armed with their bows and deadly arrows. The strong, fit, muscular bodies of the indian women glistened with the morning dew that fell on to them from the grass. They slithered like snakes towards the camp on their hard bellies. The foolish soldiers had camped close to the long grass without realizing that this would hide the Indian girls and allow the deadly savages to approach close and unseen to the sleeping white men. The Apache women were experts in close hand to hand combat and without their guns the soldiers would be taken easily even though they outnumbered the Apaches three to one. Strong Pony rose up out of the long grass and drawing back her bow string, let her deadly arrow fly at the first sentry. Snake Women and Swift Arrow followed in quick succession. The first three sentries fell with hardly a sound giving the female war party vital seconds of surprise. Some of the she braves crawled forward to where the sentries fell and finished them off by slitting their throats. Red legs had led her war party of she braves to the other side of the camp, close to the river. The sentries on her side would be taken with Indian females bare hands and the knife. Red legs took the first one by crawling up behind him as he sat on a log. She quickly reached up and put her hand on his mouth and pulled him backward off the log towards her at the same time raising a powerful leg to trap his throat on the ground. While he lay pinned and helpless, she cut open his breeches between his legs and pulled out his penis. At the same time as Red Legs was taking her first soldier, Tomahawk Women was strangling another sentry and Grey Hawk tomahawked the last one. The Apache she braves then drew their tomahawks and knives and waited for the signal to attack and overwealm the whites. Strong Pony flexed her muscles and ran the sharp blade of her scalping knife across her bulging bicep, drawing blood and then let out a terrifying war cry which was the signal for the attack. The wild and painted Apaches female savages thundered towards the camp screaming more blood curdling war cries. The startled soldiers awoke to the terrifying sound of this warrior women attack and stumbled out of their tents to recover their carbines but it was too late. The hard bodied indian she braves were on top of most of the whites before that could load their weapons. Some of the men tried to reach the gatling gun, but were quickly overpowered and had their throats slit by some Apaches girls led by Swift Arrow. By this time Swift Arrow's muscular body was naked except for her moccasins. She had used her breech clout to tie up one of the officers after quickly wrestling him to the ground. One officer managed to pull out his pistol and fire a single shot that whistled past the ear of Snake Woman before she brought her tomahawk up between his legs as she stormed past him to launch her spear at another soldier who was trying to load his rifle. He fell back as her lance went right through his throat. Strong Pony deflected a soldiers sabre blow with a rifle she had taken from one of her white victims and delivered a paralyzing kick between the white man legs. She threw the rifle aside and finished the man with a powerful tomahawk blow to the head. The officer that had been tomahawked in the crutch was being stripped by a young female warrior who was no older than eighteen. She would scalp his penis from between his legs. Grey Dove and Running Bare saw some soldiers trying to escape on foot. The start of the attack had startled the soldiers horses and they had bolted. The two tall and fit young Apache women gave chase on their powerful legs and soon overhauled the four unfit white men who were more used to riding a horses than trying to outrun skilful and athletic Indian girls. The exhausted whites were easily overpowered and strangled by the two warrior girls. The Indian women pulled the men breeches off and scalped the men's cocks and then ran back to the camp with their trophy's to rejoin the main fight. The fierce battle was nearly over with the camp site littered with dead and wounded soldiers. Those not wounded were being stripped naked by the war painted female victors and tied over fallen trees and logs. The ceremonial ass fucking of the surviving whites would now begin. At the same time the men's cocks would be pumped to draw their spunk, the final humiliation on the white men. The captain commanding the soldiers was taken by Snake Women early in the fight. He put up little fight against this savage female wrestler. She would fist fuck him fist. The men's buttocks were opened up and greased with buffalo fat until the Indian girls could force in their fists. Then they greased up their tomahawk shafts and to a rhythmic drum beat, pumped the mens ass holes deeper and deeper. The mens cocks grew is size, almost to those of Apache bucks. The impaled soldiers came in big handfuls which the Indian girls smeared all over their hard brown bodies while screaming wild war cries. They burnt the camp, carried off all the men weapons and ammunition and left the surviving men staked out and screaming for mercy