Red: The Python's Lair, The Cage and a new champion

By C2K,


This work of fiction contains scenes of extreme violence. If you are under age of consent for this subject matter in your country (18 years in the U.K.) or if this subject matter is forbidden in your country or if you are offended by this subject matter then please do not read any further.


All characters portrayed in this work of fiction are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.


All characters, scenes and plots contained in this work of fiction are taken from my imagination. Any similarity to other works is purely coincidental.


This story is a corrected version of Red. With the exception of one change, all other changes are syntactical corrections. One of the most common is me mixing up the words 'he' and 'she'. I am not a person with a lot of spare time on my hands and I tend to write late at night when I should be in bed. As you can imagine, this sometimes leads to errors. Also, I am not a fast writer and an even slower typist. From reading stories myself, I know the anticipation I feel for one of my favourite author's next stories. For this reason, when this story was eventually finished, I was so eager to post it, I didn't proof read it. Anyway this is the version 2 of Red.

Previously this story was written under the name of Redriter. It is with great regret that I give up this name but it is my intention to write stories featuring characters other than Red. Therefore, I think it is best to resort to my 'true' form, C2K. Also, I will be reposting these stories in HTML format.

All eyes turned to her as she entered the club. Yes, if anyone had the ability to turn heads, it was this woman. About 5'9", she looked like a biker girl, actually more like the most striking biker girl ever. She was dressed in usual gear with a black leather jacket and leather trousers finished with black boots on her feet. Everyone one took special notice that on the out-facing sides of her trouser legs were large red flames tapering to yellow ends. And on the back of her jacket was a white skull with similar flames coming out the sides. This was topped by dark red/auburn hair swept back but with a fringe at the front. A thin red fabric band was tied round her head that tied round her hair at the back forming a short ponytail and the two loose ends if her bandana hung down with her ponytail. With long graceful strides she walked up to bar. Ordering a mineral water, she turned and made her way to the table. About five minutes later, a man with a sharp black dinner suit entered and sat at the same table as hers. She smiled sweetly and the two talked. Incidentally, the club was called The Python's Lair and was owned by a very secretive figure called The Python. There was a man the regulars called the man in white or the fight manager. He was in charge of the fights. Some suspected he was The Python himself. Apparently The Python once ran a bar here but was too troubled by bar fights so he decided to make this a fight club and initially the contenders were made up of bar brawlers then more serious fighters came to participate. The fights were brutal with some ending in the death of one fighter or leaving one seriously injured. Tonight, the main attraction had arrived: a large brute of a man that was an escaped murderer now lived his life in the club. A number of months ago, he had satisfied his desire by fighting to the death in The Cage but for some considerable time now, no one had stepped forward to challenge him. The Python was now putting up #50000, the largest purse offered to date to anyone who could defeat him. It was time again when he offered challengers with an evil look on his face.
“I'm still not sure that you're up to this job,” the guy stated.
“I'll give you a demonstration,” the woman replied.
Before he could respond she shot up and said, “I'll take you on, FATTY!”
Her cockney accent was clearly out of place here. All eyes turned onto her once again, many remembering her from when she entered the club. She took off her jacket then bent down to take off her boots and socks and made her way to The Cage. It was now clear to everyone that she was not short on the physical presence. She had broad shoulders leading down a leather top then down to a well-defined 8-pack stomach. Her straps on her top crossed each other forming a diamond shape then crossed on her back forming a cross. And on her back she had the same flaming skull tattoo that was on her jacket. Her arms were well muscled and powerful looking and must have measured sixteen inches round and some noticed that on her right arm up near her shoulder she had a small skull tattoo and below that were three entwined barbed wires. Others noticed that on her left arm she had a yin-yang near her shoulder and four Oriental symbols arranged in a square below that. She certainly looked the part but most people pitied her for whatever ever reason caused this madness on her part. The Cage itself was a square box with no roof made of clear Perspex. There was only one door next to where the fight manager sat. About one foot inside was the real cage. The walls were made of thick bungee rope in a lattice formation each square a few inches in size. At the four corners were padded posts. There were no submissions for these fights. The winner was decided when one person could climb over the side and wait for the fight manager to open the outer door. He would only do this if the person still in The Cage was still unable to respond. The more brutal the winner had been, the more money would be paid. Anyway the Gorilla Killa (as he was known) was already in The Cage waiting. The woman seemed to be arguing with the fight manager. He obviously didn't want her to fight her adversary. Nevertheless, he opened the door, she told the announcer her name was Red and she walked in. She climbed over the wall and faced her opponent. She smiled sweetly at him as the announcer spoke.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began, “Tonight we as you can see we have a challenger for The Gorrrriiiiiillllaaaaa Killlllllllllaaaaaa!”
