Vegas Shemale-Female Death Fight! by Rudrah Subrahmin I was actually asked to do this fight as a personal favor, and was even given the photos to work from. The "she male" was Christina from Christina-Model with a huge real penis Photoshopped on, the girl was a busty brunette province unknown. The truth is, in that I like fatal male verses female fights if the fights are convincingly a battle of equals and brutal and lethal, ( real physical fights not murders in male verses female confrontations are rare as hen's teeth), so i gave this a go. For all my trouble I got maybe 3 responses to my labor. The guy who wanted it wanted a different ending. I really wonder, if you like a girl with a penis, is that gay, or just warped a bit? I mean, isn't most hetero porn all about the guy cumming in the happy ending? I have my own fantasies... I dare ask the questions none dare ask! Hell, I'm still waiting to commission an artist who can make Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson fight to the death in art that actually LOOKS like Thora and Scarlett! Some dreams never come true. I walked in alone and in darkness. Suddenly a single lamp came on over a regulation boxing ring set up in the center of the rink. Apparently a relic of a failed attempt to change business before they shut the doors. I went to the front and shivered. A click snapped upon either side of me and the two doors opposite each other and on opposite sides of the rink swung inward from which the two women emerged on bare feet, entirely naked. I looked left: Becky, my goddess wife. I looked right: Chris-Tina, my goddess mistress. They each climbed up the ropes on their side of the squared-circle! Their eyes were wide open, finding and fastening on each others as soon as their pupils pinned to compensate for the brilliant overhead illumination. Their gazes locked together and arms outstretched like wrestlers, claws extended, feet planted about shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. The doors shut and clacked behind their backs. Both began to pant deeply, but audibly. Both the sensuous pale Italian girl, Becky and the All-American She-Male Next Door, Chris-Tina , took three steps towards their rival, then paused....the silence was electric! Chris-Tina's breasts swung back and forth from her rib-cage like creamy melons, her pink nipples fully erect on the fifty cent piece sized rosettes as she leaned further forward, as if feeling the air for the mixed-blood White-Trash girl's field of animal magnetism. Becky's bosoms trembled with each hammering of her heart in her chest, her silky soft mounds capped with equally stiff brown bullets. Where Chris-Tina's pubic hair was a wet lush jungle from which a cock emerged like a prehistoric beast, Becky had a shaved vulva, and her labia were open and glistening, moist in the bright light. It was as if an American Rural Homecoming Queen and some California Surf-Princess were chosen from a fabulous Harem by some lust driven King to fight naked and to the finish to be the Queen of all his Kingdom! Slowly they began to circle each other clockwise, legs crossing over each other, never losing their total concentration on the other nude young woman. It was a spiral dance inward that gradually brought the two fighters closer and closer to one another. When they were but a body length apart, Becky yelled "HA!" and lashed out with her right foot at Chris-Tina's extended erection, but connected only to empty air as Chris-Tina pounced backwards with an animal cry of her own. Both women froze momentarily, as the sudden release of pent up adrenalin sent a transforming shock wave through their respective systems. This rush of animal hormone transformed their nervous systems into a state like that of one bitch Tyrannosaurus Rex at the very pinnacle of a death fight with another bitch Tyrannosaurus Rex in some prehistoric desert ravine. The two naked girls literally hurtled together as if blasted from facing cannons, screaming like a she-panther and tigress exploding together in a jungle clearing! Fists rained on faces contorted with unimaginable fury as Chris-Tina and Becky staggered around each other. With no thought of self-preservation they exchanged broadsides of cruel punches, like two buxom-sailed pirate ships, locked in fiery battle on the high sea. Chris-Tina launched a series of hammering haymakers to Becky's head, slamming it back and forth, again and again, causing the Italian girl's shoulder length jet hair to lash back and forth like a score of bullwhips. Becky in turn, eyes rolling like a lunatic, waded forward, targeting Chris-Tina's plump silicone bosoms, her white knuckles slamming into the white girl's mammeries like they were punching bags, angry fists falling like cannon balls