INTERGENDER TRY OUTS TO JOIN E.W.W. by Jimmie. THE FOLLOWING STORY WILL CONTAIN VIOLENCE & SEXUAL REFERENCES & IS 100 % FICTIONAL SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH. SINCE THE E.W.W ROSTER IS IN RECESS DUE TO THE OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF APPLICATIONS FROM BOTH GENDERS THE CHAIRMAN OF E.W.W HAS DECIDE TO GIVE PERSPECTIVE APPLICANTS TRY OUTS TO DETERMINE THEIR WORTHINESS OF ENTERING.   The chairman vin McCann will make the official announcements "WELCOME FOLKS WE'VE RECEIVED A MIXED RESPONSE TO WORLD SURVIVAL FIGHTING SO WILL CONTAIN OUR STORYLINES BUT ALSO OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IS E.W.W, OUR FIRST QUALIFYING MATCH WILL PIT MELANIE STEWART THE FORMER AIRLINE STEWARDESS THAT DEFEAT THE WEREWOLF SO WILL FACE RON SENA & MAVE VATISTA IN A TWO ON ONE HANDICAP MATCH" with that Sena & Vatista both champions in previous federations have been training for one month for prepare as the chairman has been determined to make sure every one earns their place. Vatista & Sena wait for Melanie Stewart the 6'1" tall, blond with barbie doll curves & features complete with long blond hair brushed to glow is dressed in sexy spandex pink short dress that almost reveals her panties along with pink spandex boots & wrist bands as Melanie into the ring limbering up with leg stretches using the top ropes whilst trying to distract her opponents. Ron Sena & Mave Vatista have certainly been working out as we commentate from the sound both so that our calling doesn't affect the match as Vin McCann wants to reward the applicants properly & asses their capabilities although Melanie Stewart has already shown what she is capable of being killing a Werewolf but his the chairman. Vatista wants first crack as Melanie short spandex dress is two seizes small to show off her barbie doll features & her size 29 inch breasts perfectly apart as he nipples show in the outfit, Vatista collar ties up to Melanie as they reach the ropes the Vatista karate chops her across the chest not wanting to break cleanly, as he  gets Melanie in a wrist lock making her counter to which he short-line clothes her across the chin to deck her as he applies a standing reverse chin lock to Melanie Stewart & looking down on her breasts as it makes him ease up she rises to her feet as Sena tries to remind his partner what's at steak as he gets judo flang to the canvass as Vatista gets up quickly into a arm drag take down by Melanie whom presses the knee into his face he reaches up to grab her hair pulling on it to make her head pull back as well as the referee after a short while tells him enough as he is allowed to start up to belly to back his way out of her waist height side head lock. Vatista tags Sena whom off the ropes shoulder tackles Melanie whom catches him airborne but the momentum carries them to the canvass as he gets up to double drop kick her face to motion get up. Melanie Stewart gets to her feet as Sena perched on the top turn buckle flying double elbow shots her head she counters to karate shuffle kicks him to the throat making him gasp for air as Melanie stroll over while taunting Vatista with her figure as the referee tells him back in your corner as Melanie illegal eye pokes Sena then she whips him to the ropes to trap him on the rebound with a belly to belly overhead susplexe as the chairman demands the referee relax his rules like on his live shows with live crowds in attendance as Melanie Stewart winks at Vatista while placing Ron Sena in a susplexe slam move & makes the move stick as Vatista from behind forearms her to the back of the head trying to pull up Sena as he punches her to her midriff 1,2,3,4,5, times to X-factor her face into the canvass then roll her over to pin her as the referee counts 1,2, she kicks out as Vin McCann tells the referee don't forget in the tryouts the 5 count has to be enforced. Sena tags Vatista whom pulls up Melanie to tell her "YOU WAN ME BABY I'M HERE" as he karate clothes lines her head almost off her shoulders as gasps for air as Sena tags in again they double whip her to the ropes to double front on spine buster slam her but she counters to double DDT nail them to the canvass. Melanie gets to her feet resting side on against the ropes needing to clear her head from some of the shots she has received as Melanie pulls up the legal man Sena he