“Sheesh”, thought Red, “Gimme a break!”
“And his opponent tonight, the lov-ie-lie Red,” he said abruptly.
“HEY!” Red shouted, “Why don't I get a big intro too?”
“I'll give you an intro sweetie,” the Gorilla Killa sneered.
It wasn't until now that Red had taken a good look at her next target. He was over six feet, had long dirty black hair and a big beard to match. He was covered in thick black body hair and stood there in a pair of black pants. Red wondered how he managed to win fights; he looked decidedly out of shape. She made a point there and then of not fighting him.
Red approached him and grabbed the back of his head then pressed her lips deep into his beard and gave him a passionate kiss. She then held his chin in her right hand and the back of his head in her left and she turned his head round pressing her body to his and kissing him more passionately. The bell rang. Instantaneously, red back off slightly, let out a yell and put all her body into twisting his head further round sharply. A noticeable *CRACK* was heard and his body stiffened then went limp as she broke his neck. Red walked round the ring flexing her arms as the crowd booed profusely. Red merely climbed over the wall and waited at the door. The fight manager glared at her but she just mouthed a kiss to him and sat back down at her table.
“Hey you tricked him,” said the man in the black dinner suit.
“Not tricked,” Red answered him, “Used my initiative.”
“I'll do to any lengths to complete my job,” she added.
“So can you fight?” he asked.
“Well if you want another demonstration,” Red sighed with a smile.
She walked up to the fight manager and had a word with him. He nodded his head and spoke to the announcer as Red made her way into The Cage again. By this time the staff had cleared the body of her previous victim away.
The announcer began, “Ladies and gentlemen, if there is anyone willing to take on Red, please step forward now.”
Very little time passed until a largish oriental man came forward. He looked about thirty and was obviously very fit with his body covered in sinewy muscle. He took off his top clothes and his socks and shoes and went to step into the cage. He must have been in his late thirties but was obvious that he worked out. He had cropped black hair and was wearing expensive looking black trousers. He made his way to meet Red in the ring and it was clear then that he was about an inch taller. Red stepped forward girlishly with her lips ready to kiss him and he stepped back let out a yell and crouches low arms spread out. Red instantly recognised his stance and smiles adopting a similar stance herself. They both waited for the bell. Hearing it ring, both combatants edged closer to one another. The oriental man threw the first strikes to palm strikes to her chest. Red blocked the first and parried the second with her forearm. Red kicked a short kick from her position to the man's stomach but his hard abs absorbed most of the blow. This exchange of hits went on for some seven or eight minutes most of the hits being blocked or parried. The hits that did make it through seemed to have little effect. The fighters each took a step back and looked at one another.
“Is that the best you can do?” Red mocked.
The oriental man looked at Red with a look of contempt and, without saying a word, resumed his stance and advanced on Red throwing a series of strikes. Red assumed a more familiar kickboxing stance and blocked a few of his strikes but avoided most of them by a variety of means.
After a few minutes of this, her opponent was clearly getting frustrated. He jumped into a jump front kick, which Red just leaned back to avoid then snapped her right left leg up in a leg jab to his right cheek. He stumbled to the left slightly but Red didn't follow up her advantage. Instead she just held her ground bouncing on the balls of her feet confidently and allowed him to regain his composure. He did so and this time assumed a kickboxing stance similar to hers but with his fists higher. He took steps towards her and threw a left jab at her face. Red simply leant back, snagging his wrist with her right hand and as he followed up with a right cross, she caught his wrist with her left hand. Before he could counter, took a step back, jerking his wrists back hard. He was pulled off balance and stumbled a step towards her. Red quickly stepped in again and whipped her head forward to head butt him to his nose. She released him as a crack was heard and before he could react, she had delivered a left jab to his chin that snapped his head back then hooked her right fist in a short hook to his left cheek and followed that up with a quick left elbow strike to his right cheek and finally snapped the heel of her right hand in a palm strike to his already broken nose. His head snapped back sharply and he took a step back. He looked disoriented and his legs looked wobbly. Red, too, took a step back and lowered her guard looking at his form.