through flesh to the ribs beneath. Then Chris-Tina grabbed a handful of Becky's black hair, and pulled back her right fist for a hook to the oriental banshee's jaw worthy of a heavy-weight contender.... Both fighting female's bodies shook from the force of the blow that knocked Becky back on her ass, and bowling her backward so her legs flew up in the air. Chris-Tina's field-goal kick connected so hard as the top of her right foot slammed into Becky's shaved crotch, that Becky slid backward on the canvas, lubricated by her already sweat drenched skin! Howling, she rolled sideways to her left, to scramble to her knees, but this exposed her back to the she-male, who immediately straddled her back and wrapping her arms around the Italian girl's head, wrenched it violently clockwise to snap her neck and end the girlfight right there. But, lightening fast, Becky grabbed Chris-Tina's arms and stopped the twist from snapping her spine at the base of her skull. Shooting up to her knees and then curling forward so her head hit the floor, Becky pitched the frustrated she-male beauty completely over her head so she landed with a floor shaking slam on her back. Yet Chris-Tina had learned from her mortal enemy's error, and rolled onto her stomach facing the center of the fight pit, snapping to a crouch from which she was able to block the now standing Italian girl's stomping kicks to her vulnerable skull by crossing her arms, then grabbing a kick from her enemy's left foot, she hoisted the ankle upwards as she lurched to her feet, dumping Becky backward. But Chris-Tina lost hold as she got balance and the other girl danced backward so they faced each other again, gasping, sweat streaming down their shiney torsos. Becky looked at her enemy's jutting cock and saw pre-cum had begun to flow. Chris-Tina looked at her mortal enemy's gaping vulva, and saw that thin yet somehow thick female lubrication juices were bubbling in her vertical smile! They stopped circling and began approaching each other, warily, eyes locked, unblinking. When they were about five feet apart, Becky lashed out with a wheel kick that sliced right through the air where Chris-Tina's cat face had been just a heart-beat before. Chris-Tina had suddenly snapped downward, and from a crouch, spinning 360 degrees with a leg sweep intended to hammer Becky's ankles out from under her... ...But Becky's legs retracted like a lightening flash and bounced her back out of range. Both women were 100% engaged, totally aware of each other, now they had taken first measure of one another. Chris-Tina began bouncing softly on the balls of her feet, dancing toward the Italian-Mexican Goddess... her fists in front of her face, her cock stabbing forward like a sword eager to draw arterial blood! Weaving gracefully, the Italian actress raised her fists and closed with the Country girl. A flurry of savage punches were exchanged, hooks and jabs aimed at the face. Their heads rocked back on their necks and snapped forward again as if on spring-coils. Grimacing, they stood their ground, teeth bared as the blood now flowing freely from their nostrils joined the blood streaming out of their gums and teeth from the corners of their red lips, to bathe their heaving breasts with wet red shellac. An upper cut pierced Becky's defenses and rocked her back on her heels, allowing Chris-Tina to batter the brunette's breast melons like they were punching bags, her own fat white boobs shuddering with the effort. Becky cried out from the stabbing pain to her mammeries, and hammered down with both forearms, knocking Chris-Tina's fists away from her vulnerable chest, and stepping back, kicked Chris-Tina right between the legs with her right foot, karate style. The Anglo girl tried to leap backward, but the kick smashed Chris-Tinas testicles up into her crotch. Chris-Tina screamed, legs wobbling. A second kick to his belly knocked her backward onto her butt. Instantly she rolled backwards, and roaring leapt onto her feet and closed with the taller girl, exchanging brutal punches and head kicks as if unable to feel pain. Becky grabbed Chris-Tina's wrists and smashed her head into Chris-Tina's face, crushing the country girl's aquiline nose into pulp. Desperate, Chris-Tina twirled Becky around, and punched her as hard as she was able in Becky's right kidney. Becky screeched in agony, her pretty face twisted, and stomped down on the she-male's naked right foot. Chris-Tina, still in a fury a pain from the kick to the balls backed off for a break. As Chris-Tina staggered backward Becky turned to face her, and backed off herself, cursing, fists pressed to the small of her back, arched backward, bosoms pointed upward into the darkness. At the edge of the light she turned to face the center of the ring, only