whips her to the turnbuckle front on she hits it like a lightning bolt going through her sexy body. Sena places his infamous STF u on her she reaches the ropes as he refuses to let up then eventually he agrees. Melanie is pulled up as she in places in a standing sleeper hold she turns inward to face him whilst the hold is modified into a front head lock she drills 1,2,3,4,5, stops then 6,7,8, rib trickles to apply a abdominal stretch without hesitation to try to get the better of them as Melanie applies a reverse full nelson lock as Sena calls on his partner to make the save as he climbs in to come off the ropes to clean them both up by clothes line taking down Melanie meaning Sena copped some of the after flows of the attacking move, as Sena gets to his feet first looking up Melanie's short pink spandex dress he stares at her ass crack as she gets up to cleopratra front kick his face as the ropes keep up Ron Sena from falling down he balks out of the way of her downward karate kick as he waist lock Melanie pressing his face against her mid back to increase the pressure on the hold his applying as she stomps his boot toes 1,2,3,4,10 times all up loosening his hold but he belly to back spin out power bombs Melanie to get to his feet stand over her to motion "You can't see Me" then off the ropes five knuckle drill the canvass as she rolls out of the way to head scissors apply him still on his knees. Sena thrashes about as Vatista climbs to the top buckle to leap off & elbow drive her to the midriff to break her hold but in doing so he wasn't prepared for Melanie Stewart the former airline stewardess from catching him with her outstretched hands in a power hold then toss him to the canvass he gets up elbow drop her out of frustration as Sena holds onto her legs having released the head scissors lock he helps his partner as Vatista steps back out as Sena whips her to the ropes to cop a shoulder block that sends him back over heels to the ropes he gets up to overhead back drop her to the outside floor advancing on the previous move as she lands awkwardly on her right side as a mean Vatista pulls her up to use the out side turn buckle post to right side ram her against 1,2,3,4 times before he use the outside hoarding to snake eyes into. Vatista vicious in his actions today as he is fed up of losing to the divas as he helps her up by power  press tossing her from the floor over the top rope to the canvass as Sena already on the move having anticipated the Vatista move splashes down on her as Vatista demands to tag in he gets it. Vatista boot lace rakes her eyes as Melanie rolls side to side on her front from the pain as he repeats then he pulls her up to front face lock her to a crouching position as she left & rights his midriff but the blows are too weak at the moment as he spinning DDT nails her to canvass. Vatista waits signaling the thumbs down as he positions Melanie Stewart is his finishing move as she struggles to break out of it he hoists her up but his face is covering by he low cut spandex dress as she counters to hurricane head scissors toss him to the canvass as she finds it hard to follow up as Vatista gets to his feet to off the ropes get on the end of a counter scope slam converted into a powerslam on completion. Vatista is pined but kicks out on the first count to get up & take 1,2,3,4,5, fury rights to his face as the blows have no effect as a mean killer look descents upon him he grabs her around her thighs to huge spine buster bomb her but she counters to spin him around spine buster slam him as her size 29 inch breast slam flash onto his face as she applies a front on grapevine with her shapely thighs trying to crush Vatista's sides but the pain in her left side is still to sore for her to prevent him from breaking out of the hold as he drills right shots to her left side then right side then pulls her up to lifting rip trickling shots to her on 10 occasions as Melanie Stewart is scopes up & left shoulder rammed upside before being slammed to the canvass all in one motion. Vatista tags a fresher Sena whom drop kicks her face 1,2,3,4, times to off the ropes baseball slide drop kick her to her midriff as she moans in agony heard from our ring side mikes up into her commentating booth. Melanie in her pink spandex low cut dress is placed in a Sena F U as he nails the move the referee make the count 1,2,3, she