Brandi Unbound Part Four By Mr. Squish, Part Four: Like a Massive Wall of Pain The streams thickened as the pain inside Brandi doubled and her knees buckled…. Her mighty, titanic form toppled and fell, its tremendous girth quickly engulfed by the churning waves, disappearing with less than a whimper. All is silent… save for the cheers ringing from the ships, the shore, wherever the scared and small stood. The remainder of the flotilla swarmed around the spot the giantess capsized, searching for any sign that she might have survived or to mark her body for removal and eventual scientific study. Nothing moved beneath the surf, no glimpse of action or activity. The small ships circled and circled while onshore the survivors picked themselves up, gathered their regiments and armaments and set about surveying the damages. The first explosion came from beneath the sea and shook both the land and the ocean like an earthquake, the tremors lasting for several moments. The second came as the behemoth rose from the waves a mile from shore, a large submersible cannon twisting in her colossal arms. The mystery gun was no longer a mystery… and no longer functioning. Brandi’s terrifying arms twisted and tore the gun, enjoying the act of decimation, demonstrating again how truly unstoppable she is, “Found your fucking secret weapon. Know what, it breaks just as easily as the rest of your shitty weapons. I’m bending this like it was made of plastic. Enough with the fucking toys. You want to stop me, you better have some amazing plan, because I’m gonna waste you fuckers, starting right now. Kiss the airplanes, trains, ships goodbye,” Brandi laughed as she flung the broken weapon out to sea. “God, I’m fucking huge and way fucking mind-blowing strong!” and her nipples stood out in stark relief against the pulsing power of her upper-body. Brandi flexed, monstrously big, just to remind what was to come and how little chance there would be to stop it. The weapons onshore set up a line of fire hoping to keep the behemoth at sea. The flotilla; reformed and set themselves as an additional buffer line just near the ravaged docks. Brandi wasted no time; her muscles were popping with power as she strode back toward shore. As soon as she had come close enough, every gun opened up on her. Shells exploded harmlessly. Brandi stopped and spread her chest and lats to their bulkiest width, and enjoyed the bath provided by the useless weapons. Her body was a massive wall of might and these feeble tanks and gunships were mere peashooters hoping to bring down the biggest beast ever seen. She pumped her magnificent right arm once, then twice, then a third and final time holding in a solid biceps pose, the muscle having grown and grown and grown until it was nearly bursting with ungodly size and immeasurable potency, “Jesus fucking Christ, that baby’s a monster. She’s gonna fuck your shit up!” Brandi taunted; confident of her place atop the food chain. “I hope she didn’t bring a friend,” and with that she pumped and pumped and pumped her slightly smaller left arm. It exploded nearly as freakily as the right had, “Oh fuck, she did…” Brandi laughed, deep and sexually aroused, a pleasure that came from unmatched power and unmatched confidence. The ships surged toward the titaness, firing with abandon. Hand-held rocket launchers provided assistance as best they could. Brandi stood waist deep as she took the best these light ships had to offer. The tanks onshore offered their own weak second to the boats unimpressive first. Brandi let them pour it on, let them feed her, grow her even larger, then she struck. Her massive right arm unloaded on the line of ships, followed by her goliath left and then the right and the left, her titanic body rippling with destructive energy. She sunk several in the opening seconds, before slowing to put on an even more frightening show. She plucked one from the bloody, churning surf and held it aloft, “Smart calling in the thrift-store navy with their nerf-blasters, very scary… Of course, my muscles can squash this like an overripe orange.” She placed it in the join between forearm and bicep and flexed, slowly, seductively, terribly and it splattered oil and gas and blood then toppled like a crumpled tin can into the waters below. The other ships tried to pull away, to regroup behind the giantess, maybe figure out a better tact but Brandi was having none of it, she grabbed two more and smashed them together again and again until there was little left of either, “My favorite, a pussy sandwich.” She continued to pull the gunships easily from the water, smashing another