Just Desserts Served by Bare Female Feet By Jack A beautiful, barefooted woman beats a crime lord within an inch of his life! "Don't beat me up, bitch!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!!! My bare feet did such a number on his face. All he could do was roll around on the ground and bawl like a baby. But I wasn't done. Not by a long shot. "Wha.. wha?" was all he could blubber, as I pulled Arthur Ray Jackson up from the floor by his lapels. I'm sure he could see the look in my eye, which said he was a long way from the end of his barefooted ass- kicking by me, a self-appointed ministress of justice. I could certainly see the look in his eye, one I was very used to by now: absolute fear. Which is strange, since I would never, EVER kill another human being, and yet people like him will do it without a second thought. To kill another human being is an evil I would never even dream of doing ... using my female bare feet to beat the living shit out of a criminal is a far more satisfying and morally defensible way to take care of badguys. Let me explain. My name is Jessica Alperto, and I am the worst thing that ever happened to crime. I'm trained as a dancer, but I've found my new calling using my bare dancer's feet to kick badguys into the worst possible pain they could imagine. And I'm loving it. Not to say that I'm new to administering barefooted justice to badguys ... In my 23 years of existence on this planet, I have beaten the shit out of exactly 59 assholes who more than had it coming. Just call it a gift, I hadn't taken any sort of martial art or physical combat class until I was 10. By that time, every bully in town was terrified that I might catch him in the act of harassing somebody and earn the soleful justice of my tough calloused feet. The first fight I won was against a 5th grade bully when I was 6 years old. He was twice my size, but it didn't matter; my fists gave him two black eyes, a broken nose, and several missing teeth, while my feet kicked him twice in the balls. Other recipients of my fists have included three escaped cons that tried to rape me when I was 15. They spent six weeks in intensive care, plus the next five years in prison. A shame they didn't return for a rematch. It never ceases to amaze me that many of my opponents have done exactly that, and received exactly the same results. Before I give you the impression that I am a bully or a thug, let me clarify. I feel that God has gifted with this ability, and I will only use it for self-defense, teaching, or justice. There are times when I have defended myself or others from harm, there are times when I have felt that a little butt-kicking by a pretty girl might teach an important lesson to someone whose parents had not given then the proper education, and then there are times when my fists and feet have been agents of well-deserved justice. The first two situations do not usually result in much than a black eye, a bloody nose, and wounded pride for my opponents; justice, however, is always enormously painful for the criminal receiving his just desserts. I keep in mind exactly what and how much pain the person has meted out, and I condense every ounce in return into the course of about ten minutes. My rules are simple ... I do not start fights, but I finish them, leaving my opponent or opponents in exactly the final state which they deserve (sometimes this means a little wounded pride, sometimes it means six months of physical therapy). I never use my skills if another solution would be better; I hate bullies with every fiber of my being, and there is nothing that would disgust me more than if I became one. I know there is a very fine line between ass-kicking heroine and thug, and I pray every day that I stay on the right side of the line. That said, I feel confident that there is not one punch I have thrown that was not sorely deserved. Not only have I never lost a fight, I have never even come remotely close to losing. I believe very strongly in karma. If my ass- kicking feet were ever used for a purpose other than good, I would no doubt become the one lying on the ground at the end of the fight. (Not that my scuffles could really be called fights. Whether they are finished in seconds or drawn out to fifteen unbearable minutes, they are entirely one- sided with no chance of success or even a successful blow scored by my recipient.) My personal favorite rule of all, though, is 100% absolute bare feet. I have not worn a pair of shoes, socks, pantyhose, or any other sole- encumbering item during one fight in my life. As a result, I remain connected to the earth, I feel the justice as my foot crashes into the monster it is destroying, I look really sexy, and I have more fun than is humanly deserved. God has gifted me in so many ways: a wonderful circle of family and friends, the joy of dance, a loving soul, and a totally killer smile (if I do say so myself). I also making a point of giving myself gifts that every woman should give herself: I eat right, keep in shape, give love as freely as I want it given to me (that does not mean sex, boys, keep