kicks out remembering that a 5 count has to be applied in the tryouts & since Vin McCann likes to be different he has been milling over whether introduce it to main event matches or even title shots as Sena has Melanie Stewart in his STF U submission lock to which she turns around in to use her free boot to ram the bottom of her soul into his chin 1,2,3,4,5, then with her other leg released she double boot rams his face 1,2,3,4,5, times to get up as Sena lies on the canvass Melanie sits on his lower back to grab his left leg & arm to apply what she calls a mistress calf hold as Sena uses all his determination to reach the ropes as Vatista comes across along the apron to use the top rope to jumping down to the floor but at the same time nailing her into the rope to sling shot her to the middle of the ring as Sena pulls her up top body slam her 1,2,3,4,5 times to watch her finding it harder to get up as he tags Vatista he places her in a masterlock as Cena winds up to right hook Vatista on the chin as Melanie swayed in the last second then she backward head butts Sena to his face 1,2,3, to release her as she scopes up Sena he downward forearm pounds her across the upper back to prevent the slam from taking place to reverse neck break take down the terrific Melanie Stewart determined to win herself a E.W.W. contract as Vin has made it perfectly clear to the newcomers close enough is worth squad in his view.  Sena tiger susplexes Melanie as they look at each other totally amazed at her fighting qualities but then again having watched her destroy a Werewolf what did they expect a walk over as Sena & Vatista both take pleasure in closed fist punching her to the midriff as Melanie somehow out desperation manages to double dangerous DDT then to the canvas as she covers Sena he kicks out as Vatista gets to his feet first he off the ropes gets drop down toe hold nailed face first into the knees on Sena standing up as it bowls Sena over too as Melanie pulls up Vatista to belly to back he counters by karate back elbowing her ribs then judo tossing her to the canvass to follow that up to come off the ropes to big clothes line her that rotates her in the air making her land on her front as she crashes to the canvass as Sena applies a camel clutch on the fallen Melanie Stewart as she fights with everything she has as she stands up as Sena gets placed on her shoulder as she electric chairs him to the canvass then pulls him up to impaler him as Vatista from behind German release susplexes her to the canvass as he pulls her up by the hair the referee telling him the woman deserves a fair go as he takes too Melanie turns the arm twist into a hammer lock as Vatista stomps her to the midriff then reverse twirls her to the canvass. Vatista informs the referee to mind his own business as Sena & Vatista both perched on the top buckle both leap off at the same time to double leap of faith drive the canvass she somersault rolls out of the way avoiding the impact. Melanie Stewart places Vatista in a side on head scissors to prevent him from stopping her hooking Sena's legs 1,2,3, Sena kicks out as she looks on bewildered about the result as Sena gets to his feet holding his head while she release Vatista he holds on her by her low cut spandex dress without sleeves or shoulder straps to cop her downward stomping his dick 1,2,3,4, times as she waits to running flying lariat clothes lines Sena off his feet gets up to arm wrench hook kick Sena to the face then repeat it before he lands on the canvass as Melanie scope sup Vatista holding his dick whilst getting to his feet to Manhattan front on nail him two  times to karate super side kicks his to the throat that decks him as Sena twist of fate nails Melanie Stewart then repeat it for good measure as he is out ass he pulls her up to F U her then off the top turnbuckle splashs down on top of the her the he doesn't even hook a leg as the referee counts 1,2,3,4,5, it's over the winners of this match are RON SENA & MAVE VATISTA  as Melanie Stewart receives assistance to help her back stage. Vin McCann climbs into the ring to tell the viewers nice try Melanie but too bad as he lets as know of the next match up as Will Koldberg makes his way to the ring to face his opponent Kelly Adams a Pamela whomabee look like whom has dedicated her whole life to looking like her but as a 25 year old she wants