against her washboard abs, enjoying its flash into a fiery ball, before sinking into the rising waters. Brandi threw more of them at the tank line, neutralizing land and sea defenses in a quick and devastating counter-offensive. In no time Brandi had turned both land and sea into a furnace, all manner of craft were ablaze. After finishing off the ships, she stomped through the burning docks and began flattening the rest of the tanks, crushing them with her bare hands, throwing them like softballs into buildings, treating them like useless toys rather than killing machines. Soon the air was empty of flying shells and bullets and Brandi stood supreme, the smoke of the countless fires billowing around her, her thick, thick, thick muscles coated in oil and burnt fuel. Brandi flexed in triumph, “Is that all you little maggots can muster? You better call out more, ‘cause I am gonna waste your city, flatten your fucking buildings, make it a memory.” A train whistled into the warehouse area and pulled to a quick stop: men and equipment poured from its cars, hiding themselves as strategically as possible amongst buildings, quickly mounting a new line of defense. Brandi licked her lips, “Oh, yum, more toys to play with.” She charged the army train, using her killer legs to close the distance in seconds – faster than the military had calculated. The sides on the cars opened and strange laser weapons poked their noses out and took aim. A terrific hum filled the air as they charged, readying a series of blasts. In seconds they’d release a serious response to Brandi’s brutal muscle power. Seconds they don’t have. Brandi is on the train too quickly, her tremendous arms grab the train and yank it from the track, and the muscle beast whips it about over her head, “Thought you could sneak up on me with more of those crazy guns. Shouldn’t have left them in a dumb-ass train. Watch how quickly these are gone. Then I’ll stomp these little men flat and go back to wasting the city, fuckers.” Brandi’s muscles grew tauter and more striated as she whipped the heavy train around and around faster and faster. She then slammed it hard to the ground, cars exploded on impact, so much force was contained in Brandi’s display of dominance. Any cars that survived, didn’t stay that way. The muscle beast tore them apart, enjoying the screams and the heat from the explosions as she obliterated the latest in a long string of failed attacks. With the lasers that toppled Sheila turned into rubble, Brandi turned her attention on the small fire that was pelting her dense hide like so much sand. She wheeled on the nearby buildings offering cover to the foolish men and assaulted them with her bludgeoning fists, battering them senselessly and tirelessly. One office building drew Brandi’s attention, the gunfire was hardly noticeable to her. She caught a glimpse of herself in its highly polished windows. She nearly came in that instant, she was gorgeous in her eyes and indeed the sight of herself, so buff, so erotically dominant and ripped, aroused her beyond anything she had felt before. Her pussy lips swelled at the density and mass she packed on her 400 foot form. Her upper body was utterly monstrous, she literally reeked of power, her body emitted it like a pheromone. Her thighs and legs were titans and her abs were fucking cut. She stood and ran her hands across her body, the sensation of touch was electric. This proximity, this ownership of such immense power, to wield the muscle to crush your opposition in your bare hands whether they be men or cannons or tanks or fighter jets; to know that their armor will tear apart like strips of cheese or cardboard, filled Brandi with such unbelievable muscle lust for herself, her body rumbled, her knees buckled and cum spurted from her pussy, she did not need to finish with her fingers, her own mind-blowing density, the feel of her own mass beneath her fingers pushed her to climax, again and again and again. The orgasms were cleansing, reinvigorating and ultimately distracting. She had forgotten about the worms running about below her, pathetically trying to stop her with their spitballs and tiny dicks. Brandi spared the building that offered her such a stunning glimpse of the dominant creature she had evolved into. She turned and started back toward the train wreckage, curious about something. She lifted a husk of a train car up, one that contained the remains of a laser cannon inside it. She studied it for a moment and thought of the mystery gun that caused her so much pain. This one was different. It did something else, but what? Whatever, she mashed