“I think I can finish you any time I want,” observed Red.
The oriental man nodded.
“However this fight may be over but the match isn't,” Red informed him, “I have a prospective employer in the audience and I must injure you badly to demonstrate what I am capable of.”
The oriental man nodded again. He was a proud man and would not run; though he doubted even in his peak shape he could outrun this lethal panther. However, he was also an honest man and he now realised that he didn't stand a chance against Red. However his honour would keep him here even if it meant his demise. He resumed his stance and took a step towards Red. She stood with her hands on her hips and tensed her hard stomach making her 8-pack abs really pop out.
“Go on,” she said as she motioned to her stomach, “take your best shot.”
The oriental man grunted, twisted his body to the right then stepped up, twisted his body sharply to the left and threw all his weight in a straight punch to her stomach. He drew his fist back sharply holding his right hand in his left. Red's legs clearly took the strain of the large force behind his punch but his fist had just connected with her powerful abs with a loud smack. She continued to smile.
“Do you wanna try that again?” she asked with a mocking grin.
The oriental man's lips curled out slightly and he stood up in a rage. Her cocky attitude was really getting to irritate him. He turned so his right side was facing her slightly and stood with her right leg forward. He then placed his right foot slowly against her stomach in a slow sidekick motion finishing with his heel pressing against her abs. He took a step back and hopped bringing his left foot to meet his right then kicking his right leg out and up in a jumping sidekick. Except this time he aimed higher at her chest. She realised as soon as his foot left the ground he had changed targets and grabbed his foot with both hands her powerful arms resisting his momentum and stopping his foot dead. Red gave his foot a little jerk to her and released his foot and as he fell towards her she kicked her left leg up and turned slightly to her left driving her left sole into his stomach knocking him off his feet. He landed on his ass and quickly scrambled to his feet doubled slightly and holding his stomach. Red waved her finger at him.
“That's cheating.” She chastised him.
“In the way of the warrior,” he mumbled, “there is no set of rules.”
“Cut the bullsh*t and lets have another shot,” she ordered him.
“Oh, and by the way,” she added, “better make it good or I'll break something.”
The oriental man lowered his head and ran at Red. She just tensed her body and let her stomach take his head. He was stopped dead in his tracks. He pushed his hands to her hips too and tried to force her back but it was no use. Whereas he had powerful legs and his leg muscles were bulging by now, in his weakened state, he was no match for her leg power and she easily prevented him from advancing. He pushed for a few seconds. But realised it is no use.
“Aw! Too bad!” she teased him.
Red waited till she felt his effort weaken then quickly raised her left knee to his ribcage winding him. She then stepped back sharply and let him drop to the floor. Red moved to his left side and bent down picking up his left arm to force him to roll on his right side then knelt down so her right knee rested on the side of his head and her left knee rested on his side. She placed his wrist under her right armpit and reached across with her left arm and wrapped her hand round his elbow grabbing the back of his elbow. She then wrapped her right arm round the back of his arm crossing the back of his elbow and gripping her left wrist with her right hand. “I said I would break something,” Red warned him.
Without another word, Red jerked her forearms forward and a crack was heard as she snapped his elbow.
The oriental man groaned as the crowd cheered.
“Mmm, that was nice,” Red mused.
She continued, “Let's try another one.”
Red let his arm drop down and she leaned over so it was bent this time and trapped between her right forearm and her chest. She changed the grip of her left hand to behind his tricep and now leaned back. The oriental man started to make louder groans until another crack was heard as she dislocated his shoulder. Red released him and steps back. She turned to the crowd and struck a double bicep pose as they booed her louder now. Red turned back to face the oriental man. He had now got to one knee and was making his way to his feet. His left arm hung at his side. He assumed a makeshift-fighting stance.
“Let's do it bitch,” he said through clenched teeth.
Red smiled and advanced on him. As soon as she was in range, she unleashed a round kick with her right foot that snagged him on his broken elbow. For the first time in the match, the oriental man let out a slight yell. Red repeated the move but this time brought her leg back and kicked her foot up to his cheek. She followed through then brought her sole back through in a hook kick motion. His head was slapped to one side then the other violently and in rapid succession as Red brought her knee up to her chest and hammered a side kick to his chest. A crack was heard as the sole of her heel broke one of his ribs. He stumbled back against the wall and sank to his knees. Red raised her left leg and placed her toes up under the man's chin, forcing his head back.
“Had enough?” Red taunted him.