to make her own mark in this world comes to the ring wearing a two piece leather red bikini that bearly keeps her massive breasts in check & her pussy hairs & ass crack from showing as she climbs in wearing ankle high red boots as Will Koldberg spears her before the bell sounds against the turn buckle as the bell sounds now as Koldberg back kicks her to the throat as she struggles to get he helps he up they pulls her by the hair to the ropes to use the top ropes to choke her into as she tries to reach up & break the hold as Koldberg uses the ropes to sling shot her to the middle of the ring as he follows that up quickly as he whips her to the ropes she ducks under his close on her return & in the same motion she crucifix head scissors take down pin attempt him 1,2 he kicks out once again the five count has to be completed as he gets up to wait to spear her but she counters to leapfrog land on his shoulders to get last rided to the canvass as the impac tis felt all the way up to our booth.  Kelly Adams gets pulled up as she sets her up to hanging suplexe hold making all the blood rush to her head as she thrashes about with so much resistance that Kelly Adams wraps hersle around his shoulders in a octupus lock then lets up to helicopter spinning reverse head scissors toss him to the canvass as she waits to karate knife edge chop him under his chin 1,2,3, then chest 1,2,3, he thigh attacks her just under her massive breasts held in by her bra as he scopes her up she blocks it to reverse susplexe slam him to the canvass but he blocks her they block each other three more times before Kelly Adams the Pammy want to be her own person drop kicks him to is right knee as he limps to his feet as Kelly Adams Russian leg sweeps him to the canvass. Kelly Adams off the canvass sprinboard splashs him then stands up to shake her body before she moonsault back flip splashes onto his knees to counter Kelly' moonsault. Koldberg sweat pouring off of him waits to front on shoulder thrust her to the chest then judo toss her to the canvass 1,2,3,4,,5 times showing us some new moves in add to his moves list.  Kelly Adams is pulled up as Kelly Adams counters Koldberg's face buster to jaw breaker him as she gets to her feet to cuddle up to Koldberg to eperform her heavenly franchise jaw breaker move as Koldberg is placed in a reverse head scissors while her breasts press down into his six pack as she caress his sides making him come on to her ass she see a huge bugle developing in his trunks as she lets up as Koldberg attempts to suck in the big ones she climbs to the top buckle to corkscrew splash Koldberg as she pulls him up to whip him to the turn buckle he hits the buckle as Kelly Adams strolls over while doing her spin then she boot chokes him against turn buckle with great extension as her ass crack consumes her leather bikini bottom as she stops to combo volley kick Koldberg desparate to gert out of the corner 1,2,3,4,5,6, then she uses the middle trunbuckle to Jeff Hardy double front kick his chest what impact as blood begins to come out of Koldberg's mouth as she gets up to bronco buster Koldberg & make sure she rides him like a wild stallion as she gets up to back up to running drop kick his face as he rests against the turn buckle whilst sitting up.  Kelly Adams gets up to shake her body for our camermen whom must be turned on by her showing as she allows the bleeding Koldbeg to get up stagger torwards her wide open as Kelly Adams sets him up to perform his finishing move the jackhammer powerslam pin as she gets up Koldberg lies motionless as she off the top buckle frog splashes Koldberg then covers him 1,2,3,4,5, it's over the winner of the match & a contract on E.W.W. is KELLY ADAMS as she pulls up Koldberg to toss him out of the ring so she can indugle in her victory which will take us to our final match for the night. Vin McCann tells everyone watching at home that  "AS YOU ALL MAY HAVE OBSERVED THE WOMEN ARE GETTING A ROUGH RIDE TO RECEIVE THEIR CONTRACTS BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO EARN IT & NOT GIVEN TO THEM AS WE COME TO OUR LAST MATCH A WOMAN WHOM WAS SERVING ME COFFEE THAT WORKS HERE LOOKS RATHER STRIKELY GORGEOUS SO HEATHER SAXSON WILL BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO STEAK HER CLAIM AS SHE REQUESTED AN OPPORTUNITY". The all Amercian the imortal Bulk Mogan the icon will