Evelyn Part I Once the USA and USSR entered space-age, they realised the potential wealth of information that lay in the huge expanse we call space. And they beagn to forge an alliance for exploration of the deepest of corners of space. Soon, they were joined by the Eurpoean Space Agency and India. The alliance thus formed was exclusive and something which never was brought to the public sphere. They formally commenced research into nuclear-propelled satellite systems, further bolstered by solar capability which would enable exploration of regions thousands of light years away from what was considered as the existing limites of space, in 2008. Results were checked and tests conducted, all away from public view for a period of 4 years, relentlessly until a breakthrough was achieved in 2012. Thus was born, the Explorer 1A. This unmanned mission was a success and was aimed at testing the cryogenic engines using dual-mode power supply. The prohibitive costs resulted in an aborted test mission and thus was born Explorer 2A, which was to be the vehicle which would take space exploration into the ultimate frontiers of space. If the craft was ready, so was the crew. Ms Leena Ravinsky of Russia was to be the Flight Commandant. She was accompanied by Ben Riley of USA, the flight engineer, Priya Rai of India, a communications expert and Jack Wilson of UK. And thus, the Explorer 2A flew into orbit. Leena was the only member of the crew with some previous experience and with lots of time to spare, considering the fact that they were simply observing and charting out their observations, they were moving about the flight nonchalantly, when all of a sudden, the flight left its designated path and meandered off into a distant patch of misty space. At the space center, this resulted in the loss of traces of the movements of the flight, which the technicians tried to revive for 48 hours, before giving up. On the flight however, Leena ordered Jack to prepare for emergency landing and activate crash-land protection system which included fire and crash-resistant pods. The flight had veered into the unknown and out of control, for 3 hours now and Priya kept trying to revive the dead communication systems, while Ben tried to re-ignite the engines. Then all of a sudden, they began to slow and appeared to be drawn onto some surface... Part II (Note: Most of the developments are from Leena's point of view. This is to make narration easy. Others opinions have been given wherever required and possible.) Leena was the first to awake at the in his pod and realised he had been sleeping for 6 hours after consulting his watch. She was stunned at the scene thet lay in front of her. It was as though she was back on Earth, in the thick jungles of the Amazon, as she saw a dense expanse of greenery around her, birds chirping and as she stepped out, the fact thet even the air felt just like it does back home. And as she stared dumbstruck at what lay around her, she was joined by Priya, Jack and Ben. After realising their craft was in no condition to be repaired quickly, they began exploring the region, in the vicinity of the heavily damaged space-craft. After about half an hour, they began to hear cracked voices and noises. Unsure what to do, they stared at Leena. "Lets hide ourselves, we dont even know whats there.C'mon get here", she said as the rest scrambled to join her. Ten minutes, they began to hear a number of voices getting nearer and Lee was about to say something when they were surprised to hear a female voice saying "Here's the craft, ma'm. They must be aound here somewhere...". Even as the startled crew members began to look at each other, hoping to find a clue, a number of hands began to grope and the bushes above them and then, picked them out one by one ! "Here they are", said Pam to her commandant Michelle as she and her fellow troops rounded up Leena and her crew in front of the latter. "Well, look who's barged in to spy...a couple of penises - along with their ladies. Wellll...just what do you think you are doing here, in the VR territory, huh", she thundered. Just as she was about to grab Ben, Pam stated " Ma'm, what 'bout the orders from her", obviously cautioning Michelle from doing things which may not be taken lightly by higher ups. Michelle gave a look of disgust and barked out orders to secure the hostages and board the vehicles. Leena's mind was racing. She had just experienced the most startling experinece of her life. She had, for the first time in her career, commandeered a space craft, that too the most advanced one till date and considering the recent events, it would remain so for quite some time.Just as everything seemed to be going well, they had veered off course, only to land on a planet which not just resembled their own, but was also inhabited by (most probably) humans. In a span of thirty minutes, her joy at landing on a planet just like her own had transformed to utter surprise and anger, as she was handcuffed, blindfolded and banded onto a military vehicle by a bunch of militarywomen, alongwith her crew... After about fifteen minutes, the vehicles seemed to enter a gate of some sort, as they waited and passed a few minutes later. "Ahh at last ", a voice boomed as they were led into a corridor, their hands tied