He nodded his head and Red laughed. She quickly dropped her foot slightly then kicked her leg to the left then to the right, drawing the inside of her foot across his right cheek causing it to fracture as a result of her out-in crescent kick. He fell violently to his left side there. Meanwhile, without dropping her leg, she raised her left leg up in a sidekick motion but till her leg was perpendicular. She held this for about 30 seconds then jumped up with her right leg and, while she dropped her left leg, spun to her right kicking her right leg up so at the peak of her jump, facing away from the oriental man, her leg was pressed up against her chest. She landed on both feet facing her victim. He started to get to his knees but looked groggy. He suddenly threw up an uppercut between her legs with his right fist. Red closed her legs stopping his fist just inches from her crotch. She tensed her thighs, squeezing his fist. Red pushed up on her toes and bared her teeth as she squeezed more.
“You know you shouldn't have done that,” she advised him.
His face became a picture of pain as she squeezed tighter. She leant forward pulling herself up on the cage and locked her ankles. His facial pain increased and he started to pant through clenched teeth as her legs started to crush the bones in his fist. A crack was heard followed by a continuous series of cracks as her powerful thighs crushed his fist. She released his fist and stepped back. He perched on his knees open-mouthed trying to open his fist revealing a very twisted, broken hand. He stood up slowly, looking beaten. Without warning, Red plunged an under hook right punch to his ribcage. His whole body jerked up and he gasped for air. He went to double over but she cupped her left hand under his chin. Red punched him again and a crack was heard as she broke a rib. She followed this up twice and on each of these punches he coughed up blood. When she released him, he sank to the ground clutching his stomach and coughing up blood. Red dropped and span on her left toes kicking out a spinning back sweep to his wrist and he fell onto his face. Meanwhile, Red leaned back on her shoulders and sprang to her feet. Red moved and stood over his lower back, lowering her body down to his back. She pulled his right forearm back and slid her right arm round his forearm so his forearm was trapped in the pit of her elbow as she locked on a half chickenwing. She anchored her left hand on the ground then, using it to push up, jerked her right arm up hard and a crack was heard as she dislocated his shoulder. He let out a scream then another one as she jerked his arm up further, making sure his shoulder really had been twisted out of place. She pushed up on her legs slightly lifting his shoulder more causing more tearing noises to be heard as she ripped his ligaments apart. As she pulled his arm up by his right shoulder she forced him over on his left side then released him and rolled him to his back. Red sat down to the right side of his head with her legs parallel to the side of his body and lifted his right arm. She bent his arm over placing her left wrist in the pit of his elbow and laid her left leg over his wrist then finally raised his arm resting his elbow on her other leg. Red then pressed down on his wrist with her left leg. The pain was etched on the face of the oriental man and he yelled out. Red applied more pressure with her leg until a series of cracks happened as she tore his elbow apart. Red smiled and stood up. Red moved to his head and dropped to one knee. She raised him by his head and propped up his upper back with her knee. Red under hooked his arms with hers and pushed herself to her feet raising him to his feet tearing his shoulders more. The oriental man bared his teeth and winced more as his shoulders crackled. When they were both on their feet, Red quickly head butted her opponent on the back of his neck. Bending forward, she let him drop to his knees, though she was pulling his arms straight back now and this kept his body upright. Red raised her left leg and squeezed her leg between them so her knee was high on his back. Red gave another tug on his arms and he yelled out, she pushed forward forcing him face first to the canvas, driving her knee to his back. “Aaaaaaargh!” he yelled.
Red teased him, “Aw, did that hurt?”
She continued, “Does this?”
Red lifted her legs over his and pressed her feet between his shins forcing her legs between his. She then forced her legs under his and locked them round his. She then spread his legs in a reverse grapevine. She flexed her legs, retracting her lower legs so they now pulled up on the back of his lower thighs. Pulling slightly more, Red tore his groin. “Beg me to stop, you pathetic worm” Red insulted him.
“Aaaaaaargh!” he screamed, “Never, I will not disgrace my honour further.”
“You will,” Red assured him.
With ease, Red pulled his legs, as rips were aplenty as she tore his pelvic muscles apart.
“Aaaaaaargh!” he cried again, “please enough!”
Red smiled and jerked her legs back one more stage. Together, both his legs popped out of his hips.
He screamed, “Please! Please just finish me! Please! I beg you!”