your minds out of the gutter!) But the one gift I thank the Lord for every day is my heightened nerve endings in my feet. No, really! Everyone has nerve endings in their feet, and women's are innately so much more sensitive than men's (which is why I cannot understand why every woman in the world doesn't kick off their shoes and socks and run around in full barefooted regalia every second of every day, but I'll digress. I guess shoes have their place, but nothing beats my trusty bare feet!) When I was a little girl, my parents took me into a doctor to find out why it was that I found anything constraining my feet to actually be painful, and he determined that I had the single most receptive nerve endings in my soles that he had ever seen! Well, maybe wearing shoes isn't exactly painful, but it's the thought that I am even having to miss a few minutes of the absolutely gorgeous heaven of being barefoot that I cannot stand. You may laugh at my unyielding gratitude toward God's gifts, but sometimes we simply have to accept when the Almighty has singled us out. Just three weeks ago, two things happened which put me in the situation I am now. One was that I received an extremely lucrative position with a touring dance company which gives me a month-long break every four months for our bodies and soles to recover. The other is that I just won $53 million playing the lottery. Actually, what happened was I walked into a convenience store when a masked man with a sawed-off shotgun burst in and tried to rob the place. Well, he got a little too close to me with his gun turned, and ... well, I hope his new prison has an excellent medical facility because he'll probably be in it for about six weeks. Out of gratitude, the manager gave me free lottery tickets for two months and said I would be the one exception for his No Shoes, No service policy. I'd never played the lottery before, but the very fist week, I won the biggest jackpot the state has seen in ten years. So, now I have my situation ... for two months, I am Jessica Alperto, barefoot dancer extraordinaire, and then during my down time, well ... surely there must be a reason that I have been given all this. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! He was bawling now. Arthur Ray Jackson, the kingpin of all crime, drug, and murderous activity for 100 miles was crying uncontrollably and he'd given up caring about it. "P- please!" he begged. "Please don't hurt me anymore!" Tears flowed like Niagra. I looked at him in mock confusion. "But why not, Arthur?" SLAP! SLAP! "You don't stop hurting other people when they beg you?" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Slapping may not seem like much of a punishment, but it is actually an essential tool in a justice ministress' arsenal. You see, by this point, he has seen every one of his million dollar bodyguards be reduced to piles of broken bones by me hands and feet. While he was handcuffed to his desk, he watched a beautiful barefooted Latina kick, punch, and chop every one of his accountants, scientists, and technicians into so much fluff. And then I locked all the doors, ensured that his security cameras were recording this event, and uncuffed him. He had already peed and shat himself in terror, which may have been the closest thing to a defense he was able to offer. I then gave him two minutes to attack me with absolutely no response on my part. Let me pause a moment to say that BARE FEET ROCK! I love going barefooted every second of ever day. God be praised for his brilliant invention. And then thanks again for giving me magic bare feet with which I can sense so much and inflict so much pain on the scum of humanity. Over a 24 hour period two bare Latina feet have demolished exactly 27 men who will spend the next several decades in prison, and the next several months in hospital beds. God isn't just good, he's a fucking genius. OK, so the two minutes. He blustered about he was going to kick my fucking ass and then fuck me silly. After about 45 seconds of throwing punches that came nowhere near their targets, he broke down crying. I guess my laughing at him got his male ego back, so now he tried some kind of karate kicking demonstration, which, again, had no possibility of remotely touching me. At least this was funny, though. With 30 seconds left, he collapsed to the floor, winded and wheezing. "Thirty seconds, Arthur. And then my board-breaking hands and beautiful bare feet are going to take their sweet time beating you into a bloody pulp." "GODDAMN YOU, YOU SPIC BITCH! I'M GONNA CUT YOU IN TWO!