Betty and the Beam by Steve the Z Chapter One I was working in the lab one Sunday when my wife came in carrying my lunch in a brown paper sack. She was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt that came down just above her knees. Betty was five feet tall, slender, with short blonde hair, blue eyes, a ready smile, a pretty face, and 22 years old. "Hello dear." she said. "I brought your lunch!" Just then, one of the three tripod legs supporting the Extremely Dense Neutrino Ray Emitter Gun, a highly experimental government project I was working on, broke loose, and the gun swivelled, the invisible beam from the gun firing directly into Betty's chest. "Watch out!" I cried, lunging for the OFF button. "Oh my!" Betty said, dropping the sack. I hit the off switch, but not before Betty had absorbed a few seconds worth of the rays. I rushed over to her and grabbed her arms. "Are you all right?!" I said, expecting to see a horrible burned hole in the middle of her chest, but very puzzled when I saw nothing but her blouse, perfectly undamaged. "Of course I am." she said. "But what was that tickling sensation for a second? It made me drop your lunch! I hope your sandwhich isn't squashed!" She seemed perfectly all right. I scratched my head, deduced that the Neutrino Ray wasn't functioning correctly, thanked my lucky stars, ordered a new tripod for the gun, and dismissed the matter from my mind... Until the next day. Chapter Two I was sitting at my desk doing some calculations on the Neutrino Ray when I heard the lab door open and footsteps come into the lab. "Hello, dear!" Betty said. "I brought your lunch!" "Is it that late already?" I said, putting down my pen and turning around. I felt my jaw drop open. Slowly I stood up. "What's wrong dear?" Betty said. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" Betty had stopped in about the same spot where she had been hit by what I now immediately realized I had mistakenly thought were weakened Neutrino Rays. She was wearing a white t-shirt and a black skirt, but the hem of this skirt was halfway between her knees and her crotch. Her t-shirt was quite snug, and she was no longer slender, for unmistakable muscles now stretched the shirt at her shoulders, her abs were plainly visible, and her chest was thrust so far forward I doubt she would have been able to button yesterday's blouse over it. Not to mention the fact that her calves had grown into diamond shaped masses of muscle and her legs looked longer! "Oh my god, Bettty! What's happened to you!" "What, this?" she said, waving her hand vaguely in front of her. I don't know. I just kind of woke up like this this morning. Do you think it has something to do with that little accident yesterday!" "Do I - do I...? I spluttered. "Of course it does!" "Well, don't get all upset." she said. "I like being a little stronger. I won't have to ask you to open the peanut butter jar for me anymore!" "I can't believe you're taking this so calmly." I said, walking around her. "It feels good!" she said, making a fist and flexing a rather impressive bicep for me. "See this? There was nothing there before! I can do lots of things now I couldn't do before." "You don't feel any other side effects or anything at all?" "Nope, just stronger." "All right then." I said, glancing at my notes. "Listen, hon, I know you're on a deadline. I won't bother you any more. And don't worry. I'm perfectly all right. If anything changes or I feel funny in any way, I'll call you immediately, ok?" "Ok." I said. "Be sure you do." She leaned up and pecked my cheek. "I will" she promised. I worked late that night, and when I got home Betty was already in bed. I left early the next morning and she was still sleeping. Chapter Three Tuesday I was ready to test the beam again. It was about 11:30, and I had just turned on the preliminary circuits. The lab door opened, and all thoughts of the test vanished from my mind like a puff of smoke when Betty walked in. "Hi baby." she said, sauntering into the room wearing a muscle-T and a pair of white leather micro short-shorts and high heeled sandals. She had grown at least another two inches taller, making her maybe 5'6" or more, and her once short hair was now brushing her wide, muscular shoulders. Her arms looked twice the size they had been yesterday, the biceps bulging even though they were hanging at her sides, muscles writhing sinously under her forearms. The front of her shirt was stretched drumskin taut across her solid, excessively muscled chest, her nipples standing erect under the braless garment. Her legs were long, as musclebound as the rest of her body had become, with teardrop shaped thighs and the same calves, only bigger and harder looking then yesterday. Almost as if in a trance, I walked up to her. "Oh my god." I whispered. "You're taller then me!" was all I could think of to say. Betty laughed lightly. "Hardly!" she said. "It's the heels, silly! I'm still at least an inch or two shorter then you, honey-bun. Of course, I'm sure I'm stronger then you now though. Smiling sympathetically, she flexed her biceps, making me gasp. They were at least twice the size of mine, and not only that, they looked harder, defined, and were encircled with thick blue veins. "I'm just getting stronger every