Red giggled girlishly and jerked his legs apart further. Now the oriental man was seeing how powerful Red's legs were as, despite his best struggles, he had not been able to prevent her splitting and dislocating his legs. She hadn't even broken a sweat! Red jerked her legs up more until his legs were almost perpendicular with his body. She then disentangled her limbs from his and stood up. She walked round his body one and a half times, laughing contemptuously. She bent down and grabbed his sides just under his arms and hauled him to his feet. She turned him to face him and say that his eyes were filled with water. Red laughed hard when she saw this. She resumed her original position (holding him from behind).
She proclaimed, “Look at the mighty warrior now!”
Red laughed loudly and mockingly. She forced him forward sharply and forced him against the cage. She turned him round so his back was to the cage. She reached up and forced his left arm through one gap and pulled his arm back through a few gaps along. She repeated this with his left arm. His arms were now holding him up. Red backed off and looked at him smiling. She bounced on her toes and launched her legs into a blistering attack of spinning kicks, side kicks, round kicks, hook kicks and crescent kicks. Each kick was accompanied by the sound of bone breaking as for more than thirty kicks, her feet smashed into his head, knocking it this way and that and spaying blood everywhere. When she finished, her feet were covered in blood and his face was unrecognisable. She reached up and untangled his arms and he collapsed in hers, out cold. She took his weight and clenched her right fist with her middle knuckle raised and worked his left temple with it. The pain awoken him and she let him drop slightly placing her left hand under his torso and cupped her right over his back so she supported him in a doubled over position. She raised her right leg bending her foot back so as to stretch and tighten her quads then quickly raised her thigh to his ribcage three times. First to the centre then the bottom of his ribcage and finishing at the top near his neck. A crackling sound accompanied each time her thigh crashed across his chest. She released him and his body slumped to the ground, blood splattering outwards from his smashed face. Red stepped over him to his left side and sat down next to his left leg. She lifted her left leg and slid her right leg under so her legs were in a figure four position with her right ankle on the back of his knee. She grabbed his ankle with her left hand and his toes with her right and pulled his lower leg up and back. Then she swung her left leg over her shin leaning slightly to her right, setting up a fulcrum single toed leg lock. She quickly twisted her hands and his ankle broke with a crack. Her victim gasped as without pausing, she executed her next manoeuvre. With a combined pull with her hand on his ankle and her leg over her shin leaning more to the side, she yanked back his leg hard. A crunching noise was heard as she ripped his knee apart. The oriental man yelled out a scream then went silent. Red stood up this time taking his right leg up with her. She held his leg up and wrapped her right arm round his ankle so his ankle was trapped in her armpit. She quickly jerked back and his ankle broke with a crack. Red maintained this hold on his ankle and brought her right knee round to slam to the outside of his knee. His leg buckled outwards to the side as she broke his knee. She repeated a similar motion with her left knee to the inside of his knee that caused his knee to buckle inwards to the side following another crack. The oriental man mumbled some incomprehensible words. Red laughed and returning to her previous hold of grabbing his ankle with both her hands. She sat down then laid back while holding his ankle. Red stretched out his leg and crossed her ankles over his back positioning her torso beneath his knee. She quickly pressed her hips up snapping his knee with another crack. Red releases his leg and got to one knee. She moved to his right side, reached across his body and pulled him back to his back. She scooped one arm under his neck and the other under his lower back and lifted him off the ground. Holding him to her chest she used her immense leg power to lift him up then her big arms lifted him right above her head. She turned full circle then let him go as she quickly change her grip to two open handed grips on his neck and torso as he fell. At the same time, she dropped to one knee and pulls the middle of his back over her outstretched thigh. A loud crack was heard as she broke his back. Red relaxed her arms then pushed hard again. With another crack, she separated his spine in two. She stood up letting him drop to the floor face first. Red raised her right leg vertically above her head then slammed her leg down in an axe kick. Her heel smashed right through his spine, between his shoulder blades.
Red spoke to him, “You are a truly pathetic specimen.”
She continued, “I could kill you but you do not deserve that. Instead you can spend the rest of your useless life considering this night.”
Red left him and climbed over the cage and banged on the outside door. The fight manager opened it and Red stepped out. The announcer stood up.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” he began, “You have your winner - RED!!!!”
Grabbing his microphone, Red jumped up on a table.
She shouted, “As you will all know by now, my name is Red. And I am your club's new champion so I will be open for challenges anytime I'm here.”
