My Superior By A short story of how an older woman embarrasses a young man in the pool. Before I begin my short story I feel I should introduce myself a little. My name is Ronnie. I'm 30 years old. 6'5" tall and weighing just over 13 stone or 180lbs if you prefer. I've been going to the gym for over 2 years now but even before then I was always very involved in sport and although not very muscular I consider myself quite fit. Introduction over. It was on one of my trips to the gym that my story takes place. I'd tend to go to the gym at least 3 times a week, normally to do a weight session mixed in with some cardio. Having done a weight session just yesterday I didn't much want to be lifting weights again so decided just to spend some time chilling in the pool. I figured I'd do a few lengths in the pool before hitting the spa then the steam room. I changed into my trunks, had a quick shower to make sure I was clean then made my way down to the pool. I entered the pool room and noticed just one other person in the pool which pleased me as I'd have lots of room to swim in, especially as my preferred stroke was crawl which caused a lot of splashing which could annoy people if we were close, that wouldn't be a problem with just 2 of us in there. As I entered the pool I got a clearer look of my fellow swimmer, it was my next door neighbour Dotty. Dotty was a woman in her 60's and even for a woman of that age she couldn't be described as attractive. Dotty was overweight and to be honest had a very hard and stern face. Dotty didn't like me, I really didn't know why, I tried to think of what I'd done to offend her but genuinely couldn't think of a reason. I knew Dotty went to the same gym as myself as I'd previously seen her in the reception area but had never been in the same vicinity as her when working out before. I prepared myself to start swimming and looked across as Dotty. She'd obviously done quite a few lengths before I'd come in and was doing a steady breaststroke up and down the pool. I waited for Dotty to come down to my end of the pool so we could both start off together from the same end. I figured that although she'd be no match for me it'd give myself someone to gauge myself against for the first few lengths. Dotty reached my end and turned for another length so I began my swim. As usual I used front crawl as my stroke and started off quite quickly, a little bit of me wanted to impress Dotty and streak away from her. I reached the end of the pool and turned around, as expected I'd beaten Dotty but not my early as far as I'd thought I would, especially considering she was using breaststroke. This made me doubly determined to increase my speed and I moved quicker back to the other end. Turning again I noticed I'd only kept my lead over Dotty, not increased it. By the time I reached the far end again Dotty was almost level. It had been my intention when I started to do 20 lengths and anticipated that I'd probably beat Dotty by up to 5 lengths, after all she was an overweight woman in her 60's. I was beginning to worry and tense up. Dotty beat me to the end of the 4th length and gradually increased her lead over me. By the time I'd turned after doing my 7th length I could see Dotty had completed her 8th and she showed no sign of stopping. I on the other hand was flagging badly. I ploughed on with my swim but Dotty was like a machine. I'd finished my 10th length when Dotty lapped me for the first time and finished her 12th. I kept going as best I could but it was to no avail and by the time I'd finally finished my 20th length Dotty had done over 27. I clambered out of the pool and sat on the edge absolutely shattered. After about 5 more lengths Dotty left the pool, she was barely out of breath. At that point a young female gym instructor who'd clearly been watching us swim walked by. "Usual 50 lengths today Dotty" she asked with a little giggle and a wink in my direction to make sure I knew of how badly I'd been beaten. "Yes although it took me a lot longer seeing as though some idiot was disturbing the pool water by doing crawl" Dotty replied with distain looking over in my direction and sneering. "Don't worry Dotty, I doubt that'll happen again, you've put him in his place, he'll be too ashamed to return for another beating, just like all the other supposed men that come to this gym" responded the gym girl as they left the pool area. I sat there a beaten man. This woman in her 60's had beaten me by over 7 lengths over a distance of just 20 lengths. Not only that but she'd already done nearly 20 lengths before I'd started and was doing breaststroke to my crawl. I was well and truly dominated and humiliated by a woman who was clearly my superior. I'm ashamed to say I was more than just a little turned on by what had just happened. The end.