By: Agua
Content: The story is about tough fights between male and female gangs. No super-women nor wizards, just normal girls that know how to abuse a boy's week spot!
This story contains explicit sexual and violent material incl. rape, castration and torture and should only be read by adults. If ball-busting is a matter of offence, please DO NOT read!
Please read "My Life in a Gang" and "My Life in a Gang - Another View" first for better understanding.
What happened so far? Boy gangs of different quarters were regularly fighting each others. Since the young men were always horny, they loved to rape all girls. Especially the jeans wearing gang (the "jeansers") were a danger to the girls. Therefore, one day, the girls founded a gang (so called "Amazons"), learnt to fight and thus could defend against the male attacks. They were so successful that they could overwhelm male troops and capture and proudly wear their uniforms (jeans + cotton briefs or nylon shorts as underwear). Despite the trial of the jeansers to protect their male packages by cups, the girls were mostly superior till the jeansers attacked the Amazon HQ. That day, most girls became prisoners of the jeansers, were raped and tortured many times and their equipment (uniforms, weapons and protective gear) was captured by the jeansers or destroyed. The Amazon gang disappeared from the roads for many years.
I am Susanne Black. I was one of the girls who fought in the Amazon gang. The day when the jeansers took our HQ was 6 years ago. Meanwhile I am 28, and since that humiliating defeat, I had never seen one of my Amazon mates again. I have changed to another city and meanwhile, I have finished my studies for teacher's profession and now I work as a young graduate, teaching teenagers from 16 - 19. The jeans-wearing boys at my school dominated the girls and those were really afraid of the boys. Thus I decided, it was time to revive the Amazon gang and I taught my girls how to fight (part 1)! Without efforts, we took over the school (2)! But the jeanser gang was much stronger than I thought and so they defeated us (3). Therefore, we had to look for allied that we found in another male gang: The sport-guys with which we trained and fought now together (4). The day of revenge was a complete success! Thanks to the support by our male allied, we defeated the jeansers magnificently, even though also the jeansers were sometimes successful (parts 5, 6 and 7)! In the last months, the fights became pretty tough so that both sides lost fighters in deadly encounters.
Though the dogs were very effective to overwhelm “cupped” boys, their use was too bloody in the long run since we didn’t want the boys to introduce deadly weapons that would have been surely the consequence. But our young girls still didn’t find the right way to fight against boys with nut-shells. We needed a solution to this problem. I remembered that during my former Life in a Gang, 6 years ago, we had used a smelling agent containing female sexual hormones what made the boys quickly horny. Once they had a hard-on, their cups were useless. I partly remembered its’ formula, and with the help of a young female chemical teacher, who had also joined our gang, we could produce it. During my first presentation of this wonder-weapon, both our male allied but also our girls were very skeptical.
I ordered two sport-boys to strip completely naked, with the exception that one of them should keep his jockstrap + cup on. Both boys had a normal-size package and were not excited, i.e. their cocks hang down normally. Now, I sprayed a bit of the agent into the air. After only some seconds, the naked boy became obviously aroused and his cock erected like a pointer. The other, protected boy, also got somehow nervous and tried to rearrange his cup. After a short time, his cup clearly lifted off his body! I waited some further seconds till his boner was completely developed. Without prior warning, I kicked full forced against his armored groin. Despite his cup, the effect on this boy was devastating! He immediately lied howling and sobbing on the ground! My audience was impressed! Now, everyone was convinced that the smelling agent would help us to crack “cupped” jeansers!
Thus, for the next fights, we sprayed the agent on the T-shirt and jeans of every girl. Of course, we couldn’t spray it on the shirts of our male allied not to cause them trouble. But even our smell was more than enough to erect the boners of our boys and to render their cups useless. And during the close fight, it was even worse for the jeansers: Within seconds, everyone of them had a proud hard-on. Cups – that protected up to now the precious family jewellery – were suddenly useless. Girlish fists and knees rushed against the “protective” cups, boys weltered in pain on the ground!
I also had to fight against an attacking foe. He could block my kick, knocked me to the ground and laughed because of my pain-filled face. I had fallen back landing hard, but I quickly recovered. He stood above me with his legs spread slightly apart. I was sure that my agent-soaked T-shirt had already done a good job. Before he could react, I rammed my foot squarely into his groin. I could feel the hard plastic cup he was wearing, but his cup was pushed out of proper fit by his boner, and my kick was accurate and hard enough to flatten his testicles against his body. I heard him grunt loudly and saw his eyes squeeze shut from the pain from my kick. He fell sideward and lay there with his hands pressed between his legs for several minutes. Without any defense from him, I could take his uniform, weapons, cup and underwear.
All my girls were successful: Uniforms, cups and boys fell into our hands. The rock-hard cocks of our allied males screwed their ways into the yielding cunts (assholes) of the subdued jeansers. Seems, most of them were deflowered that day!