it like an accordion between her powerful arms. A few grenades bounced against her, their heat flaring like a soft flea bite against Brandi’s hard, way hard body. “Right, I almost forgot about you little boot-lickers.” And with that Brandi used her tremendous feet to crush the noisome ants. Her toes that still held the bad-ass black toenail polish Brandi enjoyed, it pleased the dark side of her, the side she had completely given over to as she had grown and bulked, these toes squashed the weak little foes flat. It felt good to feel the warm ooze of their pathetic, bug-like bodies beneath her soles, almost like a soothing lotion, “Mmmm, Momma like the feel of that.” Brandi ripped buildings from their foundations, crushing them with her amazing upper body, sometimes in bear hugs, sometimes rending them to pieces with her arms, folding them in on themselves with severe compression, other times wailing on them with her fists. She left the men exposed and defenseless before indulging her newfound crush-lust and home- made foot spa treatment. “Sooo fucking hot. I’m glad you little cum-stains are good for something…” Brandi’s hearing was one of her senses that had improved markedly. Sure, she sometimes got caught up in dealing out an ass-whooping to these military douche-bags which distracted her, but at this particular moment, she heard the sound of large motors back near the bay: two things caught her eye as she spied out into the water, a suspension bridge jammed with activity stood on her far left and amidst the burning wreckage a large freighter was making its way towards the docks or what little remained of them. The freighter did not appear armed, nor did it travel with any sort of escort, not even a tugboat or two – highly suspicious or dumb, take your choice. Two prime targets, both would get her attention, just which to choose first. “Mistress Muscle Bitch chooses the bridge. All you little pricks are in such a hurry to run away, I’ll miss out on playtime. And Momma likey her playtime, right girls?” Brandi pumped her two fantastic biceps, pumped them and pumped them letting them bulk out to their max, “God, yeah, you bitches make me hot.” She flicked their swollen peaks with her long undulating and sooo sensual tongue. Her bis quivered and popped under such attention. “Let’s rage, babies!” She arched her back and inhaled deeply, unleashing a loud guttural bellow as a warning, then strode quickly and dangerously to the bridge. The water was cool and refreshing after the heat and sweat of battle, it glistened an emerald green as she waded through it to her prey. The bridge was backed up with traffic and as Brandi approached, it appeared incredibly defenseless. On closer look, there were police spread out, offering token protection and traffic management, but little else. The bridge stood chest high and looked fragile in comparison to Brandi’s beefcake. She wrapped her two lethal pythons behind her head and flexed her steel-plated abs at the weak little police men, “Go ahead, take your best shot. Knock yourselves out,” she teased, the impending carnage she would wreak was causing her crotch to tingle and drips of cum to leak out, her pussy lips were still thick and swollen from all of the intense stimulation. The men opened fire with impotently with their hand guns and shotguns. A few had rifles, that did no more than tickle Brandi. She waited a moment or two as the men darted between cars, being all cop-like and pseudo-efficient and wasted their clips on her massive chest and robust bouncing pecs. “Yeah, okay, getting kind of bored. You want to see some shit?” she inhaled deeply and blew. The force of her lungs made the bridge swing back and forth with freakish force, even Brandi’s lungs were fucking strong. People toppled off and into the water below, cars slid back and forth, but the bridge held together. “You feel that, that was what I like to call foreplay, a tease, me brushing the tip of your dick with my tongue, like this..” and Brandi pulled her right arm up into a power flex, pumping it as before into a colossal mountain of peaked and packed muscle. She darted her tongue out, teasingly and brushed the tip of the biceps peak, it quivered and grew a little bigger, a little harder, “See what I mean. Oh, by the way, this is one of my bitches, she’s big and bad and hates fucking bridges.” Brandi flexed her left next, pumping it nice and fat and fearsome, “This is the other, all she does is fuck up cops and whatever little dick-shit they bring.” With that she raised her killer arms over her head and smashed them down on the center of that