Some guy from a nearby table ran over grabbing the end and shook it trying to unstable Red. She smiled and did a jump split over his head. Landing on the other side of him, she kicked her right leg back in a scorpion kick between his legs catching his groin. He groaned and fell to his knees leaning over the table. Red lifted him by his hair back to his feet. She pulled him back past her and as he passed her, she threw her left arm in a back elbow strike right between his eyes. He collapsed to the ground. A girl stood up and made her way to Red.
She shouted, “Hey! Leave him al...”
Red kicking a right roundhouse kick to her jaw, following through and finishing facing her cut off her words. At least where she would have been. When she struck her jaw, Red kick knocked her head to the side so hard that she snapped her neck. Her feet left the ground as he flew to the side landing on her side, her head lying at an unnatural angle. The man got to his senses just to see his wife lying on the ground.
“Macy!!!!! No!!!!!!” he shouted.
“Yes,” Red said with a smile.
He went to get up but Red slammed a right palm strike to his nose and followed through slamming his head back to the floor hard after her palm flattened his nose into his face with a loud crunch. Red quickly straddled his chest and knocked his head from side to side with a right punch then a left spraying blood from his crushed nose to one side then the other. He groaned and reached up with her right hand.
“No you don't,” she informed him.
Red grabbed his wrist and fell to her side quickly scissoring his arm with her legs and pushes her torso up hard, snapping his elbow with a crack. While he was busy yelling, she noticed two bouncers heading her way. She quickly dismounted him, moved to his head and lifted him up, quickly locking on a sleeper. She spoke softly in his ear, “Isn't this boring?”
With a sharp twist of her arms she snapped his neck with a crack.
“Better,” she said reassuringly.
She moved away from him letting him drop.
“Leave her,” a voice from the back said.
The two bouncers backed off and she saw a man in a very expensive looking ivory suit. Red sat back at her table. After a brief silence, people went back to their drinks and the fight manager announced the next fight. “Was it really necessary to kill those two?” her associate asked, concerned.
“Necessary, no,” Red answered, “satisfying, yes.”
She continued, “Anyway, now you have seen my ability, how can I help you?”
“Well, it's a little difficult,” he began.
“Try,” she encouraged him.
“You see, Miss Red, I have always tried to run my company in a moral and honest way. But now the global company Transjection has is not only putting me out of business but is now spreading lies about my moral integrity,” he explained.
“I see,” Red said.
She bent down, put her socks and boots back on.
“Okay, well first thing is to be less formal, you can just call me Red,” she began, “and for two hundred thousand dollars, I will make sure that your reputation is restored and you have no more bother from Transjection.”
His face went a shade of white.
“That is a lot,” he proclaimed.
“Well your getting the best,” Red informed him, "but think it over."
They finished their drinks and left.

Outside the club and just down the street, two muggers cornered them.
The first one brought out a knife and said to the man, “Gimme money.”
The second brandished a knife at red's chest.
“Not today,” said Red.
She grabbed her assailant's wrist with both her hands, turning to her right and kicking her right leg up in a front snap kick to the first mugger's wrist. He dropped his knife as he let out a yell. She turned to her assailant again who just couldn't move her grip. She leaned in towards him and brought her right knee up under his ribcage. She broke his lower rib with a crack. As he yelled out she silenced him by releasing his hands and throwing a weak looking left hook to his jaw. However, the loud crack signalled his jaw was broken and he fell to the side out cold and his jaw hanging wrong. As the first mugger turned to face her, she spun to her right to face him while raising her right leg to the left and slapped her sole back through his right cheek in a hook kick. As he span to his left she brought her leg back and kicked out a round kick to his stomach that doubled him over, coughing and wheezing. She then threw a hammerfist to the base of his skull. Dropping him to the ground, out cold.
“Don't worry,” she reassured her client, “he's only out cold.”
“And how much for that?” he asked her.
“Oh, that's nothing. Just looking after a prospective client,” she said.
She added, “Well, nothing in money.”
Red forced him into a nearby close.
“Wh-what are you doing?” he asked.
“Relax,” she assured him, “just let me do the talking.”
“B-b-but I have a wife and two children,” he protested.
“So?” she joked, “If she becomes a problem, I'll kill her.”
Red presses her finger over his lips.
“Shhhh,” she said softly.
She removed her jacket then undid her top letting it fall to the ground. She pulled his jacket off and ripped his shirt open.
“Better enjoy this,” she said as she unfastened his trousers, “cos I'm gonna.”