In the last time, the jeansers had introduced so-called Romeos. These were attractive young men in neutral clothing (i.e. not recognisable as jeansers) that had the task to distract our girls on duty. At first a nice talk, then they started to touch our girls and – horny as most of our young girls always were! – often enough our girls allowed those guys to strip them naked: Weapons, jeans, underwear and finally breast and pussy-guards fell to the ground. The boys, however, prevented to be stripped themselves for that they could keep their “nut-shells” on! As soon as our girls were “deliberated from the lust-killing protectors”, the boys stopped the tender play and mistreated and subdued our girls cruelly. Their naked, unprotected breasts and pussies were easy targets! Afterwards, those boys proudly walked away in the captured uniforms of our overwhelmed fighters, either leaving the beaten girls behind sobbing on the ground or taking them away as prisoners. The only equipment the Romeos had no use for and left behind, were female breast and slit guards. But every male cup a girl wore, was of course recaptured.
We had already lost many inattentive troops. Therefore, we decided to introduce Juliets to attack, disarm(or) and capture “cupped” jeanser troops. These Juliets were mostly attractive young women in the early twenties and wore normal female clothes, like skirts, instead of our jeans uniforms. And we perfumed them intensively with the “stiffening agent” for that their effect on the boys was even increased. Such a Juliet-troop approached a jeanser-group of approximately 10 soldiers and recruits, partly consisting of adults (27 – 30 years old), partly of teen rookies (maybe 18 years old). Due to intensive female smell of the agent and the attractiveness of our girls, the males immediately became horny. Especially the recruits quickly got a hard-on in their tight-fitting cups. As they had been trained, our girls behaved very open, showing obvious interest in a sex-venture. The men and boys were totally aroused, while our girls had the situation under control. They started to strip themselves and then the males. The stupid guys didn’t resist when the girls peeled down their tight jeans and shorts and took away the cups. As soon as the tender nut-sacks were unprotected, our agile fighters suddenly showed their fury! Precise chops of girlish hands and fists against the men’s privates quickly finished all trials of the men to defend or break out! All battle equipment (uniforms, weapons and protective cups) changed the owner, against the will of the boys!
Soon our victorious Juliet-troop returned. Proudly wearing the jeans and nut-protectors of their subdued opponents, they led their captivates back to our camp. All males were completely naked and their sensitive nut-sacks dangled unprotected. Most of them still had semi-erected cocks. Their hands were either bound on the back, or they had to fold it behind their necks. Those captivates were held in our recruit training camps as sparring partners for our youngsters. For their training it was decisive that they experienced how effective a full-force-blow against the male reproductive organ is, otherwise they would never lose the first fear to attack a boy.
Seems, the captured men were not willing to play the sparring partners in the long run, but started to revolt and overwhelmed some wards. Immediately, we send a troop of female fighters to force these guys to surrender. To get our sisters free (unharmed!), we tried at first to negotiate. I was sent as parlementaire with captured male briefs as “blue” flag. It showed clear sperm stains at the most male spot that left no doubt that the former wearer was a man! As proper answer, the jeansers used the captured slip of an overwhelmed ward as ”black” flag. The lycra spandex slip had menstruation stains at the most vulnerable spot of a female fighter!
I was impressed that most boys were dressed in jeans, many of them with female design so that the tight-cut crotch bulged obviously with the masculinity of the jeansers.
Since many of our female wards often wear male cups, surely some revolting jeansers even had nut-protectors. Obviously, they had more girls under their control than we thought at first. Some boys even wore captured pussy-guards over the jeans, only to humiliate us, because for them, they were completely useless! Presenting me as the troop leader (meanwhile, I was sergeant by rank), I offered: “If you let the our wards go and surrender, you’ll get no penalty. We just treat you as prisoner as before.” The only answer of the jeansers was a loud laughter. Wearing the captured uniform of an Amazon corporal and a pussy-guard on his jeans, a young man stepped towards me. I recognized him immediately: Yesterday, after a won training fight, I had rushed a huge dildo into his virgin asshole. To humiliate him in front of his mates, I asked: “How does your boy-pussy feel? Are you already longing to feel the next cock inside you?!” I could see the anger and frustration in his eyes, but his irritation was only short: “Well, my ‘pussy’ feels much better since one of your girlies decided to let me her pussy-guard! By the way, she left this here as souvenir for you!" And he showed me the tight nylon thongs of a captured rookie he had used as “black” flag. He turned them inside out so that we could clearly see the menstruation and asshole stains in the shiny nylon. All men around him giggled.
I was now in rage: "You will immediately release my soldiers!" - "You want to see your girlies?! OK." The owner of the thongs (an 18-year-old rookie girl) was brought by a young man. She was naked, the boy behind her wore her jeans. His right arm grabbed from behind tightly around her throat so that she could hardly breathe. His left hand was down at her pussy, and with a tight squeeze, he forced her to spread the legs. The boy pushed his knee into her butt, bending her backwards so that her groin was completely exposed. Of course, she had been raped by many men so that the cream was still drooling from her cunt. "You dirty ..." was all I could say in my surprise. "The pussies of your sisters are still wet with pleasure, since my boys tossed their whole load into the willing cunts of these slatterns!”, I was interrupted by the jeanser corporal.