behind their backs. They appeared to be inside a large structure of some sort. As they all looked ahead, Ben almost gave a yelp of delight as a sexy woman, wearing a blue business suit walked towards them.He and Jack looked at each other, their excitement visible, via their trousers. Giving them both a disgusted look, the woman looked at Leena and Priya enquiringly and asked, "Who are you...I've checked you out and you dont seem to have any relation as such with Vagina Republic". Vagina Republic!!!! Even as Leena and Priya looked on in bewilderment, Jack almost creamed in his pants... a republic full of women! He began to grin sheepishly even a slight stain began to appear on his trousers. "We are from Earth, a distant planet ", said Priya, to which the lady gave a surprised look."Whats Earth", she stared back. "Arent you from Equisex or Testes", she asked desperately. "We are space travellers from a planet called Earth...", Leena began, only to be cut short by the lady who muttered "Why the hell then, did they have to be dropped off here " and picked up a phone nearby and quickly spoke into it. Even as Leena began to restart her explanation, the lady held up a hand and said "Not here, this is only the Department of Law Enforcement & Internal Security, you would be taken to the Science Wing shortly and soon, Michelle, with six other gun-toting and strong-looking military women reappeared and without preamble marched them out into the open. Leena, looking around, realised they had just exited a building, just as imposing as any at Moscow, back home. And as they were led to an adjacent wing, she looked up at the sky, only to be greeted by a clear blue one! This certainly had to be eithera dream or a virtual reality world. Meanwhile, Priya's mind was racing with the words uttered by the woman they had just met...Testes, Equisex, VR...!! " Where the hell was she", she thought. Part III In this building, however. they were accorded a much warmer welcome. Obviously, their arrival was known here and the woman who identified herself as Alice and was a research assistant at the Science Wing, led them into an elevator and they began to descend, until they reached -6 level. Here they were joined by Janice, the head of the department of science and Cary, incharge of the space research center. Cary, Alice and Janice simply stood and gazed at them and then Cary took over and said "So, you arent from this planet, is it". "Yes, we are from Earth a distant planet. We were thrown off our course and landed up here...Which planet are we currently on...What about our Earth...", Leena replied. "Ah, we always believed life must be existing in other places as well...how true...Well, coming back to your question, you are on Evylia and frankly I have never heard of Earth". Leena looked crestfallen. Ben asked "Why are there only women here, arent there any men". Janice looked at him and replied "men too inhabit our country, but work only in small numbers. they arent worhty of responsibilty and heavy work." While Leena and Priya smiled at this, the two guys could only look on astonished. After a brief conversation, following which Lisa and her crew realised they were on a planet, entirely similar in structure, nature and environment to the Earth, but only a quarter as big and with just about 40 million inhabitants. There were 12 countries-most of them small. Most of the people lived in Equisex, which had a population of 11.5 million. Vagina Republic, an island was next, with 6 million, followed by Vetar and Testes, also islands, with populations of 5.5 mn and 5 mn, respectively. In terms of weather, it was similar to earth, except that it was much greener and, as a result of this and its position with respect to its sun, it witnessed cold winters, springs and mild summers, similar to the temperate zone on Earth. There were no religions and most of the people believed in love of nature and spiritualism. It was a little more technologically advanced than earth but did not have much advancement in terms of space exploration. Cary explained that they were surrounded by a dense belt of asteroids and unknown entities, which resulted in failure of every space program they initiated, until they relegated space research to only a study-based program. Coming to the compostion of the nations, Alice explained that Equisex had 5.5 mn women, Vagina Republic 3.4 mn, Vetar 2.6 mn and Testes 1.5 mn. On the whole, women were 19 mn in number, but controlled much more resources, were highly advanced militarily and tecnologically and controlled 70% of the worldwide economy. Two countries, apart from Vagina Republic had women in majority while in Vetar and two other nations, they controlled the administration and economy, in spite of being less in number. Meanwhile, Janice excused herself and left the group, while Cary and Alice decided to show the tourists their 'Temple of Lysia", which was dedicated to Lysia, the mother of the nation and were treated to a virtual recreation of the history of Vagina Republic and its present. Part IV The four visitors were seated in what appeared to be some sort of a theater. Most of the seats were occupied and the entire theater was buzzing with activity. "Welcome visitors. Welcome to The Temple of Lysia, which is in fact a monument