day." she said. "Isn't it wonderful!" "B-b-but, when is this going to stop!" I blurted. "I have no idea." Betty admitted. "You're the scientist, you tell me. I don't want it to stop just yet though. I want to get even bigger and stronger!" "I have to reverse the polarity!" I said, going to the Ray and opening the access panel. Maybe that will stop the growth if I give you another dose of radiation!" Betty had followed me over and was looking over my shoulder. "Well, do what you think best dear. But I'll miss my muscles." she said, sighing. "I'm sure you will." I said, glancing uneasily at her. "But if this goes on uncontrolled it could be dangerous!" "I suppose you're right." she said. "Ok, that's it." I said, snapping the panel shut. I turned and grabbed Betty's shoulders. "Now just move over here." I said. Grunting, I tried to steer her in front of the ray. I noticed two things at the same time. One, her shoulders were very wide, very soft, but underlaid with very hard muscles. And two, I couldn't budge her!" Giggling, she said. "You forgot to say 'please'" "Please, Betty! This is serious!" "Oh, all right. I'm sorry." She turned and stepped in front of the ray, giving me a close up view of the back of her shorts, which were so high cut the full lower half of her ass cheeks were bare. "My god, you're sexy!" I said. "I'm quitting early tonight!" "I was wondering when you'd notice!" she said. "I'm so horny I'm tempted to throw you over one of those lab benches right now!" "I'm tempted!" I said. "But first, let's try the reverse polarity. It'll only take a few seconds!" I went back to the main console and set the controls. "Don't move, Betty! This'll be over before you know it!" "Ok." she said. I hit the switch. Their was an immense flash of light. I felt something thud against the side of my head, and everything went dark. Chapter 4 I opened my eyes. I was lying on my back, and as my vision focused, I realized I was on one of the lab benches, looking up into Betty's face, her thick mass of wavy blonde hair tumbling around her as she looked down at me in concern. "Are you all right baby?" she said, her warm hand carressing my forehead. "I think so." I said, trying to move. "What happened?" Her other hand pressed me back down. "Don't try to get up just yet." she said. "Your ray gun thingy blew up, and a piece of it hit you in the head. It knocked you out. I picked you up and laid you down on a bench. You've only been out about five minutes. I was just about ready to dial 911 when you came to!" "The Ray blew up?" I said. "Yup. Into a million pieces." "Oh no! That thing cost a fortune!" "Uhm, that's not the only thing that happened." "Huh! What else? Is the lab on fire?!" "No dear, nothing like that." Betty said. "Your idea didn't work either." "You mean, about stopping your growth? But how do you know? You said this just happened a few minutes ago!" "Maybe you better sit up now." Betty said, putting a hand behind my back. She helped me up, and I gasped. "See what I mean now?" she asked, spreading her arms out. I had to tilt my head far back to look up into her face, even sitting on the edge of the bench she towered over me. Her shoulders had grown immensely larger, so packed with muscle I doubted both of my hands spread wide open would encompass one of them. Her arms seemed to have grown to twice their previous size, and her muscle T shirt was stretched like a halter top across her huge chest, which seemd 80 percent muscle and 20 percent breasts. Her abs were as big as cobblestones and the grooves between them looked as thick as one of my fingers. I think one of my legs probably weighs as much as you do." she said matter of factly, standing up. "Holy shi ... .." I gasped. They're like tree trunks! Betty slapped a hand against one of her immense thighs, laughing. "Yeah." she said. "But not as brittle!" A look of concern crossed her face. "How's your head? Do you think you can stand?" I felt the bruise. It was slightly tender, no more then a mild headache. "Yes, I feel OK." She helped me up, and I could FEEL the power in her arms as she carefully grasped my shoulders. "I don't want to squeeze too hard." she said, seeing the look on my face when I realized just how big her biceps were. "I might hurt you. I'm sorry, but you look awfully scrawny to me!" I almost did pass out again when the top of my head just came up to Betty's mid-chest. "It's not the heels." she said. "In fact, I took them off! "You're like the She Hulk!" I said. "Except not green!" "Really? A superhero? Wow! Kind of like a fantasy come true! Maybe I should get a costume." "I just hope you don't get any bigger!" I said, reaching out and wonderingly running my fingers across her abs. "It'll take at least a year to rebuild the Neutrino Gun, and whatever glitch was in it would propably not be duplicated anyway!" "I guess time will tell, little guy." she said, sweeping me up into her arms. "But in the meantime ... ." "What are you doing!" I yelped, my heart starting to pound as I fully realized just how strong she was as she effortlessly carried me across the shattered lab. "I'm taking you home. You need some rest, but not before I let you explore a lot more of me then my stomach!" she said, giggling. "Then we can figure out a sexy costume for me!" The End?