Now, I was in total rage so that I didn’t think anymore before deciding what to do. I simply ordered half of my girls to storm the cage and to beat the revolting boys black and blue. A group of 10 rookies led by a corporal (all of them 18 to 20 years old) rushed into the cage to break the resistance of the boys. But I had completely underestimated the superiority of the boys in number and moral! My 11 girls were completely outnumbered and each fighter was quickly brought down by 2 or 3 furious male tomboys! Within seconds, they were stripped naked! Their uniforms, breast and pussy guards, but especially male cups were quickly spread among the cheering young men. Cruel chops against their tits or stomps into the V of their spread legs finished my fighters!
I even had to witness how one of my girls tried to kick a jeanser’s face, but he could catch her leg and held it close to his left shoulder. The inexperienced girl stood helplessly in front of her opponent, her tender crotch fully exposed. The boy didn’t hesitate to kick full force against her “soft parts”. Crazy with pain, the female fighter slipped to ground. Still holding her leg, the jeanser added some nice stomps against her female lust-centres (groin and tits). She was obviously finished, but he even snapped his hand against her tits for a nipple-claw! The poor girl was completely helpless and stunned and cried with pain. The victorious boy just grinned at her and continued his squeezing till my mate lost consciousness.
Another girl made the mistake to take her enemy into a sweat-box. So, the jeanser was bent over, his head firmly pressed by her right arm, while the girl stood left of him. The legs of both fighters were spread to have safe standing. The boy was approximately 25 years old and seemed to have some experiences in fighting against girls: His hand immediately reached for her crotch. As I had ordered, most of my girls had protection, and this girl wore a male cup, but obviously it was a little bit small, so that it covered her slit only partly. The jeanser didn’t waste time and quickly pushed her cup forward so that her pussy was now unprotected! Through the worn-out fabric, the boy grabbed her cunt-lips and squeezed them with all might! The only thing the hapless female fighter could do was squirm and writhe. At least, she tried to choke him tearing her arm tighter and tighter around his neck, but she couldn’t get rid of his malicious hand that continued his destructive work on her cunt! Finally, the girl broke down releasing her hold on the boy. Laying on the ground, her hands tried to rub the pain away from her burning crotch. She surely had learnt the hard way that for a girl a pussy-guard is a better protector than a captured male cup!
After overwhelming all my fighters, the jeansers just commented: “Thank you for sending us some more uniforms! We gonna use them despite the penetrating fish smell of these slits!”
Seeing this, I lost my last bit of intelligence and ordered my remaining 10 young recruits to overwhelm the boys and to free our hapless mates. But the young, inexperienced recruits were as poor fighters as their comrades that were already in the hands of the males. Many Amazon recruits received the first time in their lives a real pussy kick that left them howling and coughing on the ground! Now, nearly all boys had captured well-used underwear and jeans, while another 22 naked girls were under their control!
I stood alone in front of the cage, while inside, the raping of the captured girls begun. It was clear that the boys wouldn’t let go their hostages. In fact, the boys threatened to kill their nearly 50 naked hostages by slashing their cunts. Therefore, I decided to except their offer to exchange the life of these girls for the freedom of the males. The cage was opened and the only partly dressed males left it with their hostages heading for the forest. As agreed, they let go their hostages as soon as they were safe.
Beside the Agent, we developed another chemical “weapon” using a cocktail of female hormones and testosterone-blockers. But here it was not meant to turn the boys on and made them horny, but to calm them down sexually. If a man takes female sexual hormones, both his lust and potency suffer. Finally, he will become impotent. We partly used normal anti-pregnancy pills that we forced the boys to swallow, but we had also developed our own “medicine” of female hormones and testosterone-blockers in high concentration. It was either pushed as uvula into the boy’s rectum or – to avoid the danger to be peeled out again! – injected as vaccination. My favourite spot of injection was the soft middle-section between nut-sack and asshole since here, close to the male sexual organs, the hormone-cocktail worked most effectively! I just needed to throw a boy down, force his legs apart and sit in between his legs for that he couldn’t close them anymore. Without undressing his jeans, I slammed the cannula right into the spot where a girl would have her pussy! The nice thing was that most male cups were to small to cover this area so that I didn’t feel any resistance! But unfortunately, I didn’t always have the occasion to attack this spot. Once, I even injected the vaccination through the aeration-hole of a protective cup. Its’ owner prevented me from straddling his legs so that I simply slipped the cannula over the his cup till I found an aeration-hole with something sensitive underneath. Pow! I simply rushed the vaccination into his cock! The boy surely saw stars before his eyes, and after this treatment, like all “female” treated boys, he became much softer and less aggressive for some days or weeks. And of course, he was not able to rape a girl, since his “appendix” didn’t work!