dedicated to our most famous and invincible warrior princess, Lysia". The entire theater resounded with applause and most of the audience was looking ahead for what appeared to be some sort of a high resolution, 3-d movie on Lysia. " Our story begins in the plains of middle Evylia, more than 1000 years ago. It was then inhabited by various tribes.lk used to wander around the vast plains and hunt for food, the women began rearing small animals and practiced smand practiced small-time agriculture. Owing to the scarcity of resources, the men began to wander away for days together. This continued for some time and the women began to domesticate animals. They began to use cattle for agriculure and thus invented tool-making. Once, when the men had just departed after a brief vist, the womenfolk were invaded by horsemen. Many of the women were raped, their animals killed or taken away and their valuables looted. The women were thunderstruck. They however, collected whatever was left and after composing themselves, began to develop everything again from scratch. When the menfolk returned one night, they were aghast at the plunder and decided to take some action. They banded together and decided to take on the raiders, when they come again. They also armed themselves with bows, huge piles of stones, small sharp weapons, sticks and other items and waited. They sent all the women to a nearby forest. After about a fortnight of wait, they at last saw their enemy. Hunderds of horsemen thundered into their settlement and soon a vicious battle broke out. The men of the village fought savagely, and were assisted by some of the women who ran along to help them. The fact that the villagers outnumbered them caused the leader of the horsemen to send for additional resources even as the fight continued into its second day. However, by the third day, the arrival of additional forces had turned the tide completely in favour of the raiders and by the end of the day, they began to plunder the entire settlement and massacre whoever was left. They brutally raped the women who had survived the battle. All this was noted by the helpless women who had been sent into the nearby forest. And, they decided to flee along with some of the men who had survived. All in all, there were 200-odd women and 50 men. They escaped deep into the forest and settled in a dense region. It was here that the tribe switched course to a feminist one. The women folk began to make tools for hunting and cutting wood. They began to make wooden swords. The men however were relegated to a minimal role which involved providing sperm (which was essential considering their population had come down drastically) and performing the various household activities. The women began to master the art of sword-making and also became expert swordswomen. Added to this was the fact that they performed various strenous tasks as part of their work and thus the women developed a very strong physique. Thay also mastered the art of sendinfg down a torrent of arrows, most of them dead on target. However, with an increased stress on population growth, they soon outgrew their settlement and thus had to look beyond their abode for a decade. This is where Farya, enters the picture. She was the leader of the tribe (a very young one at that, considering she was just 16) and decided to leave their home in search of a better one. Farya was the great great grandmother of Lysia. It was from Farya that the legacy of the tribe's leadership passed on to Lysia's family. Farya thus led her 1000-strong tribe beyond the forest and they settled down near the coast of present-day capital of Vetar. They continued to lead a peaceful life, until they were attacked by another tribe. The battle lasted 4 days, at the end of which Farya, though heavily injured emerged victorious. The attackers were first taken by surprise when instead of men, they saw women raining arrows on them. And later, the women brutally massacred them. The survivors too weren't spared and were captured and became sex-slaves to the warrior women. Farya however didn't survive long and soon died and a new leader, Farya's daughter became the new leader.The casualties received during the onslaught resulted in her taking a different approach and the tribe decided not to involve in aggression against others, unless provoked, at least for a brief period of time. From here on, the women and men lead markedly different lives. While the women became more and more involved in combat, the men became more and more domesticated. Some of the stronger men, however were also trained. This trend continued until Christa, Lysia's grandmother became the leader. She clearly framed a strategy of growth by aggression and they soon began constructed a fortress and a military unit began to be created. From a tribe which had escaped massacre and rape, they had become one which was now fully geared to take on others and by the time Lysia's mother, the great princesss Sheila ascended the throne, the plunders by the women under Christa resulted in a new respect for the kingdom (from tribe) and they began to be called the Vaginas. Then, Lysia ascended the throne, some six hundred years ago and thus began a glorious chapter in the history of the Vagina Republic." To be continued...