bridge, it smashed in pieces, chunks of debris, cable, cars, cops, their useless guns, commuters, brick and mortar and ruptured steel flew through the air. In moments the center section was gone, destroyed by Brandi. Two blows had savaged it. She grabbed hold of the right tower as cars desperately tried to flee, crashing into each other in the haste to evacuate – too little, too late. Her powerful arms began to wrench it free, pulling the foundation up from the depths below. Cables snapped under her incredible abuse, her ungodly torque ripped that tower loose, all five hundred feet of it. Brandi pressed it over her head as more of the bridge collapsed, sending a hundred more cars into the drink. She used it like a barbell, doing shoulder presses, military presses, laughing at the pathetic worms who were powerless to stop her and whose buildings and bridges she destroyed as easily as if they were tinkertoys or children’s blocks. “How long did this take you pillow-biters to build? Years? My muscles are destroying it in seconds. You weak, pathetic worms, I’ll break all your little toys and you little shit-wits are powerless to stop me!” Brandi knelt still pressing her substitute barbell and drove the tower down across her hulking thigh, it bent in half. With incredible power she mangled the tower, bending it like Hercules would a steel rod, leaving it like everything else that came up against her, flat-out useless. She strode to the next section of the bridge, then leapt in the air and smashed down on it with a flying elbow. A hundred foot track disappeared. “Where’s your big, bad military now? Shitting themselves, if they know what’s good for them. They’ve seen what these bitches can do!” Brandi mocked as she rose to her feet and plucked cars from the next section and crushed them in her fists like grapes. “What good would they do anyway? Your tanks are as tough as soda cans; their shells are weaker than my farts. I love to feel how feeble they are bouncing off my tits like spitballs, then crush their little peashooter guns with my bare hands. You are little more than bugs to me now, fleas and ants, no longer a threat, just a nuisance. See, how your cars crumple in my fists. You cannot run, you cannot escape, I will rule you all!” Brandi continued to eliminate any form of travel from the bridge. She grabbed a bus and pressed it between her palms, mashing it flat, like a bodybuilder would a beer can, its tires exploding, its passengers screaming in terror. Only the last section of the bridge remained, and people poured from their cars running for their lives, Brandi’s favorite. She put her mighty fists to work on the second tower. Her blows were sickeningly strong and the tower had no resistance to them, within seconds it toppled, pulling the last section with it and its cars and many pedestrians too. There were probably cops too, firing away lamely, hoping to stop the giantess, not that she noticed. She raised her arms in triumph, the indisputable heavyweight champion, “How are you miserable little pukes gonna stop this. I fucked that shit up like it was nothing. You make me madder, I only get bigger and badder!” She spit on the debris. Then the first patch of heat hit her, near the kidney. It stabbed like a little knife. She turned, freaking pissed, the attack was coming from the freighter or nearby it. A red laser cut through the air and fixed on her, hitting her with a steady beam. It was now aimed at her midsection, her killer fucking abdominals. Brandi was turning red with rage, literally over- heating. If this weapon was meant to drain the energy from her like it had Sheila, this was having the adverse effect on Brandi. She was nearly glowing red, she roared and beat her chest with her fists, then focused her intense gaze on the laser’s base. It was sitting just up on the only intact section of the docks, not shielded in any way. Suddenly it crackled loudly and its beam doubled, there was a second laser gun seated near it. They doubled their power at the giantess. She laughed and squinted her eyes; her muscles bounced in anticipation as a red beam shot from her murderous red eyes and struck the first laser full bore. The weapon melted under the intense heat, then exploded once its power source was exposed. She turned to the other and in moments reduced that to a fireball too. The freighter’s engines erupted and smoke billowed from its many chimneys as it began to make a hasty run from the port. “What’s your hurry, I’m just getting started,” Brandi laughed as her red glow grew fainter, but her eyes still burned wildly… To Be Continued. End of Part Four