face her as she makes her way to the ring dressed in a orange catskin tights with black knee high boots orange sports bra with as she is 5'5' size 0 figure shapely figure with cup size 12 along with tanned skin witha sexy face & ginger colour bouncey hair ( YOU IMAGE IT SHE LOOKS IT ) she gets attacked by Mogan not waisting a moment onc ethe bell sounded as he body slams her 1,2,3,4,5, times to boot rake her face, then he off the ropes atomic leg drops the canvass as she gets up to off the ropes baseball slide drop kick his chest to get up to off the ropes to while he sits up forward neck snap him as he grabs the back of his neck immediately showing us that it hurt. Bulk Mogan whose been in wars in the ring gets to his feet still feeling the effects as Kelly Adams plants him to the canvass with a bookend take down. Bulk Mogan bails to the outside needing to reasses his tactics but Heather Saxson on the top buckle waits for the percise moment to will of a whisp kick his face moving about on the outsid efloor area. Bulk Mogan gets up to get whipped by a confident looking Heather Saxson to the hoarding to pull him up to clothe slin ehim head over heels to the seating area which is empty. Bulk MOgan gets up as Heather Saxson susplexes toss him from the seating to the floor as she off the hoardings leg drops his thraot. Bulk Mogan gets up holding his throat as she belly to back hye elbow her to the face to spin around behind her the running rams her against the steps shoulder first then he slams her face into the apron 1,2,3, times to roll her back in to grab a chair from the ring sid earea to place it on her front to off the ropes leg drop the canvass ass she rolls away. Bulk Mogan gets whipped top the ropes she grabs a chair throws it to him to catch so she can dominator him as he landson the canvass as the chair is hurle dto the seating area by Heather Saxson as she pulls him up master lock Bulk Mogan whom has wrestled Bundy, Studd & never had to submit but Heather whom is 5'5' is making him fight for all his worth. Bulk MOgan receives a back stabber from Heather Saxson as he was about to snapmare her off him as she gets up to womanly stomp his chest 1,2,3,4,5, times to double knee drive his chest then face then chest then face with such quick succession. Bulk Mogan gets pulled up as Heather Saxson airborne off the ropes flying cross body gets side breake dby Mogan whom nack breaks her then holds onto her to multipule back break her 1,2,3,4,5, times to side walk slam her as he gets up to wipe his sweat off onto her breasts. Bulk Mogan waits to scope up Heather to thrash about in his old to once again backstabber him as she covers him he kicks out fully charged up as he always does once he has had enough as Heather Saxson pounds his face 1,2,3,4, no effect he stands up to motion grabbing her 5th fury punch attempt no more to fury right her face 1,2,3,4,5, as he off the ropes running big boot plants her flash on the side of her face as he off the ropes atomic leg drops her face covers her 1,2,3 he gets up celebrating but the referee informs him that it has to be a five count he covers her easily 1,2, she kicks out as he looks on annoyed at his misfortunate as Heather Saxson gets pulled to her feet by her ginger hair as she counters his body slam to stratisfaction Bulk Mogan then wait to have him rise to one as Heather assumes the position to buzzsaw spin kick his head off his shoulders as he lands on the mat unable to aviod the blow as Heather rest her crouch on his dick meserging his chest while the count is made 1,2,3, she gets off him telling the referee I'll give him a sporting gesture which infuriates Bulk MOgan hearing her tell the referee her reasoning for breaking the 5 count. Heather Saxson sets up Bulk Mogan to cradle slam him to the canvass the easy of the move is mind boddling as she rests her crouch on his face while decking him to give him a hand job as she stops after he cams up as Heather Saxson stands up to off the top buckle swanton bomb Bulk Mogan then lie crossways on him 1,2,3,4,5 the winner of the match & a contract is HEATHER SAXSON as she waves to teh cameras hoping the folks at home have enjoyed her match as she heads off whilst a humliating Bulk Mogan requires assistance to the back stage area as Vin McCann bids us a goodnight & hopefully tune in next week for more tryout matches.     THE END.