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He dug into the pockets of one of his unconscious guards and fished out a switchblade knife. Sweat poured down his face as he waved the knife frantically. Whether that sweat was from fear or just being out of shape, I didn't know or care. "25, 24," I said, calmly methodically, padding ever closer to him, avoiding his ridiculous attacks with an almost bored lack of effort. "How does it feel knowing that a 23-year-old barefoot Cubano ballerina bitch has turned your 15-year, multimillion-dollar criminal empire into shit using just her brain, her brawn, and a computer. Well, actually, the most brilliant computer mind in the world was a freshman in college when I was a senior, and he's always been grateful for me beating up some frat boys who tried to stuff him in a dumpster." He flailed the knife again. All air. And his time was running out. "Just two weeks of planning. $45 for the motel room last night where I lured seven of your security guards and beat them into unconsciousness. I then woke each one of them up individually and beat them into unconsciousness again. But that's nothing ... compared to the slow, methodical 15-minute ass-whooping that I am going to give to you in exactly 5, 4,--" "DIE, CUNT!!!!" he yelled, charging at me with his knife. "Time's up! Hiiiiiiii-yaaaaaaaaaaah!" CCCCCRRRRRRAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! There are great moments in every woman's life. I have had so many wonderful moments of which I am immeasurably proud. But this, the moment when Jessica Jesus Alperto jumped into the air, stretched out her leg and fired the most perfect flying kick ever executed into the jaw of a man who had been responsible for the deaths of so many police officers and drug addicts over the last fifteen years ... well, I think that is the moment of which I am most proud. Arthur Ray Jackson's head snapped around, and then his entire body went hurtling through the air, coming to stop only when the front half of his body was actually stuck inside of his office wall. That was a first. I have never kicked somebody so that they are stuck in a wall. Still, it was probably the first moment of hope he had in our little clash; maybe I would just leave him there and not break every other bone in his body. As he felt my very strong arms pulling him out of his new hole, I guess that pipedream vanished. I stood smiling at Arthur Ray Jackson. Here, one of the FBI's 10 most wanted criminals was staring at me with a broken jaw and a body covered in wood splinters and plaster, absolute mortal terror covering his face, piss and shit all over the lower half of his body, and somehow I couldn't help wondering how it was that this guy had been the terror of the Southeastern United States for the last fifteen years. Not that it mattered. "Please. I've got money. More money than you could ever dream. I'll give you anything you want""" "HIIIIIII-YAAAAAAAH" CRRRAAAAACCCKKKK!!!!!! "Aaaaaaaaaah!" SMMMAAAASSSHHH!!!!! Another flying kick, another tough calloused sole slamming into the other side of his face, me pulling him out of yet another wall. I pulled him to face me. I have oh so many bullies, rapists, serial killers, and other sleazebags look at me in terror, but I have never seen it so absolutely acute as it was in the eyes of Arthur Ray Jackson. "No more ... please ... " He begged as best he could with that broken jaw. Looking at him with a combination of amusement and disgust, I calmly leaned back on my left leg and lifted my right. "Rest assured, Arthur, I would never in a million years dream of killing another human being. However, I think that the appropriate punishment for you, sir would be if my right foot kicked you so much and so hard that not even your mother would recognize you." And with that ... WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! My right foot proceeded to kick him silly. After that, the slapping. And there he was, a bawling, bloody wreck, crying before me. "Look at me, Arthur," I said quietly. Once his black eyes were looking my direction, I said, "Arthur, you have devoted your entire life to selfishness, evil, misery, and destruction. The havoc you have wreaked is almost immeasurable. That is why it has been my distinct privilege to beat you and every single one of the people who has helped you into the worst pain you could possibly imagine. Now, if you would please, pick up that phone, dial 911, and ask the police to come to this house and cart you and every single one of your employees off to prison for the rest of your natural lives. Or me and my fun feet can give you even more pain, suffering, and humiliation." When the police entered the room less than fifteen minutes later, they stared in awe at a seemingly impossible sight. Every one of Arthur Ray Jackson's men, including three ex-Navy SEALS, lay unconscious with faces covered in blood and bruises. His computers were all printing out his transactions, and the big man himself lay in a huddled mass on the floor, crying uncontrollably. As the police entered, Arthur Ray Jackson sprang up off the floor, ran to the police and literally slammed the cuffs on his own wrists. "I'll confess to anything you want, I'll admit every single thing I've ever done, but please get this barefooted bitch away from me for the rest of my life!" And he continued to bawl. The cops then looked in awe. Sitting barefooted on the table, wriggling her toes, grinning from ear-to-ear was quite possibly one of the cutest, sexiest women on the face of the planet. Ad all Jessica Jesus Alperto had to say was: "What took you guys so long?"