Apache Massacre The young hard bodied Apache women lay flat on a rock high above the valley watching the column of white soldiers riding slowly up the narrow pass. The lithe muscular female indian brave had discarded her leggings and buckskin shirt and wore only her scalp belt on which hung her knife and tomahawk. A single white stripe of war paint was smeared across her face. The beads of sweat running down her powerful brown body glistened in the hot sun. Her long thick jet black hair lay down between her broad strong shoulders to the small of her back. The sweat ran down the deep groove between the massive muscles on her spine and into the tight cleft between her big round, bare, rock hard buttocks As she continued to watch the soldiers two troopers left the column and rode ahead up the pass to scout ahead. She decided to ambush and take these men before they could give the alarm to the column. Their scalps would join the many already hanging from her scalp belt. Soon her war party of female hardbodies would arrive from the reservation Strong Pony, which was the Apache women's name, quickly slid of the rock onto the back of her pony that was standing patiently out of sight. The powerful female savage rode to another position in the rocks around the pass where she could lie in wait for the whites. She new she would have to take them quickly before they could use their guns and alert the other soldiers. The magnificently muscled and agile female warrior picked her ambush position where she could drop onto the soldiers from the higher rocks. An arrow would make certain of taking one soldier, but the indian woman would have to take the men in close combat with her knife and tomahawk to ensure she could get them both before they were able to raise the alarm. She lay in wait motionless until the second soldier was right under her. She pulled her tomahawk from her scalp belt and dropped onto the back of the whites horse. She landing perfectly behind him, her powerful bare thighs straddling his horse. She brought the side of her tomahawk down on of his head, knocking him out. The other soldier wheeled his horse around as the Apache fighting women pushed the limp body of her first victim off his horse. The soldier went for his holstered pistol as the hard buttocked red skin women hurled her tomahawk at the soldier. She was too quick for him. The soldier toppled from his horse with the tomahawk buried in his forhead, the pistol slipping from his hand, before he could fire his weapon. The tall hard bellied warrior women dismounted and moved quickly to the unconscious man. She tied his wrists and quickly cut away his breeches from around his loins, exposing his soft belly, crutch and buttocks. She moved to the second soldier and pulled her deadly hatchet from his forehead. Strong Pony stripped the dead soldier and proceeded to put on his uniform. She had to split the back of his shirt to allow her to button the shirt over her broad shoulders and chest. Her breasts were small but very hard and pointed. She tucked her long, thick black hair up into the soldiers hat and pulled it down over her eyes to cover her dark brown face and warpaint. The dead soldier was lifted by this very strong Apache women onto his horse. The female savage mounted the other horse and holding dead soldier upright she walked both horses to the edge of the ravine, so that they could be seen by the column of soldiers in the distance, lower down in the valley. The Captain of the column of fifty soldiers saw what he thought were his two scouts signaling from a ridge over the pass. The Apache women new how to make the 'all clear' signal by watching many army scouts. The Captains gazed through his binoculars at the figures waving from the hill. He was satisfied the pass was safe and ordered his men forward. Strong Pony led the other horse behind the ridge out of site of the soldiers and dragged the dead soldier to the ground and after stripping of the uniform she was wearing she cut open the dead soldier breeches and scalped off his cock. It would still take about two hours for the column of soldiers to reach the narrowest part of the pass where they could be ambushed and massacred, so this allowed time for her war party of young hard bodied Apache girls to arrive from the reservation. Strong Pont could now have sport with the surviving captive white soldier while she waited. Strong Ponies sister Swift Arrow was gathering this war party of Apache girls from the reservation while Strong Pony had been ambushing the scouts. Strong Pony removed the gag from the now naked soldier and straddled him pinning his now free arms with her knees. He tried to resist but she was too strong for him. The skillful Apache hunting women had captured her prey and now taunted him with her pussy. She stuck her tongue out to indicate to him that he must lick or die by strangulation as she gripped his throat, flexing her massive biceps. The soldier eagerly did her bidding by licking all of her muscular crutch and probed her asshole as much as he could. His cock lay hard on his soft belly and the Apache slid down him and opened his legs. She lubricated the handle of her scalping knife by licking it with her tongue and worked it deep into his ass hole. He cried out for mercy but could not be heard by the other soldiers who were too far away. The Apache indian war party was made up of fifteen muscular young Apache girls eager to fight the white soldiers. They were ready to taste the white soldiers spunk after their victory. They were riding towards the pass, on the captured soldiers horses, stripped naked ready for battle, some carrying fresh scalps of the men they had overpowered, defeated and fucked the night before at the reservation. The fifteen savage female braves had escaped on foot from the reservation in the early hours of the morning. The soldiers guarding them and the old women and children had prevented the indians from keeping any ponies or weapons. To obtain horses and weapons the she - braves would have to take them from the thirty troopers guarding the reservation village. When the Apache girls, some as young as sixteen, neared the soldiers camp they went down onto their hard flat bellies and crawled closer to the camp like deadly snakes. The sentries were taken quickly and silently by the indian girls who were very skillfull at slitting throats. With all the guards slaughtered, the Apache female war party crawled in among the sleeping troopers and began slitting more throats and strangling until some soldiers were awoken by the cries of their comrades. Still outnumbered ,but with surprize on their side the young Apache women clubbed and wrestled the remaining soldiers to the ground. The surviving white men were stripped and staked out and ridden like ponies by the young hard buttocked female savages. As soon as the men spurted their cock juice over the the hard bellies and breasts of the Apaches girls, they were tomahawked and scalped between their legs. Meanwhile at the pass, Strong Pony worked the soldiers now very hard and lengthened cock with her strong fingers and spat saliva onto his cock head before she mounted him. She had prepared him by tying his wrists and ankles to stakes driven into the ground