to see Chris-Tina, face contorted with homicidal rage, hurtle through the air at her chest. Chris-Tina hit Becky square in the chest with her knees, knocking Becky backwards into the darkness before, momentum stopped by the other woman's body dropping to the floor herself. Panting Chris-Tina scooted backward to the center of the ring and got shakily to her feet. In one corner, becky got to her feet. Chris-Tina waved to her-self, signaling "Come and get it!" My cock actually pumped up and down like the handle of a pump as I shook with excitement, panting, heart full of dread, and completely churned by an overwhelming fusion of raw sexual lust and raw blood lust. I no loner thought about which sweating naked female savage I wanted to win! I didn't care! I wanted to see one woman die, and one woman claim me as her Mate! Becky approached the center, never taking her eyes off of Chris-Tina. Both females were gasping for burning hot lungfuls of air. Both women had shocking red blood pouring from their mouths and squirting in pulse-timed squirts from their nostrils. Their claws raked the air in front of their heaving bruised and swollen bosoms as they began to circle each other. Society and it's ways mean nothing. Conventional wisdom is stuffing for dead brains. Earth is a nuclear war or a disease or an astroid away from ending all the false dreams of ideology and religion. But here, now, was something Real, something primordial, something Eternal. It wasn't about me. I knew that then, I was only a Line Drawn in the Sand. They were the Female Beasts of the Earth, who have drawn up their flesh from the magma and the jungles to meet here for Mortal Combat beneath the heartless stars. They froze in place for a moment, holding their breaths. Light shone on their blood and sweat slimed torsos and limbs. Both lowered their head as if in a subtle bow. Then,... ...then things got ugly. Chris-tina was popping her fingers back onto her palms, daring Becky to "Bring it on! The interrogation bright spotlight hung over the center of the ring bleached out the fighters like a high-grain high-resolution film... their limbs and torsos where corpse white but splashed to being drenched with intense red blood. Blood splattered from each wet foot print as panting, and leaning forward so their breasts slung down from their ribs, the two fiercely focussed girls raised their claws, fingers spread, finger-nails like deadly talons. Blood streamed down their faces and throats, spreading over the deep slopes of their breasts before sliding down slick tummies into their crotch. Becky hurtled forward diving for Chris-Tina's waist. Chris-Tina wrapped her fingers together and brought her two hands down like a terrible hammer onto the brunette's back, between her shoulder blades, but immediately began the see-saw scream of someone screaming on both inhale and exhale. One arm wrapped around Chris-Tina's sexy waist, and over the perfect globes of her ass, Becky had snatched up the she-male's scrotum and yanked up, crushing his-her testicles. Howling, Chris-Tina wrapped her arm under and around Becky's throat, pulling viscously up, while slamming curling right-hooks into the side of the sexy brunette's head ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE times! Sneezing bloody froth Becky slumped to her knees and hung for a moment from the she-male's left arm bar,... was she choked out? No! Becky grabbed Chris-Tina by the calves and heaved upward, literally hoisting the she-male up into the air, then she twisted her waist and rammed her right shoulder forward into Chris-Tinas gooey belly, roaring herself hoarse. Chris-Tina, kicking wildly, cock jerking, slammed onto her back on the canvas. In a flash, the furious Becky was fighting her way up the she-male's body. Chris-Tina, wild with pain and rage became a buzz-saw of slashing claws and stabbing knees. But Becky surged upward, clawing back like a tigress, her own knees taking turns bracing while the other knee drove brutally into soft sexy limbs and organs! Like two jungle cats Becky and Chris-Tina intertwined their bloody limbs, and raked their gorgeous faces and heaving bosoms with scores of deep purple furrows that immediately erupted with streaming blood. Becky drove her left hand into Chris-Tina's lovely wind-pipe and began sledge-hammering the sexy she-male's cute face into hamburger. Chris-Tina's nose shattered and turned to pulp. Her eyes began to egg up and close to squints of sobbing hate. Chris-Tina's left and right arms wind-milled up from the canvas, left - right, left - right, left - right, left - right, left - right, knocking Becky's jaw and head back and forth again and again...Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam! Sucking a desperate lungful of air, Chris-Tina curled, bring her knees up, and driving them into Becky's already bruised kidneys. Becky straightened up, emptying her bladder. As the scalding urine splooshed over Chris-Tinas cock and balls and pooled under his hips, she-he was suddenly able to twist in a circle under Becky's sodden crotch and weasel his-her out from under her. As Chris-Tina curled, got to her knees and pushed into a standing position Becky had the time to get her wind back and push her agony into control. As Chris-Tina was still squatting and rising Becky took the opportunity to hurtle forward and pull back her right fist for a devastating blow, but Chris-Tina blinked blood from his-her eyes, saw it, so stayed low rising inside her swing and tapped Becky with a mean left upper-cut that stood her up on tip-toes, and presented a perfect target for a round-house right cross that laid her out on the canvas, her eyes already rolled up into her head! Yes! Chris-Tina's pretty cheerleader face turned ugly as she walked between Becky's outstretched legs. Chortling the she-mail stepped three steps back then raced forward firing a field-kick kick into Becky's gaping vulva. Even unconscious Becky's body reacted by arching her spine and convulsing her limbs. Bleeding and sweating Chris-Tina got on his-her hands and knees between Becky's pale soft thighs. Chris-Tina blew me a kiss. "If you don't mind, I don't mind if I do!" Chris-Tina shouted to me. Quite out of my mind with blood lust and rut lust I shook my head wildly. In the excitement of the fight I had stripped naked and now I climbed onto the canvas stoking my cock. I stood about 6 feet away as my she-male lover was stroking her cock and getting into position. Chris-Tina slid her summer sausage to the hilt into my common-law wife's cunt and began pumping away like the pistons of a runaway train. Seeing the beautiful she-male and my beautiful wife f***ing just about drove me insane. But I had already been driven insane by what I had seen before! Slap! Squish! Pop! Gasp! Slap! Squish! Pop! Gasp! Slap! Squish! Pop! Suddenly Chris-Tina shifted into high gear for the short strokes, greedily rolling my wife's boobs on her ribs. I was getting there too! Gasp! Slap! Squish! Pop! Gasp! Suddenly... "Aieeeeee!" Chris-Tina spasmed as if electrocuted. Becky had slapped the cupped palms of both of her hands over her tormentor's ears, rupturing Chris-Tina's eardrums! Chris-Tina rolled off of Becky, hot streamers of pearly sperm jetting out from his-her cock and spurting long rolling loops through the hot air. Becky clambered after Chris-Tina on her knees, face contorted with a nameless emotion. As Chris-Tina curled rocking on her back, grasping the sides of her head, Becky thrust her left shoulder under the she-male's knees and wrapped an arm behind the she-males perfect thighs, lifting Chris-Tina up so she could lash ten sadistic right hooks into his-her swinging ball-sack. Pumping his legs as if riding a racing bicycle Chris-Tina bucked and thrashed and finally rolled away... ....but Becky was on his back like a panther on an antelope. My wife's arms wrapped around Chris-Tina's neck and she began wrenching his head this way and that, each time twisting his head a little bit further. On his-her hands and knees Chris-Tina was at a terrible disadvantage. My she-male lover clawed Becky's arms to ribbons but she held on for dear life! Wrench! Gasp! Ugh! Oooh...Wrench! Gasp! Ugh! Oooh...Wrench! Gasp! Ugh! Oooh... At the same time Becky had closed down the veins and windpipe of the dying she-male, so Chris-Tina's face was swelling and darkening into an awful shade of green and purple. Wrench! Gasp! Ugh! Oooh... SNAP! Chris-Tina's neck cracked like a bat hitting a fast-ball when it snapped! Amazingly Chris-Tina ejaculated yet again, copiously emptying his-her scrotum in three hot surges. Chris-Tina slumped, eyes completely rolled up into her skull. I both smelled and saw the turd slide out from that perfect ass. Becky threw my mistress down onto the canvas with disgust. Then, weaving on her feet, she looked up at me and curled a finger "come here" at my erection. "Oh baby..." I said, then squealed. Becky had me by the balls. "Who's your Daddy, Cunt?" Becky snarled. "You are Baby, baby you're hurting me!" Becky leaned over, and looked me right in the eye. "Who wear the pants in our family?" "Why you do, Becky, always." "And..." Becky gave my balls a squeeze that made my eyes bug out. "Whose cock and balls are these?" "Yours, lover, they're your cock and balls!" "Say, 'these cock and balls are Becky's cock and balls!' Say it!" "Those are Becky's cock and balls..." I whimpered. "Alright, let's go home,bitch." And so we did. And we never ready anything about that Bowling Ally or Chris-Tina in the newspapers either.